
Canadian Medical Technology Consortium Collaborates on State-of-the-Art Postoperative Patient Management Platform, Led by FluidAI

Canadian Medical Technology Consortium Collaborates on State-of-the-Art Postoperative Patient Management Platform, Led by FluidAI

加拿大醫療技術 consor聯合開發最先進的術後患者管理平台,由FluidAI主導
PR Newswire ·  09/09 07:00

KITCHENER, ON, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Building on the success of the Continuous Connected Patient Care (CCPC) project, a consortium of leading Canadian medtech companies, led by FluidAI Medical in collaboration with Medtronic Canada ULC, Excelar Technologies, Providence Health Care Ventures, and the University of Waterloo, has announced the launch of the Postoperative Patient Management Platform (PPMP) project under Canada's Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies, known as DIGITAL. This initiative aims to revolutionize postoperative care through advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies.

安大略省基奇納,2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/-在持續互聯患者護理(CCPC)項目成功的基礎上,由加拿大領先醫療科技公司組成的聯盟由FluidAI Medical牽頭,與加拿大美敦力ULC、Excelar Technologies、普羅維登斯醫療保健風險投資公司和滑鐵盧大學合作,宣佈啓動加拿大全球創新下的術後患者管理平台(PPMP)項目數字技術集群,即數字化集群。該計劃旨在通過先進的人工智能(AI)和機器學習技術徹底改變術後護理。

Predictive analytics dashboard (CNW Group/Fluid AI Medical)
預測分析儀表板(CNW 集團/Fluid AI Medical)

Postoperative complications pose significant challenges, leading to prolonged hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and adverse patient outcomes. Studies have found nearly 15% of surgical mortality cases are potentially preventable if caught earlier[1]. Additionally, the associated costs of additional treatments following complications due to prolonged hospital stays and readmissions are estimated to be between 1.5 to 4 times higher than for primary admissions[2, 3]. The PPMP project addresses these issues by developing a sophisticated platform that utilizes in-hospital data to create predictive models for patient risk assessment. This platform will help healthcare providers make timely and informed decisions, enhancing patient care and reducing the burden on healthcare resources.

術後併發症構成重大挑戰,導致住院時間延長、醫療費用增加和患者預後不利。研究發現,如果儘早發現,將近15%的手術死亡病例是可以預防的 [1]。此外,據估計,因長期住院和再入院而導致的併發症後進行額外治療的相關費用比初次入院的費用高1.5至4倍 [2] 3]。PPMP項目通過開發一個複雜的平台來解決這些問題,該平台利用院內數據創建用於患者風險評估的預測模型。該平台將幫助醫療保健提供者做出及時和明智的決策,加強患者護理並減輕醫療資源的負擔。

The primary objectives of the PPMP project include the development of advanced predictive analytics to foresee postoperative complications such as anastomotic leaks and respiratory depression. Respiratory depression, often induced by opioids administered during and after surgery, is a significant adverse event that can result in prolonged hospital stays and increased costs—up to $23,000 USD for high-risk patients [4]. Additionally, current diagnostic techniques, such as CT scans, have limited sensitivity in detecting postoperative complications like anastomotic leaks, which often go undetected for an average of 8.5 days, posing severe risks to patient health [5]. By integrating extensive data sets from electronic health records and monitoring devices, the platform will offer actionable insights for surgeons, allowing for quicker and more precise decision-making. The commercialization strategy includes initial deployment at Providence Health Care's St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, with plans to expand to other hospitals, leveraging partnerships to distribute the platform across Canada, the US, and global markets.

PPMP項目的主要目標包括開發先進的預測分析,以預測吻合口滲漏和呼吸抑制等術後併發症。呼吸抑制通常由手術期間和術後服用的阿片類藥物引起,是一種重大的不良事件,可導致長期住院和費用增加——高危患者最高可達23,000美元 [4]。此外,當前的診斷技術,例如Ct掃描,在檢測吻合口滲漏等術後併發症方面的靈敏度有限,這些併發症通常在平均8.5天內未被發現,對患者健康構成嚴重風險 [5]。通過整合來自電子健康記錄和監測設備的大量數據集,該平台將爲外科醫生提供切實可行的見解,從而做出更快、更精確的決策。商業化戰略包括在溫哥華的Providence Health Care的聖保羅醫院進行初步部署,並計劃擴展到其他醫院,利用合作伙伴關係將該平台分發到加拿大、美國和全球市場。

FluidAI Medical is leading the development of predictive models and integrating the Stream Platform for remote patient monitoring. Medtronic Canada is providing vital monitoring solutions and collaborating on the development of predictive analytics. Excelar Technologies is enhancing its CareFlow platform to support broader use cases in AI-driven risk prediction. Providence Health Care Ventures is facilitating feasibility trials, validating solutions, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The data governance strategy includes the highest standards of privacy, security, ethics and consent approvals and management. The University of Waterloo is conducting user needs assessments to ensure the platform meets healthcare providers' requirements. Each consortium member brings unique expertise and resources to the project, creating a robust and comprehensive solution for postoperative patient management.

