
XRP Healthcare Enters the Limitless World of AI

XRP Healthcare Enters the Limitless World of AI

PR Newswire ·  09/10 01:30

DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XRP Healthcare is taking bold steps to become a leader in the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain within the healthcare industry. At the heart of this transformation is the launch of the company's groundbreaking XRPH AI Chatbot, designed to provide personalized, region-specific healthcare advice. This AI-powered platform is available on XRP Healthcare's newly launched websites home to the chatbot, and where it can also be accessed from its home page.

阿聯酋迪拜,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — XRP Healthcare正在採取大膽措施,成爲醫療行業人工智能(AI)和區塊鏈整合領域的領導者。這種轉型的核心是該公司開創性的XRPH AI聊天機器人的推出,旨在提供針對特定地區的個性化醫療建議。這個由人工智能驅動的平台可在XRP Healthcare新推出的聊天機器人所在的網站 和也可以從其主頁訪問的 上使用。

XRP Healthcare Enters the Limitless World of AI
XRP 醫療保健進入人工智能的無限世界

The XRPH AI chatbot can also be accessed via the XRPH Wallet app on iOS and Android, offering users tailored guidance on both traditional and holistic healthcare practices.

還可以通過iOS和Android上的XRPH Wallet應用程序訪問XRPH AI聊天機器人,爲用戶提供有關傳統和整體醫療保健實踐的量身定製的指導。

The chatbot is the first major development from XRP Healthcare's in-house AI team, reflecting the company's deep commitment to harnessing AI to enhance healthcare services. This move comes as XRP Healthcare sets its sights on expanding across Uganda and Africa-wide, acquiring key healthcare businesses such as pharmacies, medical centres, and hospitals. With the successful registration of its Ugandan trademark, the establishment of bank accounts, legal frameworks, and the securing of work permits, including the founders who have relocated to Uganda to dedicate their full attention to advancing this venture and ensuring its success.

該聊天機器人是XRP Healthcare內部人工智能團隊的第一個重大開發,反映了該公司對利用人工智能增強醫療服務的堅定承諾。此舉是在XRP Healthcare着眼於在烏干達和整個非洲擴張,收購藥房、醫療中心和醫院等關鍵醫療保健業務之際採取的。隨着其烏干達商標的成功註冊,銀行帳戶的建立,法律框架的建立,工作許可證的保障,包括移居烏干達的創始人,他們全神貫注於推進該企業並確保其成功。

"XRP Healthcare's entry into AI is a natural progression of what we've been developing for years. At Isanys Lifecare, where we pioneered the Patient Status Engine (PSE) system, AI has always been at the heart of delivering real-time, data-driven insights for patient care. Now, with XRP Healthcare, we're bringing that same vision to healthcare in Africa—using AI to streamline M&A, optimize healthcare delivery, and enhance patient outcomes. This technology will be transformative in providing innovative, efficient, and accessible healthcare solutions across the continent," said XRP Healthcare's CTO Keith Errey.

“XRP Healthcare進入人工智能是我們多年來一直在開發的產品的自然進展。在 Isanys Lifecare,我們率先開發了患者狀態引擎 (PSE) 系統,人工智能一直是爲患者護理提供實時、數據驅動見解的核心。現在,藉助XRP Healthcare,我們將同樣的願景帶入非洲的醫療保健——使用人工智能來簡化併購、優化醫療保健服務並提高患者預後。XRP Healthcare首席技術官基思·埃裏說,這項技術將在整個非洲大陸提供創新、高效和可訪問的醫療保健解決方案方面具有變革性。

As XRP Healthcare begins acquiring healthcare facilities in Africa, its use of AI technology is crucial to making smarter, data-driven decisions in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). AI-driven analytics allow the company to quickly assess potential acquisitions by analyzing financial data, patient demographics, and regional healthcare trends, ensuring that each investment aligns with its long-term growth strategy.

隨着XRP Healthcare開始收購非洲的醫療機構,其對人工智能技術的使用對於在併購(M&A)中做出更明智的、數據驅動的決策至關重要。人工智能驅動的分析使公司能夠通過分析財務數據、患者人口統計和區域醫療保健趨勢來快速評估潛在的收購,確保每項投資都符合其長期增長戰略。

"AI is at the core of our acquisition strategy, helping us assess opportunities quickly and accurately," said Laban Roomes, Business Development Officer at XRP Healthcare. "This is especially important as we scale our operations in emerging markets like Africa, where AI helps us anticipate and meet healthcare needs efficiently."

