
As Research Into Pain Accelerates, a Newly Recognized Type of Pain Comes to the Forefront - Tonix Targets It With FDA-Fast Track-Designated TNX-102 SL

As Research Into Pain Accelerates, a Newly Recognized Type of Pain Comes to the Forefront - Tonix Targets It With FDA-Fast Track-Designated TNX-102 SL

隨着對疼痛的研究加速進行,一種新認可的疼痛類型進入了前沿——Tonix公司憑藉FDA快速通道指定的TNX-102 SL將其作爲目標。
Accesswire ·  09/04 07:00

CHATHAM, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / September 4, 2024 /

新澤西州查塔姆/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 9 月 4 日/

This post was written and published as a collaboration between the in-house editorial team at Benzinga and Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. with financial support from Tonix. The two organizations work to ensure that any and all information contained within is true and accurate as of the date hereof to the best of their knowledge and research. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice.


Research into the causes and nature of pain is accelerating and broadening as evidenced by the more than 400 scientific presentations at the 2024 World Congress on Pain, held August 6-9 in Amsterdam, which was sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain.


The keynote plenary session lecture at the event put a spotlight on what researchers have named nociplastic pain, a third type of pain that is different than the two more well known types of pain, nociceptive (arising from a burn or cut), and neuropathic (arising from pinched or inflamed nerves).


The hallmark of nociplastic (no-see-plastic) pain is the experience of widespread pain in the absence of actual or threatened tissue damage. Nociplastic pain results from dysfunctional processing of sensory experiences by the nervous system. In mechanistic terms, it is a painful experience caused by the altered functioning of pain-related pathways in the peripheral and central nervous system.


Nociplastic pain can occur in isolation, as is the case with fibromyalgia, but an even greater number of people have mixed pain states. It's common for people to become afflicted with nociplastic pain as parts of their body's sensory system break down from years of suffering chronic nociceptive or neuropathic pain1.


"Nociplastic pain is the third primary type of pain and one of the most challenging to treat. Nociplastic pain is always chronic, so treatments need to be suitable for long term use. Tolerability and low-addiction risk are very important. Typical analgesics like NSAIDs and opioids miss the mark because of issues with long term tolerability and addiction, respectively," notes Seth Lederman, M.D., CEO of Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: TNXP), which is developing a new non-addictive treatment for fibromyalgia, the prototypic nociplastic pain syndrome.

“創傷性疼痛是第三種主要的疼痛,也是最難治療的疼痛之一。創傷性疼痛始終是慢性的,因此治療需要適合長期使用。耐受性和低成癮風險非常重要。Tonix Pharmicals Holding Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:TNXP)首席執行官塞思·萊德曼萬博士指出,非甾體抗炎藥和阿片類藥物等典型鎮痛藥分別由於長期耐受性和成癮性疼痛綜合徵問題而未能達到目標。

He continued, "Think of nociplastic pain as being caused by a software bug in a certain part of the brain that exaggerates sensory experiences and turns them into feelings of real pain."


Fibromyalgia was the "Rosetta Stone" that led experts to decipher nociplastic pain and name it. People with fibromyalgia typically hurt all over their bodies, which is consistent with the programming flaw in the part of the brain that interprets all pain. Pain is like an error message, and coming from the brain the error message gets applied to almost all sensations.

纖維肌痛是 「羅塞塔石碑」,它促使專家們解讀了創傷性疼痛並給它起了個名字。纖維肌痛患者通常全身受傷,這與解釋所有疼痛的大腦部分存在的編程缺陷一致。疼痛就像錯誤信息,錯誤信息來自大腦,幾乎適用於所有感覺。

The Three Kinds of Pain


  • Nociceptive pain is typified by a stubbed toe or appendicitis in which the nervous system is operating normally to warn about tissue injury and prevent further damage. It localizes the injury.

