
G2 Enters Exploration Alliance on 30,000 Acre District Land Package

G2 Enters Exploration Alliance on 30,000 Acre District Land Package

GlobeNewswire ·  09/10 07:00

TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- G2 Goldfields Inc. ("G2" or the "Company") (TSX: GTWO; OTCQX: GUYGF) is pleased to announce it has entered into agreements with a prominent Guyanese mining family to acquire exploration rights to a 30,000-acre package of highly prospective exploration properties in the Aremu-Oko district, Guyana. The Oko gold district has emerged as one of the most significant in Guyana and currently hosts combined resources of 7.8 million ounces of gold. [Technical reports can be found on SEDAR+, namely, NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Oko Gold Property in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, South America dated June 20, 2024, with an effective date of March 27, 2024, and Reunion Gold's NI 43-101 Technical Report, Oko West Gold Project, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Mining Districts, Guyana dated April 11, 2024, with an effective date of February 26, 2024].

G2 Goldfields公司(以下簡稱G2或公司)(TSX:GTWO;OTCQX:GUYGF)很高興宣佈,已與一家知名的圭亞那礦業家庭達成協議,收購Aremu-Oko地區3萬英畝具有高潛力的勘探性質的勘探權。Oko黃金區已成爲圭亞那最重要的區域之一,目前擁有780萬盎司的黃金資源。[詳細技術報告可以在SEDAR+上找到,分別爲2024年6月20日的《NI 43-101技術報告和Oko黃金產權的礦產資源估算》(有效日期爲2024年3月27日),以及Reunion Gold的《NI 43-101技術報告,Oko西部黃金項目,Guyana的Cuyuni-Mazaruni礦區》,日期爲2024年4月11日,有效日期爲2024年2月26日]。

The current estimated gold resource for G2's OKO-AREMU project is 922,000 ounces of gold (indicated) and 1,099,000 ounces of gold (inferred). G2 currently has five drills operating within the district. This alliance further consolidates the Company's dominant land position, with G2 holding exploration rights to an area totalling 60,000 acres in this district. G2 intends to file an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for OKO-AREMU deposits in Q1 2025.


The new properties are comprised of three sets of contiguous permits which host multiple historical gold occurrences along a prominent 34 km long mineralized contact between the Aremu granite and the volcano-sedimentary package, which hosts the majority of the gold deposits in the district. The property package encompasses the first hard rock gold mine in Guyana, Wariri, initially discovered in the 1870s, alongside kilometres of artisanal workings. The lands have never been drilled nor subjected to modern exploration methods. G2 is currently preparing an independent NI 43-101 technical report on the properties which it expects to file on SEDAR+ in the coming weeks.

新獲得的地產由三套相鄰的許可證組成,沿着Aremu花崗岩和火山-沉積岩套系之間突出的34公里長的礦化接觸帶,該帶承載了該區域大部分的黃金礦牀。該地產包括圭亞那第一個硬巖黃金礦礦場Wariri,最初於19世紀70年代發現,以及數公里的手工開採區。這些土地從未進行過鑽探,也未進行過現代勘探方法。G2目前正在準備有關該土地的獨立NI 43-101技術報告,並計劃在未來幾周內在SEDAR+上進行提交。

Patrick Sheridan, Executive Chairman, stated, "We are very excited about this partnership, the culmination of many months of negotiations. Since its inception, G2 has worked with local partners in exploring and developing this exciting gold district. This most recent alliance further consolidates G2 as the major player in the district. I am confident G2 will be able to fast track drilling on several target areas. The Company is currently mobilising significant resources to the areas and will be executing a full sequence exploration program building upon prior exploration success in the district."

