


HYZON、NEW WAY和RECOLOGY參加了美國能源部的清潔能源活動,展示了北美第一輛氫燃料電池電動垃圾收集車
PR Newswire ·  08/30 18:59

Hyzon's Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Highlighted in Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Displays


OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), a U.S.-based high-performance hydrogen fuel cell system manufacturer and technology developer focused on providing zero-emission power to decarbonize the most demanding industries, along with New Way Trucks, an industry-leading refuse truck body manufacturer, and Recology, a pioneer in sustainable waste management, today showcased North America's first hydrogen fuel cell electric refuse truck to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Under Secretary for Infrastructure David Crane, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla. The vehicle display was part of a landmark clean energy event hosted by the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) to celebrate the official award of a $12.6 billion investment to create a Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub in California.

加利福尼亞奧克蘭,2024年8月30日 / PR Newswire / - 美國高性能氫燃料電池系統製造商和技術開發商Hyzon(納斯達克:HYZN)專注於爲最苛刻的行業提供零排放動力來實現脫碳化,與業內領先的垃圾車車身製造商New Way Trucks以及可持續廢物管理先鋒Recology一同向美國能源部(DOE)基礎設施副部長大衛·克萊恩,加利福尼亞州州長加文·紐森和美國參議員亞歷克斯·帕迪利亞展示了北美首輛氫燃料電池垃圾車給北美首次向聯邦能源部(DOE)基礎設施副部長大衛·克雷恩,加利福尼亞州州長加文·紐森和美國參議員亞歷克斯·帕迪利亞展示的氫燃料電池電動垃圾車,這是一場里程碑式的清潔能源活動,慶祝可再生清潔氫能源系統聯盟(ARCHES)正式獲得了12.6億美元的投資以在加利福尼亞州建立區域清潔氫能源樞紐。

Hyzon, New Way and Recology executives showcase North America's first hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse collection vehicle at an Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) event on Friday, August 30, 2024. Pictured from left to right: Michael Hoffman, National Waste & Recycling Association President and CEO, Mike McLaughlin, New Way CEO, Parker Meeks, Hyzon CEO, Don Ross, New Way Chief Sales Officer, Salvatore M. Coniglio, Recology CEO.
Hyzon,New Way和Recology高管在2024年8月30日星期五舉行的可再生清潔氫能源系統(ARCHES)活動上展示了北美首輛氫燃料電池動力電動垃圾收集車。左起右右起:Michael Hoffman,全國廢物回收協會總裁兼首席執行官,Mike McLaughlin,New Way首席執行官,Parker Meeks,Hyzon首席執行官,Don Ross,New Way首席銷售官,Salvatore m。康尼利奧,Recology首席執行官。
Standing in front of Hyzon's Class 8 Fuel Cell Electric Truck is California Gov. Gavin Newsom at an Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) celebration event on Friday, August 30, 2024.

"Hydrogen is the Swiss army knife of energy sources and that's critically important," said U.S. Department of Energy Under Secretary for Infrastructure David Crane. "The best, most durable use of hydrogen is for heavy-duty transportation. Today's event is a thrill for all of us in the Department of Energy and for everyone in the hydrogen space."


"I'm proud to be here with so many great partners," said California Gov. Gavin Newsom. "This is part of the most significant economic and industrial policy in our lifetime. It's not just about growth, it's about inclusion."


"Today is an opportunity for the public to see the promise for hydrogen's future," said U.S Sen. Alex Padilla. "You see what's possible not in the far future, but today. Under the leadership of ARCHES we have the opportunity to catalyze the whole hydrogen economy. From our ports to our cities, ARCHES is truly a statewide project whose benefits will deliver for everybody. Today is just the beginning and we're excited for what's ahead"

"今天是公衆了解氫能源未來潛力的機會," 美國參議員Alex Padilla說。"你可以看到不是在遙遠的未來,而是在今天,我們有機會在ARCHES的領導下,催化整個氫經濟。從我們的港口到我們的城市,ARCHES是一個真正的州級項目,其好處將爲所有人帶來回報。今天只是一個開始,我們對未來充滿期待。"

"Today, we see not only North America's first hydrogen-powered refuse truck but also the critical role government plays in making these innovations a reality. When government steps up, the private sector responds, and today is proof of that," said Hyzon Chief Executive Officer Parker Meeks. "ARCHES' massive commitment demonstrates how public investment can drive private sector action, accelerating our ability to scale decarbonization efforts now."

