
Go Green Global Technologies Corp. Announces the First Sale of CALCLEAR Products

Go Green Global Technologies Corp. Announces the First Sale of CALCLEAR Products

Go Green corp宣佈CALCLEAR產品的首次銷售
Accesswire ·  08/20 07:00

BROOKFIELD, CT / ACCESSWIRE / August 20, 2024 / Go Green Global Technologies Corp., "the Company", "Go Green", (OTCQB:GOGR), an innovative company that provides industry-disruptive technology for a variety of water and fuel treatment applications, announces its first sale of CALCLEAR patented products in North America.

Connecticut州布魯克菲爾德 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月20日 / Go Green Global Technologies Corp.,簡稱"公司","Go Green",(OTCQB: GOGR),是一家提供業界顛覆性科技的創新公司,可用於各種水和燃料處理應用的公司,宣佈在北美首次銷售CALCLEAR專利產品。

As part of the initial ramp-up phase to bring the proprietary CALCLEAR water-treatment technology to market, the Company has sold 20 units to an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) company based in Norwalk, CT for re-sale to individual retail and commercial customers.


CALCLEAR units are installed directly onto a water line to loosen existing mineral deposits and to prevent future scale build-up on a variety of equipment, including but not limited to boilers, cooling towers, hot water heaters, and other residential and commercial machinery. Scale build-up in the HVAC industry has a significant impact on energy efficiency, and traditionally requires costly chemical maintenance to combat the mineral deposits that form in pipes and equipment as a result of hard water.


According to "Verified Market Reports," the global descaler market, defined as the production, distribution and sale of chemicals and descaling agents, was valued at USD $9 billion in 2023, and the industry is forecast to expand at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 9% between 2024 and 2030. Consumer demand for eco-friendly solutions to combat scale build-up in industrial and domestic appliances is increasing, and electronic descaling products like CALCLEAR's patented fleet of products have great potential to disrupt the chemical water treatment industry.

根據"Verified Market Reports",全球除垢劑市場,定義爲化學品和除垢劑的生產,分銷和銷售,2023年價值爲90億美元,預計2024年至2030年的行業複合年增長率爲9%。消費者對抗工業和家用電器中水垢堆積的環保解決方案的需求正在增加,CALCLEAR的專利產品系列等電子除垢產品具有顛覆化學水處理行業的巨大潛力。

"We're seeing great interest in the product and look forward to expanding our network of sub-distributors of the CALCLEAR product line," comments Corrine Couch, COO of Go Green, "as well as developing a team for direct-to-consumer sales in the third and fourth quarters of this year."

"我們看到產品受到了極大的關注,並期待在今年第三和第四季度擴大CALCLEAR產品線的子分銷商網絡," Go Green的COO Corrine Couch評論道,"同時開展直接面向消費者的銷售團隊發展。"

About the Company:
Go Green Global Technologies Corp. is an innovative publicly traded U.S. company that provides industry-disruptive technology for a variety of water and fuel use applications. Utilizing the proprietary Sonical device for both non-chemical water treatment and fuel combustion, Go Green provides global solutions for the automotive, transportation, maritime and railway industries. The company is a pioneer and leader in the emerging Pulsed-Power technology sector. Since inception, the company has focused on technologies that lead to a cleaner and more efficient planet.

Go Green Global Technologies Corp.是一家創新的美國上市公司,提供各種水和燃料使用應用的顛覆性技術。利用專有的Sonical設備進行無化學處理和燃料燃燒,Go Green爲汽車,交通運輸,海洋和鐵路行業提供全球解決方案。該公司是新興脈衝電源技術領域的先驅和領導者。自成立以來,該公司專注於領導到更乾淨和更高效星球的技術。

Safe Harbor Statement: The information posted in this release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these statements by use of the words "may," "will," "should," "plans," "explores," "expects," "anticipates," "continue," "estimate," "project," "intend," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general economic and business conditions, effects of continued geopolitical unrest and regional conflicts, competition, changes in technology and methods of marketing, and various other factors beyond the Company's control.

安全港聲明:本發佈中發佈的信息可能包含根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》提供的前瞻性語句。您可以通過使用"可能","將","應該","計劃","探索","期望","預期","繼續","估計","項目","打算"和類似 的表達式。前瞻性語句涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與預期或預期的結果有所不同。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於一般經濟和商業條件,持續的地緣政治動盪和區域衝突的影響,競爭,技術和行銷方法的變化,以及公司無法控制的各種其他因素。

Contact Information:
Go Green Global Technologies Corp.
Phone: (866) 847-3366

Go Green Global Technologies Corp.

SOURCE: Go Green Global Technologies Corp.

來源:Go Green Global Technologies Corp。

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