
Ice Industries Announces Louisiana Site for New, Solar Energy Focused, Roll Forming Facility

Ice Industries Announces Louisiana Site for New, Solar Energy Focused, Roll Forming Facility

PR Newswire ·  08/28 15:01

SYLVANIA, Ohio, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Continuing its over 25-year tradition of geographic and market diversification; Ice Industries Holdings, Inc. today announced the expansion of its North American footprint, with its new manufacturing facility in Lacassine, Louisiana. Ice Industries' Louisiana plant is expected to begin production in early-2025, initially focused on roll forming steel back rails for photovoltaic (PV) solar panels which First Solar, Inc. (FSLR) expects to start manufacturing in New Iberia, Louisiana, in the second half of 2025.

雷曼尼亞,俄亥俄州,2024年8月28日/PRNewswire/——繼續遵循25多年的地理和市場多樣化傳統,Ice Industries Holdings, Inc.今天宣佈擴大其在北美的版圖,新工廠將位於路易斯安那州拉卡辛的拉卡斯貝斯,Ice Industries的路易斯安那州工廠預計將在2025年初投產,最初專注於爲太陽能(PV)太陽能面板提供卷材形成的鋼背托架,First Solar, Inc. (FSLR)預計將於2025年下半年在路易斯安那州的紐伊比里亞開始製造.

Located in Jefferson Davis Parish, the 150,000-square-foot Ice Industries facility represents a $6 million investment and, once fully commissioned, is expected to generate 70 new jobs, with a competitive wage and benefit package that includes medical insurance and 401(k) programs. Local hiring for general workers, supervisors, material handlers, maintenance, accounting, and operations associates is expected to start in October 2024. Equipment installation will also begin in October 2024.

位於傑斐遜·戴維斯鎮的Ice Industries工廠佔地15萬平方英尺,投資600萬美元,一旦完全投產,預計將創造70個新的工作崗位,提供具有競爭力的工資和福利計劃,包括醫療保險和401(k)計劃。預計從2024年10月開始招聘普通工人、主管、物料搬運工、維護人員、會計和運營人員。設備安裝也將於2024年10月開始。

Ice Industries is expecting to use several economic incentives for this new facility including the Quality Jobs Program, the Louisiana Economic Development (LED) FastStart for assistance with recruiting and training, the Economic Development Award Program, and the Industrial Tax Exemption Program.

Ice Industries預計將利用幾項經濟激勵措施來支持這個新工廠,包括質量工作計劃、路易斯安那經濟發展(LED)的快速啓動計劃(用於招聘和培訓)、經濟發展獎勵計劃和工業稅收豁免計劃。

"It is our daily mission to showcase the economic benefits, workforce, and operating environment Louisiana has to offer. This project is evidence of the success of those efforts. We welcome Ice Industries and these new green energy jobs to Louisiana," said Creed Romano, Jefferson Davis Parish Economic Development president. "This announcement is a testament to how Louisiana's all-of-the-above energy strategy is driving new investment and creating opportunities in both emerging and legacy sectors," LED Secretary Susan B. Bourgeois said. "The attraction of innovative companies and their suppliers has set up the state's world-class manufacturing workforce for continuing success as they strengthen the domestic supply chain. We are proud to welcome Ice Industries to Louisiana and look forward to the years of prosperity to come."

「我們每天的使命是展示路易斯安那州所提供的經濟利益、勞動力和運營環境。這個項目是這些努力成功的證明。我們歡迎Ice Industries和新的綠色能源就業機會來到路易斯安那州,」傑弗遜·戴維斯教區經濟發展協會主席克里德·羅馬諾表示。「這一消息證明了路易斯安那州全能源戰略如何推動新的投資,並在新興和傳統行業創造機遇,」LED部長蘇珊·巴伯傑說。「吸引創新公司及其供應商爲該州世界一流的製造業勞動力設定了持續成功的基礎,同時也加強了國內供應鏈。我們很榮幸歡迎Ice Industries來到路易斯安那州,期待未來的繁榮。」

The new Ice Industries Louisiana facility compliments a similar operation located in Bowling Green, Ohio that also provides high quality roll formed products to the solar energy market.

