
3 TSX Stocks That Could Easily Create $1 Million

3 TSX Stocks That Could Easily Create $1 Million

The Motley Fool ·  08/20 15:30

Did you know that only about 3% of Canadians ever achieve the elusive $1 million mark through investing? It might sound daunting, but with the right strategy, and of course patience, you could be one of the savvy few! Whether it's through smart stock picks, consistent contributions to your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), or simply letting time work its magic, the path to seven figures might be closer than you think. So, why not aim high and see where your investments can take you? Here are some stocks to help get you there.



new gold

Looking for a stock that could put you on the path to that $1 million mark? New Gold (TSX:NGD) might be your ticket. With a solid performance in the second quarter of 2024, New Gold reported impressive production numbers, including 68,598 ounces of gold and 13.6 million pounds of copper. The company is now in a sustained free cash flow generation period. This means it's not only making money today, it's set up to keep doing so for the foreseeable future. If you're looking for a stock with the potential to grow your investment significantly, New Gold's combination of increasing production and decreasing costs could make it a goldmine. Quite literally.

如果您正在尋找一隻可以幫助您實現100萬元目標的股票,那麼new gold (tsx:ngd)可能就是您的選擇。在2024年第二季度表現優異的條件下,new gold報告了令人印象深刻的生產數字,包括68598盎司黃金和1360萬磅銅。該公司目前處於持續自由現金流生成期。這意味着它不僅在今天賺錢,而且還在未來保持這種勢頭。如果您正在尋找一隻潛力巨大的股票,new gold在逐漸增加生產和降低成本方面的組合可能使其成爲金礦,這不僅是比喻。更重要的是,new gold已經爲2024年下半年做好了充分準備,預計將進一步提高產量並降低成本。由於股價目前在3.5美元左右交易,並在過去一年中大漲166%,該股的勢頭是不可否認的。如果您相信貴金屬的力量,並想抓住成長浪潮,new gold可能是您的股票頭寸中的堅實補充。誰知道呢?或許就是這隻股票,幫助您實現百萬目標!

What's more, New Gold is well-positioned for the second half of 2024, with expectations to ramp up production and reduce costs even further. With shares currently trading around $3.50 and having soared by 166% over the past year, the stock's momentum is undeniable. If you believe in the power of precious metals and want to ride a wave of growth, New Gold could be a solid addition to your portfolio. Who knows? This might be the stock that helps you hit that millionaire milestone!

此外,new gold爲2024年下半年做好了充分準備,希望提高產量並進一步降低成本。隨着股價目前在$3.50左右交易,並在過去一年中猛漲166%,該股的勢頭是不可否認的。如果您相信貴金屬的力量,並希望乘風破浪,new gold可能是您投資組合的堅實補充。誰知道呢?也許這就是幫助您實現百萬身家的股票!



If you're looking to supercharge your path to $1 million, Alimentation Couche-Tard (TSX:ATD) might be the stock to get you there. This convenience store giant is more than a quick stop for gas and snacks. It's a global leader in its industry, with operations spanning 31 countries. With a forward Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio of 20.5 and a strong return on equity of 21.1%, Couche-Tard has proven itself to be a powerhouse of consistent growth. The company's strategic acquisitions, like the recent move to acquire GetGo Café + Market stores, as well as 7-Eleven locations, continue to expand its reach and revenue streams. This makes it a strong contender for long-term wealth building.

如果您希望加速實現100萬元目標,那麼Alimentation Couche-Tard (tsx:atd)可能是您的選擇。這家便利店巨頭不僅是汽油和小吃的快捷停靠點,更是其行業的全球領導者,在31個國家擁有業務。具有前瞻性的市盈率(P/E)爲20.5和強大的21.1%股本回報率,Couche-Tard已經證明自己是一隻持續增長的行業強者。該公司的戰略收購,如最近收購GetGo Café+Market商店以及七-11地點等,繼續擴大其影響力和收入來源。這使其成爲長期財富增長的有力競爭者。此外,Couche-Tard對創新和客戶忠誠度計劃的關注確保其在競爭激烈的便利市場中保持領先地位。公司股價在過去一年中上漲21%,且穩健的股息收益率爲0.8%。Couche-Tard不僅穩定,還有着強大的增長潛力。這種可靠收入和股票價格上漲的組合可能是您實現百萬目標的關鍵。因此,如果您準備投資於一家方便且利潤豐厚的公司,Couche-Tard可能是您投資組合的正確選擇。

What's more, Couche-Tard's focus on innovation and customer loyalty programs ensures that it stays ahead in the competitive convenience market. With its stock up 21% over the past year and a solid dividend yield of 0.8%, Couche-Tard is not only about stability, it's about growth. This blend of reliable income and share price appreciation could be your golden ticket to that $1 million milestone. So, if you're ready to invest in a company that's as convenient as it is profitable, Couche-Tard might be the right pick for your portfolio.


CES Energy

CES Energy Solutions (tsx:ceu)可能是加入您的投資組合和實現100萬元里程碑的神祕元素。該公司已經連續走紅,過去一年中增長了127%,顯示其知道如何提供強勁回報。在2024年第二季度創下歷史紀錄的收入和1.5%的股息收益率,CES Energy不僅意味着增長,也意味着回饋投資者。公司的資本支出輕、資產輕的業務模型確保其產生重要的自由現金流。這可能意味着未來會有更多的股息和股票回購。此外,CES Energy在爲油田行業提供關鍵化學物質方面的專業知識使其持續強勁,即使在市場條件艱苦的情況下。具有27.2%的股本回報率,CES正在實現股東價值的最大化,這使其成爲您長期投資策略中的潛在巨頭。因此,如果您正在尋找結合增長、穩定和興奮的股票,CES Energy Solutions可能會成爲您實現100萬元目標的通行證!

Finally, CES Energy Solutions (TSX:CEU) might be the secret ingredient to spicing up your portfolio and getting you closer to that $1 million milestone. This company has been on a hot streak, with a 127% increase over the past year, showing it knows how to deliver strong returns. With record revenue in Q2 2024 and a dividend yield of 1.5%, CES Energy is not only about growth. It's also about giving back to its investors. The company's capex-light, asset-light business model ensures it's generating significant free cash flow. This could mean more dividends and share buybacks in the future.

此外,CES Energy Solutions在爲油田行業提供關鍵的化學品解決方案方面具有專業知識,即使在市場條件困難的情況下也保持彈性。具有27.2%的股本回報率,CES正在實現股東價值的最大化,這使其成爲您長期投資策略中的潛在巨頭。因此,如果您正在尋找結合增長、穩定和興奮的股票,CES Energy Solutions可能會成爲您實現100萬元目標的通行證!

Moreover, CES Energy's expertise in providing critical chemical solutions in the oilfield sector keeps it resilient, even when market conditions are tough. With a return on equity of 27.2%, CES is maximizing its shareholders' value and making it a potential powerhouse in your long-term investment strategy. So, if you're looking for a stock that combines growth, stability, and a dash of excitement, CES Energy Solutions might just be the ticket to hitting that $1 million mark!

因此,如果您正在尋找結合增長、穩定和興奮的股票,CES Energy Solutions可能會成爲您實現100萬元目標的通行證!

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