
Hut 8 Operations Update for August 2024

Hut 8 Operations Update for August 2024

2024年8月Hut 8運營更新
GlobeNewswire ·  09/06 06:30

18.5 EH/s and 762 MW under management in mining

礦業中管理的18.5 EH/s和762 MW

Energized Building 1 at Cedarvale


Miami, FL, Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hut 8 Corp. (Nasdaq | TSX: HUT) ("Hut 8" or the "Company"), a leading, vertically integrated operator of large-scale energy infrastructure and one of North America's largest Bitcoin miners, today released its operations update for August 2024.

邁阿密, FL,2024年9月6日 (環球新聞社) - Hut 8 corp.(nasdaq | TSX: hut) ("Hut 8" or the "Company")是北美領先的垂直一體化大型能源基礎設施運營商之一,也是北美最大的比特幣礦工之一,今天發佈了其2024年8月的運營更新。

"During August, we maintained our focus on low-cost operations and unit economics," said Asher Genoot, CEO of Hut 8. "Maximizing returns from our current fleet remains a priority while we continue to plan a thoughtfully structured fleet upgrade to next-generation ASICs. Reactor, our curtailment software, enabled us to mine when profitable and keep energy costs low during what is typically the hottest month of the year."

「在8月份,我們保持低成本運營和單元經濟的關注,」Hut 8的首席執行官Asher Genoot表示。「在我們繼續規劃next-generation ASICs的燒灼結構升級時,最大化當前艦隊的回報仍然是一個優先事項。我們的限制軟件Reactor使我們能夠在有利可圖的時候進行挖礦,並在通常是一年中最炎熱的月份保持低能源成本。」

"We also advanced commercialization efforts for our 205-megawatt site in the Texas Panhandle, as well as large-scale opportunities in our development pipeline that are suitable for Bitcoin mining and AI. We look forward to sharing further updates on each of these growth vectors as they materialize."

我們還推進了在德克薩斯州大草原(Texas Panhandle)的205兆瓦場地的商業化工作,以及開發管道中適合比特幣挖礦和人工智能的大規模機會。我們期待着在這些增長動力方面有進一步的更新。



  • Advanced commercialization discussions for the Texas Panhandle site in parallel with ongoing engineering and procurement efforts, targeting energization in H1 2025
  • Energized Building 1 at Cedarvale during August and remain on track to bring the remaining three buildings online by December
  • 與正在進行的工程和採購工作並行,我們還就德克薩斯州大草原(Texas Panhandle)的場地進行了商業化討論,目標是在2025年上半年完成能源化。
  • 在八月份,我們已經完成了Cedarvale的建築1的能源化,並計劃在十二月之前將剩餘的三個建築帶上線。

Operating Metrics


Average during the period unless otherwise noted August 2024 July 2024
Total energy capacity under management1,2,3 762 MW 762 MW
Total deployed miners under management4 179.5K 174.2K
Total hashrate under management5 18.5 EH/s 18.0 EH/s
Deployed miners7 58.5K 58.2K
Deployed hashrate8 5.6 EH/s 5.5 EH/s
Bitcoin produced1,9 87 BTC 105 BTC
Bitcoin on balance sheet1 9,105 BTC 9,102 BTC
Managed Services2,10
Energy capacity under management1 582 MW 582 MW
Deployed miners under management 130.5K 125.4K
Hashrate under management 13.9 EH/s 13.4 EH/s
Deployed miners under management11,12 76.7K 76.7K
Hashrate under management13 8.5 EH/s 8.5 EH/s
該期間的平均值,除非另有說明 2024年8月 2024年7月
管理的總能源容量 1,2,3 762 MW 762 MW
管理的總礦機數 4 179.5千 174.2K
管理的總算力數量 5 18.5艾哈希/秒 18.0 EH / s
部署的礦機數量7 $58.5K 58.2K
部署的算力8 5.6 EH/s 5.5 EH/s
所生產的比特幣1,9 87比特幣 105 BTC
平衡表上的比特幣資產1 9,105 BTC 9,102比特幣
能源管理能力1 582 MW 582 MW
管理下的礦機 130.5K 125.4千瓦時
管理下的算力 13.9 EH/s 13.4艾克哈希/秒
管理的礦機數量11,12 76.7K 76.7K
管理的算力13 8.5艾克哈希/秒 8.5艾克哈希/秒

