


多樣的港口、壯麗的城市和新的岸上觀光活動將成爲Seabourn 2024-2025年亞洲巡航季的亮點。
嘉年華郵輪 ·  09/05 00:00


多樣的港口、雄偉的城市和新的岸上游覽將成爲 SEABOURN 2024-2025 年亞洲郵輪季的頭條新聞

SEATTLE, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Seabourn, the leader in ultra-luxury cruising and expedition travel, is offering an extraordinary line-up of Asia itineraries for the late 2024 and 2025 cruise seasons. From December 2024 to March 2025, and again in November 2025, Seabourn Encore and Seabourn Quest will embark on a series of captivating voyages across Southeast Asia and Japan, visiting diverse regions, from the vibrant cultures of Vietnam and Thailand to the dazzling skyline of Singapore.

西雅圖,2024年9月5日 /PRNewswire/ — 超豪華巡航和探險旅行領域的領導者西伯恩將提供2024年末和2025年郵輪季節的非凡亞洲行程陣容。從2024年12月到2025年3月,再到2025年11月,Seabourn Encore和Seabourn Quest將踏上橫跨東南亞和日本的一系列迷人航行,參觀不同的地區,從充滿活力的越南和泰國文化到新加坡令人眼花繚亂的天際線。

Seabourn Encore will start with seven sailings between Singapore and Hong Kong, then continue to Japan, and finish with a transpacific crossing, marking her first-ever visit to the United States. Seabourn Quest will explore Japan during the cherry blossom season in spring and return in the fall to showcase the country's autumn landscapes and will visit new destinations such as Akita and Wakayama, Japan.

Seabourn Encore將首先在新加坡和香港之間進行七次航行,然後繼續前往日本,最後是跨太平洋穿越,這是她首次訪問美國。Seabourn Quest將在春季的櫻花季節探索日本,並於秋季返回日本展示該國的秋季景觀,並將訪問日本秋田和和歌山等新目的地。

"With its diverse beauty, rich culture, and deep history, our ultra-luxury cruises to Asia continue to be a favorite among our guests," said Natalya Leahy, president of Seabourn. "To meet the growing demand, we've enhanced our itineraries this season and are offering many exciting voyages throughout Asia to new, hidden gems across the region, ensuring even more exceptional experiences for our guests."


Seabourn Encore Southeast Asia – Winter 2024 to Spring 2025

Seabourn Encore 東南亞 — 2024 年冬季至 2025 年春季

Seabourn Encore's winter 2024 and spring 2025 season will allow guests to immerse themselves in the diverse landscapes, cultures, and histories of Southeast Asia in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines. From December 2024 to March 2025, Seabourn Encore will start its season of seven voyages between Singapore and Hong Kong, China. With both 13-day and 14-day options, each itinerary will include unforgettable moments such as the line's signature Caviar in the Surf experience in Koh Kood, Thailand, and overnights in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Seabourn Encore的2024年冬季和2025年春季將讓客人沉浸在越南、泰國、柬埔寨和菲律賓的東南亞多樣的景觀、文化和歷史中。從2024年12月到2025年3月,Seabourn Encore將開始其在新加坡和中國香港之間的七次航行季節。有 13 天和 14 天兩種選擇,每條行程都將包括難忘的時刻,例如該航線在泰國閣骨島衝浪體驗中的招牌魚子醬,以及在越南胡志明市過夜。

Departing March 2, 2025, Seabourn Encore will offer a 14-day Southeast Asia & Japan voyage from Singapore to Kobe, Japan, featuring a new port of call never before visited by the Seabourn fleet – Tokushima, Japan. The itinerary will also feature an overnight in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and maiden calls for Seabourn Encore to Kochi, Japan and Kobe, Japan.

2025年3月2日出發,Seabourn Encore將提供從新加坡到日本神戶的爲期14天的東南亞和日本航線,其特點是Seabourn艦隊從未訪問過的新停靠港——日本德島。行程還將包括在越南胡志明市過夜,以及首次乘坐Seabourn Encore前往日本高知和日本神戶。

The ship will finish its season with a 25-day Japan & Hawaiian Islands Pacific Crossing from Kobe, Japan to Long Beach, California, featuring a maiden call to Wakayama, Japan and the ship's first ever visit to the United States. The sailing will also include a selection of sea days with bespoke, curated onboard entertainment programs, featuring a star-studded line-up of performers and guest speakers. Additional details will be announced soon.