  • Neuropathic pain is typified by sciatica or shingles in which nerves are squeezed or infected by a virus. The pain experience can be localized to the injured tissue. But damaged nerves can also transmit location information that may be misleading - for example, in sciatica, pain shoots down the leg, while the problem is in compression on a spinal nerve root. Phantom Limb syndrome is another kind of neuropathic pain that appears to come from a limb that's been amputated.

  • Nociplastic pain is the third type of pain, and the most recently defined. Until recently, people with nociplastic pain were treated with skepticism and disbelief because doctors, employers and insurance companies thought they were fabricating symptoms to avoid work, shirk responsibilities and seek benefits. However, nociplastic pain is very real to the patients who experience it2. Moreover, nociplastic pain may be even worse than nociceptive or neuropathic pain in terms of how many people suffer and for how long. More than 7 million people with nociplastic pain globally develop depression and anxiety. It is recognized as a major component of the opioid crisis.

  • 傷害性疼痛的典型表現爲腳趾僵硬或闌尾炎,在這種炎症中,神經系統運行正常,以警告組織損傷並防止進一步損傷。它可以定位損傷。

  • 神經性疼痛的典型表現爲坐骨神經痛或帶狀皰疹,其中神經受到病毒的擠壓或感染。疼痛體驗可以侷限於受傷的組織。但是,受損的神經也會傳遞可能具有誤導性的位置信息,例如,在坐骨神經痛中,疼痛會從腿部向下移動,而問題在於脊神經根受壓。幻肢綜合徵是另一種神經性疼痛,似乎來自被截肢的肢體。

  • 創傷性疼痛是第三種疼痛,也是最近定義的疼痛。直到最近,創傷性疼痛患者仍受到懷疑和難以置信的治療,因爲醫生、僱主和保險公司認爲他們編造症狀是爲了逃避工作、逃避責任和尋求福利。但是,對於經歷過創傷性疼痛的患者來說,創傷性疼痛是非常真實的2。此外,就有多少人遭受痛苦和持續多長時間而言,創傷性疼痛可能比傷害性疼痛或神經病理性疼痛還要嚴重。全球有超過700萬名創傷性疼痛患者出現抑鬱和焦慮症。它被認爲是阿片類藥物危機的主要組成部分。

Fibromyalgia is a common chronic pain condition that is the archetype of nociplastic pain.3,4,5 Three drugs are currently approved by the FDA, but patients and providers report widespread dissatisfaction with them due mainly to poor tolerability and off-putting side effects. As a result, doctors prescribe opioids off label more often than all of the FDA-approved drugs combined.

纖維肌痛是一種常見的慢性疼痛疾病,是創傷性疼痛的原型。3,4,5 三種藥物目前已獲得 FDA 的批准,但患者和提供者報告說,由於耐受性差和令人反感的副作用,患者和提供者對它們普遍不滿意。結果,醫生開不貼標籤的阿片類藥物處方的頻率比所有美國食品藥品管理局批准的藥物的總和還要多。

Opioids bring their own, well-known set of problems. They can be addictive and, over time, even life-threatening. Of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain, 21% to 29% misuse them, while about 8% to 12% develop opioid use disorder. The cost of opioid addiction was close to $1.5 trillion in 2020 in the United States alone.


Tonix is developing TNX-102 SL*, a first-in-class non-opioid treatment for fibromyalgia. Since fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition, TNX-102 SL is a potential non-opioid analgesic, which is the medical term for "pain killer".

Tonix 正在開發 TNX-102 SL*,這是同類首款治療纖維肌痛的非阿片類藥物療法。由於纖維肌痛是一種慢性疼痛疾病,TNX-102 SL 是一種潛在的非阿片類鎮痛藥,是 「止痛藥」 的醫學術語。

TNX-102 SL is Designed to Treat Fibromyalgia in a New Way

TNX-102 SL 專爲以新方式治療纖維肌痛而設計

TNX-102 SL is a sublingual formulation of cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride designed to improve sleep quality rather than quantity in fibromyalgia, setting it apart from existing treatments for either fibromyalgia or sleep disorders.

