
Nuro Expands Autonomous Technology Leadership With a New Business Model

Nuro Expands Autonomous Technology Leadership With a New Business Model

PR Newswire ·  09/11 09:00

Nuro to accelerate widespread adoption of AI-first autonomous vehicles by partnering with automotive OEMs and mobility platforms


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nuro, a pioneer and leader in autonomous technology, today announced the expansion of its business model to include licensing its advanced AI-driven autonomy platform, the Nuro Driver, to automotive OEMs and mobility providers. For the first time, the Nuro Driver will enable up to Level 4 (L4) passenger vehicles, as well as goods delivery. This strategic move leverages Nuro's years of successful autonomous vehicle deployments to accelerate the adoption of autonomous technology across the transportation industry.

加利福尼亞州山景城,2024 年 9 月 11 日 /PRNewswire/ — 努羅作爲自動駕駛技術的先驅和領導者,今天宣佈擴大其商業模式,將向汽車原始設備製造商和出行提供商許可其先進的人工智能驅動自動駕駛平台Nuro Driver。Nuro Driver將首次啓用多達4級(L4)的乘用車以及貨物交付。這一戰略舉措利用了Nuro多年來成功部署自動駕駛汽車的經驗,加速了自動駕駛技術在整個交通行業的採用。

Nuro is announcing the expansion of its business model to include licensing its advanced AI-driven autonomy platform, the Nuro Driver, to automotive OEMs and mobility providers.
Nuro宣佈擴大其商業模式,包括向汽車原始設備製造商和出行提供商許可其先進的人工智能驅動自動駕駛平台Nuro Driver。

The Nuro Driver is a state-of-the-art autonomous driving system – powered by NVIDIA DRIVE Thor with Arm Neoverse technology – that combines automotive-grade hardware with AI-powered self-driving software, to enable up to L4 autonomy for personally-owned vehicles and mobility platforms. As part of the new licensing model, Nuro is also announcing the Nuro AI Platform, consisting of scalable and performant developer tools to support AI development and validation for the Nuro Driver.

Nuro Driver是一款最先進的自動駕駛系統,由NVIDIA DRIVE Thor和Arm Neoverse技術提供支持,它將汽車級硬件與人工智能驅動的自動駕駛軟件相結合,爲個人擁有的車輛和出行平台提供高達4級的自動駕駛能力。作爲新許可模式的一部分,Nuro還宣佈推出Nuro AI平台,該平台由可擴展和高性能的開發人員工具組成,用於支持Nuro Driver的人工智能開發和驗證。

This expansion builds upon Nuro's proven track record of deploying fully self-driving vehicles. With more than one million autonomous miles completed across its fleet of R&D vehicles and zero autonomous at-fault incidents, the Nuro Driver has demonstrated its reliability and commitment to safety in real-world conditions.

此次擴張建立在Nuro部署完全自動駕駛車輛的良好記錄基礎上。Nuro Driver 在其研發車輛車隊中完成了超過一百萬英里的自動駕駛里程,自動駕駛故障事故爲零,這表明了其在現實條件下的可靠性和對安全的承諾。

"It's not a question of if, but when L4 autonomy will become widespread. We believe Nuro is positioned to be a major contributor to this autonomous future where people and goods mobility are free-flowing, representing a significant increase in the quality of life for everyone," said Jiajun Zhu, co-founder and CEO at Nuro.

「這不是是否會出現的問題,而是L4自主權何時會普及的問題。我們相信,Nuro有望成爲這個自動駕駛未來的主要貢獻者,在這個未來中,人員和貨物可以自由流動,這代表着每個人的生活質量的顯著提高。」 Nuro聯合創始人兼首席執行官朱佳俊說。

Nuro's AI-first approach to autonomy allows for rapid scaling and safe operation on public roads. The Nuro Driver leverages advanced AI across its autonomy stack, allowing it to confidently navigate urban and highway environments. Safety remains paramount, with redundant systems and a parallel autonomy stack helping to ensure reliable performance.