Seabourn Quest Southeast Asia and Japan – Spring 2025

Seabourn Quest 東南亞和日本 — 2025 年春季

Setting sail from March through April 2025, Seabourn Quest's 2025 Spring Asia itineraries range from 14 to 34 days with options to combine voyages for a truly comprehensive exploration of Asia. Guests will explore the northernmost and southernmost islands of Japan, immersing themselves in the nation's geography, history, and beauty at the height of cherry blossom season.

Seabourn Quest於2025年3月至4月啓航,其2025年春季亞洲行程從14天到34天不等,可以選擇合併航行,真正全面地探索亞洲。遊客將探索日本最北端和最南端的島嶼,在櫻花季節的高峰期,沉浸在日本的地理、歷史和美景中。

Seabourn will also offer a "Pacific Passage: Golden Week to Glacier Bay" 20-day voyage departing in April 2025. The best of both worlds, this itinerary will immerse guests in the vibrant cultural festivities of "Golden Week" in Japan, where they'll witness the breathtaking beauty of cherry blossoms in full bloom, before heading to Alaska during the less-crowded early season to enjoy the stunning scenery and abundant wildlife.

Seabourn還將提供2025年4月出發的 「太平洋航道:前往冰川灣的黃金週」 爲期20天的航程。這兩全其美的行程將讓客人沉浸在日本 「黃金週」 充滿活力的文化慶祝活動中,在那裏他們將目睹櫻花盛開的壯麗美景,然後在不那麼擁擠的早季前往阿拉斯加,欣賞壯麗的風景和豐富的野生動植物。

Seabourn Quest Japan – Fall 2025

Seabourn Quest 日本 — 2025 年秋季

In fall 2025, Seabourn Quest will return to Japan to showcase the country's iconic autumn landscapes. Between September and November 2025, the ship will embark on a series of four sailings, ranging from 12 to 41 days, visiting more than 20 destinations across Japan's four main islands, as well as hidden gems of the smaller southern islands. Maiden calls for Seabourn Quest include Akita, with its hot springs and samurai districts; Ishinomaki, renowned for its vibrant arts scene; Niigata, celebrated for its coastal beauty; and Wakayama, home to impressive architecture and sacred sites.

2025年秋季,Seabourn Quest將重返日本,展示該國的標誌性秋季景觀。2025年9月至11月期間,該船將開始一系列四次航行,時間從12天到41天不等,遊覽日本四個主要島嶼的20多個目的地,以及南部較小島嶼的隱藏寶石。Seabourn Quest的處女座包括秋田,那裏有溫泉和武士區;以充滿活力的藝術場景而聞名的石卷市;因其海岸美景而聞名的新瀉;以及擁有令人印象深刻的建築和聖地的和歌山。

Exciting New Shore Excursions


Seabourn is also introducing two new optional shore excursions, available on select voyages to Japan.


  • Very Best of Kobe: This full-day tour allows guests to explore the highlights of Kobe, including the majestic exterior of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Himeji Castle, and the serene Koko-en Garden. Guests will enjoy a Kobe beef lunch and delve into Japan's sake culture at the Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewery Museum, where they will learn about the traditional sake-making process.

  • Hiroshige Museum & Tea Ceremony: This half-day tour in Shimizu includes a visit to the Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art, where guests can admire traditional Japanese ukiyo-e art, followed by a Japanese tea ceremony at the serene Miyuki-tei house. The tour concludes with a scenic walk through the Miho-no-Matsubara pine grove, offering stunning views of Mount Fuji, weather permitting.

