
Aviatrix Appoints John Qian as Chief Information Security Officer, Emphasizing Commitment to Security and Growth

Aviatrix Appoints John Qian as Chief Information Security Officer, Emphasizing Commitment to Security and Growth

Aviatrix任命John Qian爲首席信息安防官,強調對安防和增長的承諾。
PR Newswire ·  09/10 10:00

Zoom and Cisco Systems Alum Joins Aviatrix to Advance Safety and Security in the New Era of Cloud Networking

Zoom 和 Cisco Systems Alum 加入 Aviatrix,共同推進雲網絡新時代的安全保障

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aviatrix, the cloud networking expert, today announced John Qian has joined as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This strategic addition to the leadership team underscores Aviatrix's commitment to prioritizing security as the company continues its rapid expansion. In his new role, Qian will lead and oversee the company's security strategy, managing its current posture and future roadmap.

加利福尼亞州聖克拉拉,2024 年 9 月 10 日 /PRNewswire/-- Aviatrix雲網絡專家,今天宣佈,錢健已加入,擔任首席信息安全官(CISO)。領導團隊的這一戰略加入凸顯了Aviatrix在公司持續快速擴張的同時優先考慮安全性的承諾。在新的職位上,錢將領導和監督公司的安全戰略,管理其目前的態勢和未來的路線圖。

"As enterprises increasingly shift critical workloads to the cloud, the convergence of networking and security is no longer optional; it is imperative. John's extensive security experience will help Aviatrix continue to accelerate our product roadmap while simultaneously delivering enhanced security capability across our portfolio and our company," said Doug Merritt, CEO, Aviatrix. "We're looking forward to the impact of John's strategic leadership as we continue to help our customers navigate the complexities of single and multicloud environments and ensure that our clients can confidently secure their critical applications across diverse infrastructures."

「隨着企業越來越多地將關鍵工作負載轉移到雲端,網絡和安全的融合不再是可選的;這是勢在必行的。約翰豐富的安全經驗將幫助Aviatrix繼續加快我們的產品路線圖,同時增強我們的產品組合和公司的安全能力。」 Aviatrix首席執行官道格·梅里特說。「我們期待着約翰的戰略領導力產生影響,因爲我們將繼續幫助客戶應對單雲和多雲環境的複雜性,並確保我們的客戶能夠放心地保護其在不同基礎設施中的關鍵應用程序。」

Qian joins Aviatrix from Zoom, where he served as the Head of Security Architecture. In this capacity, he oversaw the security posture of Zoom products and features, as well as cloud environments and sensitive IT applications. Under his leadership, his team developed one of the industry's most mature security programs, effectively supporting Zoom's rapid growth during the pandemic. Prior to his tenure at Zoom, Qian was a Principal Engineer at Cisco Systems, where he initiated the company's product security program by defining and implementing Cisco's secure development lifecycle.

錢從Zoom加入Aviatrix,曾擔任安全架構主管。他以此身份監督了 Zoom 產品和功能以及雲環境和敏感的 IT 應用程序的安全狀況。在他的領導下,他的團隊開發了業內最成熟的安全計劃之一,有效支持了 Zoom 在疫情期間的快速增長。在 Zoom 任職之前,錢曾是思科系統的首席工程師,在那裏他通過定義和實施思科的安全開發生命週期,啓動了公司的產品安全計劃。

"As enterprises embrace multiple cloud infrastructures, including single, hybrid, and multicloud, the need for robust security measures has never been more critical," said Qian. "I'm excited to support Aviatrix's commitment to address these security challenges by leveraging advanced technologies, including AI. The convergence of networking and security operations will empower organizations to maintain control over their critical applications while simplifying complexity. Together, we will deliver a secure, agile framework that meets the demands of today's dynamic cloud landscape."


The addition of Qian follows a period of significant growth and leadership expansion at Aviatrix in 2024. Under the strategic direction of CEO Doug Merritt, the company has made several leadership appointments, including Anirban Sengupta (Chief Technology Officer), Brian Kocsy (Chief Customer Officer), Scott Leatherman (Chief of Staff), Sandeep Singh Kohli (Chief Marketing Officer), and Varsha Vig (Chief Human Resources Officer).


To learn more about Aviatrix and the Aviatrix Cloud Networking Platform, visit .

要了解有關 Aviatrix 和 Aviatrix 雲網絡平台的更多信息,請訪問 。

About Aviatrix
Aviatrix is the cloud networking expert. We're on a mission to make cloud networking simple so companies stay agile. Trusted by more than 500 of the world's leading enterprises, our cloud networking platform creates the visibility, security, and control needed to adapt with ease and move ahead at speed. Combined with the Aviatrix Certified Engineer (ACE) Program, the industry's leading multicloud networking and security certification, Aviatrix empowers the cloud networking community to stay at the forefront of digital transformation. Learn more at .

關於 Aviatrix
Aviatrix 是雲網絡專家。我們的使命是簡化雲網絡,讓公司保持敏捷性。我們的雲網絡平台受到全球500多家領先企業的信賴,可提供輕鬆適應和快速前進所需的可見性、安全性和控制力。結合業界領先的多雲網絡和安全認證 Aviatrix 認證工程師 (ACE) 計劃,Aviatrix 使雲網絡社區能夠站在數字化轉型的最前沿。要了解更多,請訪問。

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