
EVLO Puts Into Operation a First Battery Energy Project in the United States

EVLO Puts Into Operation a First Battery Energy Project in the United States

PR Newswire ·  2024/08/20 07:00

Located in Vermont, the project will help increase the amount of clean energy generation available to the New England grid and reduce peak demand.


MONTRÉAL, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - EVLO Energy Storage Inc. (EVLO), a fully integrated battery energy storage system (BESS) provider and wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro-Québec, today announced that it has completed the commissioning of a first utility-scale BESS project in the United States. The contracted 3 MW/12 MWh installation is in Troy, Vermont.

2024年8月20日,蒙特利爾 / PRNewswire - EVLO儲能公司(EVLO)是一家全面集成的電池儲能系統(BESS)提供商和完全擁有的 Hydro-Québec 子公司,宣佈已完成了美國第一個功率規模 BESS 項目的啓動。合同規定的 3 MW / 12 MWh 的安裝位於佛蒙特特洛伊。

The BESS will store energy during strong energy production times for later use during peak energy demand, helping to smooth out the intermittency of renewable power generation while delivering value to local utility customers.


The Troy project will also provide data to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Sandia National Laboratories to demonstrate how battery storage can enable the expansion of renewable energy production, while further integrating renewables into the New England grid.

特洛伊項目還將向美國能源部(DOE)和 Sandia 國家實驗室提供數據,以展示電池儲存如何可以實現可再生能源生產的擴展,同時將可再生能源進一步整合到新英格蘭電網中。

The Troy project consists of 16 EVLO 1000 units and four Power Conversion System (PCS) platforms, all managed by the EVLOGIX Energy Management System (EMS). EVLO will monitor and maintain the BESS under a 20-year long-term service agreement, in partnership with Vermont utilities including the Vermont Electric Cooperative, which serves the town of Troy.

特洛伊項目由 16 台 EVLO 1000 單元和四個電力轉換系統(PCS)平台組成,全部由 EVLOGIX 能源管理系統(EMS)管理。 EVLO 將與佛蒙特電力公司合作監測和維護該儲能系統,在 20 年的長期服務協議下提供支持,爲包括特洛伊鎮在內的佛蒙特州的公用事業提供服務。

This is EVLO's first BESS project commissioned, installed, and in operation in the U.S., illustrating the expanding importance of battery storage, as well as the company's growing reach beyond Canada and Europe.

這是 EVLO 在美國投入運行的第一個 BESS 項目,說明了電池儲存的不斷增長的重要性以及該公司在加拿大和歐洲以外的擴張。



"EVLO is proud to work with pioneering utilities, such as the ones in Vermont, that take action to accelerate the energy transition," said Sonia St-Arnaud, president and CEO at EVLO. "To effectively increase renewable energy utilization, a robust battery energy storage sector is critical, and we're proud to share EVLO's power grid and BESS know-how to this important project, the first of many we currently have in development in the U.S."

「EVLO 很自豪能與佛蒙特等開創性的公用事業合作,加快能源過渡的步伐,」 EVLO 總裁兼首席執行官 Sonia St-Arnaud 說。「爲了有效地增加可再生能源的利用,強大的電池儲能部門至關重要,我們很自豪向這項重要項目分享 EVLO 的電網和 BESS 技術,這是我們目前在美國開發的衆多項目的第一個。」

"Our hope is this project will help demonstrate the critical role that battery energy storage can have, empowering us to deliver more reliable and sustainable power to the communities we serve," said Rebecca Towne, CEO of Vermont Electric Cooperative. "As more renewable capacity comes online, this project is a great example of helping the regional grid through collaboration and innovation."

「我們希望這個項目將有助於展示電池儲能所能發揮的關鍵作用,使我們有能力向我們服務的社區提供更可靠和可持續的電力,」佛蒙特州電力合作社的首席執行官 Rebecca Towne 說。「隨着更多的可再生容量接入,這個項目就是通過合作和創新幫助區域電網的一個很好的例子。」

About EVLO Energy Storage Inc.

EVLO 儲能公司簡介

EVLO Energy Storage Inc. (EVLO) is a fully integrated battery energy storage systems and solutions provider and subsidiary of Hydro-Québec. EVLO's utility-scale battery energy storage systems and controls software deliver superior safety and reliability backed by decades of R&D. Its comprehensive services are led by a veteran team of industry experts passionate about partnering with customers to build a cleaner, more resilient energy future.

EVLO 儲能公司(EVLO)是全面集成的電池儲能系統和解決方案提供商,隸屬於 Hydro-Québec。EVLO 的功率規模電池儲能系統和控制軟件經過數十年的研發,提供卓越的安全性和可靠性。其全面的服務由一支行業專家的老將團隊領導,這些人熱衷於與客戶合作,構建一個更清潔,更具彈性的能源未來。

To learn more:


SOURCE Hydro-Québec


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