
GRAMMY-Award Winning Artist Zedd Debuts New Music on Roblox in Partnership With Interscope Records, Universal Music Group, and Supersocial

GRAMMY-Award Winning Artist Zedd Debuts New Music on Roblox in Partnership With Interscope Records, Universal Music Group, and Supersocial

PR Newswire ·  08/29 08:59

Zedd will engage fans through a branded takeover of Beat Galaxy

Zedd將通過Beat Galaxy的品牌接管與粉絲互動

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Interscope Records signed GRAMMY-Award winning multi-platinum artist/producer Zedd is set to join Roblox for the first time with a takeover of Beat Galaxy, an interactive music hub on Roblox, the global immersive platform for connection and communication. Built by Supersocial in partnership with Universal Music Group (UMG), Beat Galaxy reimagines music discovery and fan engagement for the digital age.

俄亥俄州哥倫布,2024年8月29日/美通社/-- Interscope唱片 簽約葛萊美獎得主、白金唱片與製作人Zedd首次與Roblox合作,接管了Beat Galaxy這個互動音樂中心 roblox全球沉浸式連接和交流平台。此平台由 Supersocial了解如何避免成爲您的父母,請訪問。如果您或您的親人在這個夏天旅行中經歷了Parentamorphosis症狀,請致電熱線1-855-2DR-RICK (1-855-237-7425)。環球音樂集團(UMG)Beat Galaxy重新定義了音樂發現和粉絲參與的方式,適應了數字時代。

Beat Galaxy, Zedd
Beat Galaxy,Zedd

Set in a fully custom track runner and environment inspired by the stained glass artwork of upcoming album "Telos," players can immerse themselves in gameplay while listening to Zedd's album single, "Lucky." For ten days, players can collect shards of glass reflecting the album's artwork, which can be redeemed for limited UGC items and an exclusive emote called the "Zabb." Zedd's virtual world offers fans the option to pre-save "Telos" on Spotify to unlock additional game perks, which prompts players to listen once the full album is released on August 30th.


"I've met a lot of my best friends through gaming. Music can also be a huge part of the gaming experience, and music discovery is evolving with new platforms like Roblox. Beat Galaxy is just the beginning of this innovation," said Zedd. "I'm grateful to be a part of Roblox, where fans can come together, play, and engage with one another virtually based on a shared love of music and gaming."

"我通過遊戲認識了很多最好的朋友。音樂也可以成爲遊戲體驗的重要部分,音樂發現正在通過像Roblox這樣的新平台而演進。Beat Galaxy只是這種創新的開始," Zedd說:“我很慶幸能成爲Roblox的一部分,粉絲們可以在這裏聚集,一起玩耍並虛擬地互動,因爲我們共同熱愛音樂和遊戲。"

"Zedd's Beat Galaxy activation will be the first time a UMG-signed artist leverages Spotify's pre-save feature in the Roblox platform, paving a path for other major artists to further drive music discovery through virtual worlds and gamified experiences," said Alvaro Velilla, Senior Vice President, New Business at UMG. "This initiative will unite Zedd superfans and offer them an exclusive first as a token of appreciation for their unwavering support of Zedd, electronic music and the Roblox community."

“Zedd的Beat Galaxy活動將是UMG旗下藝術家首次在Roblox平台上利用Spotify的預存功能,爲其他重要藝術家打開通往虛擬世界和遊戲體驗的新途徑,進一步推動音樂傳播," UMGM新業務高級副總裁Alvaro Velilla說:「這個倡議將團結Zedd的超級粉絲,並向他們提供獨家特權,作爲對他們對Zedd、電子音樂和Roblox社區的堅定支持的感謝。」

Since launching in December of 2023, Beat Galaxy has become a landmark experience across genres, allowing artists to leverage their IP in new and innovative ways. Supersocial, the developer of Beat Galaxy, worked directly with UMG's family of labels to bring artists including The Rolling Stones, YUNGBLUD, and Mae Stephens to life in a virtual setting, which have collectively garnered over 84 million impressions from immersive ads on Roblox and 500,000 unique visitors.

