
Sphere 3D Corp. Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire a 12.5 MW Site in Iowa Featuring Average Sub -4c Energy, Set to Be Operational by December 2024

Sphere 3D Corp. Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire a 12.5 MW Site in Iowa Featuring Average Sub -4c Energy, Set to Be Operational by December 2024

Sphere 3D Corp.簽署意向書,計劃收購位於愛荷華州的一個12.5 MW站點,平均能源爲低於-4攝氏度,預計於2024年12月投入運營。
newsfile ·  09/09 07:45

Stamford, Connecticut--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - Sphere 3D Corp. (NASDAQ: ANY) ("Sphere 3D"), a Bitcoin mining company, announces the development of a 12.5 MW site in Iowa.

康涅狄格州斯坦福德--(新聞檔案公司,2024年9月9日)——比特幣礦業公司Sphere 3D Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:ANY)(「Sphere 3D」)宣佈在愛荷華州開發一個12.5兆瓦的場地。

  • 12.5 MW site with anticipated average of sub ~4 cent power
  • Facility estimated to be ready beginning of December
  • Managed services agreement with Simple Mining for 3 years to manage site
  • 12.5 兆瓦的場地,預計平均功率將低於 4 美分
  • 設施預計將於12月初準備就緒
  • 與Simple Mining簽訂了爲期3年的託管服務協議,用於管理網站

Sphere 3D has partnered with Simple Mining LLC to engineer, develop, and operate the site. Additionally, Sphere 3D will enter into a Managed Service Agreement ("MSA") with Simple Mining to operate the site on behalf of Sphere 3D. The MSA is a three-year contract, with the option to renew or terminate annually.

Sphere 3D已與Simple Mining LLC合作設計、開發和運營該場地。此外,Sphere 3D將與Simple Mining簽訂管理服務協議(「MSA」),代表Sphere 3D運營該場地。MSA是一份爲期三年的合同,可以選擇每年續訂或終止。

This accomplishes Sphere 3D's goal of reducing third-party hosting exposure through vertical integration to position the company for optimal outcomes, increasing the asset base, and reducing marginal cost to mine. This carefully considered move marks a significant step towards achieving sustainable growth and long-term success for Sphere 3D.

這實現了Sphere 3D的目標,即通過縱向整合減少第三方託管風險敞口,從而使公司實現最佳結果,增加資產基礎並降低邊際開採成本。這一經過深思熟慮的舉措標誌着Sphere 3D在實現可持續增長和長期成功方面邁出了重要一步。

"By taking this step, the company is better positioned to streamline its operations, leading to improved operational efficiencies and reduction in marginal cost to mine, ultimately increasing profitability and shareholder value." said Patricia Trompeter, CEO of Sphere 3D. "Using existing working capital allows us to maintain our debt free status while executing our long-term strategy of owning our own data centers and refreshing the fleet. We are taking the approach to grow steadily so we can learn along the way before we run. We continue to be dedicated to long-term solutions that drive shareholder value."

Sphere 3D首席執行官Patricia Trompeter表示:「通過採取這一步驟,公司可以更好地簡化運營,從而提高運營效率並降低邊際開採成本,最終提高盈利能力和股東價值。」「使用現有營運資金使我們能夠保持無債務狀態,同時執行擁有自己的數據中心和更新機隊的長期戰略。我們正在採取穩步增長的方法,這樣我們就可以在跑步之前一路學習。我們將繼續致力於提供推動股東價值的長期解決方案。」

Simple Mining, established in 2020, has rapidly grown from a technology repair business to a major player in the Bitcoin mining industry. Currently managing 40MW, they have a pipeline to have an additional 25MW online by 2024, and over 100MW in 2025. Operations today include 40MW across various sites, including 30MW at three owned locations and 10MW managed for clients. Central to Simple Mining's operations is its commitment to customer service and operational excellence, realized through proprietary operational software and a custom dashboard that enhances transparency and communication by providing real-time performance metrics and maintenance updates. The company also maintains a repair center servicing large public and private entities across the U.S., supporting an impressive 98% average uptime across all sites since inception, showcasing Simple Mining's dedication to operational excellence and reliability.

Simple Mining成立於2020年,已從一家技術維修公司迅速發展成爲比特幣採礦業的主要參與者。他們目前管理着40兆瓦的電力,有一條管道,到2024年將增加25兆瓦的聯網電量,到2025年將超過100兆瓦的電力。目前的運營包括各個地點的40兆瓦電力,包括三個自有地點的30兆瓦和爲客戶管理的10兆瓦的電力。Simple Mining 運營的核心是其對客戶服務和卓越運營的承諾,這是通過專有運營軟件和自定義儀表板實現的,該儀表板通過提供實時性能指標和維護更新來增強透明度和溝通。該公司還設有一個維修中心,爲美國各地的大型公共和私營實體提供服務,自成立以來,所有站點的平均正常運行時間達到了令人印象深刻的98%,這表明了Simple Mining對卓越運營和可靠性的承諾。

"After careful evaluation of multiple sites and providers, we decided to work with Simple Mining who we have been hosting with in 2024. Their track record, operational excellence, and financial position makes them a perfect partner for our growth," said Patricia Trompeter, CEO of Sphere 3D.

「在仔細評估了多個網站和提供商之後,我們決定與我們在2024年託管的Simple Mining合作。他們的往績、卓越的運營和財務狀況使他們成爲我們增長的完美合作伙伴。」 Sphere 3D首席執行官帕特里夏·特隆彼得說。

About Sphere 3D
Sphere 3D Corp. (NASDAQ: ANY) is a cryptocurrency miner growing its industrial-scale Bitcoin mining operation through the capital-efficient procurement of next-generation mining equipment and partnering with best-in-class data center operators. Sphere 3D is dedicated to growing shareholder value while honoring its commitment to strict environmental, social, and governance standards. For more information about Sphere 3D, please visit

關於 Sphere 3D
Sphere 3D Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:ANY)是一家加密貨幣礦商,通過節約資本地採購下一代採礦設備並與一流的數據中心運營商合作,發展其工業規模的比特幣採礦業務。Sphere 3D 致力於增加股東價值,同時兌現其對嚴格的環境、社會和治理標準的承諾。有關 Sphere 3D 的更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "experts," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "target," "project," "contemplates," "believes," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions. Expectations and beliefs regarding matters discussed herein may not materialize, and actual results in future periods are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the projected. The forward-looking statements contained in this communication are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in filings with the SEC, including Sphere 3D's reports filed on Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K and in other filings made by Sphere 3D with the SEC from time to time and available at These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, which are subject to change.

本通信包含《證券法》第27A條和經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,您可以識別前瞻性陳述,因爲它們包含 「可能」、「將」、「應該」、「專家」、「計劃」、「預期」、「可能」、「打算」、「目標」、「項目」、「考慮」、「相信」、「估計」、「預測」、「潛在」 或 「繼續」 等詞語或這些詞語或其他類似術語的否定詞語或表達式。對本文討論的事項的期望和信念可能無法實現,未來時期的實際結果受風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果與預測存在重大差異。本通報中包含的前瞻性陳述還存在其他風險和不確定性,包括向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中更全面描述的風險和不確定性,包括Sphere 3D在10-K表格、10-Q表和8-K表中提交的報告,以及Sphere 3D不時向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件,可在www.sec.gov上查閱。這些前瞻性陳述基於當前的預期,可能會發生變化。

Sphere 3D Contact
Kurt Kalbfleisch CFO, Sphere 3D

球體 3D 接觸
Sphere 3D 首席財務官 Kurt Kalbfleisch

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