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- Capital A在第二季度錄得54200萬令吉的淨虧損
Capital A Records Net Loss Of RM542 Million In Quarter 2
Capital A Records Net Loss Of RM542 Million In Quarter 2
Capital A Berhad reported its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended 30 June 2024 posting a revenue of RM4.9 billion and EBITDA of RM735 million, representing Year-on-Year ("YoY") increase of 54% and 59%, respectively.
The group said the results were achieved despite ongoing fleet reactivation efforts with 22 aircraft remaining grounded. Capital A's non-aviation companies showcased promising progress, achieving over RM1.3 billion in Year-to-Date ("YTD") revenue, surpassing YTD revenue in FY2023.
Collectively, the Group achieved Net Operating Profit of RM52 million but a Net Loss of RM542.5 million, primarily due to RM403.9 million in unrealised foreign exchange losses and over RM175 million in finance and depreciation cost relating to non-operating aircraft costs. However, the Group's YTD net cash from operations doubled YoY to RM2.1 billion.
Despite the challenging fuel price and foreign exchange conditions, the airline business demonstrated resilience by posting segmental revenue of RM4.6 billion, a substantial 60% YoY increase, while EBITDA surged to RM707 million, up by 75% YoY, representing a healthy 15% EBITDA margin.
- CEO of Aviation Group, Bo Lingam comments on the business outlook "Our number one priority remains getting our planes back in the air. We have been operating under challenging conditions, with limited aircraft availability due to delayed deliveries and a tight supply of spare parts. Despite this, the first half of the year was a resounding success, surpassing pre-pandemic performance both in terms of revenue and EBITDA. This momentum continues to build as we reactivate our remaining A320 fleet which will further improve margins. Our key partners including General Electric ("GE") and their LEAP engines will be critical for their support in this reactivation.
Capital A Berhad報告了截至2024年6月30日的第二季度未經審計的財務業績,收入爲49令吉,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲73.5萬令吉,同比(「同比」)分別增長54%和59%。
該組織表示,儘管正在努力恢復機隊,22架飛機仍處於停飛狀態,但還是取得了成果。Capital A的非航空公司取得了令人鼓舞的進展,年初至今(「YTD」)的收入超過了RM13,超過了 FY2023 的年初至今收入。
航空集團首席執行官Bo Lingam對業務前景發表了評論:“我們的首要任務仍然是讓飛機重返空中。我們一直在艱難的條件下運營,由於延遲交付和備件供應緊張,飛機可用性有限。儘管如此,上半年還是取得了巨大成功,在收入和息稅折舊攤銷前都超過了疫情前的表現。隨着我們重新啓動剩餘的A320機隊,這種勢頭將繼續增強,這將進一步提高利潤率。我們的主要合作伙伴,包括通用電氣(「GE」)及其LEAP發動機,對於他們在此次重新激活中的支持至關重要。
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在馬來西亞,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是透過Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 提供,該公司受馬來西亞證券監督委員會(SC)監管(牌照號碼︰eCMSL/A0397/2024) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMSL) 。本內容未經馬來西亞證券監督委員會的審查。
Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
moomoo是Moomoo Technologies Inc.公司提供的金融資訊和交易應用程式。
在美國,moomoo上的投資產品和服務由Moomoo Financial Inc.提供,一家受美國證券交易委員會(SEC)監管的持牌主體。 Moomoo Financial Inc.是金融業監管局(FINRA)和證券投資者保護公司(SIPC)的成員。
在新加坡,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是通過Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.提供,該公司受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)監管(牌照號碼︰CMS101000) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMS) ,持有財務顧問豁免(Exempt Financial Adviser)資質。本內容未經新加坡金融管理局的審查。
在澳大利亞,moomoo上的金融產品和服務是通過Moomoo Securities Australia Limited提供,該公司是受澳大利亞證券和投資委員會(ASIC)監管的澳大利亞金融服務許可機構(AFSL No. 224663)。請閱讀並理解我們的《金融服務指南》、《條款與條件》、《隱私政策》和其他披露文件,這些文件可在我們的網站 https://www.moomoo.com/au中獲取。
在加拿大,透過moomoo應用程式提供的僅限訂單執行的券商服務由Moomoo Financial Canada Inc.提供,並受加拿大投資監管機構(CIRO)監管。
在馬來西亞,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是透過Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 提供,該公司受馬來西亞證券監督委員會(SC)監管(牌照號碼︰eCMSL/A0397/2024) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMSL) 。本內容未經馬來西亞證券監督委員會的審查。
Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
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