
Energy Fuels' Transformational Acquisition of Base Resources Wins Shareholder Approval; All Required Regulatory Approvals Have Been Obtained

Energy Fuels' Transformational Acquisition of Base Resources Wins Shareholder Approval; All Required Regulatory Approvals Have Been Obtained

Energy Fuels的轉型收購Base Resources獲得股東批准;已獲得所有必要的監管批准
Energy Fuels ·  09/05 00:00

Acquisition expected to transform Energy Fuels into a world leading rare earth element, titanium and zirconium producer, while maintaining its position as a U.S.-leading uranium producer

此次收購有望將Energy Fuels轉變爲世界領先的稀土元素、鈦和鋯生產商,同時保持其作爲美國領先鈾生產商的地位

DENVER, Sept. 5, 2024 /CNW/ - Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) ("Energy Fuels" or the "Company"), an industry leader in uranium and rare earth elements ("REE") production for the energy transition, is pleased to announce that it has achieved a major milestone toward its planned acquisition of Base Resources ("Base") with the approval of the acquisition by Base shareholders at a special meeting of shareholders held in Perth, Australia on September 5, 2024. Further, as previously announced by Base, all required regulatory approvals for the acquisition have been obtained.

丹佛,2024年9月5日 /CNW/-能源轉型鈾和稀土元素(「REE」)生產領域的行業領導者能源燃料公司(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:UUU)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:EFR)(「能源燃料」 或 「公司」)很高興地宣佈,在Base股東批准收購基礎資源(「Base」)方面,它在計劃收購基礎資源(「Base」)方面取得了重要里程碑在2024年9月5日於澳大利亞珀斯舉行的股東特別會議上。此外,正如Base先前宣佈的那樣,此次收購的所有必要監管批准均已獲得。

Mark S. Chalmers, President and CEO of Energy Fuels stated:


"We are pleased that the Base shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve Energy Fuels' combination with Base Resources. We believe that the combined company will clearly emerge as a world-leader in producing several of the critical minerals and materials needed for the clean energy transition. The Toliara, Bahia and Donald projects are expected to become large-scale, world-class, and low-cost heavy mineral sand projects in the coming years, producing titanium, zirconium and rare earth minerals. Energy Fuels is uniquely placed in the world to unlock the value of the rare earth minerals (monazite and xenotime) at our White Mesa Mill, and we have proven our ability to recover and produce advanced separated rare earth materials in the USA. I am also very pleased to see recent improvements in REE prices, with the price of NdPr recently increasing to $60.21 per kilogram.

“我們很高興基本股東以壓倒性多數投票批准了Energy Fuels與基礎資源的合併。我們相信,合併後的公司顯然將成爲生產清潔能源轉型所需的幾種關鍵礦物和材料的世界領導者。Toliara、Bahia和Donald項目預計將在未來幾年成爲大規模、世界一流和低成本的重質礦砂項目,生產鈦、鋯和稀土礦物。Energy Fuels在世界上具有獨特的地位,可以釋放我們的White Mesa工廠的稀土礦物(獨居石和異種)的價值,而且我們已經證明了我們在美國回收和生產先進的分離稀土材料的能力。我也很高興看到稀土價格最近有所改善,NdPR的價格最近上漲至每千克60.21美元。

We look forward to completing the next steps in our acquisition of Base Resources and closing the Transaction on October 2, 2024."


Base Shareholders Overwhelming Vote in Favor of Combination with Energy Fuels:


As previously announced on April 21, 2024, Energy Fuels entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the issued shares of Base in consideration of the issuance by the Company of 0.026 Energy Fuels Common Shares for every Base share held and the payment by Base of a special dividend of AUD $0.065 per Base share (the "Transaction"). The Transaction is to be effected by way of a scheme of arrangement under Australia's Corporations Act (the "Scheme").