XRP Healthcare業務發展官拉班·魯姆斯表示:「人工智能是我們收購戰略的核心,它幫助我們快速準確地評估機會。」「當我們在非洲等新興市場擴大業務時,這一點尤其重要,在非洲,人工智能可以幫助我們有效地預測和滿足醫療需求。」

The market for AI-driven healthcare M&A is expected to reach $30 billion by 2030, and XRP Healthcare is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, making data-informed decisions to expand its healthcare footprint across the continent.

到2030年,人工智能驅動的醫療保健併購市場預計將達到300億美元,XRP Healthcare完全有能力利用這一趨勢,做出以數據爲依據的決策,擴大其在整個非洲大陸的醫療保健業務。

Over the last nine months, XRP Healthcare has seen tremendous growth. Its XRPH token has been verified on CoinMarketCap (CMC), jumping over 2,000 places in the rankings. The company's XRP Healthcare Prescription Savings Card has also gained significant traction in the U.S., offering discounts of up to 80% on prescriptions and medications at over 68,000 pharmacies, including Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy and Walmart.


In addition, XRP Healthcare has become a validator on the XRP Ledger (XRPL), helping to ensure transparency on the blockchain network. It has also launched the XRP Healthcare Magazine, an industry-leading publication covering blockchain and healthcare, further cementing its influence in both sectors.

此外,XRP Healthcare已成爲XRP賬本(XRPL)的驗證者,有助於確保區塊鏈網絡的透明度。它還推出了《XRP Healthcare》雜誌,這是一本涵蓋區塊鏈和醫療保健的行業領先出版物,進一步鞏固了其在這兩個領域的影響力。

"The progress we've made in such a short time is remarkable," said Kain Roomes, CEO of XRP Healthcare. "We're building an AI-driven future where healthcare is more accessible, efficient, and personalized, particularly in regions like Africa that have immense growth potential."

XRP Healthcare首席執行官凱恩·魯姆斯表示:「我們在如此短的時間內取得了顯著的進展。」「我們正在建設一個由人工智能驅動的未來,醫療保健更加便捷、高效和個性化,尤其是在非洲等具有巨大增長潛力的地區。」

Alongside AI, blockchain technology is a core element of XRP Healthcare's strategy. The company's role as a validator on the XRPL reinforces its commitment to ensuring transparency, security, and efficiency in healthcare operations. This dual focus on AI and blockchain allows XRP Healthcare to deliver faster, more reliable services while maintaining the highest industry standards.

除人工智能外,區塊鏈技術也是XRP Healthcare戰略的核心要素。該公司作爲XRPL驗證者的角色強化了其對確保醫療保健運營透明度、安全性和效率的承諾。這種對人工智能和區塊鏈的雙重關注使XRP Healthcare能夠提供更快、更可靠的服務,同時保持最高的行業標準。

With the XRPH AI Chatbot, XRP Healthcare is enabling users to access personalized healthcare advice from anywhere in the world. By combining traditional and holistic medical insights, the chatbot empowers patients to make informed decisions about their health.

藉助XRPH AI聊天機器人,XRP Healthcare使用戶能夠從世界任何地方訪問個性化的醫療保健建議。通過結合傳統和整體醫學見解,聊天機器人使患者能夠就自己的健康做出明智的決定。

"AI is allowing us to provide more accessible healthcare services and make smarter business decisions as we expand," said Whitney Lynn, Chairman of XRP Healthcare. "We've laid the foundation, and with AI leading the way, we're confident in our ability to scale quickly and efficiently."

XRP Healthcare董事長惠特尼·林恩說:「隨着我們的擴張,人工智能使我們能夠提供更便捷的醫療保健服務,並做出更明智的業務決策。」「我們已經奠定了基礎,在人工智能的引領下,我們對自己快速高效地擴展的能力充滿信心。」

XRP Healthcare is rapidly establishing itself as one of the most promising companies on the XRP Ledger, driven by AI and blockchain innovation. With a robust foundation in place and an aggressive acquisition strategy in Africa, the company is well on its way to becoming a major player in the global healthcare market.

在人工智能和區塊鏈創新的推動下,XRP Healthcare正在迅速確立自己作爲XRP賬本上最有前途的公司之一的地位。憑藉在非洲的堅實基礎和積極的收購戰略,該公司有望成爲全球醫療保健市場的主要參與者。

About XRP Healthcare

關於 XRP 醫療保健

XRP Healthcare is revolutionizing global healthcare with blockchain & AI.
As the first Pharma and Healthcare platform built on the XRP Ledger, our Prescription Savings Card in the USA enhances accessibility and affordability. Meanwhile, our mergers and acquisitions in Africa are broadening healthcare access across the continent. For more information, visit

XRP 醫療保健正在通過區塊鏈和人工智能徹底改變全球醫療保健。

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SOURCE XRP Healthcare

來源 XRP 醫療保健

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