執行主席Patrick Sheridan表示:「我們對這一合作非常興奮,這是多個月談判的成果。自成立以來,G2一直與當地合作伙伴合作,探索和開發這個令人興奮的黃金區。這次最新的聯盟進一步鞏固了G2作爲該區域的主要參與者的地位。我相信G2將能夠加快在幾個目標區域的鑽探進程。公司目前正在調動大量資源到這些地區,並將執行一套全面的勘探計劃,以建立在該區域先前的勘探成功基礎上。」

Corporate Reorganization


Further to the Company's press release dated October 24, 2023, G2 intends to distribute its "non-core" assets to shareholders, by way of a plan of arrangement, in late 2024. The new company, "G3", will own assets in both the Puruni and OKO-AREMU districts including three (3) historical past producers and exploration rights to an area extending over 60,000 acres. G2 intends to add additional assets to the G3 portfolio and, subject to shareholder and regulatory approval, distribute the G3 shares to G2 shareholders on a ratio of one share of G3 for each two shares of G2 held. Further details of the transaction will be provided in the coming weeks.


About G2 Goldfields Inc.

關於 G2 Goldfields Inc.

The G2 Goldfields team is comprised of professionals who have been directly responsible for the discovery of millions of ounces of gold in Guyana as well as the financing and development of the Aurora Gold Mine, Guyana's largest gold mine [RPA, 43-101, Technical Report on the Aurora Gold Mine, March 31, 2020].

G2 Goldfields團隊由專業人員組成,他們直接負責在圭亞那發現了數百萬盎司的黃金,並融資和開發了Aurora Gold Mine,圭亞那最大的金礦[RPA,43-101,Aurora Gold Mine技術報告,2020年3月31日]。

In April 2024, G2 announced an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Oko property in Guyana [see press release dated April 03, 2024]. Highlights of the Updated MRE include:


Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Oko Main Zone (OMZ):


  • 495,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 2,413,000 tonnes @ 6.38 g/t Au
  • 686,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 2,368,000 tonnes @ 9.03 g/t Au
  • 包括
  • 甘尼區

Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Ghanie Zone:


  • 604,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 12,216,000 tonnes @ 1.54 g/t Au
  • 236,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 3,344,000 tonnes @ 2.20 g/t Au
  • 604,000盎司黃金-包含在12,216,000噸1.54克/噸黃金的推測礦藏中
  • MRE由邁康國際有限公司於2024年3月27日起草。值得一提的是,更新的礦產資源評估位於地表500米以內。自1870年代初發現以來,奧科地區一直是一個富產的金礦場,現代勘探技術繼續揭示該地區的巨大潛力。

The MRE was prepared by Micon International Limited with an effective date of March 27, 2024. Significantly, the updated mineral resources lie within 500 meters of surface. The Oko district has been a prolific alluvial goldfield since its initial discovery in the 1870s, and modern exploration techniques continue to reveal the considerable potential of the district.

MRE由Micon International Limited於2024年3月27日提交,至關重要的是,更新後的礦產資源位於地表以下500米以內。自19世紀70年代初發現以來,Oko地區一直是一個多產的淘金場,現代勘探技術不斷揭示了該地區的巨大潛力。

Anglo Gold Ashanti (NYSE:AU) currently holds 35,723,965 shares representing 14.96% of the issued and outstanding shares of G2. G2 currently has cash holdings exceeding (Cad) $50 million and is well financed to execute on this regional exploration program.


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dan Noone (CEO of G2 Goldfields Inc.), a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Noone (B.Sc. Geology, MBA) is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.


Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR+ () and the Company's website ().