"今天,我們不僅看到了北美第一輛氫能源動力垃圾車,還看到了政府在使這些創新成爲現實中扮演的關鍵角色。當政府採取措施時,私營部門會做出響應,而今天就是證明," Hyzon首席執行官Parker Meeks說。"ARCHES的巨大承諾展示了公共投資如何推動私營部門行動,加速我們現在擴大脫碳努力的能力。"

Backed by $1.2 billion in federal funding and $11.4 billion in public and private investments, ARCHES is spearheading one of the most ambitious hydrogen infrastructure projects in the U.S. Under the agreement, ARCHES plans to facilitate a network of clean, renewable hydrogen production sites, including 60 heavy-duty fueling stations and 165 miles of open-access pipelines, to enable the decarbonization of more than 5,000 fuel cell electric trucks. This includes the fuel cell electric refuse collection truck built in partnership between Hyzon and New Way, which is in its first customer trial with Recology. The three companies' collaboration begins the decarbonization of one of the most demanding industries and makes hydrogen fuel cell electric refuse collection a reality for North America.

在12億美元的聯邦資金和114億美元的公共和私人投資的支持下,ARCHES正在帶頭開展美國規模最大的氫基礎設施項目之一。根據協議,ARCHES計劃建立一個清潔、可再生氫生產站的網絡,包括60個重型燃料加註站和165英里的開放式管道,以實現5000多輛燃料電池電動卡車的脫碳。其中包括Hyzon和New Way合作開發的燃料電池電動垃圾收集車,該車目前正在與Recology進行首次客戶試驗。三家公司的合作開啓了一個對要求最高的行業的脫碳過程,並使氫燃料電池電動垃圾收集成爲北美的現實。

"This hydrogen-powered refuse collection vehicle is being designed to best meet the needs of waste haulers and kickstart the transition to clean energy by partners who are best positioned to champion advanced, alternative sustainable solutions across the waste and recycling industry," said Mike McLaughlin, CEO of McLaughlin Family Companies, the parent company of New Way Trucks.

"這款氫能源動力垃圾收集車的設計最能滿足垃圾處理商的需求,並通過在廢物回收行業中擁有最佳位置的合作伙伴,推動向清潔能源的轉變。" New Way Trucks的母公司McLaughlin Family Companies的首席執行官Mike McLaughlin說。

With about 140,000 refuse trucks currently operating across the U.S., this demonstration signals a critical shift toward zero-emission solutions in a challenging application. Hyzon's expertise is central to the creation of the clean energy refuse truck, which integrates high-performance hydrogen fuel cell systems to power demanding urban operations, offering environmental benefits and operational efficiency.


Clean energy initiatives have a champion in Washington, D.C.-based National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA). NWRA President and CEO Michael E. Hoffman said, "The waste industry was an earlier adopter of alternative fuels with more than 30 percent of the routed fleet converted on its own initiative without mandates or subsidies. NWRA, representing nearly three-quarters of the industry, can and will lead vocational fleets to advance emissions reductions while still meeting the daily demands of this essential service, bringing our workers home safely every day and delivering sustainable waste management solutions to our communities and customers."


"True progress is possible when government and industry work hand in hand. Recology intends to do its part to help the waste recovery industry transition to a zero-emission future," said Recology CEO Salvatore M. Coniglio.

Recology首席執行官Salvatore m. Coniglio表示:「當政府和行業攜手合作時,真正的進展才有可能。Recology打算爲幫助廢物回收行業過渡到零排放的未來盡一份力量。」

Today's demonstration also underscored ARCHES' leading role in deploying hydrogen energy solutions to address emissions challenges in traditionally hard-to-decarbonize sectors. As one of seven hydrogen hubs across the country selected for investment by the DOE, ARCHES is projected to create 220,000 direct jobs, including 130,000 in construction and 90,000 permanent positions.


"We're grateful to the Department of Energy for their leadership in the transition to clean hydrogen," Meeks concluded.


About Hyzon
Hyzon is a global supplier of high-performance hydrogen fuel cell technology focused on providing zero-emission power to decarbonize demanding industries. With agile, high-power technology designed for heavy-duty applications, Hyzon is at the center of a new industrial revolution fueled by hydrogen, an abundant and clean energy source. Hyzon focuses on deploying its fuel cell technology in heavy-duty commercial vehicles in Class 8 and refuse vehicles across North America. To learn more about how Hyzon partners across the hydrogen value chain to accelerate the clean energy transition, visit .

