
Age of Union Announces the Los Angeles Premiere of the Black Hole Experience at L.A. Climate Week

Age of Union Announces the Los Angeles Premiere of the Black Hole Experience at L.A. Climate Week

PR Newswire ·  09/04 14:00

Debuting for the first time in Los Angeles, the immersive experience will be open to the public with free admission on September 14, 2024, and part of L.A. Climate Week opening and closing ceremonies.


MONTREAL, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Age of Union Alliance, a non-profit environmental organization led by Emmy award-winning executive producer, global environmentalist, and Lightspeed Commerce Inc. CEO Dax Dasilva, is thrilled to bring The Black Hole Experience (BHX) to L.A. Climate Week. This immersive exhibition, crafted by multidisciplinary artist Kelly Nunes, is set to ignite the next generation of changemakers and foster a collective consciousness. After engaging with a wide audience in Chicago, New York City, Toronto, and Montreal, BHX is now heading to the West Coast. Debuting for the first time in Los Angeles during L.A. Climate Week, BHX will be live during the opening ceremony on September 8, for the Clean Energy Expo on September 14 (open to the public for free admission), and also during the closing ceremony on September 15, all taking place at House of Cocotte in the Arts District. For a sneak peek, watch the sizzle reel here.

蒙特利爾,2024 年 9 月 4 日 /PRNewswire/- 聯盟時代聯盟,由艾美獎獲獎執行製片人、全球環保人士和Lightspeed Commerce Inc.首席執行官達克斯·達席爾瓦領導的非營利性環保組織很高興帶來 黑洞體驗 (BHX) 到 洛杉磯氣候周。這個身臨其境的展覽由多學科藝術家精心製作 凱利·努內斯,必將激發下一代變革者並培養集體意識。在芝加哥、紐約市、多倫多和蒙特利爾吸引了廣大觀衆之後,BHX現在正前往西海岸。BHX在洛杉磯氣候週期間首次在洛杉磯首次亮相,將在9月8日的開幕式上,9月14日的清潔能源博覽會(向公衆免費開放)的開幕式上直播,也將在9月15日的閉幕式上直播,全部在藝術區的House of Cocotte舉行。要先睹爲快,請觀看炙手可熱的片段 這裏

Image Credit: Age of Union (CNW Group/Age of Union Alliance)
圖片來源:聯盟時代(CNW 集團/聯盟時代聯盟)

The Black Hole Experience is Age of Union's latest creative venture designed to inspire the next generation of changemakers. With the belief that conservation is the frontline fight against climate change, the non-profit organization works on global conservation projects to protect the planet's threatened species and ecosystems. Age of Union also uses various art forms to help humankind foster deeper connections with the world around them. For example, the alliance hosted immersive art exhibitions at the Age of Union Centre in Montreal and produced numerous short films and feature documentaries to share powerful stories of environmental changemakers with the masses, capturing their challenges and triumphs. Notably, founder Dax Dasilva worked as executive producer on "Wildcat", which earned acclaim as the "Outstanding Nature Documentary of 2023" at the prestigious 44th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards.

黑洞體驗是聯盟時代的最新創意項目,旨在激勵下一代變革者。該非營利組織堅信保護是應對氣候變化的第一線,因此致力於全球保護項目,以保護地球受威脅的物種和生態系統。Age of Union 還使用各種藝術形式來幫助人類與周圍世界建立更深層次的聯繫。例如,該聯盟在蒙特利爾的聯盟時代中心舉辦了沉浸式藝術展覽,並製作了許多 短片和故事紀錄片 與群衆分享環境變革者的精彩故事,記錄他們的挑戰和勝利。值得注意的是,創始人達克斯·達席爾瓦曾擔任《野貓》的執行製片人,該片在久負盛名的第44屆年度新聞和紀錄片艾美獎上被譽爲 「2023年傑出自然紀錄片」。

What is the Black Hole Experience?


The Black Hole Experience is housed in a 53' double expandable trailer with an impressive 1000 sq. ft. of interior space that hosts an LED tunnel leading to the black hole projection chamber where visitors sit enveloped from all angles by celestial and black hole phenomena. There are two antichamber rooms for waiting and exiting with information about the experience and Age of Union.

Black Hole Experience 設在一輛 53 英尺的雙層可擴展拖車中,內部空間令人印象深刻,其內部空間爲 1000 平方英尺,其中有一條通向黑洞投影室的 LED 隧道,遊客坐在那裏從各個角度被天體和黑洞現象所籠罩。有兩個反室室可供等候和退出,裏面有關於體驗和聯盟時代的信息。

BHX offers a meditative experience that resonates with the widespread fascination of the cosmos, as sparked by recent celestial events such as the 2024 solar eclipse and aurora borealis. By immersing individuals in a visually stunning environment inspired by black holes, Age of Union aims to cultivate a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world around us, even among those who don't typically meditate.

