
San Francisco's Mission Rock Built on Strength of Lower-Carbon Vertua Concrete

San Francisco's Mission Rock Built on Strength of Lower-Carbon Vertua Concrete

舊金山的Mission Rock項目以低碳Vertua混凝土的優勢而建立
PR Newswire ·  08/22 11:15

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cemex, a leading global building materials company, announced today that it has provided more than 56,000 cubic yards of its sustainable building materials toward the first phase of construction of Mission Rock, a 28-acre multiphase, mixed-use development in San Francisco, California developed by Tishman Speyer, the San Francisco Giants and the Port of San Francisco.

2024年8月22日,總部位於美國舊金山的建築材料公司西麥斯(Cemex)宣佈,已向舊金山加利福尼亞州的Mission Rock項目的首階段施工提供了超過5.6萬立方碼的可持續建築材料。Mission Rock是一個佔地28英畝的多階段綜合用途開發項目,由Tishman Speyer、舊金山巨人隊和舊金山港口發展公司開發。

General contractor Webcor broke ground on Mission Rock in 2020, recruiting Cemex to provide its lower-carbon concrete Vertua to establish the foundation for the neighborhood's first three buildings, which include two residential buildings dubbed The Canyon and Verde, and an office building that houses VISA's new Market Support Center.

總承包商Webcor於2020年在Mission Rock項目上動工,招募了西麥斯爲社區的前三棟建築提供低碳混凝土Vertua,其中包括兩棟名爲The Canyon和Verde的住宅樓,以及容納VISA新市場支持中心的辦公樓。

"We are excited to contribute to a forward-thinking project such as Mission Rock by delivering our eco-conscious building materials, advancing sustainability efforts in San Francisco," said Francisco Rivera, Cemex U.S. Regional President -- West Region. "In providing Vertua to urban development projects, Cemex is driving innovation further to sustainably solve the world's construction challenges."

西麥斯美國區域總裁Francisco Rivera表示:「我們很高興能爲Mission Rock等具有前瞻性的項目提供我們的環保建築材料,推動舊金山的可持續發展。」他還表示:「通過向城市發展項目提供Vertua,西麥斯正在進一步推動創新,以可持續方式解決世界的建築挑戰。」

This project marks a significant milestone for Cemex and San Francisco, as the company continues to integrate its Vertua concrete solutions nationwide, aligning itself with the city's goal of becoming a carbon-neutral city. Certified Gold under the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED for Neighborhood Development program, Mission Rock's first phase is scheduled for completion in late 2024.

該項目標誌着西麥斯和舊金山取得了重要的里程碑,因爲該公司繼續在全國範圍內推廣其Vertua混凝土解決方案,與這座城市成爲碳中和城市的目標相一致。Mission Rock的第一階段計劃於2024年底竣工,並獲得美國綠色建築委員會(USGBC)的LEED鄰里開發計劃的黃金認證。

Vertua is Cemex's portfolio of products and solutions that contribute to building a better future through five sustainable attributes: Lower Carbon, Energy Efficiency, Recycled Materials, Water Conservation, and Design Optimization. It is a part of Cemex's Future in Action program, which focuses on achieving sustainable excellence through climate action, circularity, and natural resource management with the primary objective of becoming a net-zero CO2 company by 2050.


About Cemex U.S.


Cemex is a global building materials company that provides high-quality products and reliable services with a rich history of improving the wellbeing of those it serves through innovative building solutions, efficiency advancements and sustainability efforts. Its U.S. network includes 8 cement plants, close to 50 strategically located cement terminals, nearly 50 aggregate quarries and more than 280 ready-mix concrete plants. Cemex U.S. has been repeatedly recognized for its efforts in sustainability and energy management, including earning U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year consecutively since 2019.

西麥斯是一家全球建築材料公司,通過創新的建築解決方案、效率提升和可持續發展努力,提供高質量產品和可靠的服務,並通過豐富的歷史改善所服務對象的福祉。其美國網絡包括8家水泥廠,近50個地理位置優越的水泥碼頭,將近50個骨料採石場,以及超過280個預拌混凝土攪拌站。美國西麥斯在可持續發展和能源管理方面屢獲殊榮,包括自2019年以來連續獲得美國EPA ENERGY STAR合作伙伴年度榮譽。

About Mission Rock

關於Mission Rock

Mission Rock represents over 15 years of planning and community input to transform 28 acres of asphalt and a historic pier into an exciting new neighborhood featuring community-serving retail, stylish rental homes, inspired parks and open spaces, innovative workspaces and parking to serve ballpark patrons and the surrounding area. Phase One of the multiphase development is nearing completion. The project is a public-private partnership among the San Francisco Giants, Tishman Speyer and the Port of San Francisco. | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

Mission Rock代表了超過15年的規劃和社區意見,將28英畝的柏油和一個歷史悠久的碼頭改造成一個令人興奮的新社區,包括爲社區提供服務的零售店、時尚的租賃住宅、啓發人心的公園和開放空間、創新的工作空間以及爲球場觀衆和周邊地區提供停車場。該多階段開發項目的第一階段即將完成。該項目是舊金山巨人隊、Tishman Speyer和舊金山港務局之間的公私合作伙伴關係。 | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn


來源:Cemex USA

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