
Kidoz Inc. Announces Revenue of US$2,479,175 in Q2 2024

Kidoz Inc. Announces Revenue of US$2,479,175 in Q2 2024

Accesswire ·  08/20 17:55

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 20, 2024 / Kidoz Inc. (TSXV:KIDZ) (the "Company"), mobile AdTech developer and owner of the market-leading Kidoz Contextual Ad Network ( ), the Kidoz Publisher SDK and the Kidoz COPPA Privacy Shield, announced today its unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. All amounts are presented in United States dollars and are in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月20日/移動廣告技術開發商兼市場領先的Kidoz Contextual Ad Network()、Kidoz Publisher sDK和Kidoz COPPA隱私盾的所有者Kidoz Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KIDZ)(「公司」)今天公佈了截至2024年6月30日的季度未經審計的簡明中期合併財務業績。所有金額均以美元列報,符合美國公認會計原則。

Financial highlights Q2 2024 include:

2024 年第二季度的財務亮點包括:

  • Total Revenue of $2,479,175 an increase of 38% compared to Q1 2024 Total Revenue of $1,793,071

  • Direct Ad Tech Advertising Revenue of $2,335,283 an increase of 38% compared to Q1 2024 Direct Ad Tech Advertising Revenue of $1,695,140.

  • Programmatic Ad Tech Advertising Revenue of $123,074, an increase of 56% compared to Q1 2024 Programmatic Advertising Revenue of $78,715.

  • Sales and Marketing expenditure of $306,747, from $327,523 in Q1 2024

  • Non-Capitalized R&D expenditures of $817,956, an increase of 8% from $755,245 in Q1 2024.

  • Net loss after tax of ($385,650), an improvement of 46% compared to a net loss after tax ($719,583), in Q1 2024.

  • Adjusted EBITDA of ($236,815) compared to Adjusted EBITDA of ($543,289) in Q1 2024.

  • Cash of $729,829 and working capital of $2,461,257 as at June 30, 2024, compared to cash of $1,469,224 and working capital of $3,220,646 as at December 31, 2023.

  • Free Cash Flow in Q2 2024 of ($742,642) compared to Free Cash Flow of ($959,506) in the prior year.

  • Current ratio of 2.39, a positive increase compared to current ratio of 2.2 in Q1 2024.

  • 總收入爲 2,479,175 美元,與 2024 年第一季度相比增長了 38% 總收入爲 1,793,071 美元

  • 直接廣告技術廣告收入爲2335,283美元,與2024年第一季度直接廣告技術廣告收入1,695,140美元相比,增長了38%。

  • 程序化廣告技術廣告收入爲123,074美元,與2024年第一季度程序化廣告收入78,715美元相比增長了56%。

  • 銷售和營銷支出爲306,747美元,高於2024年第一季度的327,523美元

  • 非資本化研發支出爲817,956美元,較2024年第一季度的755,245美元增長了8%。

  • 2024年第一季度的稅後淨虧損爲(385,650美元),與稅後淨虧損(719,583美元)相比增長了46%。

  • 調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲(236,815美元),而2024年第一季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲(543,289美元)。

  • 截至2024年6月30日,現金爲729,829美元,營運資金爲2461,257美元,而截至2023年12月31日,現金爲1,469,224美元,營運資金爲3,220,646美元。

  • 2024年第二季度的自由現金流爲(742,642美元),而去年同期的自由現金流爲(959,506美元)。

  • 當前比率爲2.39,與2024年第一季度的當前比率2.2相比有正增長。

For full details of the Company's operations and financial results, please refer to the Securities and Exchange Commission website at or the Kidoz Inc. corporate website at or the website.

有關公司運營和財務業績的完整詳情,請訪問美國證券交易委員會網站www.sec.gov或Kidoz Inc.公司網站 或網站。

"Kidoz saw strong growth during most of the quarter as advertisers made investments to grow awareness within Generation Alpha," stated Jason Williams, Kidoz CEO. "Generation Alpha are those born between 2010 and 2022 who are the most technically savvy of all generations as they've never known a world without smart phones. Analysts believe that Generation Alpha will become the world's richest and most powerful group of consumers to date and brands looking to build awareness and a clear identity with this young consumer group are doing so with Kidoz. Many brands over the past 5 years have been completely focused on Generation Z and social media, but this pillar of digital marketing is intensely competitive. With thousands of brands competing for attention on social media platforms, a single user session is packed with fifty or more ad spots targeting Generation Z. In contrast, in-app media has only five ads per user session which creates an excellent opportunity for advertisers to reach Generation Alpha as they age up," continued Williams.

