
IVE Group (ASX:IGL) FY24 Results

IVE Group (ASX:IGL) FY24 Results

sharecafe ·  09/05 01:50

IVE Group Limited (ASX:IGL) Managing Director Matt Aitken discusses the company's activities over the past year, touching on key metrics and projects, costs, integration of Ovato, sustainability initiatives, acquisitions of JacPak and Elastic Group, and Lasoo's performance.

IVE Group Limited (ASX: IGL)董事總經理Matt Aitken討論了過去一年的公司活動,涉及關鍵指標和項目,成本,Ovato的整合,可持續發展倡議,JacPak和Elastic Group的收購,以及Lasoo的表現。

Paul Sanger: I'm Paul Sanger for the Finance News Network, and today I'm talking with IVE Group (ASX:IGL). IVE Group, trading under the ASX code "IGL", with a market cap of $350m, is Australia's largest diversified marketing communications business. IVE brings together the capabilities, specialists and technology to make customer connections seamless -- or, as IVE puts it, it manages communications and marketing from idea to execution. We have with us today Matt Aitken, the Managing Director. Matt, welcome to the network.

Paul Sanger: 我是Paul Sanger,這是Finance News Network的報道,今天我和IVE Group (ASX: IGL)進行了對話。IVE Group以ASX代碼"IGL"交易,在AU市值爲$35000萬,是澳洲最大的多元化營銷通信企業。IVE集合了各種能力、專家和技術,使客戶的連接無縫對接,正如IVE所說,它管理從理念到執行的溝通和營銷。今天我們有幸邀請到董事總經理Matt Aitken。Matt,歡迎來到我們的節目。

Matt Aitken: Thanks, Paul. Thank you.

Matt Aitken: 謝謝,Paul。謝謝你的邀請。

Paul Sanger: Good to have you here. Now, Matt, congratulations on a really strong FY24 performance. All key profit metrics are up, with solid margin expansion. What were the primary drivers behind this uplift, and how do you see these trends continuing into FY25?

Paul Sanger: 很高興有你在這裏。現在,Matt,對於強勁的FY24業績,我們向你表示祝賀。所有重要的利潤指標都上升,並實現了穩定的利潤率擴張。這種增長的主要推動因素是什麼?你如何看待這些趨勢在FY25繼續發展?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, thanks, Paul. We're really pleased with the FY24 results. It's a very solid result for the group. You know, revenue was pretty stable at almost a billion dollars, but we saw good margin expansion, as you've said, across our EBITDA line at $128m and our NPAT line at $43m. And a lot of what ultimately was driving that too was the increase in our material gross margins. So, in our profit margins, as we climb back towards pre-COVID levels in that space, as we start to see stability in our cost of goods sold and our raw materials and in our supply chains and we create some of that margin expansion. We also concluded a number of key projects through the year, which we'll talk about soon, no doubt, but the Ovato integration concluding just prior to Christmas was a big part of addressing some of that margin uplift.

Matt Aitken: 是的,謝謝,Paul。我們對FY24的業績非常滿意。這對集團來說是一個非常穩健的結果。你知道,收入基本穩定在近10億美元左右,但我們在我們的EBITDA線上以1.28億美元和我們的NPAt線上以4300萬美元實現了良好的利潤率擴張。最終推動這一切的很大一部分是我們材料毛利的增加。所以,在我們的利潤率,隨着我們在這個領域回到COVID前的水平,我們開始看到成本結構、原材料供應鏈穩定的同時,我們也創造了一些利潤率擴張。我們還在今年完成了一些重要項目,很快我們會詳細談論這些,不過Ovato整合在聖誕節前的完成是我們解決一些利潤率提升的重要一環。

Paul Sanger: Yeah. And you mentioned that while NPAT and margins were higher, they were impacted by increased net finance costs. Can you elaborate on the factors contributing to these higher costs and how the company plans to manage them going forward?

