
Apple Quietly Phases Out 'Categorically Terrible' FineWoven iPhone Cases: Report

Apple Quietly Phases Out 'Categorically Terrible' FineWoven iPhone Cases: Report

蘋果悄悄淘汰了「絕對糟糕」的FineWoven iPhone手機殼:報道
Benzinga ·  05:09

In a surprising move, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) seems to have silently phased out its controversial FineWoven iPhone cases, as they are no longer available on the company's website.

令人驚訝的是,蘋果公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)似乎已經默默地逐步淘汰了備受爭議的FineWoven iPhone手機殼,因爲這些手機殼已不再在該公司的網站上發售。

What Happened: The eco-friendly FineWoven cases, introduced last year with the iPhone 15, are no longer up for sale on Apple's website. The product has not been launched for the recently announced iPhone 16 either, Business Insider reported on Wednesday.

發生了什麼:去年在iPhone 15上推出的環保FineWoven手機殼已不再在蘋果網站上出售。據《商業內幕》週三報道,該產品也尚未在最近發佈的iPhone 16上市。

The FineWoven cases, which faced user backlash due to their susceptibility to scratches, dust accumulation, and retention of circular indents from MagSafe charging, are now seemingly discontinued. The iPhone 16, however, will have new cases from Apple's subsidiary Beats, supporting MagSafe charging and Apple's new Camera Control feature.

FineWoven 手機殼由於容易受到劃痕、灰塵積聚以及在 MagSafe 充電時留下的圓形凹痕而遭到用戶的強烈反對,現在看來已經停產了。但是,iPhone 16將推出蘋果子公司Beats的新手機殼,支持MagSafe充電和蘋果新的相機控制功能。

Apple did not respond to Benzinga's queries immediately.



Why It Matters: The FineWoven cases were part of Apple's sustainable initiatives, replacing traditional leather ones. However, they were met with widespread criticism from users and tech reviewers for their vulnerability to scuffs and premature wear. The Verge's Allison Johnson had called it "categorically terrible" in her review.

爲何重要:FineWoven 手機殼是蘋果可持續發展計劃的一部分,取代了傳統的皮革手機殼。但是,它們因容易磨損和過早磨損而受到用戶和技術評論家的廣泛批評。The Verge的艾莉森·約翰遜在評論中稱其爲 「非常糟糕」。

With the recent launch of the iPhone 16, experts anticipate a significant upgrade cycle.

隨着最近iPhone 16的推出,專家們預計將出現一個重要的升級週期。

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這個故事是使用 Benzinga Neuro 創作的,由 Pooja Rajkumari

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