
Miata Metals Signs Earn-In Agreement to Acquire 100% of the Sela Creek Gold Project in Suriname

Miata Metals Signs Earn-In Agreement to Acquire 100% of the Sela Creek Gold Project in Suriname

Miata 金屬簽署了賺取協議,收購蘇里南Sela Creek黃金項目100%
newsfile ·  08/26 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 26, 2024) - Miata Metals Corp. (CSE: MMET) ("Miata" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an option agreement (the "Sela Creek Agreement") with the registered owner (the "Optionor") of the 21,929 ha. Sela Creek gold project in Suriname ("Sela Creek"), allowing Miata to increase its earn-in option to acquire 100% ownership, from the 70% currently held by 79North Inc. (CSE: JQ) ("79North"). As previously announced, the Company has signed a definitive agreement to acquire 79North, and the Sela Creek Agreement maximizes Miata's exposure to this highly prospective gold property.

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華 - (新聞稿) - Miata Metals corp.(MMET交易所:CSE)(「Miata」或「公司」)很高興宣佈,已與蘇里南sela creek金礦項目的註冊所有者(「Optionor」)簽訂了一項期權協議(Sela Creek Agreement),允許Miata將其賺取期權增加到100%的所有權,目前79north inc.(CSE:JQ)(「79north」)持有了70%。如前所述,公司已簽署了一份明確協議以收購79north,而Sela Creek Agreement最大化了Miata對這個具有潛力的黃金物業的關注度。

Suriname contains a prolific gold endowment associated with greenstone belts in the Guiana Shield. It is home to multiple producing gold mines and mature development projects, despite being relatively under-explored compared to other South American and West African countries in the Guiana/West African Shield. Through the Sela Creek Agreement, and the acquisition of 79North with its Nassau gold project ("Nassau"), Miata aims to establish itself as a multi-asset explorer in the country of Suriname.

蘇里南的綠巖帶中含有豐富的黃金資源。儘管相對於圭亞那/西非盾的其他南美和西非國家來說,它相對未被開發利用,但它擁有多個生產黃金的礦山和成熟的發展項目。通過Sela Creek Agreement以及收購79North和其Nassau金礦項目(「Nassau」),Miata旨在成爲蘇里南的多資產勘探公司。

"Following the execution of a definitive agreement to acquire 79North, Miata is pleased to announce this significant milestone in consolidating its ownership in this prospective Guiana Shield property," stated Miata's CEO, Dr. Jacob Verbaas. "Sela Creek has extensive surficial mining and serves as an excellent analogue to other successful discoveries within Suriname. We see a clear path to proving out a potentially substantial discovery on this property, and as such it was a high priority to renegotiate the ownership structure to give Miata a path to outright ownership of the property. Work has already begun to plan an initial drill program, and we look forward to starting this next chapter as a leading gold exploration company in Suriname".

"在簽署了一份明確的協議以收購79North之後,Miata很高興宣佈這一在鞏固其在這個有潛力的圭亞那盾物業中的所有權的重要里程碑,"Miata的首席執行官Dr. Jacob Verbaas說道,“ Sela Creek有廣泛的表層開採,被視爲蘇里南內其他成功發現的極佳類似物。我們看到了在這個物業上證明一個潛在的重大發現的明確途徑,因此重新談判所有權結構以使Miata完全擁有該物業是一項高優先事項。已經開始規劃首個鑽探計劃的工作,我們期待着開啓作爲蘇里南領先的黃金勘探公司的新篇章。

Details on Sela Creek can be found in Miata's June 5, 2024 news release relating to the proposed acquisition of 79North.

關於Sela Creek的詳情,請參閱Miata的2024年6月5日新聞稿,該新聞稿是關於收購79North的建議。

Terms of the Sela Creek Agreement

Sela Creek協議條款

As consideration to acquire 100% of Sela Creek, Miata has agreed to make payments and complete work expenditures as follows:

作爲收購Sela Creek的考慮,Miata同意按以下方式進行付款和完成工作支出:

  • US$10,000 cash payment upon signing a term sheet with the Optionor (paid).
  • Additional US$45,000 deposit prior to signing the Sela Creek Agreement (paid).
  • US$45,000 cash payment and issuance of US$50,000 of Miata common shares to the Optionor within five business days of signing the Sela Creek Agreement.
  • US$100,000 cash payment and issuance of US$100,000 of Miata common shares to the Optionor within 12 months of signing the Sela Creek Agreement.
  • US$1,000,000 work commitment, US$250,000 cash payment, and issuance of US$150,000 of Miata common shares to the Optionor within 24 months of signing the Sela Creek Agreement.
  • US$1,000,000 work commitment, US$500,000 cash payment, and issuance of US$150,000 of Miata common shares to the Optionor within 36 months of signing the Sela Creek Agreement.
  • 與出讓方簽署意向書後支付1萬美元現金(已付款)。
  • 在簽署Sela Creek協議之前,支付額外的4.5萬美元存款(已付款)。
  • 在簽署Sela Creek協議後的五個工作日內,支付4.5萬美元現金,並向出讓方發行5萬美元的Miata普通股。
  • 在簽署Sela Creek協議後12個月內,支付10萬美元現金,並向出讓方發行10萬美元的Miata普通股。
  • 在簽署Sela Creek協議後24個月內,承諾100萬美元的工作支出,25萬美元現金支付,並向出讓方發行15萬美元的Miata普通股。
  • 在簽署Sela Creek協議後36個月內,承諾100萬美元的工作支出,50萬美元現金支付,並向出讓方發行15萬美元的Miata普通股。

