
Nanox Receives FDA Clearance for HealthCCSng V2.0, Upgraded Version of Advanced AI Cardiac Solution Empowering Physicians in Assessment of Coronary Artery Calcium

Nanox Receives FDA Clearance for HealthCCSng V2.0, Upgraded Version of Advanced AI Cardiac Solution Empowering Physicians in Assessment of Coronary Artery Calcium

Nanox獲得FDA批准,推出HealthCCSng V2.0,升級版的愛文思控股人工智能心臟解決方案,幫助醫生評估冠狀動脈鈣化。
Nano X Imaging ·  08/21 00:00

HealthCCSng V2.0 introduces additional 'zero calcium' categorization of coronary artery calcium (CAC) and generates a numerical calcium score with corresponding CAC detection category output

HealthCCSng V2.0引入了額外的'零鈣化'冠狀動脈鈣化分類,並生成與CAC檢測類別相對應的數值鈣化分數輸出。

Marks second FDA 510(k) clearance of HealthCCSng product

這是HealthCCSng產品獲得的第二個FDA 510(k)清除。

PETACH TIKVA, Israel, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO-X IMAGING LTD ("Nanox" or the "Company," Nasdaq: NNOX), an innovative medical imaging technology company, today announced that its deep-learning medical imaging analytics subsidiary, Nanox.AI, received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for HealthCCSng V2.0.

以色列PETACH TIKVA,2024年8月21日(全球新聞線) - 奈米X IMAGING LTD(「Nanox」或「公司」,納斯達克:NNOX),一家創新的醫學成像技術公司,今天宣佈其深度學習醫學成像分析子公司Nanox.AI獲得美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)對HealthCCSng V2.0的510(k)清除。

HealthCCSng V2.0 is the upgraded version of Nanox.AI's cardiac solution, HealthCCSng, which has already shown tangible results in several healthcare systems, identifying patients at high risk of coronary artery disease while driving significant revenue to cardiology departments. It has also been seamlessly integrated with existing picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and electronic medical records (EMR) systems, and enabled timely and appropriate preventive care.

HealthCCSng V2.0是Nanox.AI心臟解決方案HealthCCSng的升級版本,已在幾個醫療系統中顯示出明顯的成果,可識別冠狀動脈疾病高風險患者,併爲心臟病科部門帶來了可觀的收入。它還與現有的影像存檔和通信系統(PACS)和電子醫療記錄(EMR)系統無縫集成,並實現了及時和適當的預防性護理。

HealthCCSng utilizes medical imaging data from routine non-gated, non-contrast CT scans that include the entire heart of adult patients of ages 30-85 to automatically measure coronary artery calcium (CAC), which is the number one risk predictor for a future cardiovascular event. The product aims to leverage the high utilization of CT scans in the medical care environment, including lung cancer screening programs, to automatically detect calcification in the coronary arteries of patients in an opportunistic manner. Patients with the highest category of CAC levels are over 13 times more likely to suffer a cardiac event.


The device output is available to radiologists as part of their standard workflow. A list of studies that received a successful algorithm analysis result will also be available for further clinical assessment by cardiologists, general practitioners and other medical professionals.


HealthCCSng V2.0 introduces the following features that improve its ability to inform physicians and help them conduct the most appropriate risk assessment and subsequent preventative healthcare for patients:

HealthCCSng V2.0引入以下功能,以提高其通知醫生的能力,並幫助他們進行最適當的風險評估和隨後的預防性保健: 零CAC類別:HealthCCSng現在使臨床醫生能夠輕鬆區分CAC水平爲零和低的患者。CAC水平爲零與心臟事件的風險非常低相關。新的零CAC類別加入了先前特色的'低'、'中'和'高' CAC類別。 數值CAC評分:HealthCCSng現在在其結果界面中提供數值CAC評分以及CAC類別,使臨床醫生能夠微調他們對患者的心臟風險評估。