自2023年12月推出以來,Beat Galaxy已成爲跨流派的里程碑體驗,使藝術家能夠以新穎創新的方式利用他們的知識產權。Beat Galaxy開發商Supersocial直接與UMG旗下的唱片公司合作,將包括滾石樂隊、YUNGBLUD和Mae Stephens在內的藝術家們在虛擬環境中活靈活現地呈現出來,這些藝術家的沉浸式廣告在Roblox上獲得超過8400萬次展示,吸引了50萬獨立訪客。

"The Supersocial team is thrilled by the initial success of Beat Galaxy. We built the virtual space to bridge the gap between the Roblox community and music fans worldwide," said Yon Raz-Fridman, founder and CEO of Supersocial. "Since launching in late 2023, we've welcomed fans across genres and are excited to feature Zedd as the first electronic music artist taking over Beat Galaxy. We will continue to leverage Beat Galaxy to create new experiences that promote music discovery, community, and self-expression."

Supersocial團隊對Beat Galaxy的初步成功感到非常興奮。我們建立了這個虛擬空間,以彌合Roblox社區和全球音樂歌迷之間的鴻溝,"Supersocial的創始人兼首席執行官Yon Raz-Fridman表示。"自2023年底推出以來,我們迎來了各種類型的粉絲,並且非常高興能夠邀請Zedd作爲第一位接管Beat Galaxy的電子音樂藝術家。我們將繼續利用Beat Galaxy創建新的體驗,以促進音樂發現,社區建設和自我表達。"

Zedd's virtual experience in Beat Galaxy is now available on Roblox. To immerse yourself please visit Beat Galaxy.

Zedd在Beat Galaxy的虛擬體驗現已在Roblox上提供。請訪問 Beat Galaxy.

About Universal Music Group
At Universal Music Group, we exist to shape culture through the power of artistry. UMG is the world leader in music-based entertainment, with a broad array of businesses engaged in recorded music, music publishing, merchandising and audiovisual content. Featuring the most comprehensive catalogue of recordings and songs across every musical genre, UMG identifies and develops artists and produces and distributes the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful music in the world. Committed to artistry, innovation and entrepreneurship, UMG fosters the development of services, platforms and business models in order to broaden artistic and commercial opportunities for our artists and create new experiences for fans. For more information on Universal Music Group visit .

在環球音樂集團,我們以藝術的力量來塑造文化。UMG是全球領先的以音樂爲基礎的娛樂公司,擁有涉足錄音音樂,音樂出版,商品和音視頻內容的廣泛業務。UMG擁有每個音樂流派中最全面的錄音和歌曲目錄,發現和培養藝術家,並製作和發行世界上備受好評和商業成功的音樂作品。UMG致力於藝術,創新和創業精神,並促進服務,平台和商業模式的發展,以擴大藝術家和粉絲的藝術和商業機會,爲粉絲創造新的體驗。有關環球音樂集團的更多信息,請訪問 .

About Interscope Geffen A&M:
Combining the legacies of three of the most influential record labels in modern music history, Interscope Geffen A&M embarked on a new tradition of musical achievement with its unification on January 1, 1999. Headed by Chairman and CEO John Janick, Interscope Geffen A&M is a major force in global music, developing chart-topping artists across a wide range of musical genres including rock, rap, pop and alternative. Interscope Geffen A&M is part of Universal Music Group, the world's largest music company.

