
Haivision Named Finalist in IBC Innovation Awards With Olympic Broadcasting Services for Live Coverage of Paris Games

Haivision Named Finalist in IBC Innovation Awards With Olympic Broadcasting Services for Live Coverage of Paris Games

PR Newswire ·  09/05 17:07

Haivision mobile video transmission technology used extensively across the games with private
5G networks to bring audiences closer to the action


MONTREAL, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Haivision Systems Inc. ("Haivision") (TSX: HAI), a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions, announced that the company was selected as a finalist for the IBC Innovation Awards recognizing the use of its mobile video contribution technology by Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) for live coverage of the Games in Paris. This is the second year in a row, and sixth year in total, that Haivision has been nominated for this prestigious award.

2024年9月5日蒙特利爾新聞發佈 - Haivision Systems Inc.("Haivision")(TSX:HAI),全球領先的關鍵任務實時視頻網絡和視覺協作解決方案提供商,宣佈該公司被選爲IBC創新獎的決賽入圍者,這一獎項表彰其移動視頻傳輸技術的使用。 國際廣播公司創新獎 國際廣播公司認可其移動視頻傳輸技術的使用 移動視頻貢獻技術 奧林匹克廣播服務(OBS)使用Haivision的移動視頻貢獻技術進行巴黎比賽的現場報道,這是Haivision第二年被提名獲得這一重要獎項,並且總共是第六次。

Selected as finalists in the Content Creation category, Olympic Broadcasting Services, Haivision, and the other technology partners are recognized for their pioneering innovations in the live broadcast production using smartphone cameras and private 5G for the Paris Games opening ceremony and a sea-based private 5G network for sailing competitions in Marseille.


For the first time in history, the opening ceremony did not take place in a stadium, but instead took place as a spectacular procession through the heart of Paris down a six-kilometer stretch of the Seine River. This unique opening ceremony presented OBS with many complex technical challenges to overcome, as they aimed to capture the emotion and excitement of the moment, with unobstructed views of the athletes. To capture up-close scenes on the 85 delegations' boats, OBS deployed over 200 Samsung S24 Ultra smartphones equipped with Haivision MoJoPro mobile camera apps.

歷史上首次,開幕式並未在體育場舉行,而是作爲一場壯觀的巡遊活動,在塞納河沿岸的六公里區域內進行。這個獨特的開幕式給奧比斯帶來了許多複雜的技術挑戰,因爲他們的目標是捕捉瞬間的情感和激動,並以無遮擋的方式觀看運動員。爲了拍攝到85個代表團船隻上的近景,奧比斯部署了200多部搭載了海維信號磁雁MoJoPro移動攝像軟件的三星S24 Ultra智能手機。

The high dynamic range (HDR) live HD video feeds from MoJoPro were transmitted to Haivision StreamHub receivers using a private 5G network, which was setup with twelve 5G cells mounted on the historic bridges that traverse the river. The StreamHub software provided multiview monitoring and control for incoming mobile camera feeds. Moreover, the live production staff remotely adjusted camera shading parameters such as ISO and white balance for each MoJoPro app, ensuring a consistent look across all the live feeds. This was the first time smartphones were used at scale for live video production in such a high-profile and dynamic sports broadcast.


For the Marseille sailing competition, a series of production innovations using the Haivision MoJoPro app on Samsung S24 Ultra smartphones provided audiences with a more immersive video and audio experience. On the racing boats, the smartphones were mounted on the boom beneath sails, giving viewers an up-close view of the action. For windsurfing, athletes wore helmet cameras connected to the smartphones which provided a unique athlete-point-of-view that helped audiences experience the event in a new way without impeding athletic performance.

對於馬賽帆船賽,利用海微信號器MoJoPro應用程序在三星S24 Ultra智能手機上進行一系列創新制作,爲觀衆帶來了更沉浸式的視頻和音頻體驗。在賽艇上,智能手機安裝在帆船帆桁下方,給觀衆提供近距離的視角。在帆板運動中,運動員佩戴的頭盔攝像機與智能手機相連,提供了獨特的運動員視角,幫助觀衆以不妨礙運動員表現的方式體驗比賽。

Moreover, the world's first sea-based private 5G network was created to reliably transmit video from rapidly moving boats. It consisted of a seaborne 5G radio access network (RAN) supported by 5G antennas installed on three large catamarans. This made it possible for the entire 5G RAN to adapt and follow all the sailing competition courses regardless of location and distance – a truly innovative solution to the challenge of covering offshore sports.

