
Atrium Health and Cabarrus Health Alliance Engage Blue Zones to Help Improve Well-Being in Cabarrus County

Atrium Health and Cabarrus Health Alliance Engage Blue Zones to Help Improve Well-Being in Cabarrus County

Atrium Health和Cabarrus Health Alliance與Blue Zones合作,幫助改善Cabarrus County的健康
PR Newswire ·  09/03 15:00

Blue Zones to conduct a countywide assessment and build a plan to help all residents live better, longer


CABARRUS COUNTY, N.C., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Atrium Health and Cabarrus Health Alliance have engaged Blue Zones, the global leader in longevity research and community well-being transformation, to launch Blue Zones Ignite in Cabarrus County. The effort begins with an in-depth readiness and feasibility assessment of the region that will help determine how to make it a healthier place to live, work, grow up, and grow older.

卡巴勒斯縣,北卡羅來納州,2024年9月3日/美通社/-- Atrium Health和卡巴勒斯衛生聯盟已經與全球壽命研究和社區福祉轉型的全球領導者Blue Zones合作,推出Blue Zones Ignite在卡巴勒斯縣。該努力從對該地區進行深入準備和可行性評估開始,以幫助決定如何使它成爲一個更健康的生活、工作、成長和變老的地方

Blue Zones uses an evidence-based, environmental approach to making healthy choices easier in the places and spaces where people spend the most time. Blue Zones will work with Atrium Health Cabarrus, Cabarrus Health Alliance, and other community leaders to conduct a local assessment to determine how to make it a healthier place to live, work, and thrive. Together with the community, the Blue Zones team will assess readiness and build a plan for change.

藍區採用循證環境方法,在人們花費最多時間的場所和空間中使健康選擇更加容易。藍區將與Atrium Health Cabarrus、Cabarrus Health Alliance和其他社區領導者合作,進行本地評估,確定如何使其成爲一個更健康的生活、工作和發展的地方。與社區一起,藍區團隊將評估準備情況,並制定改變計劃

"We have been on a journey to support age-friendly care in our community," said Asha Rodiguez, vice president and facility executive of Atrium Health Cabarrus. "We look forward to reviewing the results of the assessment and the plan Blue Zones proposes to explore ways Atrium Health and our whole community can improve the well-being of our Cabarrus County patients and families."

"我們一直在爲支持我們社區的友老護理而努力。" Atrium Health Cabarrus的副總裁兼設施主管Asha Rodiguez說道。"我們期待着審查評估結果和藍區提出的計劃,以探索Atrium Health和我們整個社區可以改善我們Cabarrus縣患者和家庭的福祉的方法"

Erin Shoe, public health director shared, "Cabarrus Health Alliance is ecstatic to work alongside the teams from Blue Zones and Atrium Health Cabarrus on this transformative opportunity. We want residents from birth to the golden ages to experience a happy and fulfilling life in a community where making healthy choices becomes the easy choice."

公共衛生主管Erin Shoe分享說:"卡巴勒斯衛生聯盟非常興奮能夠與來自藍區和Atrium Health Cabarrus的團隊合作,參與這個變革性的機會。我們希望從出生到盛年的居民都能在一個健康選擇變得易於選擇的社區中,體驗到幸福、充實的生活"

The Blue Zones Approach


Blue Zones employs a proven solution in collaboration with communities to help people live better and longer lives. The company's work is based on research and principles developed by National Geographic Fellow and New York Times bestselling author Dan Buettner, who identified the cultures of the world – or blue zones – with the healthiest, longest-living populations.


The Blue Zones approach focuses on the single largest determinant of health: the place we live. Instead of focusing solely on individual behavior change, Blue Zones helps communities make permanent and semi-permanent changes to policies, systems, streets, surroundings, and social networks so it's easier for residents to eat wisely, move naturally, and connect more with others as they move throughout their day. By improving the Life Radius—the area close to home where most Americans spend 90% of their lives—Blue Zones transformations have been able to move the needle dramatically in improving overall population health and well-being. Participating communities have seen double-digit drops in obesity and smoking rates, economic investment in downtown corridors, grant funding awards to support policies and programs to improve health equity, and measurable savings in healthcare costs.


Ben Leedle, CEO of Blue Zones and Co-founder of Blue Zones Project, said: "We are excited to launch Blue Zones Ignite in Cabarrus County with Atrium Health and Cabarrus Health Alliance. By applying the time-tested principles of Blue Zones, we help communities create supportive environments where healthy living is the norm. This leads to healthier and happier residents, employees, and students, which also leads to a more vibrant economy. We are excited to collaborate to create a transformation plan that will generate lasting positive change for everyone."