Paul Sanger: 是的。你提到儘管NPAt和利潤率都有所提高,但受到了淨融資成本的影響。你能詳細說明導致這些成本增加的因素以及公司計劃如何管理它們嗎?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, I think that's really just calling out that, relative to PCP, our net finance costs were higher as a result of increased interest rates from a senior debt perspective. But, conversely, the company's done a fantastic job at strengthening the balance sheet through the year. Our operating cash flow was 114 per cent and our net debt now is 1.3 times pre-AASB 16 or one times post-AASB 16. So, the balance sheet is in an extremely strong position, but that call out in increased finance costs was more so relative to PCP.

Matt Aitken: 是的,我認爲這只是在指出,與PCP相比,我們的淨財務成本因高利率從高級債務角度上升。但相反,公司通過今年做了出色的工作,加強了資產負債表。我們的經營現金流量增加了114%,我們的淨債務現在是AASB 16前的1.3倍或AASB 16後的1倍。因此,資產負債表處於極強的位置,但這種增加的財務成本相對於PCP而言更具意義。

Paul Sanger: Yeah, you've navigated those high interest environment very, very well and hopefully, maybe, as early as December maybe...

Paul Sanger: 是的,您在這樣高利率環境下的導航非常出色,希望,也許,可能會在12月儘早降低利率...

Matt Aitken: There's right.

Matt Aitken: 是的。

Paul Sanger: ..interest rates will come down and it'll be plain sailing from there on.

Paul Sanger: ..利率將下降,之後的情況將一帆風順。

Matt Aitken: That would be great.

Matt Aitken: 那將很棒。

Paul Sanger: You mentioned Ovato. Ovato's integration is expected to realise full-year run-rate synergies by FY25. Could you share more details on how this integration is progressing and what challenges, if any, you anticipate reaching these targets?

Paul Sanger: 您提到了Ovato。預計Ovato的整合將在FY25實現全年增長率的協同效應。您能否分享一下關於這個整合的進展情況以及是否預計會遇到哪些挑戰來達到這些目標的更多細節?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, Paul, we concluded the integration six months ahead of schedule. So, just prior to Christmas in FY24, that integration was complete relative to the original plans that we set. Very comfortable with the last set of numbers that we called out on that acquisition. So, revenue of $145m, EBITDA of $25m and NPAT of $13m. And we've got that full run rate of those synergies and of those revenues as we head into FY25. We've got a clear line of sight in terms of what builds out our FY25 guidance number.

Matt Aitken: 是的,Paul,在我們原定計劃的前六個月完成了整合。因此,在FY24聖誕節前,與我們制定的原始計劃相比,整合已完成。我們對有關該收購的最後一組數字非常滿意。因此,收入爲14500萬美元,EBITDA爲2500萬美元,NPAt爲1300萬美元。隨着我們進入FY25,我們擁有這些協同效應和收入的全年運行速率。我們對於FY25的指導數字有清晰的預期。

Paul Sanger: Fantastic. And sustainability is a growing concern for businesses and consumers alike. Can you provide some insights into IVE Group's ongoing sustainability initiatives and how they align with the company's long-term strategy?

Paul Sanger: 很棒。可持續發展是企業和消費者一樣關注的一個問題。您能否提供一些IVE集團持續進行的可持續發展倡議,並解釋它們與公司的長期戰略如何相符?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, we're on the third year now of our ESG journey and our sustainability plan. And, through that time, Paul, we've measured our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Importantly, through FY24, we've taken some important steps towards actioning a number of the strategic items in our plan.

Matt Aitken:是的,我們現在已經進入了ESG和可持續計劃的第三年。在此期間,保羅,我們已經衡量了我們的一、二和三個範圍的排放。重要的是,在2024財年,我們已經採取了一些重要措施來執行計劃中的一些戰略項目。

One of those was to move all of our electricity into a renewable source, which is actually into a wind-farm source in western New South Wales, big infrastructure project developed by Iberdrola. That really deals with the majority of our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions moving forward. And we've made that commitment on a seven-year basis as we look to step out to being 100 per cent renewable.


