
Is Meta Platforms Stock a Buy Now?

Is Meta Platforms Stock a Buy Now?

Meta Platforms股票現在值得買入嗎?
The Motley Fool ·  20:15

Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: META) is undoubtedly a leader in the internet economy. It owns popular social media apps — including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp — used by billions of people across the globe. What its founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has accomplished is truly remarkable.

Meta Platforms (納斯達克: META) 毫無疑問是互聯網經濟的領導者。它擁有全球數十億人使用的熱門社交媒體應用,包括Facebook、Instagram和WhatsApp。該公司的創始人兼首席執行官馬克·扎克伯格所取得的成就是非常值得稱讚的。

But is this "Magnificent Seven" stock a good investment for your portfolio right now? Here's why I believe it is.


Meta's growth and financials


Meta commands about 18% of the global market for digital advertising sales. According to Grand View Research, that industry is expected to see more than 15% annual revenue growth throughout the rest of the decade. This provides a strong tailwind for the business to continue expanding.

meta佔據全球數字廣告銷售市場約18%的份額。根據Grand View Research的數據,預計該行業在本十年其餘時間內將以逾15%的年收入增長率增長。這爲業務持續擴張提供了有力支持。

In the past five years, sales climbed at a compound annual rate of 18.3%. Wall Street analysts believe the company's top line will advance at a yearly pace of 15.3% between 2023 and 2026, a robust outlook.


Management's strategy involves growing its massive user base and making it more engaged with the company's family of apps. Besides that, it's all about monetizing this attention via digital advertisements, which represent 98% of companywide sales.


The business is fully focused on its artificial intelligence (AI) push. It is investing aggressively to build out its network infrastructure and computing power, with $37 billion to $40 billion in spending planned for this year. And the high capital outlays aren't going to end anytime soon.

該業務完全致力於其人工智能(AI)推動。它正在大力投資用於建設其網絡基礎設施和計算能力,計劃今年的支出爲370 to 400億美元。而高額的資本支出不會很快結束。

"We currently expect significant capital expenditures growth in 2025 as we invest to support our artificial intelligence research and product development efforts," the chief financial officer said in the latest earnings press release.

「我們目前預計2025年的資本支出將顯著增長,因爲我們在支持我們的人工智能研究和產品開發方面進行投資。」 致富金融在最新的收益新聞發佈中表示。

Meta's overarching objective with these investments is to become an even more indispensable tool for its users, whether that's adding functionality for consumers or boosting advertisers' ability to better target their audience.


Given that the business is in solid financial shape, it seems to always be on the offensive. Meta posted a stellar 38% operating margin last quarter (the second quarter of 2024, ended June 30). And it garnered $10.9 billion in free cash flow during those three months. The company also has a pristine balance sheet, with a net cash position of about $40 billion.

鑑於業務財務狀況穩固,它似乎總是處於進攻狀態。 Meta在上個季度(2024年第二季度,截至6月30日)實現了令人矚目的38%的營業利潤率。在那三個月期間,它獲得了109億美元的自由現金流。該公司還擁有一份完好無損的資產負債表,淨現金頭寸約爲400億美元。

Are Meta shares overvalued?


Since the start of 2023, Meta's stock has catapulted 317% higher, driven by a combination of strong financial performance and improving market sentiment. As of this writing, shares trade at a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 25.6, much higher than the multiple of below 10 they had 22 months ago. The market has come back around to appreciating the business.


Prospective investors must be wondering if the current valuation signals an expensive stock. On the one hand, Meta trades at a premium to the overall S&P 500. And it's slightly more expensive than Alphabet, another digital ad giant.

潛在投資者肯定會想知道當前估值是否意味着股票過於昂貴。一方面,Meta的股票價格高於整體的S&P 500指數,並且比另一家數字廣告巨頭Alphabet稍微昂貴。

However, I believe the current P/E is still very compelling. Based on the previously mentioned growth trends, as well as its impressive financial position, Meta is a quality business.


What's more, the company has one of the widest economic moats in the world, supported by powerful network effects. There are nearly 3.3 billion daily active users on its various social media apps, which makes it almost impossible for a rival service to scale up to this level. Everyone uses Meta's family of apps because everyone they know does. It's difficult to envision this dominant position changing anytime soon.


Even after the stock's impressive run recently, it still looks like a smart buy.


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