正如先前在2024年4月21日宣佈的那樣,Energy Fuels達成了一項收購Base100%已發行股份的協議,以對比該公司每持有的每股基礎股發行0.026股能源燃料普通股,並由Base支付每股基礎股0.065澳元的特別股息(「交易」)。該交易將通過澳大利亞《公司法》(「計劃」)下的安排計劃進行。

At their September 5, 2024 meeting, the shareholders of Base overwhelmingly voted in favor of the Scheme, with 99.88% of the votes cast by Base shareholders in favor of the transaction, and 93.18% of the Base shareholders present and voting (in person or by proxy) in favor of the transaction. Both voting results significantly exceed the requirements for shareholder approval, being more than 75% of the votes cast and more than 50% of the shareholders present.


As a next step, Base will apply to the Federal Court of Australia (the "Court") for approval of the Scheme, which is scheduled to occur on September 12, 2024. If the Court approves the Scheme, a copy of the Court order will be lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") and the Scheme will become effective, which is expected to occur on September 13, 2024. As a result, September 13, 2024 is expected to be Base's last day of trading on the Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX"). The Special Dividend (AUD$0.065 per share) is expected to be paid to Base shareholders on October 1, 2024, and Closing of the Transaction is expected to occur on October 2, 2024. The closing remains subject to this Court approval and other routine conditions.


All Required Regulatory Approvals have been Obtained:


On July 1, 2024, Base received notice from the Competition Authority of Kenya that it had approved the proposed combination pursuant to the Competition Act of Kenya. On August 21 2024, Base announced that Energy Fuels had received written confirmation from the Foreign Investment Review Board that the Australian government has no objections to the proposed combination, and on August 27, 2024, Base received confirmation from the Malagasy Competition Council that it does not object to the proposed combination of Energy Fuels and Base and that the Transaction may proceed. As a result, all the regulatory conditions precedent to the Scheme are considered satisfied, and there are no remaining regulatory approval conditions precedent to implementation of the Scheme and closing of the Transaction.


The acquisition of Base Resources and its 100%-owned Toliara Mineral Sand Project in Madagascar ("Toliara"), together with the Company's 100%-owned Bahia Mineral Sand Project in Brazil ("Bahia") and the Company's recently announced joint venture with Astron Corporation to develop the Donald Mineral Sand Project in Australia ("Donald"), is expected to transform Energy Fuels into a world-leader in REE's, titanium, and zirconium production, while maintaining it's position as a leading U.S. uranium mining producer. The Toliara, Bahia, and Donald projects are heavy mineral sand ("HMS") projects that, upon development, will primarily produce titanium and zirconium minerals, including ilmenite, rutile, and zircon. Subject to receipt of further permitting and development, these HMS projects are also expected to produce a valuable monazite sand byproduct, which is one of the best sources of the "magnet" REE's used in electric vehicles ("EVs"), plug-in hybrid vehicles, direct-drive wind energy, and other technologies. The Toliara Project is expected to be Energy Fuels' cornerstone source of monazite supply, providing a long-term and large-scale supply of monazite to the Company's White Mesa Mill in Utah (the "Mill") for processing into REE oxides and other advanced REE materials, along with the recovery of contained uranium. As the monazite is expected to be a very low-cost byproduct of Toliara's primary ilmenite and zircon production, the production of REE oxides at the Mill is expected to be low-cost and globally competitive. The Toliara Project is subject to negotiation of fiscal terms with the Madagascar government and the receipt of certain Madagascar government approvals and actions before a current suspension on activities at the Toliara Project will be lifted and development may occur.

收購Base Resources及其在馬達加斯加擁有100%股權的圖利亞拉礦砂項目(「Toliara」),以及該公司在巴西擁有100%股權的巴伊亞礦砂項目(「巴伊亞」),以及該公司最近宣佈與Astron Corporation合資開發澳大利亞唐納德礦砂項目(「唐納德」),預計將使能源燃料成爲稀土、鈦和鋯生產領域的全球領導者,同時保持其作爲美國領先鈾礦開採生產商的地位。圖利亞拉、巴伊亞和唐納德項目是重質礦砂(「HMS」)項目,開發後將主要生產鈦和鋯礦物,包括鈦鐵礦、金紅石和鋯石。在獲得進一步許可和開發的前提下,這些HMS項目預計還將產生寶貴的獨居石砂副產品,這是電動汽車(「EV」)、插電式混合動力汽車、直接驅動風能和其他技術中使用的 「磁鐵」 稀土的最佳來源之一。Toliara項目預計將成爲Energy Fuels獨居石供應的基石來源,爲該公司位於猶他州的White Mesa工廠(「工廠」)提供長期和大規模的獨居石供應,用於加工成稀土氧化物和其他先進的稀土材料,以及回收所含鈾。由於獨居石預計將成爲圖利亞拉原生鈦鐵礦和鋯石生產的非常低成本的副產品,因此該工廠稀土氧化物的生產預計將具有低成本且具有全球競爭力。圖利亞拉項目需要與馬達加斯加政府就財政條款進行談判,並獲得馬達加斯加政府的某些批准和行動,然後才能解除目前暫停的圖利亞拉項目活動並開始開發。