We've got a number of other initiatives that don't deal necessarily with carbon that sort of look more at the social side and our people side, and innovation and so forth as well as we look to round that strategy. We've signed up to the Australian Packaging Covenant during the year, which is really important for our FMCG clients and particularly in the packaging space. And no doubt we'll talk about packaging soon. And we're just starting our reconciliation action plan now as well.


So, we've got a number of really key work streams underway there. I think what's most important to us in relation to that ESG sustainability piece is how tightly integrated we are with our clients and our clients' expectations. And what we're finding is that we are really leading the way in our industry and our market in terms of what we've done and how we feed back into our clients on that, and in some instances are slightly ahead of where our clients are. So we're actually becoming an advisor for some of our clients on some of the initiatives that could undertake and happen within our space. It's been really well received.


Paul Sanger: Yeah. And clearly a lot of work, thought and time put into that strategy. That's very impressive.

Paul Sanger:是的。很顯然,在這個戰略中付出了很多工作、思考和時間。非常令人印象深刻。

Matt Aitken: Thank you.

Matt Aitken:謝謝。

Paul Sanger: And IVE Group has made several strategic acquisitions, including JacPak in packaging and Elastic Group in creative and content. How do these acquisitions fit into your broader growth strategy and what synergies are you expecting from these additions?

Paul Sanger:IVE集團進行了幾次戰略收購,包括JacPak的包裝和Elastic Group的創意和內容。這些收購如何符合您更廣泛的增長戰略,您對這些新增收入預計會有哪些協同效應?

Matt Aitken: We spent 18 months looking at the packaging sector before we made a move through the acquisition of JacPak in November last year, which was our beachhead acquisition into that sector. And we explored a number of different markets within the broader Australian packaging sector. The reason we chose the folding carton sector was because, operationally and from a production perspective, it's very similar to what we do in a number of our production business units today. So, we saw good synergies and good know-how already within our existing labour force and our existing business, but this was also a nice adjacency for us to move out into. It's an $800m sector in Australia growing at 5 per cent year-on-year. So, it's nice to be stepping into a growth sector there as well. And we have big aspirations to go from probably five or six at the moment into that top three position as we look out over the next five years.

Matt Aitken: 在我們去年11月通過收購JacPak進入了該行業之前,我們花了18個月的時間研究了包裝行業。在較廣泛的澳大利亞包裝行業中,我們探索了許多不同的市場。我們選擇摺疊紙盒行業的原因是因爲在運營和生產方面,它與我們今天的許多生產業務單元非常相似。因此,我們看到了在我們現有勞動力和現有業務中已經存在的良好的協同效應和專業知識,但這對我們來說也是一個很好的鄰近領域。這是一個澳大利亞8000萬澳元的行業,年增長率爲5%。因此,能夠進入這個增長行業是很好的。我們有很大的抱負,希望在未來五年中從目前的五到六位數位居前三名。

JacPak's a business that turned over $45m. We could unlock $2.4m of synergies, and we've unlocked those as we go into FY25. They also have a further $15m of capacity available for us to fill off the existing footprint and off the existing structure. So, really good synergies and uplift both from a revenue and a cost-base perspective when we look at that particular acquisition. And we're now charting a course towards $150m of revenue in packaging in five years' time. And the first part of that is going to be the expansion up into Sydney, which we're going to do in FY25. And we're going to build into one of our existing sites in Sydney a folding carton capability up here so we can service national brands from Sydney and Melbourne complemented by our third-party logistics network right around the country.


Paul Sanger: And with the fragmentation of the media landscape and the proliferation of the marketing channels, how is IVE positioning itself to capture a larger share of the market and what role does the recent acquisition of Elastic Group play in this strategy?

