
Highmark First to Cover AppliedVR's Flagship VR Device for Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment

Highmark First to Cover AppliedVR's Flagship VR Device for Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment

PR Newswire ·  09/09 13:00

FDA-authorized RelieVRx now a covered treatment for Highmark's commercial members experiencing chronic low back pain (CLBP)


PITTSBURGH, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AppliedVR, a pioneer in immersive therapeutics (ITx) advancing virtual reality-based medicine, announced today that Highmark, a leading commercial health insurance plan based in Pittsburgh, PA, will now cover RelieVRx, AppliedVR's FDA-authorized device for chronic low back pain (CLBP). This landmark decision makes RelieVRx accessible as a covered therapeutic to more than four million Highmark members across its commercial lines of business.

匹茲堡,2024年9月9日/ PRNewswire/-- AppliedVR一家推進基於虛擬現實的醫學的沉浸式治療(ITx)的先驅者,今天宣佈,Highmark是一家總部位於賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡的領先商業健康保險計劃,現在將會保險覆蓋 RelieVRxAppliedVR的獲得FDA授權的設備,用於慢性腰背痛(CLBP)。這一具有里程碑意義的決定使得RelieVRx成爲Highmark商業業務線上超過四百萬會員的治療手段。

RelieVRx program is covered by Highmark.

RelieVRx offers a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) experience designed to empower individuals with skills for managing CLBP. It serves as a cost-effective, non-pharmacologic adjunctive therapy clinically proven to significantly reduce pain intensity and interference across sociodemographic groups.

RelieVRx提供完全沉浸式的虛擬現實(VR)體驗,旨在賦予個人管理CLBP的技能。它作爲一種經濟高效、非藥物的輔助治療,已經臨床證明能夠顯著減輕疼痛強度和干擾。 跨社會人口群體.

Patients using RelieVRx undergo a 56-session, multimodal program, featuring daily VR sessions that address the bio-psycho-social aspects of pain. RelieVRx is self-administered by patients in their own homes and has an easy-to-use interface. In clinical testing, RelieVRx usability ratings were consistently high (A+), which was largely consistent across subgroups.1


Highmark's decision to cover RelieVRx follows a thorough evaluation of AppliedVR's extensive clinical studies, including a large study with more than 1,000 participants that found RelieVRx can have a clinically meaningful impact on reducing pain intensity and interference. Eligible commercial members aged 18 and older diagnosed with moderate to severe CLBP can now obtain a prescription for RelieVRx from their healthcare provider without prior authorization.

Highmark決定覆蓋RelieVRx是對AppliedVR廣泛的臨床研究進行全面評估的結果,其中包括一項涉及超過1,000名參與者的大型研究,發現RelieVRx可以在減輕疼痛強度和干擾方面產生臨床意義。年滿18歲的符合條件的商業會員,被診斷患有中度到重度CLBP的病人可以在無需事先授權的情況下從他們的醫療提供者處獲得RelieVRx的處方。 大型研究 發現RelieVRx可以在減輕疼痛強度和干擾方面產生臨床意義。年滿18歲的符合條件的商業會員,被診斷患有中度到重度CLBP的病人可以在無需事先授權的情況下從他們的醫療提供者處獲得RelieVRx的處方。

"We are committed to leveraging technology to enhance health outcomes while reducing costs," said Matt Fickie, Senior Medical Director for Highmark. "RelieVRx from AppliedVR provides our members suffering from chronic low back pain a scientifically backed, in-home immersive non-opioid treatment option."

「我們致力於利用科技來提高健康結果並降低成本,」 Highmark的高級醫學總監Matt Fickie表示。「AppliedVR的RelieVRx爲我們遭受慢性腰背部疼痛的會員提供了一個經過科學支持的、在家中沉浸式的非阿片類治療選項。」

Chronic pain imposes a significant economic burden on the U.S., estimated at $635 billion annually, and is a primary driver of the opioid crisis. More than 72 million Americans suffer from CLBP, which also is a leading cause of disability.

慢性疼痛對美國造成了顯著的經濟負擔,據估計 每年$6350億,同時也是阿片類藥物危機的主要驅動力。超過 7200萬美國人 患有慢性腰背痛(CLBP),這也是 殘疾的主要原因之一

"Every individual battling CLBP deserves access to noninvasive, drug-free options that empower them to self-manage their pain. Highmark's forward-thinking approach recognizes the promise of immersive therapeutics, and we are grateful for their collaboration," said Matthew Stoudt, Co-founder and CEO of AppliedVR. "RelieVRx is based on decades of clinical evidence demonstrating the transformative potential of immersive therapeutics to reshape the body's response to pain, and we are committed to building an even greater body of evidence that continues to set the industry standard."

「每個患有慢性腰背痛的人都應該有機會獲得非侵入性、無藥物的自我管理疼痛選擇。Highmark的前瞻性方法體現了沉浸式治療的潛力,我們對他們的合作表示感謝,」AppliedVR的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Matthew Stoudt表示。「RelieVRx基於數十年的臨床證據,證明了沉浸式治療對改變機體對疼痛的反應具有變革性潛力,我們致力於建立更多證據,繼續樹立行業標杆。」

While Highmark becomes the first commercial health plan to adopt coverage for RelieVRx, AppliedVR has experienced significant momentum with payers over the last year:


  • RelieVRx previously received a unique code and final pricing determination from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
  • RelieVRx was added to the Department of Veterans Affairs' Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), Defense Logistics Agency's Electronic Catalogue for Medical Supply Chain (ECAT), and the Department of Defense's Distribution and Pricing Agreement (DAPA), allowing government customers to make streamlined purchases. RelieVRx is now available nationwide and is currently used in more than 40 Veterans Affairs (VA) sites.
  • VA Immersive, a division of Veterans Health Administration (VHA), extended its contract with AppliedVR to facilitate accelerated uptake.
  • AppliedVR also recently expanded into the Worker's Compensation market.
  • RelieVRx先前從醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心(CMS)獲得了獨特的代碼和最終定價。 一個獨特的代碼 並從CMS獲得了最終確定的定價。
  • RelieVRx已被添加到退伍軍人事務部的聯邦供應計劃(FSS),國防物流局的醫療供應鏈電子目錄(ECAT)和國防部的分銷和定價協議(DAPA)中,使政府客戶能夠進行簡化採購。RelieVRx現已在全國範圍內提供,並目前在40多個退伍軍人事務(VA)站點中使用。 被添加 在退伍軍人事務部(VA)健康管理局(VHA)的VA Immersive部門的合同期限延長之後
  • 擴展了它的合同 VA Immersive是退伍軍人事務部(VA)的一個部門 與AppliedVR合作,促進加快採用。
  • AppliedVR最近還擴展到了 工傷賠償市場.

About AppliedVR
AppliedVR is creating a new reality in healthcare. AVR is pioneering immersive therapeutics (ITx), a new category of medicine, to treat intractable health conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Today, AppliedVR's treatments represent a robust approach to chronic lower back pain (CLBP) that empowers patients with an intuitive device they can self-manage at home. For more information, visit .

AppliedVR正在爲醫療行業創造一種新的現實。 AVR是開創性的沉浸式治療(ITx)在全球治療數百萬患者的難治性健康問題中,AVR的治療方案代表了一種強大而全面的治療慢性下背痛(CLBP)的方法,賦予患者一種可以在家中進行自我管理的直觀設備。要了解更多信息,請訪問 .

1 Research indicated some slight differences among race/ethnicity.


Sam Moore
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