關於Hyzon Hyzon 是一家全球高性能氫燃料電池技術供應商,專注於爲最有挑戰性的行業提供零排放動力,實現脫碳化。憑藉專爲重型應用設計的靈活、高功率技術,Hyzon 位於一個由氫,一種豐富且清潔的能源源推動的新工業革命的中心。Hyzon 焦點是在今天和明天的應用領域內在北美、歐洲和澳大利亞/新西蘭部署其燃料電池技術,包括電力和儲能、採礦、建築、軌道、海運和機場生態系統。想了解更多關於Hyzon如何與氫能源價值鏈上的合作伙伴一起加速清潔能源轉型,敬請訪問 官網。
Hyzon是一家全球供應商,提供高性能氫燃料電池技術,專注於爲高需求行業提供零排放動力。憑藉專爲重型應用設計的敏捷、高功率技術,Hyzon是受氫氣驅動的新工業革命的中心——氫氣是一種豐富、清潔的能源。Hyzon專注於在北美的Class 8和回收車輛中部署其燃料電池技術。了解更多關於Hyzon如何與氫氣價值鏈中的合作伙伴加速清潔能源的轉型。

About New Way
New Way Trucks is the largest privately held refuse collection equipment manufacturer in North America. New Way's product lineup features top-performing rear loaders, front loaders and automated side loaders, including the industry-leading Sidewinder XTR, ROTO PAC with our exclusive self-cleaning auger and the small but mighty Wolverine—no commercial driver's license required. New Way Trucks engineers and builds advanced, dependable, sustainable refuse collection products that best meet what waste haulers need, along with offering top-quality original equipment manufacturer parts and unmatched support and service through our nationwide distributor network. Visit to learn more.

New Way Trucks 是北美最大的私人持有的廢物收集設備製造商。New Way的產品系列包括性能優越的後裝載機、前裝載機和自動側裝載機,包括業內領先的Sidewinder XTR、具有獨家自清潔螺旋機的ROTOPAC以及小巧而強大的Wolverine—無需商用駕駛執照。New Way Trucks工程師設計並製造先進、可靠、可持續的廢物收集產品,最好地滿足廢物運輸者的需求,同時通過我們的全國分銷網絡提供高質量的原始設備製造商零部件和無與倫比的支持和服務。訪問 獲取更多信息。

About Recology
Recology is the largest 100% employee-owned company in the waste recovery industry. Based in San Francisco, Recology operates throughout California, Oregon and Washington. Recology's mission represents a fundamental shift from traditional waste management to resource recovery, seeking to eliminate waste by developing and discovering sustainable resource recovery practices that can be implemented globally. Recology seeks to achieve this by creating a resource ecosystem—one that both protects the environment and sustains the local communities the company serves. Recology's focus on sustainable operations and practices makes it possible for the diverse communities Recology serves to achieve high landfill diversion and meet sustainability goals. Visit to learn more.

Recology是廢物回收行業中最大的100%員工持有的公司。總部位於舊金山,Recology在加利福尼亞、俄勒岡和華盛頓運營。Recology的使命代表了從傳統廢物管理到資源回收的根本轉變,旨在通過開發和發現可在全球範圍內實施的可持續資源回收實踐來消除廢物。Recology尋求通過創建一個保護環境並維持公司服務的地方社區的資源生態系統來實現這一目標。Recology專注於可持續運營和實踐,使得Recology服務的多元社區能夠實現高度的填埋物轉移並實現可持續發展目標。訪問 獲取更多信息。

About National Waste & Recycling Association
The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) champions the waste and recycling industry on advocacy, safety and education. Our members deliver essential services that support our communities and businesses in achieving their environmental and sustainability objectives.

關於National Waste & Recycling Association
National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) 是廢物回收行業在倡導、安全和教育方面的捍衛者。我們的會員提供支持我們社區和企業實現其環境和可持續發展目標的基本服務。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include the Company's expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies for the future. You are cautioned that such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that the Company's actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. All of these forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may change at any time. Factors that could cause the Company's actual expectations to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include the Company's ability improve its capital structure; Hyzon's liquidity needs to operate its business and execute its strategy, and related use of cash; its ability to raise capital through equity issuances, asset sales or the incurrence of debt; the possibility that Hyzon may need to seek bankruptcy protection; Hyzon's ability to fully execute actions and steps that would be probable of mitigating the existence of substantial doubt regarding its ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to enter into any desired strategic alternative on a timely basis, on acceptable terms; our ability to maintain the listing of our Common Stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market; retail and credit market conditions; higher cost of capital and borrowing costs; impairments; changes in general economic conditions; and the other factors under the heading "Risk Factors" set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, as supplemented by the Company's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Such filings are available on our website or at You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are made only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent developments, events, or circumstances, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.




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