TNX-102 SL 是鹽酸環苯扎林的舌下配方,旨在改善纖維肌痛的睡眠質量而不是數量,使其與纖維肌痛或睡眠障礙的現有治療方法區分開來。

Traditional sedatives like Ambien fail to manage the type of sleep disturbance that typifies fibromyalgia. Bad sleep worsens pain and pain worsens sleep6,7. Lack of sleep can also hyperexcite the central nervous system (CNS) lower pain tolerance. TNX-102 SL is designed to improve sleep quality in fibromyalgia and in two Phase 3 studies, TNX-102 SL improved nociplastic pain in fibromyalgia, which is the primary endpoint FDA requires to approve a new fibromyalgia drug.

像Ambien這樣的傳統鎮靜劑無法控制纖維肌痛的典型睡眠障礙。睡眠不好會加劇疼痛,疼痛會加劇睡眠6,7。睡眠不足也會過度興奮中樞神經系統(CNS),降低疼痛耐受性。TNX-102 SL 旨在改善纖維肌痛的睡眠質量,在兩項 3 期研究中,TNX-102 SL 改善了纖維肌痛的創傷性疼痛,這是 FDA 批准一種新的纖維肌痛藥物所需的主要終點。

In the latest phase 3 trial, TNX-102 SL showed a statistically significant improvement in fibromyalgia pain with a p-value of 0.00005. Tonix reports that significant results were also seen in improving sleep quality, reducing fatigue and improving overall fibromyalgia symptoms and function. TNX-102 SL was well tolerated and the most common side effects were transient sensations in the mouth corresponding with the disintegration of the tablet under the tongue.

在最新的3期試驗中,TNX-102 SL顯示纖維肌痛有統計學上的顯著改善,p值爲0.00005。Tonix報告說,在改善睡眠質量、減輕疲勞以及改善整體纖維肌痛症狀和功能方面也取得了顯著成果。TNX-102 SL 耐受性良好,最常見的副作用是口腔中的短暫感覺,相應於片劑在舌下解體。

An Urgent Need


The need for new ways to treat fibromyalgia is underscored by the fact that TNX-102 SL was recently granted Fast Track designation by the FDA, which is designed to facilitate development and expedite the review of important new drugs intended to treat serious conditions and address unmet medical needs. Its goal is to get new treatments to patients sooner. Companies whose programs are granted Fast Track designation are eligible for more frequent interactions with the FDA during clinical development.

TNX-102 SL最近被美國食品藥品管理局授予Fast Track稱號,這一事實突顯了對治療纖維肌痛的新方法的需求,該認證旨在促進旨在治療嚴重疾病和滿足未滿足的醫療需求的重要新藥的開發和加快審查。它的目標是儘快爲患者提供新的治療方法。項目獲得 「快速通道」 稱號的公司有資格在臨床開發期間與FDA進行更頻繁的互動。

In addition to receiving Fast Track designation, Tonix is finalizing the filing of the New Drug Application (NDA) for TNX-102 SL, which it plans to submit to the FDA in the second half of 2024. Coming out of pre-NDA meetings, Tonix said it is aligned with the FDA regarding TNX-102 SL. Tonix plans to request Priority Review designation for TNX-102 SL, and if granted, the FDA may accelerate the review of the NDA.

除了獲得快速通道認證外,Tonix還正在完成TNX-102 SL的新藥申請(NDA)的申請,計劃在2024年下半年向美國食品藥品管理局提交該申請。在保密協議前的會議上,託尼克斯表示,在 TNX-102 SL 問題上,它與美國食品藥品管理局保持一致。Tonix計劃申請對 TNX-102 SL的優先審查指定,如果獲得批准,美國食品藥品管理局可能會加快對保密協議的審查。

"The Fast Track designation underscores the importance of addressing the unmet needs of fibromyalgia patients, who report dissatisfaction with current treatment options," said Dr. Lederman. "If approved by the FDA, we expect TNX-102 SL to become the first new pharmacotherapy for fibromyalgia in over 15 years."