Energy Infrastructure Platform1


Current Revenue Stream(s)14
Site Location Owner Power Capacity Self-
Managed Services Hosting HPC Power Sales
Expansion Site 115 Texas Panhandle Hut 8 205 MW
Medicine Hat Medicine Hat, AB Hut 8 67 MW Yes
Salt Creek Orla, TX Hut 8 63 MW Yes
Alpha Niagara Falls, NY Hut 8 50 MW Yes Yes
Drumheller16 Drumheller, AB Hut 8 42 MW
Kelowna Kelowna, BC Hut 8 1.1 MW Yes
Mississauga Mississauga, ON Hut 8 0.9 MW Yes
Vaughan Vaughan, ON Hut 8 0.6 MW Yes
Vancouver II Vancouver, BC Hut 8 0.5 MW Yes
Vancouver I Vancouver, BC Hut 8 0.3 MW Yes
King Mountain17 McCamey, TX Hut 8 (JV) 280 MW Yes Yes Yes Yes
Iroquois Falls18 Iroquois Falls, ON Hut 8 (JV) 120 MW Yes
Kingston18 Kingston, ON Hut 8 (JV) 110 MW Yes
North Bay18 North Bay, ON Hut 8 (JV) 40 MW Yes
Kapuskasing18 Kapuskasing, ON Hut 8 (JV) 40 MW Yes
Cedarvale3 Barstow, TX Managed 215 MW Yes
East Stiles Midland, TX Managed 30 MW Yes
Rebel Midland, TX Managed 25 MW Yes
Stiles Midland, TX Managed 20 MW Yes
Garden City Midland, TX Managed 12 MW Yes
Total 1,322 MW
地點 地點 所有者 電力容量 自助服務
管理服務 託管 高性能計算 電力銷售
擴建地點15 德克薩斯州潘漢德爾地區 Hut8 205百萬瓦特
Medicine Hat Medicine Hat, AB Hut8 67兆瓦
Salt Creek Orla,德克薩斯州 Hut8 63兆瓦
Alpha 紐約尼亞加拉瀑布城市 Hut8 50 兆瓦
德拉姆赫勒16 德拉姆賀勒,阿爾伯塔省 Hut8 42兆瓦
基洛納 基洛納,不列顛哥倫比亞省 Hut8 1.1兆瓦
Mississauga 密西沙加,安大略省 Hut8 0.9兆瓦
沃恩 沃恩,安大略省 Hut8 0.6兆瓦
溫哥華二 卑詩省溫哥華市 Hut8 0.5兆瓦
溫哥華一 卑詩省溫哥華市 Hut8 0.3兆瓦
King Mountain17 McCamey, TX Hut 8 (JV) 280兆瓦
Iroquois Falls18 安大略省伊羅quois Falls鎮 Hut 8 (JV) 120 兆瓦
Kingston18 Kingston,安大略省 Hut 8 (JV) 110 MW
North Bay18 North Bay,安大略省 Hut 8 (JV) 40 MW
Kapuskasing18 Kapuskasing,安大略省 Hut 8 (JV) 40 MW
Cedarvale3 Barstow,德克薩斯州 管理的 215兆瓦
East Stiles 中德蘭,德克薩斯州 管理的 30兆瓦
Rebel 中德蘭,德克薩斯州 管理的 25兆瓦
Stiles 中德蘭,德克薩斯州 管理的 20兆瓦
花園城市 中德蘭,德克薩斯州 管理的 12兆瓦
總費用 1,322兆瓦

Upcoming Conferences & Events:


  • September 9-11, 2024: H.C. Wainwright 26th Annual Global Investment Conference
  • September 25-26, 2024: TMT M&A Forum USA 2024
  • September 25-26, 2024: infra/STRUCTURE 2024
  • September 26, 2024: ArcStone-Kingswood Growth Summit 2024
  • 2024年9月9日至11日:H.C. Wainwright第26屆全球投資大會
  • 2024年9月25日至26日:TMt併購論壇美國2024
  • 2024年9月25日至26日:基礎設施/結構2024
  • 2024年9月26日:ArcStone-Kingswood增長峯會2024


票據 :