新的Ice Industries Louisiana工廠與位於俄亥俄州Bowling Green的類似工業相輔相成,該工廠也向太陽能市場提供高質量的輥壓成型產品。

"Following the successful collaboration with First Solar that resulted in the founding of Ice Industries Bowling Green, we are excited to further develop our partnership with an American company that is a global industry leader in the production of PV panels," said Howard Ice, the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Ice Industries. "Dovetailing with both the United States' increasing focus and investment in clean energy technology and Ice's strategy of geographic and market diversity, Ice Industries Louisiana represents a strategic investment in both the company and our country's manufacturing base."

「在與第一太陽能的成功合作中,我們創立了Ice Industries Bowling Green,我們很高興能夠進一步發展與一家全球行業領導者、美國公司的合作伙伴關係,該公司致力於光伏面板的生產,」 Ice Industries的創始人、董事長兼首席執行官霍華德·艾斯表示,「與美國日益專注且投資於清潔能源技術的發展趨勢以及Ice Industries的地理和市場多元化戰略相呼應,Ice Industries Louisiana在公司和我們國家的製造業基礎方面是一項戰略投資。」

Ice added, "It is my pleasure to be able to announce the successful establishment of this exciting opportunity for Louisiana and the Jefferson Davis Parish. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Jefferson Davis Economic Development Commission as well as the Louisiana Economic Development office, for their invaluable assistance with locating and developing this latest manufacturing site."

艾斯補充道:「我很高興能夠宣佈這個對路易斯安那州和傑斐遜·戴維斯教區這個令人興奮的機會的成功建立。我想借此機會感謝Jefferson Davis經濟發展委員會以及路易斯安那州經濟發展辦公室,在尋找和開發這個最新制造基地方面,他們提供了寶貴的幫助。」

About Ice Industries

關於Ice Industries

Ice Industries, Inc. is a world-class supplier with a broad range of capabilities including: deep draw metal stamping; CNC machining; MIG, TIG, and resistance welding; assembly; rolled and welded pressure vessels, large format enclosures, high volume blanking, automated roll forming, and powder coating. Customers are assured of both company stability and quality performance through a diversified customer base serving markets including HVAC-R, automotive, commercial and heavy truck, alternative energy, filtration, fire & safety, furniture, healthcare, and off-highway vehicles. Facilities are distributed throughout the central manufacturing corridor, with locations in Cincinnati, Toledo, and Bowling Green, Ohio; Grenada, Mississippi; and Apodaca/Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Ice's production facilities are ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and TS 19649 certified. Ice works with companies that require the highest levels of quality and delivery, and those who are in need of localization or de-integration of their stamping operations. Further information can be obtained on the Ice website at . Please follow the company's Facebook page and on X at IceIndustriesHQ,

Ice Industries, Inc.是一家世界一流的供應商,擁有諸多能力,包括:深沖模具衝壓;數控加工;MIG、TIG和電阻焊接;組裝;卷焊壓力容器、大型封閉式箱體、大量裁切、自動輥壓成型和粉末塗裝。客戶通過多元化的客戶群體服務於市場,包括暖通空調、汽車、商業和重型卡車、可替代能源、過濾、消防與安全、傢俱、醫療、越野車輛等各行業,以確保公司的穩定性和質量表現。設施分佈在中部製造走廊,包括俄亥俄州辛辛那提、托萊多和Bowling Green;密西西比州格倫納達;墨西哥阿波達加/蒙特雷,新倫昂。Ice的生產設施通過ISO 9001、ISO 14001和TS 19649認證。Ice與需要最高質量和交付水平以及需要進行本地化或拆除衝壓操作的公司進行合作。詳細信息可在Ice網站上獲得。請關注公司的Facebook頁面和X的IceIndustriesHQ。

Howard Ice
Ice Industries, Inc. Founder, Chairman, and CEO




Press release distributed by PRLog


SOURCE Ice Industries, Inc.


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