FluidAI Medical正在領導預測模型的開發,並集成了用於遠程患者監測的Stream平台。加拿大美敦力正在提供重要的監測解決方案,併合作開發預測分析。Excelar Technologies正在增強其CareFlow平台,以支持人工智能驅動的風險預測中更廣泛的用例。普羅維登斯醫療保健風險投資公司正在促進可行性試驗、驗證解決方案並確保合規性。數據治理戰略包括最高的隱私、安全、道德和同意批准和管理標準。滑鐵盧大學正在進行用戶需求評估,以確保該平台滿足醫療保健提供者的要求。每個聯盟成員都爲該項目帶來了獨特的專業知識和資源,爲術後患者管理創建了強大而全面的解決方案。

By integrating AI and continuous monitoring into the PPMP project, we are developing a platform that not only facilitates earlier detection of complications but also sets a new precedent for proactive, data-driven patient care." Says Youssef Helwa, CEO at FluidAI. "FluidAI is proud to be leading the collaboration of Canadian medical technology pioneers on this project which highlights our collective commitment to innovation and excellence."


Rick Sethi, Sr. Director of Research & Technology and Open Innovation at Medtronic AC&M, says, "We are excited to be collaborating with amazing partners such as DIGITAL, FluidAI and our other consortium team members to find ways to reduce length of stay of patients in hospitals. The development of our AI-based Clinical Decision Support technology will help augment patient care by supporting our clinicians."


"AI will revolutionize global health care systems by providing greater access and better outcomes for Canadians and for people around the world." said Sue Paish, CEO of DIGITAL. "By uniting industry leaders, innovators, and academic partners, we're building the foundation for tomorrow's breakthroughs and ensuring Canada remains at the cutting-edge of global AI innovation. We're proud to co-invest alongside innovators like FluidAI to build relevant AI solutions that advance human health while building global commercial pathways for Canadian companies."


By enhancing patient care through early detection and intervention of postoperative complications, the platform will directly improve patient outcomes. Hospitals will benefit from more efficient patient management, reduced hospital stays, and lower readmission rates, and significant cost savings. The PPMP project is a development project and is not yet licensed by Health Canada.


About FluidAI Medical

關於 FluidAI Medical

FluidAI (formerly known as NERv Technology Inc.) is a Canadian medical technology company that uses AI to aid with the early detection of postoperative complications. From general to gastrointestinal surgeries, FluidAI's mission is to empower healthcare providers with data-driven solutions that improve patient outcomes and advance postoperative care. To learn more about FluidAI and how the company is transforming postoperative care, please visit .

FluiDAI(前身爲NerV Technology Inc.)是一家加拿大醫療技術公司,它使用人工智能來幫助及早發現術後併發症。從普通手術到胃腸道手術,FluidAI的使命是爲醫療保健提供者提供數據驅動的解決方案,以改善患者預後並推進術後護理。要了解有關FluidAI以及該公司如何改變術後護理的更多信息,請訪問。

About Medtronic Canada ULC

關於加拿大美敦力 ULC

Proud to serve Canadian healthcare for over 50 years, Medtronic Canada ULC is headquartered in Brampton, Ontario, and is a subsidiary of Medtronic PLC. We are the leading global healthcare technology company that boldly attacks the most challenging health problems facing humanity by searching out and finding solutions. Our Mission — to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life — unites a global team of 90,000+ passionate people. Our technologies and therapies address 70 health conditions and include cardiac devices, surgical robotics, insulin pumps, surgical tools, patient monitoring systems, and more. Powered by our diverse knowledge, insatiable curiosity, and desire to help all those who need it, we deliver innovative technologies that transform the lives of two people every second, every hour, every day. Visit, and follow us on X and LinkedIn.

美敦力加拿大ULC總部位於安大略省布蘭普頓,是美敦力集團的子公司,自豪地爲加拿大醫療服務超過50年。我們是全球領先的醫療保健技術公司,通過尋找和尋找解決方案,大膽地解決人類面臨的最具挑戰性的健康問題。我們的使命——減輕痛苦、恢復健康和延長壽命——將一支由90,000多名充滿激情的人組成的全球團隊團結在一起。我們的技術和療法可解決 70 種健康狀況,包括心臟設備、手術機器人、胰島素泵、手術工具、患者監護系統等。在我們多樣的知識、永不滿足的好奇心以及幫助所有有需要的人的願望的推動下,我們提供創新技術,每秒、每小時、每天都在改變兩個人的生活。訪問,在 X 和 領英



DIGITAL is Canada's leader in accelerating the development and commercialization of Canadian-made digital technologies that address some of the most pressing needs across our economy and society. DIGITAL's model of collaborative innovation and co-investment advances the success of Canadian businesses through the development, adoption and commercialization of Canadian-made technologies while also growing a workforce that is skilled to fill the jobs of a growing digital economy.


