
UEM Sunrise's "Form to FUTURE" Forum Explores Megatrends and Drivers to Redefine Malaysia's Real Estate

UEM Sunrise's "Form to FUTURE" Forum Explores Megatrends and Drivers to Redefine Malaysia's Real Estate

UEm Sunrise的「形塑未來」論壇探索大趨勢和驅動力,重新定義馬來西亞的房地產業
UEM 日出 ·  09/04 00:00

UEM Sunrise's "Form to FUTURE" Forum Explores Megatrends and Drivers to Redefine Malaysia's Real Estate

ueM Sunrise的 「Form to FUTURE」 論壇探討了重新定義馬來西亞房地產的大趨勢和驅動力

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 September 2024 – UEM Sunrise Berhad ("UEM Sunrise" or the "Company"), in collaboration with CLSA Malaysia, Khazanah Nasional Berhad and Advancing Malaysia, hosted its inaugural Real Estate Forum at M Resort & Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Attended by over 700 industry leaders and experts, this forum set the stage for a forward-thinking exploration of real estate's future, focusing on capital availability, sustainable development, equitable living and the megatrends reshaping the sector.

吉隆坡,2024年9月4日——ueM Sunrise Berhad(「uEm Sunrise」 或 「公司」)與馬來西亞里昂證券公司、Khazanah Nasional Berhad和Invanced Malaysia合作,在吉隆坡m度假村及酒店舉辦了首屆房地產論壇。該論壇有700多位行業領袖和專家出席,爲對房地產未來的前瞻性探索奠定了基礎,重點是資本可用性、可持續發展、公平生活和重塑該行業的大趨勢。

Under the theme "Form to FUTURE: Bringing Vision into Reality", the forum emphasised UEM Sunrise's vision of creating sustainable communities that prioritise equity and long-term growth. Beyond development, UEM Sunrise is deeply committed to creating a positive impact on surrounding communities, the environment, and the economy, ensuring the future generations inherit a thriving, sustainable landscape that supports both people and progress.

在 「形式到未來:將願景變爲現實」 的主題下,該論壇強調了ueM Sunrise的願景,即創建優先考慮公平和長期增長的可持續社區。除了發展,ueM Sunrise還堅定地致力於爲周邊社區、環境和經濟創造積極影響,確保子孫後代繼承繁榮、可持續的景觀,爲人類和進步提供支持。

UEM Sunrise Chief Executive Officer, Sufian Abdullah expressed the importance of this vision, stating "Our industry stands at a pivotal crossroads, shaped by transformative forces that demand our attention. As public sentiment increasingly focuses on sustainable urban development and social equity, the influx of data center investments and the push for renewable energy are redefining our landscape. At UEM Sunrise, we recognise our responsibility as one of the largest landbank owners in Iskandar Malaysia to lead this transformation guided by innovation, resilience, and inclusivity, giving form to a future where innovation meets sustainable development."

ueM Sunrise首席執行官蘇菲安·阿卜杜拉表達了這一願景的重要性,他說:「我們的行業正處於關鍵的十字路口,是由需要我們關注的變革力量塑造的。隨着公衆情緒越來越關注可持續城市發展和社會公平,數據中心投資的湧入和對可再生能源的推動正在重新定義我們的格局。在uEm Sunrise,我們認識到,作爲馬來西亞依斯干達最大的土地儲備所有者之一,我們有責任在創新、韌性和包容性的指導下領導這一轉型,爲創新與可持續發展的未來賦予形式。」

The forum offered a dynamic platform for in-depth and candid discussions on current market landscape's trends and growth drivers, sectoral challenges, emerging opportunities and transformative megatrends that are redefining economies, reshaping businesses, and influencing the future of societies. Amongst notable discussions was the exploration of the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ), where speakers analysed how this strategic collaboration could unlock new opportunities, drive economic growth, and foster cross-border partnerships benefiting both regions. The forum also highlighted innovative solutions to rejuvenate and advance the sector, with a particular focus on the Iskandar Puteri region.


In the afternoon sessions, the spotlight turned to unlocking the potential of robust Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) Framework and increasing foreign investment as powerful catalysts for real estate expansion. Industry leaders also delved into how UEM Sunrise and other developers can leverage on these strategic partnerships to fuel collaboration and encourage transformative sectoral growth. Turning these insights into action requires a concerted effort from policymakers, regulators, and industry players to implement the necessary changes that will drive real estate transformation.

在下午的會議上,聚光燈轉向釋放穩健的柔佛-新加坡經濟特區(JS-SEZ)框架的潛力,以及增加外國投資作爲房地產擴張的強大催化劑。行業領導者還深入研究了uEm Sunrise和其他開發商如何利用這些戰略合作伙伴關係來推動合作並鼓勵行業的變革性增長。將這些見解轉化爲行動需要決策者、監管機構和行業參與者齊心協力,實施推動房地產轉型的必要變革。

The "Form to FUTURE" forum reinforced UEM Sunrise's bold commitment to reshaping the real estate landscape through sustainability and equitable community living. By laying the groundwork for continued innovation and forward-thinking collaboration, this forum positions Malaysia as a global leader in the future of real estate, driving progress that transcends borders and generations.

「從形式到未來」 論壇強化了ueM Sunrise通過可持續發展和公平的社區生活重塑房地產格局的大膽承諾。通過爲持續創新和前瞻性合作奠定基礎,該論壇將馬來西亞定位爲未來房地產的全球領導者,推動超越國界和代際的進步。

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