
Principal Foundation and We Are Teachers Team Up to Promote Financial Literacy in U.S. Schools

Principal Foundation and We Are Teachers Team Up to Promote Financial Literacy in U.S. Schools

PR Newswire ·  08/19 09:00

DES MOINES, Iowa, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Principal Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to helping people and communities build financially secure futures, is collaborating with We Are Teachers, a community of over three million educators across the United States, to support financial literacy in classrooms. Together, the organizations are developing a lesson plan that uses the power of storytelling to help encourage conversations about money. The collaboration is part of a new goal that Principal Foundation has set to reach one million people through financial resources by 2030.

Principal基金會是一個非營利性組織,致力於幫助人們和社區建立財務安全的未來,與We Are Teachers合作,這是一個由300多萬美國教育工作者組成的社區,支持課堂上的金融知識普及。兩個組織正在共同開發一份課程計劃,運用故事講述的力量來鼓勵關於金錢的對話。這一合作是Principal基金會設定的一個新目標的一部分,該目標是到2030年通過金融資源幫助100萬人。

Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative 2nd Edition

The effort is part of expanding Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative, which was developed by Principal Foundation, and uses storytelling to help destigmatize and encourage conversations about money and personal finances. Through the initiative, Principal Foundation is curating stories from writers as part of a national short story contest that invites people to submit stories that reflect lived experiences with money. Educators that are part of the We Are Teachers community will have access to a free lesson plan with an accompanying activity for students grades five through high school. The lessons will utilize short stories from Money Chronicles that portray individuals' real-life experiences with money and encourage students to construct their own "money story."

此舉是要擴大「金錢編年史:一個故事倡議」的範圍,該倡議由Principal基金會開發,運用故事講述的形式幫助消除有關金錢和個人財務的社會污名化現象,並鼓勵關於金錢的對話。通過該倡議,Principal基金會正在策劃來自作家的故事,作爲全國短篇小說比賽的一部分,邀請人們提交反映與金錢有關的生活經驗的故事。We Are Teachers社區成員將可以免費獲得包括五年級到高中學生配套活動的課程計劃。課程將利用「金錢編年史」中的短篇小說,描繪個人的現實金錢經歷,並鼓勵學生構建自己的「金錢故事」。

"We are excited to collaborate with an incredible organization like We Are Teachers on creative and engaging ways to integrate financial literacy into classrooms," said Jo Christine Miles, director, Principal Foundation, and Community Relations. "Storytelling is a powerful teaching tool that can impart knowledge and understanding while also motivating and reinforcing behaviors that can help the next generation create the financial futures they want."

Principal基金會和社區關係主任Jo Christine Miles表示:「我們很高興能與We Are Teachers這樣一個令人難以置信的組織合作,通過創造性和有趣的方式將金融識字融入課堂。故事講述是一種強有力的教學工具,可以傳授知識和理解,同時激勵和強化能夠幫助下一代創建其所需的財務未來的行爲。」

In 2023, financial illiteracy cost American adults an average of $1,506 a year, according to the National Financial Educators Council*. More schools across the country are prioritizing financial education, with 35 states now requiring students to take a course in personal finance to graduate, up by 12 since 2022.


"We are committed to developing teacher-created educational resources that work in the classroom." said Kimberley Gorelik, Senior Editor, We Are Teachers. "We're thrilled to collaborate with Principal Foundation to bring stories from their Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative into our classrooms to help destigmatize conversations about money and teach our youth valuable lessons in financial literacy. We recognize it is increasingly more important to start these conversations early on, and storytelling is a powerful vehicle to do just that."

We Are Teachers的高級編輯Kimberley Gorelik表示:「我們致力於開發由教師創建的教育資源,這些教育資源在課堂上有着良好的表現。」 「我們很高興能與Principal基金會合作,將他們的《金錢編年史:一個故事倡議》帶入我們的教室,幫助去除關於金錢的對話的污名化現象,並教導我們的年輕人有價值的金融素養。我們認爲,越來越重要的是,要早期開始這些對話,講述故事是實現這一目標強有力的工具。」

To continue encouraging people to share stories about their experiences with money, Principal Foundation has launched the second edition of the Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative contest. The short story contest is hosted in collaboration with The Center for Fiction, a national literary nonprofit, and Short Édition, a global publishing house. Stories can be submitted online through October 2, 2024, 11:59 pm PDT at

