
City National Bank Increases Ladder Up Home Loan Grant to as Much as $50,000 in Certain Los Angeles Markets

City National Bank Increases Ladder Up Home Loan Grant to as Much as $50,000 in Certain Los Angeles Markets

City National Bank將在洛杉磯市場上將Ladder Up住房貸款津貼最高提高至$50,000。
PR Newswire ·  09/05 12:15

One of the largest grants designed to help more Angelenos become homeowners


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- City National Bank today announced it has increased its Ladder Up Home Loan Grant to as much as $50,000 in majority Black or Hispanic census tracts within the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, Calif., Metropolitan Statistical Area. The newly enhanced resource is designed to increase access to credit for individuals and families looking to purchase a home in eligible areas.

洛杉磯,2024年9月5日 /PRNewswire/ — 城市國民銀行今天宣佈,已將加利福尼亞州洛杉磯-長灘-格倫代爾大都會統計區內佔多數的黑人或西班牙裔人口普查區域內的Ladder Up住房貸款補助金增加至多5萬美元。新增的資源旨在增加希望在符合條件的地區購買房屋的個人和家庭獲得信貸的機會。

The Ladder Up Home Loan Grant is part of a special purpose credit program (SPCP) that City National developed to help empower communities and bridge the housing affordability gap.
Through the SPCP, City National provides borrowers with grant assistance, a mortgage program, credit education and excellent service to help them navigate the homebuying process. Qualifying homebuyers may use the grant toward a down payment, closing costs or buying down the interest rate on their mortgage. In addition, with the Ladder Up Home Loan grant, mortgage insurance is not currently required regardless of the down payment amount.

Ladder Up住房貸款補助金是City National制定的一項特殊用途信貸計劃(SPCP)的一部分,該計劃旨在幫助增強社區能力並彌合住房負擔能力差距。
通過SPCP,City National爲借款人提供補助金、抵押貸款計劃、信貸教育和優質服務,幫助他們順利完成購房過程。符合條件的購房者可以使用補助金來支付首付、交易費用或降低抵押貸款利率。此外,有了Ladder Up住房貸款補助金,無論首付金額是多少,目前都不需要抵押貸款保險。

"Homeownership strengthens our communities and can help individuals and families ascend the ladder of financial success and generational wealth building," said David Cameron, head of Consumer Banking, City National Bank. "We are proud to offer one of the largest grants available to help more people in our community become homeowners."


In addition to the significant grant increase in certain areas of Los Angeles, City National also offers home loan grants of up to $20,000 in other qualifying geographies in Southern California, New Jersey and New York.

除了大幅增加洛杉磯某些地區的補助金外,City National還在南加州、新澤西州和紐約州的其他符合條件的地區,提供高達20,000美元的住房貸款補助。

About City National
City National Bank, a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada, is the largest bank headquartered in Los Angeles with $92 billion in assets as of July 31, 2024. Founded in 1954, City National provides personalized banking, investment and trust services in select markets including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Nashville, Atlanta, Delaware, Las Vegas, Washington D.C. and Miami.* In addition, the company and its investment affiliates manage or administer $101 billion in client investment assets. City National is dedicated to strengthening communities, and in 2023 alone, the company made more than $11 million in charitable contributions to nonprofits that support the communities it serves.

加拿大皇家銀行的子公司城市國民銀行是總部位於洛杉磯的最大銀行,截至2024年7月31日,其資產爲920億美元。City National成立於1954年,在特定市場提供個性化銀行、投資和信託服務,包括洛杉磯、奧蘭治縣、聖地亞哥、舊金山灣區、紐約市、納什維爾、亞特蘭大、特拉華州、拉斯維加斯、華盛頓特區和邁阿密。*此外,該公司及其投資關聯公司管理或管理1010億美元的客戶投資資產。City National致力於加強社區,僅在2023年,該公司就向支持其所服務社區的非營利組織提供了超過1100萬美元的慈善捐款。

For more information about City National, visit the company's website at

有關City National的更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站。

*City National Bank does business in Miami and the state of Florida as CN Bank.


SOURCE City National Corp.


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