關於Interscope Geffen A&M:
綜合了現代音樂史上三個最具影響力的唱片公司的傳承,Interscope Geffen A&m於1999年1月1日啓航了一項新的音樂成就傳統。由董事長兼CEO約翰·賈尼克(John Janick)領導,Interscope Geffen A&m是全球音樂領域的重要力量,在多種音樂流派中培養出了登頂排行榜的藝人,包括搖滾、說唱、流行和另類音樂。Interscope Geffen A&m是環球音樂集團的一部分,後者是世界上最大的音樂公司。

About Supersocial
Supersocial stands at the forefront of the 3D Internet revolution, specializing in creating boundary-pushing virtual worlds with games and experiences that feel authentic and meaningful to metaverse natives, with an initial focus on Roblox. Renowned for its iconic visuals and unparalleled user experience, Supersocial is the premier studio partner to the world's leading brands, redefining the intersection of entertainment, community, and commerce. For more information, please visit .

Supersocial站在3D互聯網革命的最前沿,專門創建突破界限的虛擬世界,擁有遊戲和體驗,令元宇宙原住民感到真實且有意義,最初的重點是在roblox上。以標誌性的視覺效果和無與倫比的用戶體驗而聞名,Supersocial是世界領先品牌的首選工作室合作伙伴,重新定義了娛樂、社區和商業的交匯處。有關更多信息,請訪問 .

About Beat Galaxy
As part of the experience's pioneering approach to music in the metaverse, Beat Galaxy empowers artists to connect with fans like never before in new, virtual-native ways, creating a truly organic approach to immersive discovery.

Beat Galaxy簡介
作爲元宇宙中音樂的開創性方式的一部分,Beat Galaxy賦予藝術家以前所未有的、虛擬本地的方式與粉絲聯繫,創造出一種真正有機的沉浸式發現方式。

Users are empowered to do more than play the rhythm—in Beat Galaxy, players literally ride the rhythm down stunning high-fidelity tracks inspired by the music around them. Track themes come in a variety of popular aesthetics, from flaming rock-inspired firescapes to classic 90s vaporwave highways. The experience further innovates on social expression by empowering players to choose whichever aesthetic they want, no matter what genre of music is chosen.

用戶不僅可以玩節奏遊戲—在Beat Galaxy中,玩家可以真正沿着令人驚歎的高保真音軌騎行節奏。音軌主題有各種受歡迎的美學,從火焰般的搖滾靈感火景到經典的90年代蒸汽波高速公路。該體驗通過賦予玩家選擇他們想要的任何美學的權力,無論選擇了什麼類型的音樂,進一步創新了社交表達。

Beat Galaxy's integrated track runner features fun, competitive play that gamifies the music as users listen. Users race down the track together as the song plays, hitting notes in time with the tune while simultaneously avoiding obstacles. As users complete tracks, they'll receive a score on the leaderboard, gain ranks of Fame, and earn access to exclusive rewards including new tracks, titles, and cosmetics.

Beat Galaxy的集成音軌賽跑模式以有趣的競爭玩法遊戲化音樂,用戶在聽音樂時進行比賽。用戶們一起沿着音軌比賽,與音樂節奏擊中音符的同時避開障礙。當用戶完成音軌時,他們將在排行榜上獲得分數,獲得名望等級,並獲得獨特獎勵,包括新音軌、頭銜和化妝品。

Each playable song in Beat Galaxy is created using cutting-edge beat mapping technology, ensuring the transition from music to movement is completely seamless. This experience-centric approach extends to device-specific controls, supporting gameplay on multiple devices including iOS, Android, PC, Meta Quest VR, and more.

Beat Galaxy中的每一首可玩歌曲都是使用尖端節奏映射技術創建的,確保從音樂到動作的過渡完全無縫銜接。這種以體驗爲中心的方法延伸到設備特定的控件,支持在包括iOS、Android、PC、Meta Quest VR等多種設備上進行遊戲。

Visit Beat Galaxy on Roblox and discover new artists and music as you've never experienced them before!

在Roblox上訪問Beat Galaxy,以前所未有的方式發現新的藝術家和音樂吧!

