
With Gen Z Planning to Spend More This Holiday Season, Retailers Intensify Focus on AI, Social Media, and Deep Discounts

With Gen Z Planning to Spend More This Holiday Season, Retailers Intensify Focus on AI, Social Media, and Deep Discounts

隨着 Z 世代計劃在這個假期季節花更多的錢,零售商加大對人工智能、社交媒體和深度折扣的關注。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/28 08:00

To capitalize on this spend-happy consumer demographic, retailers are investing in AI (70%), social media ads (39%), influencer marketing campaigns (35%), email marketing (33%), and SEO (29%)


2024 Holiday Shopping Season Research

2024 年假日購物季研究

With Gen Z Planning to Spend More This Holiday Season, Retailers Intensify Focus on AI, Social Media, and Deep Discounts

NEW YORK, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today released research exploring retailers' readiness for the upcoming holiday season. Fiverr conducted a global survey of over 2,500 consumers and over 2,500 small-to-medium business leaders (excluding sole traders) in partnership with Censuswide. The findings reveal a more strategic approach to how businesses manage marketing efforts, freelance talent, and AI technologies as they look to level the playing field against larger e-commerce brands while also capturing Gen-Zers' shopping habits and grappling with the economic hurdles like inflation.

紐約,2024年8月28日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——正在改變世界合作方式的公司Fiverr International Ltd.(紐約證券交易所代碼:FVRR)今天發佈了一項研究,探討零售商爲即將到來的假日季做好準備。Fiverr與Censuswide合作,對超過2,500名消費者和2,500多位中小型企業領導者(不包括個體經營者)進行了全球調查。研究結果揭示了企業如何管理營銷工作、自由職業人才和人工智能技術的一種更具戰略性的方法,因爲他們希望與大型電子商務品牌創造公平的競爭環境,同時捕捉Z世代的購物習慣並努力應對通貨膨脹等經濟障礙。

"The holidays are often make-or-break for many small businesses, so it is critical to plan ahead, know where to place your focus and ensure that your audience is getting the right message," said Gali Arnon, Chief Business Officer at Fiverr. "This data shows that retail and e-commerce businesses are doubling down on social media campaigns to reach new markets and embracing AI to streamline their daily operations as more and more consumers are looking to buy the perfect gift as far ahead of the holiday season as possible. With inflation, competition, and staffing shortages intensifying both online and in stores, the insights from our latest research underscore the type of expertise businesses need to stay ahead. Demand is up for experts with AI skills, digital marketing, and social media to maintain loyal customers and reach new audiences near and far."

Fiverr首席商務官Gali Arnon表示:「對於許多小型企業來說,假期通常是成敗關鍵,因此提前做好計劃,知道要將注意力放在哪裏,並確保受衆得到正確的信息,這一點至關重要。」「這些數據表明,隨着越來越多的消費者希望儘可能在假日季之前購買完美的禮物,零售和電子商務企業正在加倍開展社交媒體活動以開拓新市場,並採用人工智能來簡化日常運營。隨着在線和門店的通貨膨脹、競爭和人員短缺加劇,我們最新研究的見解突顯了企業保持領先地位所需的專業知識類型。對具備人工智能技能、數字營銷和社交媒體的專家的需求不斷增加,以保持忠誠的客戶並吸引遠近的新受衆。」

Several trends that emerged from the data include:


Smaller retailers have found their place among larger companies like Amazon and Temu with 53% of surveyed businesses not considering competition from larger e-commerce brands as a challenge this year


  • Inflation becomes the predominant concern for businesses, with 48% of global respondents citing it as their primary challenge
  • A third of retailers surveyed cite staffing shortages ahead of the holiday season, simultaneously, a third of retail and ecommerce businesses are now hiring freelancers to support their operations
  • 通貨膨脹成爲企業最關心的問題,48%的全球受訪者認爲這是他們的主要挑戰
  • 接受調查的零售商中有三分之一表示假日季前人員短缺,同時,三分之一的零售和電子商務企業現在正在僱用自由職業者來支持其運營

Surveyed retailers are investing in various strategies to reach new audiences – ranging from increased social media presences to steep discounts – and to satisfy evolving customer attitudes


  • Compared to last year (55%) over 80% of businesses are now offering discounts on their products to satisfy the deal-hunters
  • Customers are continuing to prioritize good deals (42%), free shipping (32%), and high-quality products (30%)
  • Last minute shopping remains a priority as well, with 18% of global respondents focusing on fast shipping times
  • 52% of people surveyed will start buying presents in October and November while 18% are hitting the summer sales to find gifts
  • 與去年(55%)相比,超過80%的企業現在爲其產品提供折扣,以滿足交易者的需求
  • 客戶繼續優先考慮特價商品(42%)、免費配送(32%)和高質量的產品(30%)
  • 最後一刻的購物仍然是當務之急,18%的全球受訪者關注快速的發貨時間
  • 52%的受訪者將在10月和11月開始購買禮物,而18%的受訪者則在夏季促銷中尋找禮物

Digital marketing remains the key to success for retailers and ecommerce brands this holiday season, as more and more Gen-Zers are willing to spend more on gifts they find online