萊德曼博士說:「Fast Track的稱號凸顯了解決纖維肌痛患者未得到滿足的需求的重要性,他們表示對當前的治療方案不滿意。」「如果獲得美國食品藥品管理局的批准,我們預計 TNX-102 SL 將成爲15年來第一種治療纖維肌痛的新藥物。」

Nociplastic pain, whether it arises in a pure form from fibromyalgia or in a mixed form from another pathology, is a huge problem in America and beyond, negatively impacting the quality of life for millions of people. Current treatments are often either ineffective or difficult to take over long periods of time because of side-effects. TNX-102 SL, has no recognized risk of addiction and appears to be well tolerated with long term use. Tonix is preparing the NDA which has received FDA Fast Track designation. A new approach to fibromyalgia may mean hope for the millions of Americans who suffer from it.

創傷性疼痛,無論是純粹的纖維肌痛還是由另一種病理引起的混合形式,在美國及其他地區都是一個巨大的問題,對數百萬人的生活質量產生負面影響。由於副作用,目前的治療通常要麼無效,要麼難以長期使用。TNX-102 SL 沒有公認的成癮風險,長期使用後似乎耐受性良好。Tonix正在準備保密協議,該協議已獲得美國食品藥品管理局的快速通道認證。一種治療纖維肌痛的新方法可能爲數百萬遭受纖維肌痛之苦的美國人帶來希望。

*TNX-102 SL is an investigational new drug and has not been approved for any indication.

*TNX-102 SL 是一種在研新藥,尚未獲準用於任何適應症。

1Wikipedia "Nociplastic pain". .
2Geddes, L. June 28, 2021 "Sufferers of chronic pain have been told it's all in your head. We now know that's wrong. The Guardian. URL:
3Fitzcharles MA, et al. Nociplastic pain: towards an understanding of prevalent pain conditions. Lancet 2021;397:2098-110
4Clauw DJ. From fibrositis to fibromyalgia to nociplastic pain: how rheumatology helped get us here and where do we go from here? Ann Rheum Dis. Published Online First: 2024
5Kaplan, C.M., Kelleher, E., Irani, A. et al. Deciphering nociplastic pain: clinical features, risk factors and potential mechanisms. Nat Rev Neurol. 2024;20, 347-363
6Moldofsky H, et al. Musculosketal symptoms and non-REM sleep disturbance in patients with "fibrositis syndrome" and healthy subjects. Psychosom Med. 1975;37:341-51
7Moldofsky H, Scarisbrick P. Induction of neurasthenic musculoskeletal pain syndrome by selective sleep stage deprivation. Psychosom Med. 1976;38:35-44

1維基百科 「創傷性疼痛」。
2Geddes,L. 2021 年 6 月 28 日 “慢性疼痛患者被告知這一切都在你的腦海中。我們現在知道這是錯誤的。《衛報》。網址:
3Fitzcharles MA 等創傷性疼痛:逐步了解普遍的疼痛狀況。《柳葉刀》2021; 397:2098-110
4Claw DJ。從纖維炎到纖維肌痛再到傷害性疼痛:風溼病學如何幫助我們走到這裏,我們該走向何方?Ann Rheum Dis首次在線發佈:2024
5Kaplan、c.m.、Kelleher、E.、Irani、A. 等解讀創傷性疼痛:臨床特徵、危險因素和潛在機制。Nat Rev Neurol. 2024;20,347-363
6Moldofsky H 等人「纖維炎綜合徵」 患者和健康受試者的肌肉骨骼症狀和非快速眼動睡眠障礙。Psychosom Med. 1975;37:341-51
7Moldofsky H、Scarisbrick P. 選擇性睡眠階段剝奪誘發神經衰弱肌肉骨骼疼痛綜合徵。Psychosom Med. 1976;38:35-44

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由 monsitj 在 iStock 上拍攝的精選照片。

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