  • Zero CAC Category: HealthCCSng now enables clinicians to easily distinguish between patients with zero and low CAC levels. CAC levels of zero are associated with very low risk of cardiac events. The new zero CAC category joins the previously featured 'low', 'medium' and 'high' CAC categories.
  • Numerical CAC Scoring: HealthCCSng now provides the numerical CAC score alongside the CAC category in its results interface, allowing clinicians to finetune their cardiac risk assessments of patients.
  • CAC Category Configuration: HealthCCSng now enables users to adjust the lower and upper bounds for the low (1-99 Hounsfield units (HU) by default), medium (100-399 HU by default) and high (400+ HU by default) categories of CAC scores. This added customization allows users to finetune their cardiac risk assessments of patients.
  • HealthCCSng V2.0引入以下功能,以提高其通知醫生的能力,並幫助他們進行最適當的風險評估和隨後的預防性保健: 零CAC類別:HealthCCSng現在使臨床醫生能夠輕鬆區分CAC水平爲零和低的患者。CAC水平爲零與心臟事件的風險非常低相關。新的零CAC類別加入了先前特色的'低'、'中'和'高' CAC類別。 數值CAC評分:HealthCCSng現在在其結果界面中提供數值CAC評分以及CAC類別,使臨床醫生能夠微調他們對患者的心臟風險評估。
  • HealthCCSng V2.0引入以下功能,以提高其通知醫生的能力,並幫助他們進行最適當的風險評估和隨後的預防性保健: 零CAC類別:HealthCCSng現在使臨床醫生能夠輕鬆區分CAC水平爲零和低的患者。CAC水平爲零與心臟事件的風險非常低相關。新的零CAC類別加入了先前特色的'低'、'中'和'高' CAC類別。 數值CAC評分:HealthCCSng現在在其結果界面中提供數值CAC評分以及CAC類別,使臨床醫生能夠微調他們對患者的心臟風險評估。
  • CAC分類配置:HealthCCSng現在允許用戶調整CAC分數的低(默認範圍爲1-99HU),中(默認範圍爲100-399HU)和高(默認範圍爲400+ HU)類別的下限和上限。這種增加的定製功能使用戶能夠調整對患者的心臟風險評估。

"We are pleased to receive another regulatory clearance from the FDA for our AI cardiac solution, with new updates that reflect our commitment to providing healthcare professionals with the tools they need," said Erez Meltzer, Nanox Chief Executive Officer. "The AI cardiac solution helps to bridge the divide between radiology and cardiology, two medical specialties that often use different terms and descriptions to assess imaging data, and catches patients who might otherwise fall through the cracks so that they can be directed to appropriate preventative healthcare. We will continue exploring opportunities to seamlessly integrate our AI solutions with healthcare systems and clinician workflows, and ultimately enhance patient care and outcomes."

「我們很高興獲得FDA對我們的AI心臟解決方案的又一次監管批准,該解決方案更新反映了我們致力於爲醫療保健專業人員提供所需工具的承諾,」Nanox首席執行官Erez Meltzer表示。「AI心臟解決方案有助於彌合放射學和心臟病學之間的差距,這兩個醫學專業通常使用不同的術語和描述來評估影像數據,並能及時發現那些可能被忽視的患者,以便將其引導到適當的預防保健中。我們將繼續探索與醫療系統和臨床工作流程無縫集成我們的AI解決方案的機會,從而增強患者護理和結果。」

About Nanox.AI
Nanox.AI is the deep-learning medical imaging analytics subsidiary of Nanox. Nanox.AI solutions are developed to target highly prevalent chronic and acute diseases affecting large populations around the world. Leveraging AI technology, Nanox.AI helps clinicians extract valuable and actionable clinical insights from routine medical imaging that otherwise may go unnoticed, potentially initiating further medical assessment to establish individual preventative care pathways for patients. For more information, please visit .


About Nanox
Nanox (NASDAQ: NNOX) is focused on applying its proprietary medical imaging technology and solutions to make diagnostic medicine more accessible and affordable across the globe. Nanox's vision is to increase access, reduce costs and enhance the efficiency of routine medical imaging technology and processes, in order to improve early detection and treatment, which Nanox believes is key to helping people achieve better health outcomes, and, ultimately, to save lives. The Nanox ecosystem includes Nanox.ARC— a multi-source Digital Tomosynthesis system that is cost-effective and user-friendly; an AI-based suite of algorithms that augment the readings of routine CT imaging to highlight early signs often related to chronic disease (Nanox.AI); a cloud-based infrastructure (Nanox.CLOUD); and a proprietary decentralized marketplace, through Nanox's subsidiary, USARAD Holdings Inc., that provides remote access to radiology and cardiology experts; and a comprehensive teleradiology services platform (Nanox.MARKETPLACE). Together, Nanox's products and services create a worldwide, innovative, and comprehensive solution that connects medical imaging solutions, from scan to diagnosis. For more information, please visit .

納諾克斯影像有限公司(NASDAQ: NNOX)專注於應用專有的醫療影像技術和解決方案,使全球的診斷醫學更具可訪問性和可承擔性。納諾克斯的願景是提高醫學影像技術和流程的效率,以實現更早期的檢測和治療,這被認爲是有助於人們獲得更好的健康結果,並最終挽救生命的關鍵。納諾克斯的生態系統包括Nanox.ARC -- 一種多源數字斷層攝影系統,具有成本效益和用戶友好性;一套基於人工智能的算法( Nanox.AI),可增強常規CT影像的讀數,以突出與慢性疾病常有關聯的早期跡象;雲計算基礎設施(Nanox.CLOUD);通過納諾克斯子公司USARAD Holdings Inc.提供遠程影像學和心臟病學專家的專業分散市場;以及一個綜合的遙診服務平台(Nanox.MARKETPLACE)。納諾克斯的產品和服務共同構成了一個全球創新和綜合的解決方案,連接了醫學影像解決方案,從掃描到診斷。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。



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