BHX 提供的冥想體驗與宇宙的廣泛迷戀產生共鳴,這是由最近的天體事件(例如2024年日食和北極光)引發的。通過讓人們沉浸在受黑洞啓發的令人驚歎的視覺環境中,Age of Union旨在培養一種對我們周圍自然世界的驚奇感和欣賞感,即使是那些通常不進行冥想的人也是如此。

  • WHAT: The Black Hole Experience, a 53' mobile immersive exhibition presented by Age of Union
  • WHERE: House of Cocotte, 2028 E 7th St, Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
  • WHEN: Sunday, September 8 to Sunday, September 15, 2024
    • Sunday, September 8: Live 5pm to 11pm - Opening Ceremonies, private event
    • Saturday, September 14: Live 10am to 3pm - Clean Energy Expo, public event
    • Sunday, September 15: Live 5pm to 11pm - Closing Ceremonies, private event
  • 內容:《黑洞體驗》,由《聯盟時代》主辦的 53 英尺移動沉浸式展覽
  • 地點:美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯東七街 2028 號 House of Cocotte 90021
  • 時間:2024 年 9 月 8 日星期日至 9 月 15 日星期日
    • 9 月 8 日星期日:下午 5 點至晚上 11 點直播-開幕式、私人活動
    • 9月14日星期六:上午10點至下午3點直播——清潔能源博覽會,公共活動
    • 9 月 15 日星期日:下午 5 點至晚上 11 點直播-閉幕式、私人活動

The experience will be open to the public to visit on Saturday, September 14 at the Clean Energy Expo, between 10 am and 3pm.


As a part of the closing ceremonies on Sunday, September 15, Dax Dasilva will be speaking on "How Creative Art Forms Can Inspire Environmental Change" to delve into the intersection of art and environmental activism, exploring how creative expression can galvanize communities to take meaningful action against climate change.

作爲9月15日星期日閉幕式的一部分,達克斯·達席爾瓦將就 「創意藝術形式如何激發環境變革」 發表演講,深入探討藝術與環境行動主義的交匯點,探討創造性表達如何激勵社區採取有意義的行動應對氣候變化。

"We are so thrilled to have the Black Hole Experience have its L.A. debut at L.A. Climate Week. Los Angeles is home to incredible talent, from environmentally aware curators to leaders in sustainable art, who will deeply resonate with this immersive journey. Our aim is to ignore a sense of wonder and a profound realization of our intrinsic connection to Earth, inspiring every participant to recognize and embrace their role in protecting our planet," shares Dax Dasilva.

「我們很高興黑洞體驗在洛杉磯氣候週上首次亮相洛杉磯。洛杉磯擁有非凡的人才,從具有環保意識的策展人到可持續藝術的領導者,他們將在這段身臨其境的旅程中產生深刻的共鳴。我們的目標是忽略驚奇感和對我們與地球內在聯繫的深刻認識,激勵每位參與者認可並接受他們在保護地球方面的作用,」 Dax Dasilva分享道。

About Age of Union Alliance
Age of Union is a non-profit environmental alliance that supports and makes visible a global community of changemakers working on the ground to protect the planet's threatened species and ecosystems. Launched in October 2021 by tech leader and environmental activist Dax Dasilva in Montreal, Canada, Age of Union seeks to ignite a flame within every person through conservation efforts that solve critical environmental challenges around the world and inspire high-impact change by showing the positive impact that every individual can make. Age of Union is also actively involved in environmental documentary filmmaking. The organization has produced impactful short and feature documentaries that delve into the stories of dedicated changemakers. One such production, "Wildcat," earned acclaim as the "Outstanding Nature Documentary of 2023" at the prestigious 44th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards.

Age of Union是一個非營利性環境聯盟,旨在支持和宣傳全球變革者社區,努力保護地球受威脅的物種和生態系統。Age of Union由科技領袖兼環保活動家達克斯·達席爾瓦於2021年10月在加拿大蒙特利爾發起,旨在通過保護工作點燃每個人內心的火焰,解決世界各地的關鍵環境挑戰,並通過展示每個人可以產生的積極影響來激發高影響力的變革。聯盟時代還積極參與環境紀錄片的製作。該組織製作了有影響力的短片和專題紀錄片,深入探討了敬業的變革者的故事。其中一部作品《野貓》在久負盛名的第44屆年度新聞和紀錄片艾美獎頒獎典禮上被譽爲 「2023年傑出自然紀錄片」。

Learn more at The Black Hole Experience and Age of Union

要了解更多信息,請訪問 黑洞體驗聯盟時代

SOURCE Age of Union Alliance


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