Energy Fuels Successfully Commissions REE Separation Circuit; Turns Focus to Uranium Production for the Remainder of 2024:


During Q2- and Q3-2024, the Company successfully commissioned an REE separation circuit at its 100%-owned White Mesa Mill. This "Phase 1" circuit has the capacity to produce up to 1,000 metric tons ("tonnes") of separated NdPr per year. During commissioning, the Company recovered, dried, and packaged approximately 40 tonnes of high-purity, on-spec separated NdPr. The Company estimates that it recovered an additional 10 to 20 tonnes of separated NdPr, which remains in circuit and will be packaged at a later date. This 50 – 60 tonnes of NdPr production exceeds the Company's original guidance of 25 – 35 tonnes by over 40%.

在第二季度和 Q3-2024 期間,該公司成功調試了其 100% 控股的懷特梅薩工廠的稀土分離迴路。這個 「第一階段」 電路每年可生產多達1,000公噸(「噸」)的分離NdPR。在調試期間,公司回收、乾燥和包裝了大約 40 噸高純度、符合規格分離的 NdPR。該公司估計,它又回收了10至20噸分離的NdPR,這些分離物仍在循環中,將在以後進行包裝。這50至60噸的NdPR產量比公司最初預期的25-35噸高出40%以上。

The Company is currently in the process of shifting its production focus at the Mill from REE's to uranium. During 2024, the Company expects to produce 150,000 to 500,000 pounds of U3O8 from stockpiled alternate feed materials and conventional ore. In addition, ore production and underground development at its Pinyon Plain and La Sal mines continues on schedule and on budget.




Energy Fuels is a leading US-based critical minerals company. The Company, as a leading producer of uranium in the United States, mines uranium and produces natural uranium concentrates that are sold to major nuclear utilities for the production of carbon-free nuclear energy. Energy Fuels recently began production of advanced rare earth element ("REE") materials, including mixed REE carbonate in 2021, and commenced production of commercial quantities of separated REEs in 2024. Energy Fuels also produces vanadium from certain of its projects, as market conditions warrant, and is evaluating the recovery of radionuclides needed for emerging cancer treatments. Its corporate offices are in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver, and substantially all its assets and employees are in the United States. Energy Fuels holds two of America's key uranium production centers: the White Mesa Mill in Utah and the Nichols Ranch in-situ recovery ("ISR") Project in Wyoming. The White Mesa Mill is the only conventional uranium mill operating in the US today, has a licensed capacity of over 8 million pounds of U3O8 per year, and has the ability to produce vanadium when market conditions warrant, as well as REE products, from various uranium-bearing ores. The Nichols Ranch ISR Project is on standby and has a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. The Company recently acquired the Bahia Project in Brazil and entered into a joint venture agreement to develop the Donald Project in Australia, each of which is believed to have significant quantities of titanium (ilmenite and rutile), zirconium (zircon) and REE (monazite) minerals. In addition to the above production facilities, Energy Fuels also has one of the largest NI 43-101 compliant uranium resource portfolios in the US and several uranium and uranium/vanadium mining projects on standby and in various stages of permitting and development. The primary trading market for Energy Fuels' common shares is the NYSE American under the trading symbol "UUUU," and the Company's common shares are also listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "EFR." Energy Fuels' website is .