For further information, please contact:
Dan Noone CEO
+1 416.628.5904

+1 416.628.5904

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "expect", "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "may", "might", "will", "project", "should", "believe", "plans", "intends" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information and/or statements. Forward-looking statements and/or information are based on a number of material factors, expectations and/or assumptions of G2 Goldfields which have been used to develop such statements and/or information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although G2 Goldfields believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements as G2 Goldfields can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified herein assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: results from planned exploration and drilling activities; future plans for operational expenditures; the accuracy of the interpretations of exploration and drilling activity results; availability of financing to fund current and future plans and expenditures; the impact of increasing competition; the general stability of the economic and political environment in which G2 Goldfields has property interests; the general continuance of current industry conditions; the timely receipt of any required regulatory approvals; the ability of G2 Goldfields to obtain qualified staff, equipment and/or services in a timely and cost efficient manner; the ability of the operator of each project in which G2 Goldfields has property interests to operate in a safe, efficient and/or effective manner and to fulfil its respective obligations and current plans; future commodity prices; currency, exchange and/or interest rates; and the regulatory framework regarding royalties, taxes and/or environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which G2 Goldfields has property interests. The forward-looking information and statements included in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and should not be unduly relied upon. Such information and/or statements, including the assumptions made in respect thereof, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results and/or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward- looking information and/or statements including, without limitation: risks associated with the uncertainty of exploration results and estimates, currency fluctuations, the uncertainty of conducting operations under a foreign regime, exploration risk, the uncertainty of obtaining all applicable regulatory approvals, the availability of labour and/or equipment, the fluctuating prices of commodities, the availability of financing and dependence on the management personnel of the Corporation, other participants in the property areas and/or certain other risks detailed from time-to-time in G2 Goldfields public disclosure documents (including, without limitation, those risks identified in this news release and G2 Goldfields current management's discussion and analysis). Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and the Corporation does not undertake any obligations to publicly update and/or revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of additional information, future events and/or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞發佈包含了根據適用證券法的某些前瞻性信息和聲明。使用「預期」、「預測」、「繼續」、「估計」、「可能」、「可能會」、「將」、「項目」、「應該」、「相信」、「計劃」、「意圖」等詞語旨在識別前瞻性信息和/或聲明。前瞻性聲明和/或信息基於G2 Goldfields使用的一些重要因素、期望和/或假設來開發這些聲明和/或信息,但這些因素可能被證明是不正確的。雖然G2 Goldfields相信這些前瞻性聲明和/或信息所反映的期望是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明,因爲G2 Goldfields不能保證這些期望會被證明是正確的。除了本文件可能確定的其他因素和假設外,還已經做出了以下假設:計劃的勘探和鑽探活動的結果;未來的運營支出計劃;勘探和鑽探活動結果解讀的準確性;可用資金用於支持當前和未來的計劃和支出的可用性;競爭加劇的影響;其中G2 Goldfields擁有財產權益的經濟和政治環境的基本穩定性;當前行業條件的持續性;及時獲得任何必要的監管批准的能力;G2 Goldfields獲得合格員工、設備和/或服務的能力,並且是及時和具有成本效益的方式;G2 Goldfields擁有財產權益的每個項目的運營商能夠安全、高效和/或有效地經營並履行其各自的義務和當前計劃的能力;未來商品價格;貨幣、匯率和/或利率;以及關於在G2 Goldfields擁有財產權益的司法區域內的特許權利、稅收和/或環境事項的監管框架。本新聞發佈中包含的前瞻性信息和聲明並不保證未來業績,並不應過分依賴此類信息和/或聲明,包括在此方面所做的假設,均涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致實際結果和/或事件與該等前瞻性信息和/或聲明中預期的有實質性差異,包括但不限於:與勘探結果和估計的不確定性相關的風險、貨幣波動、在外國政權下進行操作的不確定性、勘探風險、獲得所有適用的監管批准的不確定性、勞動力和/或設備的可用性、大宗商品價格的波動、融資的可用性和對公司管理人員、在財產區域內的其他參與者和/或某些其他詳細風險的依賴等,而這些風險不時會在G2 Goldfields的公開披露文件中(包括但不限於在本新聞發佈和G2 Goldfields當前管理層討論與分析中確定的風險)詳細披露。此外,本新聞發佈中包含的前瞻性聲明均截至本新聞發佈日期,並且公司不承擔任何義務公開更新和/或修訂任何包含的前瞻性聲明,無論是基於額外信息、未來事件和/或其他情況,除非適用證券法要求。

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