  1. As of the end of the period
  2. Includes all Self-Mining, Managed Services, and Hosting infrastructure, including 100% of the energy capacity at the King Mountain site, which is owned by the King Mountain JV in which the Company has a 50% membership interest and a Fortune 200 renewable energy producer has the remaining 50% membership interest (the "King Mountain JV").
  3. Includes 215 megawatts assuming full capacity at Cedarvale, which was first energized in April and is currently under construction.
  4. Includes all miners that are racked with power and networking, rounded to the nearest 100, in Self-Mining, Managed Services, and Hosting infrastructure with power and networking, including all miners at the King Mountain site.
  5. Includes all Self-Mining, Managed Services, and Hosting hashrate, including 100% of the hashrate at the King Mountain site.
  6. Self-Mining operations for Hut 8 include 100% of operations at the King Mountain site.
  7. Deployed miners are defined as those physically racked with power and networking, rounded to the nearest 100; deployed self-mining miners net of the 50% share of the King Mountain JV held by Hut 8's joint venture partner was 49.5K during August and 49.2K during July.
  8. Indicates the target hashrate of all deployed miners; deployed self-mining hashrate net of the 50% share of the King Mountain JV held by Hut 8's joint venture partner was 4.7 EH/s during both August and July.
  9. Bitcoin produced net of the 50% share of the King Mountain JV held by Hut 8's joint venture partner was 74 BTC during August and 88 during July.
  10. The Managed Services figures reflected in this table include the Self-Mining and Hosting metrics from the sites where Hut 8's Managed Services business is an additional service layer in the operation of the site (at King Mountain, Rebel, Stiles, East Stiles, and Garden City). As a result, the sum of the Self-Mining, Managed Services, and Hosting numbers will not add up to the "Total energy capacity under management", "Total deployed miners under management", and "Total hashrate under management" figures that are also reflected in the table.
  11. Miners are rounded to the nearest 100.
  12. 42.6K deployed miners under management net of the 50% share of the King Mountain JV held by Hut 8's joint venture partner during both August and July.
  13. 4.7 EH/s under management net of Hut 8's joint venture partner's 50% share of the King Mountain JV during both August and July, respectively.
  14. Reflects revenue sources to Hut 8, its subsidiaries, and/or joint ventures in which they participate.
  15. Site is currently under development.
  16. Site currently shut down; Hut 8 maintaining lease with option value of re-energizing site.
  17. Owned by a JV between Hut 8 and a Fortune 200 renewable energy producer in which Hut 8 has an approximately 50% membership interest.
  18. Owned by a JV between Hut 8 and Macquarie in which Hut 8 has an approximately 80% membership interest.
  1. 至期末爲止
  2. 包括所有自挖、託管服務和託管基礎設施,包括King Mountain JV擁有的全部光伏電站容量,該JV由公司持有50%的會籍權益和一家財富200強的可再生能源生產商持有剩餘的50%會籍權益(「King Mountain JV」)。
  3. 包括在Cedarvale的全部功率達到215兆瓦,該礦場於4月首次通電,目前正在施工中。
  4. 包括所有通過電力和網絡架設的挖礦機,自挖、託管服務和託管基礎設施中的電力和網絡架設,包括King Mountain現場的所有挖礦機。
  5. 包括所有自挖、託管服務和託管哈希率,其中King Mountain現場的哈希率佔全部的100%。
  6. Hut 8的自挖運營包括King Mountain現場100%的運營。
  7. 已部署的礦工被定義爲那些在機架上安裝並連接了電源和網絡的礦工,按最接近的100取整;在8月期間,Hut 8的自行開採礦工在50%股權的King Mountain合資企業合作伙伴的淨部署礦工數爲4.95萬,在7月期間爲4.92萬。
  8. 8月和7月,Hut 8合資企業合作伙伴持有的King Mountain合資公司的自採礦時網絡哈希率(減去其50%的份額)爲4.7 EH/s。
  9. 8月和7月,Hut 8合資企業合作伙伴持有的King Mountain合資公司的淨比特幣產量分別爲74個和88個。
  10. 此表格反映的託管服務數字包括Hut 8的自行挖掘和託管指標,這些指標是作爲網站運營的額外服務層提供的(在King Mountain、Rebel、Stiles、East Stiles和Garden City)。因此,自行挖掘、託管和託管數字的總和將不會添加到該表格中反映的「託管的總能量容量」、「託管的總礦工」和「託管的總算力」數字中。
  11. 礦機數量按最近100台取整。
  12. 8月和7月期間,Hut 8的合資夥伴所持有的King Mountain聯營企業的50%份額除外,Hut 8管理的下放礦工數量爲4.26萬個。
  13. 分別是8月和7月期間,Hut 8所管理的下放算力爲4.7 EH/s,King Mountain聯營企業的50%份額除外。
  14. 反映Hut 8及其子公司和/或Joint Ventures中所參與的收入來源。
  15. 該網站目前正在建設中。
  16. 該地點目前處於關閉狀態;Hut 8保留租賃權利,有望重新啓動該地點。
  17. 該礦場由Hut 8和一家財富200強的可再生能源生產商組成的合資企業共同擁有,其中Hut 8的成員權益約爲50%。
  18. 由Hut 8和麥格理JV持有,其中Hut 8擁有約80%的成員權益。

About Hut 8

關於Hut 8公司:

Hut 8 Corp. is an energy infrastructure operator and Bitcoin miner with self-mining, hosting, managed services, and traditional data center operations across North America. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Hut 8 Corp. has a portfolio comprising twenty sites: ten Bitcoin mining, hosting, and Managed Services sites in Alberta, New York, and Texas, five high performance computing data centers in British Columbia and Ontario, four power generation assets in Ontario, and one newly announced site in the Texas Panhandle. For more information, visit and follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) at @Hut8Corp.

