
PNC Bank Survey Reveals Varying Financial Wellness Needs Across America's Most Generationally Diverse Workforce

PNC Bank Survey Reveals Varying Financial Wellness Needs Across America's Most Generationally Diverse Workforce

PR Newswire ·  08/28 08:30

Annual Financial Wellness in the Workplace Report Highlights Workplace Stressors, Benefits Needs and Financial Goals Across Generations


PITTSBURGH, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PNC Bank today released findings from its second annual Financial Wellness in the Workplace Report entitled, "The Evolving Needs of the Multigenerational American Workforce," which summarizes survey data and in-depth interviews from more than 1,000 U.S. workers and more than 500 U.S. employers to better understand the financial health and wellness of today's workforce.

2024年8月28日,匹茲堡 / PRNewswire / - PNC銀行今天發佈了其第二份年度財務健康報告的調查結果,題爲「多代美國勞動力的不斷髮展需求」,總結了來自1000多名美國工作者和500多名美國僱主的調查數據和深入訪談,以更好地了解當今勞動力的財務健康狀況。

Perhaps unsurprising in the current turbulent macroeconomic environment, the survey findings show that employers are continuing to feel the squeeze financially with the increased costs of benefits, worker retention and recruiting. Employers also recognize that their workforce – now spanning four generations – has increased challenges and stress about their personal finances, with 78% of U.S. employers saying their workers were financially stressed compared to 71% in 2023. The survey findings also demonstrate that worker stressors vary greatly from generation-to-generation, especially for sought-out employee benefits and personal financial goals.


Notable findings include:


  • Gen Z is the most stressed about personal finances. Of surveyed U.S. workers, personal finance stress was highest with Gen Z (76%), followed by Millennials (72%) and Gen X (72%), then Boomers (59%).
  • Top financial goals vary by generation. Gen Z's top priority is strengthening their credit rating, while Millennials, Gen X and Boomers all prioritize saving for retirement.
  • Benefits play a larger role in retaining Gen Z and Millennial workers. The likelihood of staying with an employer that offers more financial wellness benefits was highest among Gen Z (92%), followed by Millennials (85%), Gen X (72%) and Boomers (64%).
  • Gen Z and Millennials are the most concerned about student debt. Results indicated student loan debt is difficult, with 54% of respondents saying it's the most challenging debt to tackle.
  • Gen X workers surveyed were the least likely generation to have worked with a financial planner, with the majority sharing that they do not have enough money to justify using one.
  • Z世代在個人財務方面最感壓力。調查顯示,在受訪的美國工作者中,Z世代的個人財務壓力最高(76%),其次是千禧一代(72%)和X世代(72%),然後是嬰兒潮一代(59%)。
  • 不同年代的主要財務目標各不相同。 Z世代的首要任務是增強他們的信用評級,而千禧一代、X世代和嬰兒潮一代都把退休儲蓄放在首位。
  • 福利在留住Z世代和千禧一代員工方面發揮了更大的作用。願意留在提供更多財務健康福利的僱主處工作的可能性在Z世代中最高(92%),其次是千禧一代(85%)、X世代(72%)和嬰兒潮一代(64%)。
  • Z世代和千禧一代對學生貸款最爲擔憂。調查結果表明,學生貸款是困難重重,有54%的受訪者表示這是最難應對的債務。
  • 調查發現,X世代的工人最不可能與財務規劃師合作,大多數人表示他們沒有足夠的錢來正當使用一位財務規劃師。

"The varying financial goals and priorities across America's generationally diverse workforce shows how important it is to offer a mix of benefits that can appeal to a wide range of employee needs," said Kaley Keeley Buchanan, senior vice president and head of PNC Organizational Financial Wellness. "In order to hire and retain great people across generations, which is critical to bringing diverse thinking and experience to your workforce, you must understand their needs and appeal to them. PNC's Organizational Financial Wellness team offers businesses in-demand benefits to help meet the needs of their diverse workforces and improve productivity, performance and loyalty."