DIGITAL brings together businesses, academia, community and government agencies to solve some of industry and society's biggest challenges - better and faster than any single organization can do on its own. Through the powerful model that combines cross-sector collaboration, Canadian IP creation and results-based co-investment, we unlock the potential of Canadian industry to lead and succeed in the digital world.

DIGITAL 彙集了企業、學術界、社區和政府機構,以解決行業和社會面臨的一些最大挑戰,比任何單一組織單獨做得更好、更快。通過將跨部門合作、加拿大知識產權創造和基於結果的共同投資相結合的強大模式,我們釋放了加拿大工業在數字世界中引領和成功的潛力。

Ahead of the curve starts here. For more information, visit


About Excelar Technologies

關於 Excelar 科技

Excelar's Careflow platform, comprised of Orchestrator, Timeline, and Insights, will support the project. Orchestrator connects patient data across consortium partners' platforms, AI models, and hospital systems. Timeline offers clinicians patient timeline data visualization. Insights provides observational analytics for AI model evaluation, tuning, and governance, as well as de-identified data for clinical research and quality improvement. To learn more about Careflow, visit .

Excelar的Careflow平台由Orchestrator、Timeline和Insights組成,將爲該項目提供支持。Orchestrator 通過聯盟合作伙伴的平台、人工智能模型和醫院系統連接患者數據。Timeline 爲臨床醫生提供患者時間表數據可視化。Insights 爲 AI 模型評估、調整和治理提供觀察性分析,以及用於臨床研究和質量改進的去識別數據。要了解有關 Careflow 的更多信息,請訪問。

About Providence Health Care Ventures


As an expert navigator of the Canadian health care, regulatory, and technology landscape, PHC Ventures provides indispensable support to corporate, institutional and individual innovators seeking to validate and commercialize their products and ideas. PHC Ventures offers a portal to Providence Health Care in Vancouver, Canada, a renowned provincial health organization whose lengthy innovation track record and size make it an ideal incubator to validate and scale innovations. PHC Ventures actively co-develops health solutions, forges unconventional partnerships, facilitates consulting relationships with PHC clinicians, and invests in health start-ups. For more, visit

作爲加拿大醫療保健、監管和技術領域的專家領航者,PHC Ventures爲尋求驗證和商業化其產品和想法的企業、機構和個人創新者提供不可或缺的支持。PHC Ventures爲加拿大溫哥華的Providence Health Care提供了一個門戶。Providence Health Care是一家著名的省級衛生組織,其悠久的創新記錄和規模使其成爲驗證和擴大創新的理想孵化器。PHC Ventures積極共同開發健康解決方案,建立非常規合作伙伴關係,促進與PHC臨床醫生的諮詢關係,並投資健康初創企業。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

About the University of Waterloo


University of Waterloo is a leading global innovation hub that drives economic and social prosperity for Canada and the world. With more than 41,000 students, we are home to the world's largest co-op education talent pipeline, to game-changing research and technology, and to an unmatched entrepreneurial culture. Together, these create partnerships and solutions to tackle today's and tomorrow's challenges. Find out more at

滑鐵盧大學是全球領先的創新中心,推動加拿大和世界的經濟和社會繁榮。我們擁有超過41,000名學生,擁有世界上最大的合作教育人才管道,改變遊戲規則的研究和技術,以及無與倫比的創業文化。它們共同創造了夥伴關係和解決方案,以應對當今和未來的挑戰。在 上了解更多信息

[1] "Potentially preventable deaths in the Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality",

[2] "Hospital Costs Following Surgical Complications: A Value-driven Outcomes Analysis of Cost Savings Due to Complication Prevention",

[3] "Hospital costs associated with surgical complications: a report from the private-sector National Surgical Quality Improvement Program",

[4] "Opioid-induced respiratory depression increases hospital costs and length of stay in patients recovering on the general care floor",

[5] "Diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of anastomotic leakage in colorectal surgery," International",

[1] 「維多利亞州手術死亡率審計中可能可預防的死亡」,

[2] 「手術併發症後的住院費用:以價值爲導向的併發症預防所節省成本的結果分析」,

[3] 「與手術併發症相關的住院費用:私營部門國家手術質量改善計劃的報告」,

[4] 「阿片類藥物誘發的呼吸抑制增加了在普通護理層康復的患者的住院費用和住院時間」,

[5] 「結直腸外科吻合口滲漏的診斷、治療和後果」,國際”,

SOURCE Fluid AI Medical

來源 Fluid AI 醫療

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