
Mortgage Technology Veteran Dan Sogorka to Lead Rocket's Broker Business Into AI-Driven Revolution

Mortgage Technology Veteran Dan Sogorka to Lead Rocket's Broker Business Into AI-Driven Revolution

Rocket ·  09/03 00:00

Sogorka, a former Business Unit President at Black Knight and CEO of mortgage technology firms Sagent and Cloudvirga, named General Manager of Rocket Mortgage's unit serving mortgage brokers

Sogorka,曾任Black Knight的商業部總裁和抵押貸款技術公司Sagent和Cloudvirga的CEO,現任Rocket Mortgage負責爲抵押經紀人提供貸款服務的總經理

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DETROIT, September 3, 2024 – Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT) today announced it has named Dan Sogorka as General Manager of Rocket Pro Third Party Origination (TPO), the mortgage broker business of Rocket Mortgage, effective September 3.

2024年9月3日,底特律 - Rocket Companies(紐交所:RKT)宣佈任命丹·索戈卡爲Rocket Pro第三方原始貸款(TPO)的總經理,即Rocket Mortgage的抵押經紀業務,任職日期爲2024年9月3日

In this newly created role, Sogorka will be responsible for establishing the end-to-end vision and growth of Rocket's broker business. Sogorka will ensure the lender's products and processes align best with the needs of the mortgage broker community and plans to leverage Rocket Mortgage's significant AI technologies and platform to push well beyond the tools currently available to this important market segment.

在這個新設立的職位上,索戈卡將負責確立Rocket經紀人業務的全鏈條願景和增長。索戈卡將確保貸款人的產品和流程與抵押經紀社區的需求最佳匹配,並計劃利用Rocket Mortgage領先的人工智能技術和平台,推動遠遠超出目前提供給這個重要市場細分的工具

"Mortgage brokers play a critical role in the homebuying process and are a vital part of helping millions of clients reach their dreams," said Heather Lovier, Chief Operating Officer of Rocket Companies. "There has not been truly significant evolution in this space for decades. Dan comes to Rocket with a proven track record of success with both large tech companies and scrappy start-ups, paired with an appetite to revolutionize the broker space by leveraging Rocket's quickly expanding data, technology and AI capabilities."

"抵押經紀人在購房過程中發揮着關鍵作用,並且是幫助數百萬客戶實現夢想的重要組成部分,"Rocket Companies的首席運營官Heather Lovier表示。"這個領域幾十年來並沒有真正顯著的進展。丹憑藉在大型科技公司和創業公司取得的卓越成績,以及改變抵押經紀領域的願望,帶來了對Rocket迅速擴大的數據、技術和人工智能能力的充分利用

Sogorka will lead Rocket Pro TPO during a pivotal time in the home finance industry, with nearly one in five home loans facilitated by a mortgage broker. As one of the largest and most influential lenders in this space, Rocket empowers broker partners and their clients with leading technology, streamlined processes and competitive pricing. Sogorka will collaborate with Rocket's technology and product development teams to ensure the experience mortgage brokers have in Rocket's suite of comprehensive tools is unlike anything they've experienced before – bringing value to them and the clients they serve.


"I've spent decades leveraging technology to simplify the complex home financing process. Now, I'm eager to tap into that skillset to bring the broker community into the future," said Sogorka. "With mortgage brokers being such a large part of the market, my role will be to supercharge brokers to educate, engage and help their clients be successful homebuyers and owners."

「我花了幾十年的時間利用科技來簡化複雜的房屋融資流程。 現在,我渴望利用這些技能將經紀人社區引領到未來。」 Sogorka說:「作爲市場的主要組成部分,我的角色將是爲經紀人提供加倍幫助,以教育、吸引和幫助他們的客戶成爲成功的購房者和房主。」

Sogorka previously served as CEO and president of Sagent, a well-known fintech company that designs and builds digital mortgage servicing platforms. His leadership helped drive a period of intense growth for the company. He and his team modernized Sagent's technology by bringing its platforms to the cloud and building a single data and user experience across the servicing lifecycle. Sogorka fostered strong relationships with many large mortgage servicers, gaining an in-depth view of the home loan process from origination through servicing.

Sogorka此前擔任過Sagent的首席執行官和總裁,該公司是一家著名的金融科技公司,設計和構建數字化抵押貸款服務平台。 他的領導力推動了公司的快速增長時期。 他和他的團隊通過將平台轉向雲端、構建單一的數據和用戶體驗,現代化了Sagent的技術,並與許多大型抵押貸款服務商建立了牢固的關係,從申請到服務過程中深入了解了房屋貸款流程。

Before his time at Sagent, Sogorka was CEO of Cloudvirga – an innovative digital mortgage point-of-sale system. Cloudvirga was the first fintech exclusively focused on automating manual tasks that save brokers and loan officers hours and days in the critical early stages of the mortgage process.

在加入Sagent之前,Sogorka曾擔任Cloudvirga的首席執行官,該公司是一家創新的數字化抵押貸款銷售系統提供商。 Cloudvirga是第一家專門致力於自動化手動任務的金融科技公司,在抵押貸款流程的關鍵早期階段爲經紀人和貸款員節省了幾個小時甚至幾天時間。

Sogorka was also a business unit president at mortgage tech powerhouse Black Knight, where he spent nearly 15 years. During his time at Black Knight, Sogorka and his team touched nearly 70% of all mortgage loans processed in the U.S. and managed global data and teams, all while delivering multiple "industry first" transaction platforms. Throughout this period, Sogorka built and maintained relationships with some of the most prominent leaders in the mortgage industry.