Paul Sanger: 隨着媒體格局的碎片化和營銷渠道的增加,IVE如何定位自己以佔據更大的市場份額?最近收購了Elastic Group在這一戰略中扮演什麼角色?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, I think one of the things that's really obvious for us -- we have 2,800 clients -- is that when you're working with their clients around their content and you're managing their content and you're managing their data, you're very sticky with those clients. And IVE as a company can execute through any channel a client wants us to execute through. But it was also clear to us in the last 12 to 24 months that we needed to be doing more in creative and content to reflect that fragmentation in the media landscape that we see today.

Matt Aitken:是的,我認爲對於我們來說非常明顯的一點是,我們有2800個客戶,當您在處理他們的內容並管理他們的數據時,您與這些客戶之間的聯繫非常緊密。作爲一家公司,IVE可以通過任何客戶要求我們執行的渠道來執行。但在過去的12到24個月中,對我們來說也很明顯,我們需要在創意與內容方面做得更多,以反映今天我們所看到的媒體景觀中的碎片化變化。

We've always had a service and a capability in and around creative services and content management, but that needed to be really enhanced. We've done that through two ways during FY24. We've employed a lot of talent to deal with strategy and creative and different thinking in that space. And then the second part of that was the acquisition of Elastic, which completed at the end of May 2024.


And strategically a really important acquisition. Not a big business. 40 staff, Sydney and Melbourne, fully integrated into our sites already. But strategically really important when I think about the capability set they bring to the table, which is around television, motion, social, content and docuseries. They were all capabilities that we didn't have today to be able to take to our client base. And we're only three months into that acquisition, but it's been extremely well received by IVE clients and extremely well received by Elastic's clients as well.


Paul Sanger: Clearly a very strategic acquisition.

Paul Sanger: 顯然這是一個非常具有戰略意義的收購。

Matt Aitken: Yeah, that's right.

Matt Aitken: 是的,那就沒錯。

Paul Sanger: I get the answer now. And Lasoo has exceeded expectations with its performance in FY24, I think generating an annualised GTV of $16m. What factors contributed to this success and what are the next steps in scaling Lasoo to reach its new targets?

Paul Sanger: 我現在明白了。Lasoo在24財年的表現超出了預期,我認爲其年化GTV達到了1600萬美元。是什麼因素促成了這一成功,並且推動Lasoo朝着新目標邁出了哪些步伐?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, 20 months ago, we replatformed a site called Lasoo. We had acquired it in January 2020 through the acquisition of Salmat. It was a completely different website, if you like, at that point in time, but we've really taken it, launched it into the market as a consumer e-commerce marketplace. Completely replatformed, rebranded, relaunched.

Matt Aitken: 是的,20個月前,我們重新規劃了一個名爲Lasoo的網站。我們在2020年1月通過對Salmat的收購獲得了它。從那時起,它已經完全變成了一個不同的網站,但我們確實將其作爲一個消費者電子商務市場推向市場。進行了徹底的重新編排、重新品牌和重新推出。

So, it's only 20 months old. We've been really impressed with the growth that we've seen through that period of time. And, as we've exited FY24 we're on a gross transaction value of $16m per annum, as you've just alluded to. We've got 335,000 monthly active users coming to the site. The average basket value is over $200 every time someone is buying on the site. We've got over 200 retailers and brands on that site, and over 200,000 SKUs. So, I think, for a relatively new marketplace, there's some fantastic metrics inside 20 months to get to that level, and it's well ahead of the original business plan that we put down with the board.