藍色地區和藍色地區項目的首席執行官Ben Leedle表示:"我們很高興能與Atrium Health和Cabarrus Health Alliance一起在Cabarrus縣啓動藍色地區點燃計劃。通過應用藍色地區經驗豐富的原則,我們幫助社區創造支持性環境,使健康生活成爲常態。這將導致居民、員工和學生更健康、更幸福,進而促進更加充滿活力的經濟。我們很興奮地合作,共同創建一個能爲每個人帶來持久積極變化的轉型計劃。"

The Blue Zones expert team will connect with Cabarrus County leaders and organizations to begin immediate work assessing the strengths, needs, and challenges that residents are facing today. Blue Zones will then create a policy-focused transformation plan that, once implemented, can drive widespread improvements in well-being, reductions in healthcare costs, and improve economic vitality in the region.


About Blue Zones
Blue Zones employs evidence-based ways to help people live better, longer. The company's work is rooted in explorations and research done by founder and National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner in blue zones regions around the world, where people live extraordinarily long and/or happy lives. The original research and findings were released in Buettner's bestselling books The Blue Zones Solution, The Blue Zones of Happiness, The Blue Zones, Thrive, Blue Zones Kitchen, Blue Zones Challenge, and Blue Zones American Kitchen—all published by National Geographic books. An Emmy Award-winning docuseries, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones, was released on Netflix in 2023. Using original Blue Zones research, Blue Zones works with cities and counties to make healthy choices easier through permanent and semi-permanent changes to our human-made surroundings. Participating communities have experienced double-digit drops in obesity and tobacco use and have saved millions of dollars in healthcare costs. For more information, visit

藍色地區採用基於證據的方法幫助人們過上更好、更長的生活。該公司的工作扎根於創始人、國家地理學家Dan Buettner在世界各地的藍色地區進行的探索和研究,那裏的人們生活得非常長久和/或快樂。最初的研究成果發表在Buettner的暢銷書《藍色地區的解決方案》、《藍色地區的快樂》、《藍色地區》、《興旺》、《藍色地區廚房》、《藍色地區挑戰》和《藍色地區美國廚房》中,這些書都是由國家地理圖書出版的。一部艾美獎獲獎紀錄片系列《活到100歲:藍色地區的祕密》於2023年在Netflix上發佈。根據原始的藍色地區研究,藍色地區與城市和縣市合作,通過對我們人爲環境的長期和半長期的改變,使健康的選擇變得更容易。參與的社區肥胖和菸草使用率都出現了兩位數的下降,並在醫療保健成本上節省了數百萬美元。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Atrium Health

關於Atrium Health

Atrium Health is a nationally recognized leader in shaping health outcomes through innovative research, education and compassionate patient care. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Atrium Health is part of Advocate Health, the third-largest nonprofit health system in the United States, which was created from the combination with Advocate Aurora Health. A recognized leader in experiential medical education and groundbreaking research, Wake Forest University School of Medicine is its academic core. Atrium Health is renowned for its top-ranked pediatric, cancer and heart care, as well as organ transplants, burn treatments and specialized musculoskeletal programs. Atrium Health is also a leading-edge innovator in virtual care and mobile medicine, providing care close to home and in the home. Ranked nationally among U.S. News & World Report's Best Hospitals in eight pediatric specialties and for rehabilitation, Atrium Health has also received the American Hospital Association's Quest for Quality Prize and its 2021 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award, as well as the 2020 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Health Equity Award for its efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in care. With a commitment to every community it serves, Atrium Health seeks to improve health, elevate hope and advance healing – for all, providing nearly $3 billion in free and uncompensated care and other community benefits in 2023.