此外,世界上第一個海上私有5G網絡被創建,可可靠地傳輸快速移動船隻上的視頻。該網絡由一套海上5G無線接入網絡(RAN)支持,其中包括安裝在三艘大型雙體船上的5G天線。這樣一來,整個5G RAN可以適應並覆蓋所有帆船賽比賽過程,無論位置和距離如何,這是對海上體育賽事報道挑戰的真正創新解決方案。

In addition to these pioneering innovations, Haivision technology was widely used across several other events, venues, and live feeds during the Paris Games including:


  • For the surfing competition in Tahiti, Haivision Pro 460 transmitters were used by France Télévisions to provide engaging behind-the-scenes video with maximum freedom of camera movement. Notable examples of content from Teahupo'o included athlete interviews at the Olympic Village and live shots from boat-based cameras.
  • In the Paris venues, including Stade de France and Bercy Arena, Haivision Pro460 mobile video transmitters were used to capture live video from events including gymnastics and athletics providing unmatched glass-to-glass 80 millisecond latency for seamless production with other sources.
  • There was extensive use of Haivision Makito X4 video encoders and decoders as well as Haivision SRT Gateways to facilitate distribution of content to European and other rights holders around the world, ensuring that audiences across Europe could experience the excitement and watch the games live.
  • 在塔希提衝浪比賽中,Haivision Pro 460發射器由 法國電視臺 使用,爲觀衆提供身臨其境的幕後視頻,擁有最大的攝像機自由移動度。代表性的比賽片段包括奧林匹克村的運動員採訪和船上攝像機的實時鏡頭。
  • 在巴黎的場館,包括法蘭西體育場和貝爾西競技場,Haivision Pro460移動視頻發射器被用於捕捉體操和田徑等賽事的實時視頻,具備無與倫比的玻璃到玻璃80毫秒延遲,與其他資源無縫製作。
  • 廣泛運用了Haivision Makito X4視頻編解碼器和解碼器,以及Haivision SRt網關,以便將內容分發給歐洲及其他世界各地的權利持有方,確保全歐洲的觀衆都能體驗到充滿激情的比賽,並實時觀看。

"We are thrilled to have been a part of the games in Paris this summer," said Jean-Marc Racine, Chief Product Officer at Haivision. "By working together with our customers and partners, our market leading innovative solutions enabled us to deliver never-before-seen live video experiences to audiences worldwide. Being nominated for the IBC Innovation Award for the second year in a row is a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation in live video contribution over fixed and mobile networks."

「我們很高興能夠成爲今年夏天巴黎比賽的一部分,」 Haivision首席產品官Jean-Marc Racine說:「通過與我們的客戶和合作夥伴共同努力,我們的市場領先創新解決方案使我們能夠向全球觀衆提供前所未有的實時視頻體驗。連續第二年入圍IBC創新獎是我們在固定和移動網絡上實時視頻貢獻領域卓越和創新承諾的證明。」

The IBC Innovation Awards recognize the best collaborative efforts between end users and technology partners to develop new solutions to real-world technical challenges. Haivision has won this coveted award twice, most recently last year for the BBC's project covering the Coronation of King Charles III. The winners of the 2024 edition of the IBC Innovation Awards will be presented at IBC2024 in Amsterdam on Sunday, September 15.


For more information about the Haivision technology that was used to help bring this summer's major sporting events to life, visit


About Haivision


Haivision is a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions. Our connected cloud and intelligent edge technologies enable organizations globally to engage audiences, enhance collaboration, and support decision making. We provide high quality, low latency, secure, and reliable live video at a global scale. Haivision invented the award-winning SRT low latency video streaming protocol and founded the SRT Alliance to support its adoption. Awarded four Emmys for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Haivision continues to fuel the future of IP video transformation. Founded in 2004, Haivision is headquartered in Montreal and Chicago with offices, sales, and support located throughout the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. To learn more, visit Haivision at


SOURCE Haivision Systems Inc.

消息來源:Haivision Systems Inc。

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