「美國不同世代的員工在財務目標和優先事項上的差異表明,提供一系列能滿足廣泛員工需求的福利非常重要,」PNC組織財務健康部門的高級副總裁暨負責人Kaley Keeley Buchanan表示。「要想吸引和留住各個年齡段的優秀人才,這對於向你的員工隊伍引入多元化思維和經驗至關重要,你必須了解他們的需求並吸引他們。PNC組織財務健康團隊爲企業提供符合需求、深受青睞的福利,以幫助滿足他們多樣化員工的需求,並提高生產力、績效和忠誠度。」

Additional notable findings include:


  • Three in 10 U.S. workers surveyed who have student loan debt say they are "at a standstill" until it is paid off. This increases to four in 10 among Gen Z workers.
  • In the last year, access to financial planning benefits doubled for American workers surveyed. Notably, 28% had access to financial planning benefits in 2024 compared to 14% in 2023. One in three used a financial professional in the last three years.
  • Three in five U.S. workers surveyed say they are living paycheck to paycheck. This sentiment is highest among Gen Z and Millennials.
  • 三分之一擁有助學貸款的美國工人表示,他們在還清貸款之前將「停滯不前」。這在Z世代的工人中升至四分之一。
  • 在過去一年裏,能夠獲得財務規劃福利的美國工人人數增加了一倍。值得注意的是,28%的人在2024年獲得了財務規劃福利,而在2023年只有14%。三分之一在過去三年裏曾使用過財務專業人士。
  • 三分之五的美國工人表示他們靠發工資維持生計。這種觀點在Z世代和千禧一代中最爲普遍。

As the needs of the talent market evolve, so should the way that businesses address them, if they want to attract and retain talent to effectively drive business performance. PNC Organizational Financial Wellness can help companies develop and implement innovative, tailored benefit programs that work well for them and for the talent they want to recruit and retain. More findings, including the complete report and related information are available at


PNC Bank, National Association, is a member of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: PNC). PNC is one of the largest diversified financial services institutions in the United States, organized around its customers and communities for strong relationships and local delivery of retail and business banking including a full range of lending products; specialized services for corporations and government entities, including corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending; wealth management and asset management. For information about PNC, visit .


The PNC Financial Wellness in the Workplace Report 2024 was conducted with employees and employers. The Employee Survey was conducted online with a national sample of 1,001 employees ages 21–69 who work full-time at companies with 100+ employees. The sampling error is +/- 3.0% at the 90% confidence level. The Employer Survey was conducted online with a national sample of 500 employers with 100+ employees and annual revenues of $5 million or more. The sampling error is +/- 4.4% at the 90% confidence level. The study was conducted by Willow Research (), a market research firm. Birth years are defined as: Gen Z 1997-2012, Millennial 1981-1996, Gen X 1965-1980, Boomer 1946-1964.

《PNC財務福利在職場報告2024》是通過與僱員和僱主的訪談進行的。僱員調查是在線進行的,樣本涵蓋了在擁有100名及以上員工的公司全職工作的1,001名年齡在21-69歲之間的員工。在90%的置信水平下,抽樣誤差爲+/- 3.0%。僱主調查是通過在線方式進行的,樣本涵蓋了500家擁有100名及以上員工並且年收入超過500萬美元的公司。在90%的置信水平下,抽樣誤差爲+/- 4.4%。該研究由市場研究公司Willow Research()進行。出生年份的定義如下: Gen Z 1997-2012,Millennial 1981-1996,Gen X 1965-1980,Boomer 1946-1964。

DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared for general information purposes only and is not intended as specific advice or recommendations. Any reliance upon this information is solely and exclusively at your own risk. NOTE: The sum of percentages may not add to the total due to rounding.




Christina Davis
(214) 871-1259
[email protected]

Christina Davis
(214) 871-1259
[email protected]



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