
Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited增持药明康德(02359)99.4万股 每股作价约33.68港元

Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited增持藥明康德(02359)99.4萬股 每股作價約33.68港元

智通財經 ·  09/02 07:52

8月29日,Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited增持藥明康德(02359)99.4萬股,每股作價33.6849港元,總金額約爲3348.28萬港元。

智通財經APP獲悉,香港聯交所最新資料顯示,8月29日,Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited增持藥明康德(02359)99.4萬股,每股作價33.6849港元,總金額約爲3348.28萬港元。增持後最新持股數目約爲2370.87萬股,持股比例爲6.12%。


補充資料:Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited acquired further interests in its capacity as trustee of the 2024 H Share Award and Trust Scheme of the Company, which triggered a duty of disclosure as the percentage level of interests held by it increased crossing over a whole percentage number which is above 5% (from 5.86% to 6.12%, crossing over 6%)

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