Sogorka還曾擔任抵押貸款科技巨頭Black Knight的業務部總裁,他在那裏工作了近15年。 在Black Knight工作期間,Sogorka和他的團隊觸及了美國處理的近70%的抵押貸款,並管理全球數據和團隊,同時交付了多個「行業首創」的交易平台。 在此期間,Sogorka與抵押業界的一些最重要的領導者建立並維持了關係。

"This is an exciting milestone for Rocket and deeply strengthens our commitment to brokers for the long term" said Varun Krishna, CEO of Rocket Companies. "After getting to know Dan and the wealth of experience he brings to Rocket, I'm confident he will accelerate our strategy and impact."

「對於Rocket來說,這是一個令人興奮的里程碑,它也深化了我們對經紀人的長期承諾。」 Rocket Companies首席執行官Varun Krishna表示:「在了解了Dan及其爲Rocket帶來的豐富經驗後,我相信他將加速我們的戰略併產生影響。」

The lender most recently announced "Welcome Home RateBreak" an exclusive 2-1 temporary buydown program paid for by the company. Mortgage brokers can click here to learn more about Rocket Pro TPO and become a partner.

最近,該貸款機構宣佈了「Welcome Home RateBreak」計劃,這是一項由該公司支付的獨家2-1臨時購減計劃。 抵押貸款經紀人可以點擊這裏了解更多有關Rocket Pro TPO的信息,併成爲合作伙伴。



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About Rocket Companies

關於Rocket Companies

Founded in 1985, Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT) is a Detroit-based fintech platform company consisting of personal finance and consumer technology brands including Rocket Mortgage, Rocket Homes, Amrock Title and Settlement Services, Rocket Money and Rocket Loans.

火箭公司成立於1985年,是一家總部位於底特律的金融科技平台公司,旗下擁有火箭抵押貸款、火箭家園、Amrock Title and Settlement Services、Rocket Money和Rocket Loans等個人理財和消費科技品牌。(紐交所: RKT)

With more than 65 million call logs each year, 10 petabytes of data and a mission to Help Everyone Home, Rocket Companies is well positioned to be the destination for AI-fueled homeownership. Known for providing exceptional client experiences, J.D. Power has ranked Rocket Mortgage #1 in client satisfaction for primary mortgage origination and mortgage servicing a total of 22 times – the most of any mortgage lender.

每年擁有超過6500萬通電話日誌,10PB數據的火箭公司以AI爲驅動,旨在幫助所有人置業。以提供卓越客戶體驗而著稱,J.D. Power已經22次將火箭抵押貸款評爲1號客戶滿意度的初次抵押貸款和抵押貸款服務——超過任何抵押貸款借方。

For more information, please visit our Corporate Website or Investor Relations Website.


About Rocket Mortgage

關於Rocket Mortgage

Detroit-based Rocket Mortgage is the largest mortgage lender and is a part of Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT).

總部位於底特律的Rocket Mortgage是最大的抵押貸款放貸人之一,它是Rocket Companies(紐交所:RKT)的一部分。

The lender enables the American Dream of homeownership and financial freedom through its obsession with an industry-leading, digital-driven client experience. In late 2015, it introduced the first fully digital, completely online mortgage experience. Since its founding in 1985, Rocket Mortgage has closed more than $1.8 trillion of mortgage volume across all 50 states.

該放貸人通過對行業領先的、數字驅動的客戶體驗的迷戀,實現美國人的擁有房屋和財務自由的夢想。在2015年末,它推出了全球首個完全數字化、完全在線的抵押貸款體驗。自1985年成立以來,Rocket Mortgage已在全美50個州完成了超過1.8萬億美元的抵押貸款交易。

J.D. Power has ranked Rocket Mortgage #1 in client satisfaction for primary mortgage origination and mortgage servicing a total of 22 times – the most of any mortgage lender. For 21 years, Rocket Companies – Rocket Mortgage's parent company – has been included on Fortune Magazine's list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For, ranking among the top-30 companies every year.

J.D. Power已經22次將Rocket Mortgage評爲客戶滿意度的第一名,這是任何一個抵押貸款提供商獲得的最多次數。Rocket Companies是Rocket Mortgage的母公司,連續21年被列入《財富》雜誌百強公司名單,每年排名前30位。

About Rocket Pro TPO

關於Rocket Pro TPO

Rocket Pro TPO is a division of Rocket Mortgage and a part of Rocket Companies, Inc. (NYSE: RKT). It works exclusively with mortgage brokers, correspondent lenders, community banks and credit unions. Rocket Pro TPO's partners provide the face-to-face service their clients desire, while tapping into the technology, expertise and award-winning process from Rocket Mortgage. The partner loan officer creates, and maintains, the relationship with the client. Rocket Mortgage approves, underwrites, processes and closes the loan in its name – or sells the loan to Rocket after the mortgage closes if it was originated as a correspondent loan. For more information, visit

Rocket Pro TPO是Rocket Mortgage的一個部門,也是Rocket Companies, Inc.(紐交所:RKT)的一部分。該部門專門與抵押經紀人,對應貸款人,社區銀行和信用合作社合作。Rocket Pro TPO的合作伙伴爲客戶提供面對面的服務,並利用Rocket Mortgage的技術,專業知識和屢獲殊榮的流程。合作伙伴的貸款官員與客戶建立和維護關係。Rocket Mortgage在其名下批准,覈准,處理和關閉貸款,或者將貸款作爲對應貸款發放後的貸款出售給Rocket。有關更多信息,請訪問。

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