
Farm Fresh's Impressive Results Calls For A Re-Rating

Farm Fresh's Impressive Results Calls For A Re-Rating

Farm Fresh令人印象深刻的業績引發了重新評級
Business Today ·  08/29 00:42

Farm Fresh Berhad (FFB) has demonstrated robust financial performance in its 1QFY25 results, achieving an all-time high in both revenue and earnings. The company reported a core net profit of RM25 million, reflecting a staggering 501% year-on-year increase and accounting for 25% of both the house and consensus full-year earnings estimates. This impressive performance has prompted analysts at MIDF and Maybank to maintain a BUY rating, with a revised target price (TP) set at RM1.80, indicating a potential upside of 13%.

Farm Fresh Berhad (FFB)在2025財年第一季度業績中表現強勁,實現了營業收入和盈利的歷史新高。公司報告了2,500萬元的核心淨利潤,較去年同期增長了驚人的501%,佔預期全年盈利的25%。這一出色的表現促使MIDF和馬來亞銀行分析師維持買入評級,並將修訂後的目標價定爲1.80馬幣,預示着13%的上漲潛力。

The results surpassed expectations, driven primarily by a significant surge in sales within the Australia market, which saw an 85% increase quarter-on-quarter. Additionally, the growth in Malaysia was bolstered by a rise in the food service and hotel industries (HORECA) and strong demand for ultra-high temperature (UHT) products. The company's overall sales volume also increased by 5% quarter-on-quarter, showcasing its effective market penetration and product diversification strategies.


In response to the strong performance, analysts have raised earnings forecasts for FY25 through FY27 by 3% to 13%, reflecting the anticipated contributions from new product launches, particularly in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) segment. Farm Fresh's strategy to penetrate new markets through its brand equity is expected to sustain its growth momentum, aided by cost tailwinds and favourable foreign exchange rates that will support margin recovery.

針對這一強勁表現,分析師已經將FY25至FY27的盈利預測上調了3%至13%,反映了新產品推出帶來的預期貢獻,尤其是在消費品包裝(CPG)領域。Farm Fresh通過品牌價值進入新市場的策略預計將維持其增長勢頭,並得益於成本優勢和有利的匯率期貨,這將支持邊際回升。

Looking ahead, Farm Fresh is poised for continued success, focusing on the introduction of CPG ice-cream products, which are scheduled to hit shelves in various sales channels, including mini-markets and convenience stores. The company is also exploring additional product lines such as cultured milk, aimed at competing with established players in the market. As consumer sentiment remains soft, Farm Fresh's adaptability and commitment to product innovation are likely to underpin its ongoing growth trajectory.

展望未來,Farm Fresh有望繼續取得成功,重點是推出CPG冰淇淋產品,計劃在各種銷售渠道上架,包括迷你超市和便利店。該公司還在探索其他產品線,如發酵乳,旨在與市場上的知名品牌競爭。隨着消費者情緒持續低迷,Farm Fresh的適應性和致力於產品創新有望支撐其持續增長的軌跡。

Farm Fresh's gross profit margin (GPM) expanded significantly to 30.2% in the latest quarter, up 12.5 percentage points year-on-year, primarily due to lower input costs and a turnaround in operations in Australia. The company is well-positioned to benefit from a reduction in raw milk and whole milk powder costs, which are expected to further enhance its profit margins in subsequent quarters.

Farm Fresh的毛利潤率(GPM)在最新季度大幅擴張至30.2%,同比增加了12.5個百分點,主要是由於原材料成本下降和澳洲業務扭虧。該公司有望從原奶和全脂乳粉成本下降中受益,預計後續季度將進一步增強其利潤率。

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