About Zedd:


Multi-platinum, GRAMMY Award-winning artist/DJ/producer Zedd made his debut with "Clarity" after signing with Interscope in 2012 and has been breaking down barriers surrounding music genres ever since. Throughout his career, Zedd has worked with a diverse range of artists to create hits, including Foxes on "Clarity" (which earned Zedd a 2014 GRAMMY "Best Dance Recording"), Hayley Williams on RIAA platinum-certified hit, "Stay The Night" (which racked up more than 1.3 billion streams ), and Selena Gomez on the platinum-certified track, "I Want You To Know," which spent four weeks at #1 on Billboard's "Hot Dance/Electronic Songs" chart. He's also collaborated with Alessia Cara on their hit single "Stay" which has amassed over 6.3 billion streams worldwide, held the #1 spot at Top 40 radio for six consecutive weeks and earned Zedd his second GRAMMY Award nomination, and with Maren Morris and Grey on the monster hit "The Middle," which earned Zedd is second #1 at Top 40 radio. Digitally, the song has over 4.7 billion streams worldwide and earned Zedd three GRAMMY nominations including "Record Of The Year," "Song Of The Year," and "Best Pop Duo or Group Performance."

多鉑金、葛萊美獎得主、藝術家/知名DJ/製作人Zedd在2012年與Interscope簽約後,憑藉《Clarity》一炮而紅,從此打破了音樂流派之間的壁壘。在他的職業生涯中,Zedd與許多不同的藝術家合作創作了多首暢銷歌曲,包括與Foxes合作的《Clarity》(獲得2014年格萊美獎「最佳舞曲錄音獎」),與Hayley Williams合作的RIAA認證鉑金單曲《Stay The Night》(獲得了超過13億次流媒體播放量),以及與Selena Gomez合作的認證鉑金單曲《I Want You To Know》,在Billboard的「熱門舞曲/電子音樂榜」上連續四周蟬聯榜首。他還與Alessia Cara合作的熱門單曲《Stay》,在全球範圍內累積了超過63億次播放量,在Top 40電臺連續六週登頂,並獲得了Zedd第二次葛萊美獎提名,以及與Maren Morris和Grey合作的熱門單曲《The Middle》,使Zedd第二次登上Top 40電臺榜首。這首歌在全球範圍內擁有超過47億次流媒體播放量,並使Zedd獲得了三項葛萊美獎提名,包括「年度製作」,「年度歌曲」和「最佳流行二重奏或團體表演」獎。

Over the course of his legendary career, Zedd has performed sold-out headlining sets across the world at festivals including Coachella, Lollapalooza, EDC, Summer Sonic Japan, Outside Lands, ULTRA and many more. In 2018 he created his own festival, the famed Zedd in the Park, which has sold out every year since its inception ('18, '19, '22) and is now back for theevent's fourth edition, the first two-day incarnation of the event.

在他傳奇的職業生涯中,Zedd在世界各地的音樂節上表演了售罄的頭號演出,包括Coachella、洛拉帕盧薩、EDC、夏日音波日本、Outside Lands和ULTRA等。在2018年,他創辦了自己的音樂節「著名的Zedd in the Park」,該音樂節自創辦以來每年都售罄('18、'19、'22),並且現在已經迎來了這個活動的第四個版本,也是該活動首次爲期兩天。

Zedd's impressive discography has made an impact across all areas of entertainment, including sports, and film / TV, with a major highlight in 2022 when he opened the NHL All-Star Game with a performance during player introductions. Since then, he's gone on to perform at NBA All-Star Weekend, NCAA Men's Final Four, Formula 1 Miami & Austin ('22), Las Vegas ('23), Bahrain, and 2022's NFL Super Bowl LVI. That same year, he was the official performer for The 74th Primetime Emmy Awards, and made his scripted acting debut in Muppets Mayhem on Disney+. Now, Zedd has sold over 5M+ headlining tickets globally, and racked up over 31.6B streams across all platforms, truly proving himself to be one of the most timeless artists of his generation


Media contact:
Dakota Orlando
Phone: (212) 999-5585
Email: [email protected]

Dakota Orlando
電子郵件: [email protected]

SOURCE Supersocial


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