Hut 8 Corp.是一家以北美爲基礎的能源基礎設施運營商和比特幣礦工,擁有自行挖掘、託管、託管服務和傳統數據中心運營。總部位於佛羅里達州邁阿密,Hut 8 Corp.擁有20個站點的組合:位於艾伯塔省、紐約州和得克薩斯州的10個比特幣採礦、託管和託管服務站點、位於不列顛哥倫比亞省和安大略省的5個高性能計算數據中心、在安大略省的4個發電資產以及得克薩斯州Panhandle地區的一個新公佈站點。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 並在X(以前稱爲Twitter)上關注我們 @Hut8Corp。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Information


This press release includes "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws and United States securities laws, respectively (collectively, "forward-looking information"). All information, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that Hut 8 expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as future business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, expansion and growth of the business, operations, plans and other such matters is forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "allow", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "predict", "can", "might", "potential", "predict", "is designed to", "likely" or similar expressions. Specifically, such forward-looking information included in this press release includes statements relating to maximizing returns from the Company's current fleet, planning a thoughtfully structured fleet upgrade to next-generation ASICs, and energizing the remaining three buildings at Cedarvale by December 2024.


Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts, but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events based on certain material factors and assumptions at the time the statement was made. While considered reasonable by Hut 8 as of the date of this press release, such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to, security and cybersecurity threats and hacks; malicious actors or botnet obtaining control of processing power on the Bitcoin network; further development and acceptance of the Bitcoin network; changes to Bitcoin mining difficulty; loss or destruction of private keys; increases in fees for recording transactions in the Blockchain; erroneous transactions; reliance on a limited number of key employees; reliance on third party mining pool service providers; regulatory changes; classification and tax changes; momentum pricing risk; fraud and failure related to digital asset exchanges; difficulty in obtaining banking services and financing; difficulty in obtaining insurance, permits and licenses; internet and power disruptions; geopolitical events; uncertainty in the development of cryptographic and algorithmic protocols; uncertainty about the acceptance or widespread use of digital assets; failure to anticipate technology innovations; the COVID19 pandemic, climate change; currency risk; lending risk and recovery of potential losses; litigation risk; business integration risk; changes in market demand; changes in network and infrastructure; system interruption; changes in leasing arrangements; failure to achieve intended benefits of power purchase agreements; potential for interrupted delivery, or suspension of the delivery, of energy to mining sites and other risks related to the digital asset mining and data center business. For a complete list of the factors that could affect Hut 8, please see the "Risk Factors" section of Hut 8's Transition Report on Form 10-K, available under the Company's EDGAR profile at, and Hut 8's other continuous disclosure documents which are available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at and EDGAR profile at

陳述包含前瞻性信息,而不是歷史事實,而是基於某些物質因素和假設,反映了管理層對於未來事件的預期、估計和投影,這些因素和假設是在發表陳述時作爲合理的。雖然Hut 8在本新聞稿發佈之日認爲該類陳述是合理的,但是這些陳述仍可能受到已知和未知的風險、不確定性、假設和其他因素的影響,這可能會導致實際結果、活動水平、業績或成就與此類前瞻性信息所表達的實際結果、活動水平、業績或成就存在實質性不同,包括但不限於安全和網絡安全威脅和黑客攻擊,有惡意的演員或Botnet獲得比特幣網絡上的處理能力,比特幣網絡的進一步發展和接受,比特幣挖掘難度的變化,私鑰的丟失或破壞,記錄區塊鏈中的交易所需費用的增加,錯誤交易,依賴少量關鍵員工,依賴第三方礦池服務提供商,法規變更,分類和稅收變化,勢頭價格風險,數字資產交易所欺詐和失敗,難以獲得銀行服務和融資,難以獲得保險、許可證和執照,互聯網和電力中斷,地緣政治事件,加密和算法協議發展的不確定性,數字資產的接受或廣泛使用的不確定性,未能預見技術創新,COVID19大流行、氣候變化、貨幣風險、貸款風險和後續損失的回收,訴訟風險,業務整合風險,市場需求變化,網絡和基礎設施變化,系統中斷,租賃安排變化,無法實現電力購買協議的預期收益,可能會中斷交割或暫停交割的能源礦場投資和數據中心業務的其他風險。欲了解可能影響Hut 8的完整因素列表,請參閱Hut 8的過渡報告,可在公司的EDGAR資料庫中的公司檔案下找到,在公司的SEDAR +文件文件下找到,在公司的SEDAR +檔案中提供。 和EDGAR資料庫下的公司檔案。

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Sue Ennis


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