
Hillshire Snacking Is Elevating Parents' Everyday Moments With a House of Bliss

Hillshire Snacking Is Elevating Parents' Everyday Moments With a House of Bliss

Hillshire Snacking正在通過一座幸福之屋提升父母的日常時刻
PR Newswire ·  09/10 08:48

In celebration of back-to-school, fans can win much-deserved PTO
("Parent Time Off") with a complimentary home cleaning on TIDY

(「家長休假」),在 TIDY 上免費提供家居清潔服務

SPRINGDALE, Ark., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- More than half of parents (54%) said they'll give up spending quality time with their child because their home needs cleaning1. This month, Hillshire Snacking is teaming up with national home cleaning tool, TIDY, to officially sponsor "Parent Time Off." Fans can enter for a chance to win one of 1,000 $150 credits of complimentary home cleaning services. That equates to 125 days of Parent Time Off and 1,000 new moments of bliss!

阿肯色州斯普林代爾,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 超過一半的父母(54%)表示,他們將放棄與孩子共度美好時光因爲家需要打掃衛生1。本月,Hillshire Snacking將與全國家居清潔工具TIDY合作,正式贊助 「家長休假」。粉絲們有機會贏取 1,000 美元的 150 美元免費家居清潔服務積分之一。這相當於 125 天的家長假期和 1,000 個新的幸福時光!

In celebration of back-to-school, fans can win much-deserved PTO ("Parent Time Off") with a complimentary home cleaning


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In celebration of back-to-school, fans can win much-deserved PTO ("Parent Time Off") with a complimentary home cleaning on TIDY

Parents juggle countless responsibilities every day, from managing after-school activities to preparing meals and maintaining a clean home. With such busy schedules, many parents find it difficult to unwind and take a break. In fact, the average American spends 541 hours on household cleaning per year2. Parents are hungry for some downtime.


"We're excited to partner with TIDY to offer parents a chance to enjoy some time off while enjoying our delicious Hillshire Snacking plates. It's our way of giving back to those who do so much, especially as kids go back to school and families get back into routines," said John Torre, Manager of Hillshire Snacking at Tyson Foods.

「我們很高興能與TIDY合作,讓父母有機會在享受我們美味的希爾郡零食盤子的同時享受一段假期。這是我們回饋那些做了很多事情的人的方式,尤其是在孩子們重返學校和家庭恢復日常生活的時候。」 泰森食品希爾希爾零食經理約翰·託雷說。

Hillshire Snacking Small Plates and Bistro Bites provide at least 16 grams of protein per serving and come in various flavors, making them the perfect choice for a quick and satisfying single-serving snack. Each package contains high-quality ingredients for a premium and convenient adult snacking experience. Whether at home, in transit or on the sidelines, these plates offer a moment of indulgence amidst the chaos.

Hillshire Snacking Small Plates 和 Bistro Bites 每份提供至少 16 克的蛋白質,有多種口味,是製作快速而令人滿意的單份零食的完美選擇。每個包裝均含有優質食材,可提供優質便捷的成人零食體驗。無論是在家中、在途中還是在場外,這些牌照都能讓您在混亂中盡情享受。

How to Participate:


  1. Shop: Purchase a Hillshire Snacking Small Plates or Bistro Bites product from the refrigerated aisle at your local supermarket.
    • To participate without purchase, send an email with 'Hillshire Snacking PTO' in the subject line and your name, address and telephone number to [email protected].
  2. Submit: Share a photo or video with your Hillshire Snacking Small Plates or Bistro Bites, tagging @HillshireSnacking and using the hashtag #HillshireSnackingGiveaway, for the chance to win a complimentary house cleaning (up to 1,000 $150 credits toward house cleaning services will be provided).
  3. Savor: Schedule and redeem your complimentary house cleaning using and enjoy your Hillshire Snacking Small Plates or Bistro Bites product during this blissful break.
  1. 購物:從當地超市的冷藏過道購買 Hillshire Snacking Snacking Small Plates 或 Bistro Bites 產品。
    • 要無需購買即可參與,請向 [email protected] 發送一封主題爲 「Hillshire Snacking PTO」 的電子郵件,並將您的姓名、地址和電話號碼發送至 [email protected]。
  2. 提交:與你的 Hillshire Snacking Small Plates 或 Bistro Bites 分享照片或視頻,標記 @HillshireSnacking 並使用主題標籤 #HillshireSnackingGiveaway,就有機會贏取免費房屋清潔服務(將提供高達 1,000 美元的 150 美元房屋清潔服務積分)。
  3. 品嚐:使用 預約並兌換免費家居清潔服務,在這段幸福的假期中盡情享用 Hillshire Snacking Snacking Small Plates 或 Bistro Bites 產品。

For full terms and conditions, visit


No purchase necessary. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Giveaway begins at 12:00:00 am ET on September 10, 2024 and ends at 11:59:59 pm ET on September 23, 2024. One thousand entries will receive a $150 credit to, which equates to approximately a three-hour house cleaning service, depending on location and preferences. Limit one (1) entry per household. Participation open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, who are at least the age of majority in their state of residence as of date of entry. Void outside of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law.

無需購買。購買不會增加您獲勝的機會。贈品活動從美國東部時間 2024 年 9 月 10 日上午 12:00:00 開始,並於 2024 年 9 月 23 日美國東部時間晚上 11:59:59 結束。一千份參賽作品將獲得Tidy.com的150美元積分,相當於大約三小時的房屋清潔服務,具體取決於地點和偏好。每個家庭限制一 (1) 次入境。美國五十(50)個州和哥倫比亞特區的合法居民均可參加,他們在入境之日至少達到居住州的成年年齡。在美國 50 個州、哥倫比亞特區以外以及法律禁止、徵稅或限制的地方無效。

1 Source: Talker Research, Survey of Parent Homeowners with Kids Under 17 – April 2024

1 來源:Talker Research,對有 17 歲以下子女的家長房主的調查 — 2024 年 4 月

2 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Time Use Survey – US – 2021

2 資料來源:美國勞工統計局,《美國時間使用調查》— 美國 — 2021

About Hillshire Snacking Brand
The Hillshire Snacking brand launched nationally in 2016. Hillshire Snacking brand is crafted for a premium, on-the-go snacking experience. The product line is known for its high-quality ingredients and includes Hillshire Snacking Small Plates and Hillshire Snacking Bistro Bites. Hillshire Snacking products are available nationwide in your local supermarket. For more information, visit

Hillshire Snacking 品牌於 2016 年在全國推出。Hillshire Snacking 品牌專爲提供優質的隨身零食體驗而精心打造。該產品系列以其高品質食材而聞名,包括希爾郡零食小盤和希爾郡零食小酒館小吃。Hillshire Snacking產品可在全國各地的當地超市購買。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About TIDY
TIDY Services Inc. is a cutting-edge software and AI tool designed to simplify the process of finding and scheduling professional house cleaning services. From regular cleaning to deep cleans and move-in/move-out services, TIDY helps you create a clean and welcoming home environment. For more information, visit .

TIDY Services Inc. 是一款尖端的軟件和人工智能工具,旨在簡化尋找和安排專業房屋清潔服務的過程。從定期清潔到深度清潔和入住/搬出服務,TIDY 可幫助您創造一個乾淨溫馨的家居環境。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Hillshire Snacking

來源 Hillshire Snacking

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