Nuro 的人工智能優先方法允許在公共道路上快速擴展和安全運營。Nuro Driver 在其自主堆棧中利用先進的人工智能,使其能夠自信地在城市和高速公路環境中導航。安全仍然至關重要,冗餘系統和並行自主堆棧有助於確保可靠的性能。

Nuro's licensing model offers automotive OEMs and mobility companies access to a commercially independent, road-proven platform, accelerating their autonomous vehicle development and deployment timelines. Nuro is concentrating its efforts on its core strength: cutting-edge autonomous technology development. This strategic decision enables powerful partnerships with automotive OEMs for vehicle manufacturing and mobility companies for both passenger and goods delivery services. By focusing on advancing autonomy, Nuro is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation, driving industry-wide adoption and commercialization of autonomous technology across a broad range of vehicles and mobility applications.


Ecosystem Support:


"Advancements in AI throughout the vehicle mean OEMs need an entirely new level of safety-enabled compute performance to deliver the benefits of autonomous technology to drivers," said Dipti Vachani, SVP and GM, Automotive Line of Business at Arm. "Nuro has already made tremendous advancements in autonomous driving leveraging the performance-efficiency and functional safety leadership of Arm technology, and we're proud to continue this partnership by powering the Nuro Driver platform with the server-class performance and safety capabilities of Arm Neoverse V3AE technology."

Arm汽車業務線高級副總裁兼總經理Dipti Vachani表示:“整車人工智能的進步意味着原始設備製造商需要全新的安全計算性能水平,才能爲駕駛員提供自動駕駛技術的優勢。「利用Arm技術的性能效率和功能安全領先地位,Nuro已經在自動駕駛方面取得了巨大進步,我們很自豪能夠通過使用Arm Neoverse V3AE技術的服務器級性能和安全功能爲Nuro Driverse平台提供支持,繼續保持這種合作關係。」

"Built with NVIDIA's end-to-end safety AV architecture, the Nuro Driver can integrate sensor processing and other safety-critical capabilities, along with AI-driven autonomy, into a single, centralized computing system," said Rishi Dhall, vice president of automotive at NVIDIA. "This enables the reliability and performance needed for safe deployment of autonomous vehicles at scale."

英偉達汽車副總裁裏希·達爾表示:“Nuro Driver採用NVIDIA的端到端安全自動駕駛架構構建,可以將傳感器處理和其他安全關鍵功能以及人工智能驅動的自主權集成到單一的集中式計算系統中。「這爲大規模安全部署自動駕駛車輛提供了所需的可靠性和性能。」

Customers can start licensing the Nuro Driver today to begin building their next-generation autonomous systems. For more information, see

客戶可以立即開始許可 Nuro Driver,開始構建下一代自主系統。有關更多信息,請參閱

About Nuro:
Nuro exists to better everyday life through robotics. Founded in 2016, Nuro is a leading autonomous technology company with vehicles on the road today in multiple U.S. cities. The company is helping automotive OEMs and mobility providers accelerate autonomous vehicle development through the Nuro Driver platform, a state-of-the-art autonomous driving system that combines automotive-grade hardware and AI-powered self-driving software to enable up to Level 4 systems on mobility platforms and personally-owned vehicles. For more information, visit

關於 Nuro:
Nuro 的存在是爲了通過機器人改善日常生活。Nuro成立於2016年,是一家領先的自動駕駛技術公司,如今汽車已在美國多個城市上路。該公司正在通過Nuro Driver平台幫助汽車原始設備製造商和出行提供商加快自動駕駛汽車的開發。Nuro Driver平台是一種最先進的自動駕駛系統,結合了汽車級硬件和人工智能驅動的自動駕駛軟件,可在出行平台和個人擁有的車輛上啓用高達4級的系統。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Media Contact:
Devan Gillick – Breakaway Communications for Nuro
[email protected]
530-591-3194 – Mobile

Devan Gillick — Nuro 的分離通訊
530-591-3194 — 手機


來源 Nuro


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