
Paine Schwartz Partners Adds Adam Klein as Managing Director on Its Investment Team

Paine Schwartz Partners Adds Adam Klein as Managing Director on Its Investment Team

Paine Schwartz Partners將亞當·克萊因Adam Klein添加到其投資團隊,任董事總經理。
PR Newswire ·  09/04 08:00

NEW YORK, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Paine Schwartz Partners, a global leader in sustainable food chain investing, today announced the addition of Adam Klein as a Managing Director on its Investment Team. Mr. Klein brings over 20 years of investment experience, most recently at Crestview Partners where he focused on private equity investments in North America and Europe, leading the firm's climate and sustainability efforts.


Kevin Schwartz, Chief Executive Officer of Paine Schwartz Partners, said "We are pleased to welcome Adam to the team. His addition marks another important step in our efforts to build a robust, high caliber Investment Team and further expands our deal sourcing, execution, and value creation capabilities. His experience in climate and responsible investing will also bolster Paine Schwartz's leadership in agricultural decarbonization and sustainability. As the largest private equity firm dedicated to sustainable food and agribusiness, we are continuing to invest in talent alongside our strong growth in AUM, currently at over $6 billion."

Paine Schwartz Partners首席執行官Kevin Schwartz表示:「我們很高興歡迎Adam加入團隊。他的加入標誌着我們努力建立強大、高素質的投資團隊的又一個重要步驟,並進一步擴大了我們的交易貨源、執行和創造價值能力。他在氣候和責任投資方面的經驗還將加強Paine Schwartz在農業減碳和可持續性方面的領導地位。作爲致力於可持續食品和農業商業的最大私募股權公司,我們在AUm方面保持強勁增長,目前已超過60億美元。」

Mr. Klein commented, "It is a privilege to join Paine Schwartz Partners, a firm recognized for its deep and successful experience investing in the food and agribusiness sector and its leadership in sustainability. I look forward to partnering with my new colleagues and our Head of Sustainability to identify, execute, and create value across the food value chain."

Klein先生評論說:「能夠加入Paine Schwartz Partners是一種榮幸,這家公司以其在食品和農業領域的深厚而成功的投資經驗以及在可持續性方面的領導地位而聞名。我期待與新同事和我們的可持續發展負責人合作,共同識別、執行和創造食品價值鏈上的價值。」

About Adam Klein
Prior to joining Paine Schwartz Partners, Mr. Klein was a Partner at Crestview Partners where he worked for 17 years, focusing on private equity investing in North America and Europe. At Crestview, Mr. Klein was a member of the Investment Committee, Head of the Climate and Sustainability investment team, Co-head of the Energy vertical, and Chairman of the Responsible Investing Committee. Mr. Klein began his career in investment banking at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette and then private equity at Centennial Ventures. Mr. Klein is a graduate of Harvard College (A.B. in Economics, cum laude) and Harvard Business School (M.B.A.).

關於Adam Klein
加入Paine Schwartz Partners之前,Klein先生曾在Crestview Partners擔任合夥人長達17年,重點關注在北美和歐洲的私募股權投資。在Crestview,Klein先生是投資委員會成員,氣候和可持續性投資團隊負責人,能源垂直領導共同負責人以及負責投資委員會主席。Klein先生開始了他的職業生涯,在Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette投資銀行工作,然後成爲Centennial Ventures的私募股權投資者。Klein先生畢業於哈佛學院(經濟學A.b.學位,優等)和哈佛商學院(工商管理碩士)。

About Paine Schwartz Partners
Paine Schwartz Partners is the largest private equity firm dedicated to sustainable food chain investing, with ~$6 billion of AUM and over 20 years of experience. The firm invests across specific segments of the food and agribusiness value chain, with a focus on two core investment themes: productivity and sustainability and health and wellness. Through its proactive, thesis-driven approach, the firm targets value-added and differentiated companies and makes primarily control buyout investments, with a smaller allocation to growth companies. For further information, please see .

關於Paine Schwartz Partners
Paine Schwartz Partners是專注於可持續食品鏈投資的最大私募股權公司,管理資產規模約爲60億美元,擁有超過20年的經驗。該公司在食品和農業業務價值鏈的特定領域進行投資,重點關注兩個核心投資主題:生產力與可持續性以及健康和健康。通過積極的基於論點的方法,該公司針對增值和差異化的公司進行投資,主要進行控股收購投資,並將較小部分的投資指向成長型公司。欲了解更多信息,請參閱。

Andy Brimmer / Aaron Palash
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
+1 212-355-4449

Andy Brimmer / Aaron Palash
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
+1 212-355-4449

SOURCE Paine Schwartz Partners

信息來源:Paine Schwartz Partners

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