因此,它只有20個月的歷史。在這段時間內,我們對所見到的增長印象深刻。 與FY24年同期相比,我們的銷售總額達到每年1600萬美元,正如您剛剛提到的。我們有335,000名每月活躍用戶訪問網站。每次有人在網站上購買時,平均購物籃價值超過200美元。我們網站上有200多家零售商和品牌,以及超過200,000個SKU。所以,我認爲,對於一個相對較新的市場來說,在20個月內達到這個水平,有一些很棒的指標,這遠遠超出了我們與董事會制定的最初業務計劃。

So, as we reflect on the future of Lasoo and where we're going with that, given it's a marketplace that has been losing $4m after tax NPAT for the FY24 year, we've been really encouraged about what that looks like. We've said to the market before break-even was in FY26, but we are going to commit more into the consumer marketing side of this business over the next three years, which will push that break-even out to FY28. But it will change the GTV from $50m in FY26 to $150m as we approach FY30 with a break-even in FY28.


And we think that that additional investment in the deferral, the decision to defer that break-even period by a couple of years, is really important to get the scale in that marketplace. And it's all going towards the consumer marketing dollar. So, there's no more investment required in the platform. There's no more people necessarily required for it. We've got the ability to scale it, and it'll be about the numbers, Paul.


Paul Sanger: And looking ahead to FY25, you provided guidance range for NPAT. Could you walk us through the key factors underpinning this guidance, including the expected contributions from Ovato synergies and JacPac?

保羅·桑格: 展望FY25,您爲稅後淨利潤提供了範圍指引。您能詳細介紹支撐此指引的關鍵因素,包括來自Ovato協同效應和JacPac的預期貢獻嗎?

Matt Aitken: Yeah, so the guidance is $45m to $50m of NPAT excluding the Lasoo loss for the year, which we've said will be broadly consistent with FY24, and excluding significant items which we're calling out as been $2.5m in FY25 in coming back to more normal levels. The $45m to $50m reflects the full-year or the full integration benefits of the Ovato acquisition, bearing in mind that we've been unlocking those integration benefits right through FY23, and FY24, as we've continued on that integration, and it reflects a full year of JacPak. So, JacPac had revenues of $28m in FY24, but, on a full-year run rate, those revenues will go north of $45m in FY25, and that includes the unlocking of those synergies. So, that's how we've really built out along with organic growth from those business units. We're still driving good base organic growth. That's how we've built out that range of $45m to $50m of NPAT for the market.

馬特·艾特肯: 是的,指引爲稅後淨利潤爲4500萬至5000萬美元,不包括Lasoo在內的虧損,我們已表示會與FY24年大體保持一致,不包括將在FY25年250萬美元的重大事項。4500萬至5000萬美元反映了Ovato收購的全年或全面整合效益,須知,我們已在FY23和FY24年全程釋放這些整合效益,這反映了JacPak的全年效益。 因此,JacPak在FY24年的收入爲2800萬美元,但在全年運作中,這些收入將超過4500萬美元,在FY25年,這包括釋放這些協同效益。 這就是我們如何通過這些業務單位的有機增長,以及這些產品的基本持續增長,來確定市場的4500萬至5000萬美元的稅後淨利潤範圍。

Paul Sanger: Understood. And then you mentioned ongoing investment in Lasoo, given it's better-than-expected performance. Can you share more about your investment strategy and how you plan to enhance customer experience and scale the business further?


Matt Aitken: Yeah, I think in the Lasoo space, Paul, if that's where your question is, it is literally about the consumer marketing spend. It's about the level of investment that we're putting into the marketing space to attract more customers to the site, to ensure we've got more retailers on board, to ensure that our conversion rate is optimised, that the average basket value remains at a high number. And I think above $200 is a really good high number for that site currently.


Paul Sanger: Which is up significantly from the year before.


Matt Aitken: That's exactly right. That number was south of $200 the year before. And, you know, also that we are continuing to execute good technological advancements in that platform from the in-house dev team that we've got, and we've got a range of features that we're continuing to release as we go through H1 FY25.


Paul Sanger: Matt, it's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you you for sharing your insights on those results. Great to have you here today.


Matt Aitken: Thanks, Paul. Really appreciate it.




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