
Securing the Rare Earths Supply Chain: ABx Group's Strategic Partnership With Ucore Rare Metals

Securing the Rare Earths Supply Chain: ABx Group's Strategic Partnership With Ucore Rare Metals

確保稀土供應鏈:ABx集團與Ucore Rare Metals的戰略合作
sharecafe ·  2024/09/09 02:30

ABx Group Limited (ASX:ABX) Managing Director and CEO Dr Mark Cooksey discusses the significance of the company's memorandum of understanding with Ucore Rare Metals.

ABx Group Limited (ASX:ABX)董事兼首席執行官Dr Mark Cooksey談論了該公司與Ucore Rare Metals簽署諒解備忘錄的重要性。

Peter Milios: I'm Peter Milios from the Finance News Network, and today I'm talking with ABx Group (ASX:ABC). ABx Group, trading under the ASX code" ABX", with a market capitalisation of approximately $11m, is a uniquely positioned Australian company delivering materials for a cleaner future. The two areas of focus are the creation of an ionic adsorption clay rare earths project in northern Tasmania, and the establishment of a plant to produce hydrogen fluoride and aluminium fluoride from recycled industrial waste to replace imports. Joining me today is Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mark Cooksey. Mark, welcome back to the network.

Peter Milios: 我是來自Finance News Network的Peter Milios,今天我和ABx Group(ASX:ABC)討論。ABx Group在ASX代碼" ABX"下交易,市值約1100萬美元,是一家在澳大利亞獨特定位的公司,爲清潔能源未來提供材料。兩個重點領域是在塔斯馬尼亞北部創建離子吸附粘土稀土項目,以及建立一座工廠從回收的工業廢料中生產氟化氫和氟化鋁以替代進口。今天與我一起的是董事兼首席執行官Mark Cooksey。Mark,歡迎回到網絡。

Dr Mark Cooksey: Great, Peter. Nice to be with you again.

Dr Mark Cooksey: 太好了,Peter。很高興再次和你在一起。

Peter Milios: Mark, the company recently announced the signing of an MOU with Ucore Rare Metals. Can you explain the significance of this?

Peter Milios: Mark,公司最近宣佈與Ucore Rare Metals簽署了諒解備忘錄。你能解釋一下這的重要性嗎?

Dr Mark Cooksey: Yeah, we think it's significant because we're trying to get up a supply chain for rare earths not focused on China. There's obviously lots of prospects around the world for mines, but we also need processing plants, and Ucore is sort of a leading contender to establish a separation plant, produce separated rare earth oxides, and can be the direct customer for ABx.

Dr Mark Cooksey: 是的,我們認爲這很重要,因爲我們試圖建立一個不以中國爲重點的稀土供應鏈。世界上當然有很多礦產的前景,但我們還需要加工廠,而Ucore是建立分離工廠、生產分離的稀土氧化物以及可以成爲ABx直接客戶的領先競爭者。

Peter Milios: And what are the key features of the MOU?

Peter Milios: 諒解備忘錄的主要特點是什麼?

Dr Mark Cooksey: Well, number one is that we're going to discuss offtake agreement -- I mean, that's obvious -- in terms of we're going to produce, the aim is to produce a mixed rare earth carbonate, which can be sold to Ucore to produce the separated rare earth oxides. But the other important element of the MOU, which is we're going to discuss potential investment by Ucore into ABx, and this is important, because it illustrates that the downstream companies are willing to invest upstream in exploration to help create the value chain.

Dr Mark Cooksey: 好吧,首先是我們要討論購銷協議-這是顯而易見的-我們的目標是生產混合稀土碳酸鹽,可以賣給Ucore生產分離的稀土氧化物。但諒解備忘錄的另一個重要要素是,我們將討論Ucore對ABx的潛在投資,這很重要,因爲它說明了下游公司願意對上游的勘探進行投資,以幫助打造價值鏈。

Peter Milios: And, Mark, how does Ucore plan to use the mixed rare earth carbonates supplied by ABx?

Peter Milios: 那麼,Mark,Ucore打算如何使用ABx提供的混合稀土碳酸鹽?

Dr Mark Cooksey: Yeah, so Ucore, they're planning to build a separation plant only, at the moment only take supply from, not from themselves. So, they need third-party suppliers and produce separated rare earth oxide. So, they'll take our mixed rare earth carbonate, run it through a special solvent extraction process they've developed, and produce, you know, can imagine neodymium oxide, dysprosium oxide, and all the separated rare earth oxides.

Mark Cooksey博士:是的,Ucore計劃僅建立一個分離廠,目前僅從其他供應商獲取原材料。因此,他們需要第三方供應商,生產分離的稀土氧化物。所以,他們將使用我們的混合稀土碳酸鹽,通過他們開發的特殊溶劑萃取工藝處理,並生產,可以想象到,釹氧化物,鏑氧化物和其他分離的稀土氧化物。

Peter Milios: And, Mark, what are the potential benefits and synergies of this partnership for ABx?

Peter Milios:Mark,這個合作對ABx有哪些潛在的益處和協同效應?

Dr Mark Cooksey: Yeah, there's a few. So, obviously, one, with discussions we can then get to a binding offtake agreement. As I said, there's also potential investment by Ucore into ABx. And also probably the big one is we're really approaching this with a very partnership focus. So, what we're really trying to do is take the ore that we have and produce the separated rare earth oxides that Ucore can do, but optimise every step of the way, whether that's us doing it or Ucore doing it. We are looking to how do we share the risk and value of the opportunity, not just maximising our own individual parts of it.

Mark Cooksey博士:是的,有幾個。所以,顯然,通過討論,我們可以達成有約束力的長單協議。正如我所說,Ucore也有可能投資ABx。而且,可能最重要的是,我們真正以合作伙伴的方式來處理這個項目。所以,我們真正想要做的是利用我們擁有的礦石,生產Ucore可以做的分離稀土氧化物,但在每個步驟中都優化,無論是我們做還是Ucore做。我們正在尋找如何分享機會的風險和價值,而不僅僅是將其最大化地利用我們自己的個別部分。

Peter Milios: And I just want to ask lastly, what are the key news flow investors should expect over the next six to 12 months?

Peter Milios:最後我想問一下,在接下來的六到12個月內,投資者可以期待什麼關鍵新聞?

Dr Mark Cooksey: Yeah, the next six to 12 months. So, there'd be some more exploration, definitely more metallurgical studies, showing with confidence how we're going to extract the rail earths from our deposit. I'd expect some economic assessments to show the attractiveness of the project, and then further advancements on the commercial side with Ucore and other potential customers.

Mark Cooksey博士:是的,在接下來的六到12個月內。所以,會有進一步的勘探,肯定還會有更多冶金研究,展示從我們的礦牀中如何提取稀土。我預計將進行一些經濟評估,展示這個項目的吸引力,並在商業方面和Ucore以及其他潛在客戶方面進一步增進進展。

Peter Milios: Mark, thank you so much for your time.

Peter Milios:Mark,非常感謝你的時間。

Dr Mark Cooksey: Great. Thank you, Peter.

Mark Cooksey博士:非常好,謝謝,Peter。



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