
Dream Exchange Founder Address Black Business Leaders in Exclusive Fireside Chat at The Heritage Club

Dream Exchange Founder Address Black Business Leaders in Exclusive Fireside Chat at The Heritage Club

Dream Exchange創始人在The Heritage Club與黑人商業領袖進行獨家座談會
PR Newswire ·  09/10 08:37

CHICAGO, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dream Exchange, the first minority-controlled stock exchange, in formation, is proud to announce an exclusive fireside chat that featured its Founder and CEO, Joe Cecala, and Managing Member of DX Capital Partners, LLC, Dwain Kyles. The event took place at The Heritage Club in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 14th, 2024, bringing together a distinguished audience of black investors, local business owners, corporate C-suite executives, and entrepreneurs.

2024年9月10日芝加哥 / PRNewswire - Dream Exchange,第一家由少數族裔控股的交易所,正在籌備中,並自豪地宣佈特色板塊,特邀其創始人兼首席執行官喬·塞卡拉(Joe Cecala)與DX Capital Partners,LLC的管理成員Dwain Kyles進行獨家爐邊聊天。該活動於2024年8月14日在俄亥俄州辛辛那提的The Heritage Club舉行,彙集了一群傑出的黑人投資者,當地企業主,企業的高管以及創業家。

Pictured above: Corey Johnson (left), Joe Cecala (center), and Dwain Kyles (right)
上圖:Corey Johnson(左),Joe Cecala(中),Dwain Kyles(右)

Attendees had a unique opportunity to engage with the Dream Exchange Founder and gain insights into the future of minority entrepreneurship and access to capital. The event was co-hosted by Corey Johnson, an executive for Procter & Gamble, and Solomon Wilcots, a former NFL player turned National Television broadcaster.

與Dream Exchange創始人互動並深入了解少數族裔創業和獲得資金的未來的參會者具有獨特的機會。該活動由Procter&Gamble的高管Corey Johnson和前NFL球員Solomon Wilcots共同主持。Solomon Wilcots目前擔任國家電視廣播員。

The fireside chat delved into critical issues surrounding access to capital for minority-owned businesses. The discussion also touched on Dream Exchange's mission and the implications of the Main Street Growth Act ("MSGA"). The MSGA will support the growth of small-cap businesses by offering a groundbreaking solution through the establishment of "venture exchanges" for the trading of early-stage enterprises.

爐邊聊天深入探討了少數族裔企業獲取資金的重要問題。討論還涉及了Dream Exchange的使命以及Main Street Growth Act(「MSGA」)的影響。MSGA將通過創建「創業公司交易所」爲早期企業的交易提供開創性的解決方案,支持小型企業的增長。

Corey Johnson, an executive at Procter & Gamble, remarked on the importance of the conversation: "In today's economy, access to capital is the lifeblood of innovation and growth. The Dream Exchange is paving the way for a new era of financial empowerment for black businesses, and I'm honored to be part of this crucial discussion."

Procter&Gamble的高管Corey Johnson談到了這次對話的重要性:「在今天的經濟中,獲取資金是創新和增長的生命線。 Dream Exchange正在爲黑人企業開啓一種新的金融賦能時代,我很榮幸能參與這場關鍵性的討論。」

Dream Exchange Founder and CEO, Joe Cecala stated, "This fireside chat is more than just a conversation—it's a pivotal moment in our journey, where we're sharing our vision with some of the brightest minds in the business community. By creating opportunities like never before, we're empowering a new generation of innovators and leaders to build the future they envision."

Dream Exchange創始人兼首席執行官喬·塞卡拉表示:「這次爐邊聊天不僅僅是一次對話 - 它是我們旅程中的關鍵時刻,在這裏,我們正在與商業社區中一些最聰明的人分享我們的願景。通過創造前所未有的機會,我們正在賦予新一代的創新者和領導者構建他們想象的未來的力量。」

Dwain Kyles, Managing Member of DX Capital LLC emphasized the significance of the event: "This gathering was not just a conversation; it's a movement. We are committed to changing the financial landscape for minority entrepreneurs by creating platforms that provide access to capital and resources that were previously out of reach."

DX Capital LLC的董事經理Dwain Kyles強調了這次活動的重要性:「這次聚會不僅僅是一次交流;它是一場運動。我們致力於通過創建平台,爲少數族裔企業家提供以前無法觸及的資金和資源,改變金融領域的格局。」

About Dream Exchange

關於Dream Exchange

The Dream Exchange is preparing its application and operations to become the first minority-controlled company to operate a licensed stock exchange in the history of the United States. In addition, Dream Exchange is championing the creation of a new type of stock exchange called a venture exchange, which will list and trade the securities of smaller, early-stage companies. Dream Exchange's mission is to create equal access to a marketplace that instills ethics, humanity, and fairness into finance.

Dream Exchange正在準備其申請和運營,成爲美國曆史上第一家少數族裔控制的公司運營的許可證股票交易所。此外,Dream Exchange正在倡導創建一種名爲風險投資的新型股票交易所,該交易所將上市和交易較小、早期階段的公司證券。Dream Exchange的使命是創建平等准入的市場,將道德、人性和公平融入金融中。

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Vanessa Jean-Louis

Vanessa Jean-Louis

Vice President of Public Relations




SOURCE Dream Exchange

資料來源:Dream Exchange

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