  • 43% of Gen-Zers are planning to spend more this holiday season, compared to the 37% of millennials that plan to do to same
  • 57% of U.S. retailers surveyed are investing in social media ads to reach their target audiences
  • Global surveyed retailers are investing in: 39% social media ads, 35% in influencer marketing campaigns, 33% email marketing, 29% updated product pages and improved SEO functionalities
  • 43%的Z世代計劃在本假日季增加支出,而計劃增加消費的千禧一代的比例爲37%
  • 在接受調查的美國零售商中,有57%正在投資社交媒體廣告以吸引目標受衆
  • 接受全球調查的零售商正在投資於:39% 的社交媒體廣告、35% 的網紅營銷活動、33% 的電子郵件營銷、29% 的更新產品頁面和改進的 SEO 功能

Social media remains the go-to place for Gen-Zers looking for the perfect gift this holiday season


  • Amongst Gen-Zers: 34% use TikTok shop; 25% get their gift ideas through social media influencers' recommendations; and 14% use generative AI search to help with gift buying
  • In the U.S., TikTok shop continues its dominance – nearly 54% of Gen-Zers find their gifts on this platform alone
  • Surveyed U.S. Gen-Zers also cite social media as a major influence in their holiday shopping – a third of respondents plan to find gifts via Facebook and Instagram ads, and nearly a quarter (24%) through influencer recommendations
  • 在Z世代中:34%的人使用抖音商店;25%的人通過社交媒體網紅的推薦獲得禮物創意;14%的人使用生成式人工智能搜索來幫助購買禮物
  • 在美國,抖音商店繼續佔據主導地位——將近54%的Z世代僅在這個平台上就能找到自己的禮物
  • 受訪的美國Z世代還表示,社交媒體對他們的假日購物產生了主要影響——三分之一的受訪者計劃通過Facebook和Instagram廣告尋找禮物,近四分之一(24%)的受訪者計劃通過網紅推薦來尋找禮物

With shopping increasingly moving online, nearly 7 in 10 retailers (68%) surveyed are now implementing AI throughout their operations this holiday season – and they want Gen Z to take notice

隨着購物越來越多地轉移到網上,近十分之七的受訪零售商(68%)現在都在這個假日季的整個運營中實施人工智能——他們希望 Z 世代注意這一點

  • 41% of retailers surveyed planning to invest in AI tools to expedite work, and 35% who want to embed AI throughout the entire customer journey with chatbots, customer personalization, or customized marketing campaigns
  • AI is already becoming second nature for Gen Z, over 54% of Gen-Zers use AI to assist in their holiday shopping – whether it be to find the best prices (17%), find new gift ideas (22%), or to even create holiday presents themselves (18%)
  • 41% 的受訪零售商計劃投資人工智能工具以加快工作,35% 的受訪零售商希望通過聊天機器人、客戶個性化或定製營銷活動在整個客戶旅程中嵌入人工智能
  • 人工智能已經成爲Z世代的第二天性,超過54%的Z世代使用人工智能來協助他們的假日購物——無論是尋找最優惠的價格(17%),尋找新的禮物創意(22%),甚至是自己製作節日禮物(18%)

Global Consumer Research: The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 2,539 nationally representative consumers across the USA, UK, Germany, France, and Australia. The data was collected between 26.07.2024 – 30.07.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

全球消費者研究:該研究由Censuswide進行,對美國、英國、德國、法國和澳大利亞的2539名具有全國代表性的消費者進行了抽樣。數據是在 2024 年 7 月 26 日至 2024 年 7 月 30 日之間收集的。Censuswide遵守並僱用市場研究協會的成員,並遵守基於ESOMAR原則的MRS行爲準則。

Global Business Research: The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 2,508 SME owners/leaders (aged 18+) in Retail or E-commerce across the USA, UK, France, Germany and Australia (excluding sole traders). The data was collected between 27.07.2024 – 05.08.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

全球商業研究:該研究由Censuswide進行,對美國、英國、法國、德國和澳大利亞(不包括個體經營者)零售或電子商務領域的2,508名中小企業主/領導者(年齡在18歲以上)進行了抽樣。數據是在 2024 年 7 月 27 日至 2024 年 8 月 5 日之間收集的。Censuswide遵守並僱用市場研究協會的成員,並遵守基於ESOMAR原則的MRS行爲準則。

About Fiverr
Fiverr's mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Business Solutions, large companies can find the right talent and tools, tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skills, ranging from programming to 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, from video animation to architecture.

關於 Fiverr
Fiverr 的使命是改變世界的合作方式。我們的存在是爲了普及人才渠道,爲人才提供機會,使任何人都可以發展自己的業務、品牌或夢想。從小型企業到財富500強,在過去的一年中,全球約有400萬名客戶在Fiverr上與自由職業者合作,確保了他們的員工隊伍保持靈活性、適應性和敏捷性。藉助 Fiverr 商業解決方案,大型公司可以找到適合其需求的人才和工具,以幫助他們蓬勃發展和成長。在 Fiverr 上,您可以找到 700 多種技能,從編程到 3D 設計、數字營銷到內容創作,從視頻動畫到建築,應有盡有。

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Jenny Chang
Tommy Lee


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