Kidoz首席執行官傑森·威廉姆斯表示:「由於廣告商進行了投資以提高Alpha世代的知名度,Kidoz在本季度的大部分時間裏都實現了強勁的增長。」「Alpha世代是2010年至2022年之間出生的人,他們是所有世代中技術最精通的人,因爲他們從未見過沒有智能手機的世界。分析人士認爲,Alpha世代將成爲迄今爲止世界上最富有、最強大的消費者群體,而希望在這個年輕的消費者群體中樹立知名度和明確身份的品牌正在通過Kidoz這樣做。在過去的5年中,許多品牌完全專注於Z世代和社交媒體,但是數字營銷的這一支柱競爭激烈。隨着成千上萬的品牌在社交媒體平台上爭奪注意力,一個用戶會話中就有五十個或更多針對Z世代的廣告位。相比之下,應用內媒體每個用戶會話只有五個廣告,這爲廣告商隨着年齡的增長進入Alpha世代創造了絕佳的機會,」 威廉姆斯繼續說道。

"Kidoz is the market leader for reaching this next generation of valuable consumers. While today it is mostly toy and entertainment brands that are investing in reaching Generation Alpha, management believes that many opportunities exist for a variety of brands across a number of segments. Kidoz is increasing direct relationships with advertiser brands which is resulting in increased trust and increased spend as we are able to show the unique capabilities of the Kidoz platform. However, given the small number of buyers currently targeting Generation Alpha there is always a risk that concentrated buyers will shift spending patterns that will create spots of weakness for Kidoz. While the second quarter of 2024 was strong for the majority of the time, the end of the quarter was slow which has continued into the summer months. The Company usually secures only 25% of revenue in H1 with 75% to follow in H2. With H2 starting more slowly than previous years, advertising demand becomes pent up and we believe the largest fourth quarter in Company history lies ahead in 2024. With these strong market forces combined with the recent approval of COPPA 2.0 by the US Senate, management believes that Kidoz will outperform its competitors to further strengthen its market position for the years ahead.

“Kidoz是吸引下一代有價值消費者的市場領導者。儘管如今,投資進入Alpha世代的主要是玩具和娛樂品牌,但管理層認爲,不同品牌在多個細分市場中存在許多機會。Kidoz正在增加與廣告商品牌的直接關係,隨着我們能夠展示Kidoz平台的獨特功能,這增加了信任度並增加了支出。但是,鑑於目前瞄準Alpha世代的買家數量很少,集中的買家總是有可能改變支出模式,這將給Kidoz造成弱點。儘管2024年第二季度在大部分時間裏都表現強勁,但該季度末進展緩慢,一直持續到夏季。該公司通常在上半年僅獲得收入的25%,下半年將獲得75%的收入。由於下半年的開局速度比往年緩慢,廣告需求被抑制,我們認爲公司歷史上最大的第四季度將在2024年到來。憑藉這些強大的市場力量,加上美國參議院最近批准的COPPA 2.0,管理層認爲,Kidoz的表現將超越競爭對手,進一步鞏固其未來幾年的市場地位。



This press release refers to "Adjusted EBITDA" which is a non-GAAP financial measure that does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP. Adjusted EBITDA is not presented in accordance with, or as an alternative to, GAAP financial measures and may be different from non-GAAP measures used by other companies. These non-GAAP measures should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America ("GAAP"). We encourage investors to review the GAAP financial measures included in the last Quarterly Form 6-K, including our unaudited consolidated financial statements, to aid in their analysis and understanding of our performance and in making comparisons.

本新聞稿提及 「調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤」,這是一項非公認會計准則財務指標,沒有GAAP規定的標準化含義。調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤不是根據公認會計原則財務指標列報的,也不是作爲其替代方案列報的,可能與其他公司使用的非公認會計准則指標有所不同。這些非公認會計准則指標不應被視爲替代或優於根據美利堅合衆國公認會計原則(「GAAP」)計算的財務指標。我們鼓勵投資者查看上一份季度表格6-K中包含的GAAP財務指標,包括我們未經審計的合併財務報表,以幫助他們分析和理解我們的業績並進行比較。

We use Adjusted EBITDA internally to evaluate our performance and make financial and operational decisions that are presented in a manner that adjusts from their equivalent GAAP measures or that supplement the information provided by our GAAP measures. Adjusted EBITDA is defined by us as EBITDA (net income (loss) plus depreciation expense, amortization expense, interest, stock-based compensation and impairment of goodwill), further adjusted to exclude certain non-cash expenses and other adjustments. We use Adjusted EBITDA because we believe it more clearly highlights business trends that may not otherwise be apparent when relying solely on GAAP financial measures, since Adjusted EBITDA eliminates from our results specific financial items that have less bearing on our core operating performance.


Our Adjusted EBITDA is reconciled as follows:


Six Months ended June 30, 2024

Six Months ended June 30, 2023

Three Months ended June 30, 2024

Three Months ended June 30, 2023

Loss after tax








Less :
Depreciation and amortization





Income tax (recovery) expense




Interest and other income
(10) (12) (4) (7)
Stock awareness program





Stock-based compensation





Gain on derivative liability - warrants





Adjusted EBITDA












截至 2023 年 6 月 30 日的三個月


















(10) (12) (4) (7)
























For full details of the Company's operations and financial results, please refer to the Securities and Exchange Commission website at or the Kidoz Inc. corporate website at or on the website.