  • 神戶之美:這個全日遊讓遊客可以探索神戶的亮點,包括聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的雄偉外觀、姬路城堡和寧靜的Koko-en花園。客人將在菊正宗清酒啤酒廠博物館享用神戶牛肉午餐,深入了解日本的清酒文化,在那裏他們將了解傳統的清酒製作過程。

  • 廣重博物館和茶道:清水的半日遊包括參觀東海道廣重美術館,在那裏客人可以欣賞傳統的日本浮世繪藝術,然後在寧靜的Miyuki-Tei房屋裏參加日本茶道。如果天氣允許,行程將以風景優美的散步穿過三保松原松林,欣賞富士山的壯麗景色。

Interesting Seabourn Conversations Guest Speakers

有趣的 Seabourn 對話嘉賓演講嘉賓

Additionally, select voyages will host renowned speakers for the complimentary onboard enrichment program, Seabourn Conversations.

此外,部分航行將邀請知名演講嘉賓參加免費的船上充實計劃 「Seabourn 對話」。

  • Jim Laurie, an international writer, lecturer, broadcaster and media consultant who specializes in Asia destinations, will join Seabourn Encore for several sailings between December 15, 2024, and February 16, 2025.

  • Ann Cleeves OBE, an award-winning author of more than 35 critically acclaimed novels, will sail during the ship's 14-day holiday voyage from December 22, 2024 to January 5, 2025.

  • 專門研究亞洲目的地的國際作家、講師、廣播員和媒體顧問吉姆·勞裏將在2024年12月15日至2025年2月16日期間加入Seabourn Encore進行多次航行。

  • 安·克利夫斯OBE是超過35部廣受好評的小說的獲獎作家,將在2024年12月22日至2025年1月5日該船爲期14天的假日航行中航行。

For reservations or more information on Seabourn's 2024-2025 cruises to Asia, please call Seabourn at 1-800-929-9391, visit  or contact a professional travel advisor.


About Seabourn:

關於 Seabourn:

Seabourn represents the pinnacle of ultra-luxury ocean and expedition travel and operates a suite of seven modern ships. The all-inclusive, boutique ships offer all-suite accommodations with oceanfront views; award-winning dining; complimentary premium spirits and fine wines available at all times; renowned service provided by an industry-leading crew; a relaxed, sociable atmosphere that makes guests feel at home; a pedigree in expedition travel through the Ventures by Seabourn program and two new ultra-luxury purpose-built expedition ships, including Seabourn Venture that launched in 2022 and Seabourn Pursuit in 2023. Seabourn takes travelers to every continent on the globe, visiting more than 400 ports including marquee cities and lesser-known ports and hideaways. Guests of Seabourn experience extraordinary offerings and programs, including partnerships with leading entertainers, dining, personal health and wellbeing, and engaging speakers.

Seabourn 代表了超豪華海上和探險旅行的巔峯之作,經營着由七艘現代船組成的套件。全包式精品船提供可欣賞海濱景色的全套房住宿;屢獲殊榮的餐飲;隨時提供免費優質烈酒和上等葡萄酒;行業領先的船員提供的著名服務;輕鬆的社交氛圍,讓客人有賓至如歸的感覺;通過Ventures by Seabourn計劃進行探險旅行的血統以及兩艘新的超豪華專用探險船,包括2022年下水的Seabourn Venture和2023年下水的Seabourn Pursure。Seabourn 將遊客帶到全球每個大陸,參觀了 400 多個港口,包括大型城市以及鮮爲人知的港口和世外桃源。Seabourn的客人可以體驗非凡的服務和節目,包括與領先演藝人員的合作、餐飲、個人健康和福祉以及引人入勝的演講者。

Seabourn is a brand of Carnival Corporation and plc (NYSE/LSE: CCL and NYSE: CUK).


Find Seabourn on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.

在推特、臉書、Instagram、YouTube 和 Pinterest 上查找 Seabourn



*Seabourn Encore, Seabourn Ovation, Seabourn Venture, Seabourn Pursuit

*Seabourn Encore、Seabourn Ovation、Seabourn Venture、Seabourn Pursu

**Optional programs, for additional charge


^Available on Seabourn Sojourn, Seabourn Quest, Seabourn Encore, Seabourn Ovation

^適用於 Seabourn Sojourn、Seabourn Quest、Seabourn Encore、Seabourn Ovation

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SOURCE  Seabourn

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Irene Lui Sanders, (206) 626-9122 or

艾琳·路易·桑德斯,(206) 626-9122 或

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