Energy Fuels是一家總部位於美國的領先關鍵礦產公司。作爲美國領先的鈾生產商,該公司開採鈾並生產天然鈾濃縮物,出售給主要核設施用於生產無碳核能。能源燃料最近於2021年開始生產先進的稀土元素(「REE」)材料,包括混合稀土碳酸鹽,並於2024年開始生產商業數量的分離稀土元素(「REE」)。在市場條件允許的情況下,Energy Fuels還通過其某些項目生產釩,並且正在評估新興癌症治療所需的放射性核素的回收率。其公司辦公室位於科羅拉多州萊克伍德,靠近丹佛,幾乎所有資產和員工都在美國。Energy Fuels擁有美國的兩個主要鈾生產中心:猶他州的懷特梅薩工廠和懷俄明州的尼科爾斯牧場原地回收(「ISR」)項目。White Mesa Mill 是當今美國唯一一家運營的常規鈾廠,其許可產能爲每年超過 800,000 磅的 U3O8,並且能夠在市場條件允許時使用各種含鈾礦石生產釩以及稀土產品。Nichols Ranch ISR項目處於待命狀態,每年的許可產能爲200萬磅的U3O8。該公司最近收購了巴西的巴伊亞項目,並簽訂了在澳大利亞開發唐納德項目的合資協議,據信每個項目都有大量的鈦(鈦鐵礦和金紅石)、鋯(鋯石)和稀土(獨居石)礦物。除了上述生產設施外,Energy Fuels還擁有美國最大的符合NI 43-101標準的鈾資源組合之一,還有幾個處於不同許可和開發階段的鈾和鈾/釩礦開採項目處於待命狀態。Energy Fuels普通股的主要交易市場是美國紐約證券交易所,交易代碼爲 「UUUU」,該公司的普通股也在多倫多證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲 「EFR」。Energy Fuels的網站是.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain "Forward Looking Information" and "Forward Looking Statements" within the meaning of applicable United States and Canadian securities legislation, which may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: any expectation that the Company will maintain its position as a leading U.S.-based critical minerals company or as a leading producer of uranium in the U.S.; any expectation with respect to timelines to production; any expectation as to rates or quantities of production; any expectation as to costs of production; any expectation that the Bahia Project, Donald Project and/or Toliara Project, if acquired, will be fully permitted and developed; any expectation that, upon development, the Bahia Project, Donald Project and/or Toliara Project will be low-cost sources of monazite feed for the Mill; any expectation that the acquisition of Base Resources will be completed or if completed, completed on the terms and time proposed; any expectation that any production at the Bahia Project, Donald Project and/or Toliara Project, if acquired, or Mill will be world or globally competitive; any expectation that Energy Fuels will be successful in agreeing on fiscal terms with the Government of Madagascar or in achieving sufficient fiscal and legal stability for the Toliara Project, if acquired; any expectation that the current suspension relating to the Toliara Project will be lifted in the near future or at all; any expectation that the additional permits for the recovery of Monazite at the Bahia, Donald and Toliara Projects will be acquired on a timely basis or at all; any expectation that the Toliara Project will become a world-class HMS project; and any expectation that the Company's evaluation of radioisotope recovery at the Mill will be successful. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans," "expects," "does not expect," "is expected," "is likely," "budgets," "scheduled," "estimates," "forecasts," "intends," "anticipates," "does not anticipate," or "believes," or variations of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may," "could," "would," "might" or "will be taken," "occur," "be achieved" or "have the potential to." All statements, other than statements of historical fact, herein are considered to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements express or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include risks associated with: commodity prices and price fluctuations; engineering, construction, processing and mining difficulties, upsets and delays; permitting and licensing requirements and delays; changes to regulatory requirements; legal challenges; the availability of feed sources for the Mill; competition from other producers; public opinion; government and political actions; the failure of the Company to complete the acquisition of Base Resources; the failure of the Government of Madagascar to agree on fiscal terms for the Toliara Project or provide the approvals necessary to achieve sufficient fiscal and legal stability on acceptable terms and conditions or at all; the failure of the current suspension affecting the Toliara Project to be lifted on a timely basis or at all; the failure of the Company to obtain the required permits for the recovery of Monazite from the Bahia, Donald and/or Toliara Projects; the failure of the Company to provide or obtain the necessary financing required to develop the Bahia, Donald and/or Toliara Projects; available supplies of monazite; the ability of the Mill to produce REE carbonate, REE oxides or other REE products to meet commercial specifications on a commercial scale at acceptable costs or at all; market factors, including future demand for HMS and/or REEs; actual results may differ from all such estimates and projections; the ability of the Mill to recover radium or other radioisotopes at reasonable costs or at all; market prices and demand for medical isotopes; and the other factors described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is available for review on EDGAR at, on SEDAR+ at , and on the Company's website at . Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update the information in this communication, except as otherwise required by law.

