
Puma Exploration Reports on Raptor Resources Transaction and Results of AGM

Puma Exploration Reports on Raptor Resources Transaction and Results of AGM

Puma Exploration就猛禽資源交易及股東大會結果作出報告
GlobeNewswire ·  09/10 07:00

RIMOUSKI, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Puma Exploration Inc. (TSXV: PUMA, OTCQB: PUMXF) (the "Company" or "Puma") announces that further to its July 2, 2024 News Release, Canadian Copper Inc. (CSE: CCI) and Puma have approved a second extension for the Initial Public Offering ("IPO") of Raptor Resources Ltd. ("Raptor") and its listing on the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") as a requirement for the sale and transfer to Raptor of the Chester and Turgeon Projects located in New Brunswick, Canada as outlined in Puma's March 4, 2024, News Release.

RIMOUSKI,2024年9月10日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——彪馬勘探公司(TSXV:PUMA,OTCQB:PUMXF)(「公司」 或 「Puma」)宣佈,繼2024年7月2日發佈新聞稿後,加拿大銅業公司(CSE:CCI)和彪馬已批准第二次延長猛禽資源有限公司的首次公開募股(「IPO」)(「Raptor」)及其在澳大利亞證券交易所(「ASX」)上市,這是向Raptor出售和轉讓位於加拿大新不倫瑞克省的切斯特和Turgeon項目的必要條件,如Puma於2024年3月4日發佈的新聞稿中所述。

The second extension was granted on condition that Raptor completes its IPO on or before September 27th, 2024. Under the terms of the initial transaction, to acquire the Chester project, Raptor will make a cash payment totalling AUD$ 500,000 and issue 4,000,000 Raptor shares to Puma.


Marcel Robillard, President and CEO of Puma, commented. "We appreciate Raptor's continued efforts and work to close its IPO and get listed on the ASX. We are confident that this transaction will come to a successful conclusion soon and contribute non-dilutive cash to further advance our Williams Brook Gold Project."


2024 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders

2024 年年度和特別股東大會

The Company held its Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") via Live Audio Webcast on August 29, 2024. All resolutions were passed with the required majority:


  • The shareholders elected Marcel Robillard, Richard Thibault, Michel Fontaine, Réjean Gosselin, Jacques Dion, and Mia Boiridy to be duly elected as directors of the Company until the close of the next annual meeting of shareholders of the Company.
  • The shareholders approved a resolution to appoint Malette L.L.P. as Auditor of the Company to hold office until the next annual shareholders meeting and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration.
  • The shareholders approved a resolution re-approving the Company's rolling stock option plan.
  • 股東們選舉馬塞爾·羅比拉德、理查德·蒂博、米歇爾·方丹、雷讓·戈瑟林、雅克·迪翁和米婭·博伊裏迪正式當選爲公司董事,直至公司下一次年度股東大會閉幕。
  • 股東們批准了一項決議,任命Malette L.L.P. 爲公司核數師,任期至下屆年度股東大會,並授權董事確定薪酬。
  • 股東們批准了一項重新批准公司機車股票期權計劃的決議。

About Puma Exploration

關於 Puma 探險

Puma Exploration is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company with precious metals projects in New Brunswick, near Canada's Famous Bathurst Mining Camp ("BMC"). Puma has a long history in Northern New Brunswick, having worked on regional projects for over 15 years. As a first mover, the Company quickly and strategically accumulated an impressive portfolio of prospective gold landholdings in the area. Puma's successful exploration methodology combines old prospecting methods with detailed trenching and up-to-date technology such as Artificial Intelligence ("AI") to facilitate an understanding of the geology and associated mineralized systems.

Puma Exploration是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,在新不倫瑞克省開展貴金屬項目,靠近加拿大著名的巴瑟斯特礦業營地(「BMC」)。Puma 在新不倫瑞克省北部有着悠久的歷史,參與區域項目已超過 15 年。作爲先行者,該公司迅速戰略性地在該地區積累了可觀的潛在黃金土地投資組合。Puma 成功的勘探方法將舊的勘探方法與詳細的挖溝和人工智能(「AI」)等最新技術相結合,以促進對地質和相關礦化系統的理解。

Armed with geophysical surveys, geochemical data and consultants' expertise, Puma has developed a perfect low-cost exploration tool to discover gold at shallow depths and maximize drilling results.

憑藉地球物理調查、地球化學數據和顧問的專業知識,Puma 開發了一種完美的低成本勘探工具,可以在淺層發現黃金並最大限度地提高鑽探結果。

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通過 Facebook /X/ LinkedIn 聯繫我們。

Marcel Robillard, President and CEO.
(418) 750-8510;

(418) 750-8510;

Mia Boiridy, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development.
(250) 575-3305;

(250) 575-3305;

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Forward-Looking Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve several known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Puma to be materially different from actual future results and achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made, except as required by law. Puma undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. The quarterly and annual reports and the documents submitted to the securities administration describe these risks and uncertainties.


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