是美國第三大非營利綜合醫療系統,由Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health合併而成。在伊利諾伊州,Advocate Health Care;在卡羅萊納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬州,Atrium Health;在威斯康星州,Aurora Health Care。Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。 通過創新研究、教育和關懷患者,Atrium Health在塑造健康結果方面享譽全國。總部位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特,Atrium Health是美國第三大非營利性醫療系統——與Advocate Aurora Health合併後創建的Advocate Heal的一部分th。在實踐式醫學教育和開創性研究方面,Atrium Health是領先者,其學術核心是Wake Forest University School of Medicine。Atrium Health以其排名靠前的兒科、癌症和心臟護理,以及器官移植、燒傷治療和專業肌肉骨骼計劃而聞名。Atrium Health還是虛擬護理和移動醫學的領先創新者,爲居民提供家門口和家中的護理。在《美國新聞與世界報道》的《最佳醫院》排名中,Atrium Health在八個兒科專科和康復領域名列全國前茅,並獲得了美國醫院協會的「質量追求獎」,以及2021年Carolyn Boone Lewis衛生關懷公平獎和2020年《醫療保健服務中心》的衛生公平獎,表彰其在減少種族和族裔間的護理差距方面的努力。Atrium Health致力於改善每個社區的健康狀況,提升希望和推動康復,爲所有人提供了將近30億的免費和無償護理及其他社區福利。 Advocate Health是美國第三大非營利綜合醫療系統,由Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health合併而成。在伊利諾伊州,Advocate Health Care;在卡羅萊納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬州,Atrium Health;在威斯康星州,Aurora Health Care。Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。總部位於北卡羅來納州的夏洛特,Advocate Health爲近600萬患者提供服務,並參與數百項臨床實驗和研究研究。,Advocate Health是美國第三大非營利性醫療系統 維克森林大學醫學院 是其學術核心

About Advocate Health
Advocate Health is the third-largest nonprofit integrated health system in the United States – created from the combination of Advocate Aurora Health and Atrium Health. Providing care under the names Advocate Health Care in Illinois, Atrium Health in the Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama, and Aurora Health Care in Wisconsin, Advocate Health is a national leader in clinical innovation, health outcomes, consumer experience and value-based care. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Advocate Health services nearly 6 million patients and is engaged in hundreds of clinical trials and research studies, with Wake Forest University School of Medicine serving as the academic core of the enterprise. It is nationally recognized for its expertise in cardiology, neurosciences, oncology, pediatrics and rehabilitation, as well as organ transplants, burn treatments and specialized musculoskeletal programs. Advocate Health employs 155,000 teammates across 69 hospitals and over 1,000 care locations and offers one of the nation's largest graduate medical education programs with over 2,000 residents and fellows across more than 200 programs. Committed to providing equitable care for all, Advocate Health provides more than $6 billion in annual community benefits.

關於Advocate Health
Advocate Health是美國第三大非營利綜合醫療系統,由Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health合併而成。在伊利諾伊州,Advocate Health Care;在卡羅萊納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬州,Atrium Health;在威斯康星州,Aurora Health Care。Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。總部位於北卡羅來納州的夏洛特,Advocate Health爲近600萬患者提供服務,並參與數百項臨床實驗和研究研究。 是美國第三大非營利綜合醫療系統,由Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health合併而成。在伊利諾伊州,Advocate Health Care;在卡羅萊納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬州,Atrium Health;在威斯康星州,Aurora Health Care。Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。 是美國第三大非營利綜合醫療系統,由Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health合併而成。在伊利諾伊州,Advocate Health Care;在卡羅萊納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬州,Atrium Health;在威斯康星州,Aurora Health Care。Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。Advocate Aurora Health和Atrium Health Advocate Health Care Atrium Health Aurora Health Care Advocate Health在臨床創新、健康結果、消費者體驗和以價值爲基礎的護理方面是全國領導者。總部位於威斯康星州的夏洛特,Advocate Health爲600萬患者提供服務,並參與數百項臨床試驗和研究研究。 維克森林大學醫學院 作爲該企業的學術核心,維克森林大學醫學院在心臟病學、神經科學、腫瘤學、兒科和康復領域,以及器官移植、燒傷治療和專業肌肉骨骼項目方面享有國家級聲譽。Advocate Health在69家醫院和1000多個醫療機構僱傭了1.55萬名員工,並提供全國最大的研究生醫學教育項目之一,擁有2000多名住院醫生和研究員參與200多個項目。Advocate Health致力於爲所有人提供公平的醫療保健,在社區中提供超過60億元的年度社區福利。

About Cabarrus Health Alliance


Cabarrus Health Alliance is the public health authority of Cabarrus County. Cabarrus Health Alliance is an autonomous organization providing services and programs to meet public health needs. Cabarrus Health Alliance is a leader in public health and is nationally recognized for its innovation.




Naomi Imatome-Yun
Blue Zones
[email protected]

Naomi Imatome-Yun
[email protected]

SOURCE Blue Zones


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