Upon exercise of the option, Miata shall grant the Optionor a 2.0% net smelter return royalty ("NSR") from the sale of gold mined from Sela Creek. Miata shall have a right to purchase (i) one half percent (0.5%) of the NSR for a payment of US$500,000, and (ii) an additional one half percent (0.5%) of the NSR for US$2,500,000.

行權時,Miata將向Optionor授予2.0%的淨冶煉回報權益(「NSR」)來自於Sela Creek開採的黃金銷售。Miata有權購買(i)NSR的0.5%一半的權益以50萬美元支付,並且(ii)NSR的另外0.5%的權益以250萬美元支付。

Operations of Sela Creek

Sela Creek的運營

Under the terms of the Sela Creek Agreement, Miata will be the operator of Sela Creek responsible for carrying out exploration. The Optionor may continue to conduct alluvial and surface operations on Sela Creek to a depth of 30 metres, provided that these operations are executed in a manner that will in no way interfere with Miata's operations. Further, the Optionor has agreed to not pursue alluvial and surface mining in newly explored areas (for example, areas where Miata has conducted sampling, ground geophysics, or drilling) without prior agreement between the two parties.

根據Sela Creek協議的條款,Miata將成爲Sela Creek的運營商,負責進行勘探工作。Optionor可以繼續在Sela Creek進行全部uvial和地表操作,深度不超過30米,前提是這些操作不能以任何方式干擾Miata的工作。此外,Optionor同意在未經雙方事先協議的情況下,不在新勘探區域(例如,Miata進行抽樣、地面地球物理或鑽探的地區)進行uvial和地表採礦活動。

About Miata Metals Corp.

關於Miata Metals Corp.

Miata is a Canadian company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE: MMET). The Company is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties. Currently, the Company holds earn-in options to acquire 100% interest in the Cabin Lake Property in the Omineca Mining Division, British Columbia and 100% interest in the Sela Creek Gold Project in Suriname. The Company continuously evaluates opportunities to acquire interest in additional prospective exploration stage mineral properties.

Miata是一家加拿大公司,目前在加拿大證券交易所(CSE:MMET)上市。該公司是一家專注於收購、勘探和開發礦產項目的礦產勘探公司。目前,該公司擁有在不列顛哥倫比亞省奧米尼卡礦業區(Omineca Mining Division)獲得100%權益的Cabin Lake Property,以及在蘇里南擁有Sela Creek Gold Project的100%權益。該公司持續評估並尋找獲取其他有潛力的勘探階段礦產項目的機會。



Dr. Jacob (Jaap) Verbaas, P. Geo | CEO and Director
+1 647 689 6041

Jacob (Jaap) Verbaas博士,P. Geo | CEO和董事

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Readers should not rely on information in this summary for any purpose other than for gaining general knowledge of the Company. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the closing of the acquisition of 79North and its interest in Sela Creek and Nassau, the ultimate exercise of its option to acquire 100% of Sela Creek, and the anticipated exploration activities of the Company at Sela Creek (and the timing thereof). The words "expected", "will" and similar expressions are intended to be among the statements that identify forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that its expectations as reflected in any forward-looking statements, are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties and no assurance can be given that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates, opinions or other factors should change.

本新聞稿含有特定的前瞻性聲明以及歷史信息。讀者不應再此摘要中尋求除對公司獲取一般知識之外的其他任何信息。前瞻性聲明包括但不限於,完成對79North的收購以及其在Sela Creek和Nassau的權益,最終行使其對Sela Creek 100%的收購選項,公司在Sela Creek的預期勘探活動(以及時間安排)。" 預計 "、" 將 "等詞語旨在作爲確定前瞻性聲明的陳述之一。儘管公司認爲其在任何前瞻性聲明中所體現的期望是合理的,但這些聲明涉及風險和不確定性,且不能保證實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明一致。除非法律要求,公司無義務在管理層的信仰、估計、意見或其他因素髮生變化時更新這些前瞻性聲明。

The Canadian Securities Exchange has not reviewed this press release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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