關於前瞻性陳述的警示說明:本新聞稿包含適用的美國和加拿大證券立法所指的某些 「前瞻性信息」 和 「前瞻性陳述」,其中可能包括但不限於以下方面的陳述:對公司將保持其作爲美國領先的關鍵礦產公司或美國領先的鈾生產商地位的任何期望;對生產時間表的任何期望;對利率或的任何期望的數量生產;對生產成本的任何期望;對巴伊亞項目、唐納德項目和/或圖利亞拉項目如果被收購,將獲得完全允許和開發的任何期望;任何期望巴伊亞項目、唐納德項目和/或圖利亞拉項目在開發後將成爲該工廠的低成本獨居石飼料來源;對基礎資源的收購將完成或如果完成則按擬議條款和時間完成的任何期望;任何期望在 Bahia Project、Donald Project 和/或 Toliara 項目中製作,如果被收購,或者工廠將具有世界或全球競爭力;任何期望能源燃料公司成功與馬達加斯加政府商定財政條款,或在收購後爲圖利亞拉項目實現足夠的財政和法律穩定性;預計目前與圖利亞拉項目有關的暫停將在不久的將來取消或根本解除;預計巴伊亞、唐納德和圖利亞拉項目回收獨居石的額外許可證將及時或根本收購;任何期望Toliara項目將成爲世界一流的HMS項目;任何對該公司對工廠放射性同位素回收率的評估都將取得成功的任何期望。通常,這些前瞻性陳述可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 「計劃」、「預期」、「不預期」、「很可能」、「預算」、「計劃」、「估計」、「打算」、「預期」、「不預期」 或 「相信」,或此類詞語和短語的變體,或聲明某些行動、事件或結果 「可能」、” 「可以」、「將」、「可能」 或 「將被採取」、「發生」、「實現」 或 「有潛力」。除歷史事實陳述外,此處的所有陳述均被視爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。可能導致實際業績與這些前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異的因素包括與以下方面相關的風險:大宗商品價格和價格波動;工程、施工、加工和採礦困難、動盪和延誤;許可和許可要求及延誤;監管要求的變化;法律挑戰;工廠飼料來源的可用性;來自其他生產商的競爭;公衆輿論;政府和政治行動;公司未能完成收購基礎資源;馬達加斯加政府未能就圖利亞拉項目的財政條款達成協議,也沒有提供必要的批准,以便在可接受的條款和條件下實現足夠的財政和法律穩定,或者根本沒有解除目前影響圖利亞拉項目的暫停令;該公司未能獲得從巴伊亞、唐納德和/或圖利亞拉項目中回收獨居石所需的許可證;公司未能提供或獲得所需的必要融資開發巴伊亞、唐納德和/或圖利亞拉項目;獨居石的可用供應;該工廠以可接受的成本或完全符合商業規模的稀土碳酸稀土、稀土氧化物或其他稀土產品的能力;市場因素,包括HMS和/或REE的未來需求;實際結果可能與所有此類估計和預測有所不同;工廠以合理成本或根本回收鐳或其他放射性同位素的能力;醫用同位素的市場價格和需求;以及下文所述的其他因素公司最近提交的10-k表年度報告中的 「風險因素」 標題,該報告可在EDGAR的、SEDAR+上以及公司的網站上查閱。此處包含的前瞻性陳述自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出,除法律要求外,公司不承擔任何更新任何前瞻性陳述的義務,無論是由於新的信息、業績、未來事件、情況,還是管理層的估計或意見是否應發生變化或其他原因。無法保證前瞻性陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述。除非法律另有要求,否則公司沒有義務更新本通信中的信息。

SOURCE  Energy Fuels Inc.


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