
Iconic Announces Acquisition of Integral Capital Advisors to Help Transform M&A Advisory

Iconic Announces Acquisition of Integral Capital Advisors to Help Transform M&A Advisory

Iconic宣佈收購Integral Capital Advisors,以幫助轉型併購諮詢業務
PR Newswire ·  09/10 09:03

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Iconic, an AI-powered advisory firm poised to revolutionize the sell-side M&A process for small and medium-sized businesses, has completed the acquisition of Integral Capital Advisors, LLC ("Integral"), a boutique investment bank.

洛杉磯,2024 年 9 月 10 日 /PRNewswire/-- 標誌性的是一家人工智能驅動的諮詢公司,有望徹底改變中小型企業的賣方併購流程,該公司已經完成了對精品投資銀行Integral Capital Advisors, LLC(「Integral」)的收購。

By combining Integral's proven M&A processes with Iconic's best-in-class technology, the acquisition aims to deliver a faster, more efficient selling process, connecting clients with higher-quality buyers. The synergy between Iconic's advanced technology and Integral's in-depth understanding of the complex nuances involved in selling a business promises to provide unparalleled value to business owners navigating the M&A landscape.


Eric Coonrod, Managing Partner and Owner of Integral Capital Advisors, was attracted to Iconic by the founding team and their shared belief that the investment banking process was ready for change.

Integral Capital Advisors的管理合夥人兼所有者埃裏克·康羅德被創始團隊所吸引,他們共同認爲投資銀行業務流程已經爲變革做好了準備。

"I'm incredibly proud to be joining Iconic and contributing to the company's mission of making the M&A process faster and more efficient. What excites me most is how Iconic is taking a business model that hasn't changed in over 100 years—with all the good things about it: complex financial modeling, high-level deal negotiations, intricate deal structuring—and combining it with AI-powered, tech-enabled solutions," said Coonrod. "This approach will increase the likelihood of success in the sell-side M&A process, which, in today's economic climate, is a game-changer."

「我非常自豪能加入Iconic,爲公司的使命做出貢獻,使併購過程更快、更高效。最令我興奮的是,Iconic正在採用一種100多年來沒有改變的商業模式——它的所有優點:複雜的財務建模、高級別的交易談判、錯綜複雜的交易結構,並將其與人工智能驅動的、以技術爲基礎的解決方案相結合,」 庫恩羅德說。「這種方法將增加賣方併購過程成功的可能性,在當今的經濟環境下,賣方併購過程將改變遊戲規則。」

Eric Coonrod, a veteran and innovator of the investment banking industry, has been appointed Managing Director and Senior Vice President of Iconic, where he will lead Iconic's sales efforts. In this new role, Coonrod will transition Integral's growing M&A representation activities to Iconic and develop a firm-wide business development program.


"We're excited to welcome Integral Capital Advisors to Iconic," said Erik Salazar, Founder and CEO of Iconic. "Their expertise in M&A, particularly in understanding the seller's perspective, perfectly complements our technology-driven processes. Together, we're poised to offer a truly comprehensive solution that empowers middle-market businesses to achieve their goals with greater certainty and efficiency."

Iconic創始人兼首席執行官埃裏克·薩拉薩爾表示:「我們很高興歡迎Integral Capital Advisors加入Iconic。」「他們在併購方面的專業知識,特別是在理解賣方觀點方面的專業知識,完美地補充了我們的技術驅動流程。我們將共同提供一個真正全面的解決方案,使中間市場企業能夠更確定地和更高效地實現其目標。」

This acquisition marks a significant step forward in Iconic's mission to transform the M&A landscape for small and medium-sized businesses. The combined expertise of Iconic and Integral Capital Advisors will enable business owners to navigate the selling process with confidence, backed by the power of technology and world-class advisory services.

此次收購標誌着Iconic改變中小型企業併購格局的使命向前邁出了重要一步。Iconic和Integral Capital Advisors的綜合專業知識將使企業主能夠在技術和世界一流諮詢服務的支持下,自信地駕馭銷售流程。

About Iconic
Iconic is a world-class advisory firm enabled by a powerful, proprietary technology platform to help business owners sell their businesses faster, more efficiently, and to higher-quality buyers. Our vision is to help small and midsize business owners realize meaningful exit value and create a new generation of business owners through our end-to-end M&A service platform.

關於 Iconic

About Integral Capital Advisors
Recently acquired by Iconic, Integral Capital Advisors is a boutique investment bank with decades of expertise across multiple industry verticals. The bankers at Integral provide honest, practical, and sound financial and strategic advice while building and developing long-term relationships with their clients across industries, including Business Services, Health & Wellness, Healthcare Services, Manufacturing & Distribution, and Technology.

Integral Capital Advisors是一家精品投資銀行,最近被Iconic收購,在多個垂直行業擁有數十年的專業知識。Integral的銀行家們提供誠實、務實和健全的財務和戰略建議,同時與商業服務、健康與保健、醫療服務、製造與分銷以及技術等行業的客戶建立和發展長期關係。

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或聯繫 [email protected]。


來源 Iconic

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