爲了繼續鼓勵人們分享他們與金錢的經驗,Principal基金會推出了《金錢編年史:一個故事倡議》的第二版。短篇小說比賽是與全國文學非營利組織The Center for Fiction和全球出版社Short Édition合作舉辦的。故事可以在2024年10月2日11:59 PDT之前通過網上提交。進入比賽是免費的。屆時將由享譽文壇的文學作家和專家組成的評審小組選擇一名獲勝者和最多20名決賽選手。獲勝者將獲得1000美元,每位決賽選手將獲得150美元。這些故事將通過Principal基金會的短篇小說自動售貨機在紐約公共圖書館(紐約)、洛杉磯的Sip & Sonder、夏洛特的Charlotte Mecklenburg Library、西雅圖的Elliott Bay Book Company、愛荷華城市愛草原燈塔和2024年的新地點華盛頓特區的「政治與散文」進行分發。

Entering the contest is free. One winner and up to 20 finalists will be selected by an esteemed panel of literary authors and experts including Zakiya Dalila Harris, Casey Parks, Joe Wilkins, and Cecily Wong. The winner will receive $1,000, and each finalist will receive $150. Those stories will be distributed across Principal Foundation's short story dispensers located at The New York Public Library in New York, N.Y.; Sip & Sonder in Los Angeles, Calif.; Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in Charlotte, N.C.; Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, Wash.; Prairie Lights in Iowa City, Iowa; and a new location for 2024, Politics & Prose in Washington D.C.

條款和條件適用。鼓勵18歲及以上的成年人通過比賽網站提交原創小說或創意非虛構故事,截止日期爲2024年10月2日11:59 PDT。獲勝者和入圍者將於2024年12月公佈。

Terms and conditions apply. Adults ages 18 and older are encouraged to submit original fiction or creative nonfiction stories through the contest website now through October 2, 2024, 11:59 pm PDT. The winner and the finalists will be announced in December 2024.

欲了解Principal基金會和We Are Teachers之間的合作,請訪問 。有關向《金錢編年史:一個故事倡議》提交故事以及有關參加比賽的詳細信息,請訪問 。

For more information about the collaboration between Principal Foundation and We Are Teachers, visit . To submit a story for Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative 2nd Edition Supported by Principal Foundation and details on how to enter the contest, visit

代表約2580萬成年人,並估計2023年成本爲3880億美元-金融識字成本:調查、原因、後果 | NFEC(

*Representative of approximately 258 million adults and estimated cost of 388 Billion in 2023 - Financial Illiteracy Costs: Survey, Causes, Consequences | NFEC (


About Principal Foundation

Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc.(「Principal Foundation」)是一個相應承認的501(c)(3)部門,專注於向Principal Financial Group,Inc.(「Principal」)經營的社區提供慈善支持。雖然Principal Foundation獲得了來自Principal的資金,但Principal Foundation是一個獨立的慈善實體。Principal Foundation不從事任何形式的投資諮詢服務,也沒有被授權這樣做。成立於1987年的Principal Foundation與幫助塑造和支持實現財務安全之旅的組織合作,通過確保獲得基本需求,促進社會和文化聯繫,並推廣金融包容,來幫助形成和支持金融安全。Principal Foundation支持全球逾86個慈善組織的多元社區。 3735762-072024

Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. ("Principal Foundation") is a duly recognized Section 501(c)(3) entity focused on providing philanthropic support to programs that build financial security in the communities where Principal Financial Group, Inc. ("Principal") operates. While Principal Foundation receives funding from Principal, Principal Foundation is a distinct, independent, charitable entity. Principal Foundation does not practice any form of investment advisory services and is not authorized to do so. Established in 1987, Principal Foundation works with organizations that are helping to shape and support the journey to financial security by ensuring access to essential needs, fostering social and cultural connections, and promoting financial inclusion. Principal Foundation supports a diverse community of more than 86 charitable organizations across the globe. 3735762-072024

關於We Are Teachers

About We Are Teachers

We Are Teachers是針對K-12教育工作者的#1媒體品牌,每天發佈文章、贈品、免費印刷品和在線活動供課堂使用。每個月都有數百萬教育工作者訪問We Are Teachers,尋找靈感、教學理念以及達到下一代產生支持的幫助。

We Are Teachers is the #1 media brand for K-12 educators, publishing daily articles, giveaways, free printables, and online activities to use in the classroom. Millions of educators a month visit We Are Teachers to find inspiration, teaching ideas, and support for reaching the next generation.

媒體聯繫人:Zevenia Dennis,[email protected]

Media Contact: Zevenia Dennis, [email protected]


SOURCE Principal Foundation


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