有關公司運營和財務業績的完整詳情,請訪問美國證券交易委員會網站www.sec.gov或Kidoz Inc.公司網站 或在網站上。

About Kidoz Inc.

關於 Kidoz Inc.

Kidoz Inc. (TSXV:KIDZ) () mission is to keep children safe in the complex digital advertising ecosystem. Kidoz has built the leading COPPA & GDPR compliant contextual mobile advertising network that safely reaches hundreds of millions of kids, teens, and families every month. Google certified, and Apple approved, Kidoz provides an essential suite of advertising technology that unites brands, content publishers and families. Trusted by Mattel, LEGO, Disney, Kraft, and more, the Kidoz Contextual Ad Network helps the world's largest brands to safely reach and engage kids across thousands of mobile apps, websites and video channels. The Kidoz network does not use location or PII data tracking commonly used in digital advertising. Instead, Kidoz has developed advanced contextual targeting tools to enable brands to reach their ideal customers with complete brand safety. A focused AdTech solution provider, the Kidoz SDK and Kidoz COPPA Shield have become essential products in the digital advertising ecosystem.

Kidoz Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KIDZ)()的使命是確保兒童在複雜的數字廣告生態系統中的安全。Kidoz已經建立了領先的符合COPPA和GDPR的情境移動廣告網絡,該網絡每月可以安全地覆蓋數億兒童、青少年和家庭。Kidoz通過谷歌認證並獲得蘋果批准,提供了一套必不可少的廣告技術,將品牌、內容發佈商和家族團結在一起。Kidoz Contextual 廣告網絡深受美泰、樂高、迪士尼、卡夫等公司的信賴,可幫助全球最大的品牌通過數千個移動應用程序、網站和視頻頻道安全地接觸和吸引孩子。Kidoz 網絡不使用數字廣告中常用的位置或 PII 數據跟蹤。取而代之的是,Kidoz開發了先進的情境定位工具,使品牌能夠以完全的品牌安全性吸引其理想客戶。作爲專注的廣告技術解決方案提供商,Kidoz SDK和Kidoz COPPA Shield已成爲數字廣告生態系統中的必備產品。

Prado Inc. (), a separate but fully owned subsidiary of Kidoz Inc., is based on the Kidoz technology and provides a mobile SSP (Supply-side Platform), DSP (Demand-side Platform) and Ad Exchange platform to brand advertisers across a variety of industries. Employing a contextual targeting approach within the in-app universe, Prado can achieve high impact results for brand partners within this powerful media inventory.

Prado Inc. () 是Kidoz Inc. 的獨立但全資子公司,基於Kidoz技術,爲各行各業的品牌廣告商提供移動SSP(供應方平台)、DSP(需求方平台)和廣告交易平台。在應用內領域採用情境定位方法,普拉多可以在這個強大的媒體資源中爲品牌合作伙伴取得高影響力的結果。

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release (as well as information included in oral statements or other written statements made or to be made by the company) contains statements that are forward-looking, such as statements relating to anticipated future success of the company. Such forward-looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect anticipated results in the future and, accordingly, such results may differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of the company. For a description of additional risks and uncertainties, please refer to the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Specifically, readers should read the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F, filed with the SEC and the Annual Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis filed on SEDAR on April 25, 2024, and the prospectus filed under Rule 424(b) of the Securities Act on March 9, 2005 and the SB2 filed July 17, 2007, and the TSX Venture Exchange Listing Application for Common Shares filed on June 29, 2015 on SEDAR, for a more thorough discussion of the Company's financial position and results of operations, together with a detailed discussion of the risk factors involved in an investment in Kidoz Inc.

1995年的《私人證券訴訟改革法》爲前瞻性陳述提供了 「安全港」。本新聞稿中包含的某些信息(以及公司作出或將要作出的口頭陳述或其他書面陳述中包含的信息)包含前瞻性陳述,例如與公司未來預期成功相關的陳述。此類前瞻性信息涉及重要的風險和不確定性,可能會對未來的預期業績產生重大影響,因此,此類結果可能與公司或代表公司所作的任何前瞻性陳述中表達的結果存在重大差異。有關其他風險和不確定性的描述,請參閱公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件。具體而言,讀者應閱讀公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的20-F表年度報告和2024年4月25日在SEDAR上提交的年度財務報表和管理層討論與分析,以及根據2005年3月9日證券法第424(b)條和2007年7月17日提交的SB2提交的招股說明書,以及2015年6月29日在SEDAR上提交的多倫多證券交易所風險交易所普通股上市申請,以了解更多信息全面討論公司的財務狀況和經營業績,並詳細討論風險因素參與了對 Kidoz Inc. 的投資

For more information contact:


Henry Bromley
(888) 374-2163

(888) 374-2163

SOURCE: Kidoz Inc.

來源:Kidoz Inc.

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