
New Study Demonstrates That SL-NAD+ Delivers NAD+ Into Cells

New Study Demonstrates That SL-NAD+ Delivers NAD+ Into Cells

PR Newswire ·  09/01 21:00
  • Sublingual NAD+ is the new gold standard for daily NAD+ supplementation, without the need for precursors
  • 舌下NAD+是日常NAD+補充的新金標準,無需前體

SINGAPORE, Sept. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iX Biopharma (the "Company"), a specialty pharmaceutical company specializing in drug delivery systems and a leader in innovative healthspan nutraceuticals, has announced groundbreaking results from a pharmacokinetic study evaluating the sublingual absorption of a novel NAD+ wafer, SL-NAD+. This study is the first to provide compelling evidence that NAD+ can directly enter cells, offering a promising new approach to NAD+ supplementation.

新加坡,2024年9月1日/PRNewswire/--ix生物製藥公司("公司"),一家專門從事藥物傳遞系統的特殊藥品公司,並且是創新健康營養保健品領域的領導者,宣佈從一項評估新型NAD+片劑SL-NAD+舌下吸收的藥代動力學研究中獲得了突破性結果。 該研究首次提供了令人信服的證據,證明NAD+可以直接進入細胞,爲NAD+補充提供了一種有前途的新方法。

The study consisted of 3 parts: 2 single-dose PK studies and a multiple-dose PK study, conducted in 18 Sprague-Dawley rats, examining the plasma and red blood cell NAD+ levels following sublingual administration of NAD+. Assessment of NAD+ levels were done via the LC-MS/MS method, one of the most advanced and reliable methods to test for NAD+.

這項研究由3部分組成:2個單劑量Pk研究和一個多劑量Pk研究,共有18只Sprague-Dawley大鼠參與,研究了給予NAD+舌下給藥後血漿和紅細胞NAD+水平的變化。 通過LC-MS/MS方法評估了NAD+水平,這是目前最先進和可靠的NAD+檢測方法之一。

The results revealed several important findings:


  1. First evidence of direct cellular entry: The study strongly suggests that NAD+ can be transported in and out of cells directly (NAD+ flux), most probably via connexin 43 hemichannels and other solute carrier channels. This is the first in-vivo study to provide evidence supporting this capability.
  2. Rapid sublingual absorption: Mean peak plasma concentration, a 2-fold increase in plasma NAD+ levels, was achieved within 10 minutes of dosing. This underscores the effectiveness of sublingual delivery through the mucosa.
  3. Significant bioavailability: The findings suggest a sublingual bioavailability of SL-NAD+ at 22% compared to intravenous (IV) administration. This provides a promising alternative to IV NAD+ therapy, with the potential for more convenient and sustained NAD+ delivery.
  1. 第一次直接細胞進入的證據:該研究強烈暗示NAD+可以直接進出細胞(NAD+流量),很可能通過connexin 43半通道和其他溶質載體通道。這是第一項能夠支持這種功能的體內研究。
  2. 迅速的舌下吸收:在服藥10分鐘內,平均峯值血漿濃度提高了2倍,這突顯了通過粘膜的舌下給藥的有效性。
  3. 顯著的生物利用度研究結果表明,相較於靜脈(IV)給藥,SL-NAD+的舌下生物利用度達到22%。這爲靜脈NAD+療法提供了一個有前途的替代選擇,具有更便利和持續的NAD+輸送潛力。

Dr. Janakan Krishnarajah, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical Officer of iX Biopharma, said: "This study's findings provide strong evidence that our innovative sublingual freeze-dried technology delivers NAD+ rapidly into plasma and then directly into cells, challenging the previously held belief that its large size prevents cellular penetration. Along with the positive data from our recent human clinical study, this breakthrough positions direct NAD+ supplementation as the new gold standard for boosting NAD+ levels, removing the need for precursors."

iX生物製藥首席運營官兼首席醫療官Janakan Krishnarajah博士表示:「這項研究結果提供了強有力的證據,表明我們創新的舌下速溶冷凍技術可以迅速將NAD+傳遞到血漿,然後直接進入細胞,挑戰了先前的觀念,即NAD+的體積龐大會阻止細胞滲透。除了我們最近一項人體臨床研究的積極數據,這一突破將直接NAD+補充定位爲提升NAD+水平的新黃金標準,減少對前體的需求。」

About NAD+ and SL-NAD+


NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a critical molecule in our body responsible for vital cellular functions in the body. It is crucial for energy production, cellular metabolism, DNA repair, regulating sleep cycles and promoting healthy aging. NAD+ levels decrease as we age, with levels typically dropping to half by the time we reach 50. The decline in NAD+ levels with age is linked to various age-related health concerns and metabolic disorders. In recent years, NAD+ has become an important focus in scientific research on aging, with maintenance of adequate NAD+ levels being linked to healthy aging and longevity. Clinical trials have also been conducted to investigate the potential of NAD+ in treating various age-related diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular and skeletal muscle diseases.


Despite its potential, NAD+ has been challenging to utilise effectively, other than through IV. Alternative ways to boost NAD+ levels with NAD precursors, like NMN and NR, may be inefficient due to bioavailability and other issues, such as inefficient conversion to NAD+ due to age-related declines in enzyme activity.


SL-NAD+ is a novel sublingual wafer that delivers NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system to ensure higher bioavailability and significantly boosting intracellular NAD+ levels. The Company's proprietary freeze-drying process and patented wafer formulation stabilises NAD+ and delivers them as nanoparticles, ensuring rapid disintegration, release, and absorption through the sublingual mucosa. SL-NAD+ is available for purchase on and through select specialist clinics in Singapore.

SL-NAD+是一種新型舌下酮片,可直接將NAD+送入血液循環,在不經過消化系統的情況下確保更高的生物利用度,並顯著提高胞內NAD+水平。該公司的專有冷凍乾燥工藝和專利舌下酮片配方穩定了NAD+,並將其作爲納米顆粒遞送,通過舌下粘膜快速分解、釋放和吸收。 SL-NAD+可在[網站名稱]上購買,並在新加坡的選擇性專科診所購買。

About iX Biopharma Ltd


iX Biopharma is a specialty pharmaceutical and nutraceutical company listed on the Catalist board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST), operating a fully integrated business model from drug development to manufacturing and supply, with facilities in Australia. The Group is focused on the development and commercialisation of pharmaceutical drugs and innovative nutraceuticals using novel, patent-protected formulations for sublingual delivery.


iX Biopharma has developed a number of drug delivery platform technologies, including WaferiX, WaferlogiX and NADiX, which deliver small molecule and biologics sublingually via the mucosa for better absorption, faster onset of action and predictable effect. The drug delivery platforms are particularly useful for drug repurposing, where existing approved drugs are developed into new drugs targeting different indications or a different route of administration, at a lower development cost and risk. iX Biopharma's portfolio includes among others, ketamine, dexmedetomidine, medicinal cannabis and nutraceuticals designed to improve healthspan and longevity.


SOURCE iX Biopharma


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