
Looking At Meta Platforms's Recent Unusual Options Activity

Looking At Meta Platforms's Recent Unusual Options Activity

關注meta platforms最近的期權異動情況
Benzinga ·  09/11 09:47

Investors with a lot of money to spend have taken a bearish stance on Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META).

有大量資金可以花的投資者對Meta Platforms(納斯達克股票代碼:META)採取了看跌立場。

And retail traders should know.


We noticed this today when the positions showed up on publicly available options history that we track here at Benzinga.


Whether these are institutions or just wealthy individuals, we don't know. But when something this big happens with META, it often means somebody knows something is about to happen.

無論這些是機構還是僅僅是富人,我們都不知道。但是,當 META 發生這麼大的事情時,通常意味着有人知道某件事即將發生。

Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 10 options trades for Meta Platforms.

今天,Benzinga的期權掃描器發現了Meta Platforms的10筆期權交易。

This isn't normal.


The overall sentiment of these big-money traders is split between 40% bullish and 50%, bearish.


Out of all of the options we uncovered, there was 1 put, for a total amount of $50,800, and 9, calls, for a total amount of $402,214.


Projected Price Targets


Analyzing the Volume and Open Interest in these contracts, it seems that the big players have been eyeing a price window from $502.5 to $600.0 for Meta Platforms during the past quarter.

分析這些合約的交易量和未平倉合約,在過去一個季度中,大型企業似乎一直在關注Meta Platforms的價格範圍從502.5美元到600.0美元不等。

Insights into Volume & Open Interest


Looking at the volume and open interest is a powerful move while trading options. This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Meta Platforms's options for a given strike price. Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Meta Platforms's whale trades within a strike price range from $502.5 to $600.0 in the last 30 days.

交易期權時,查看交易量和未平倉合約是一個強有力的舉動。這些數據可以幫助您跟蹤給定行使價下元平台期權的流動性和利息。下面,我們可以分別觀察過去 30 天內 Meta Platforms 在 502.5 美元至 600.0 美元行使價範圍內的所有鯨魚交易的看漲和看跌期權交易量和未平倉合約的變化。

Meta Platforms Call and Put Volume: 30-Day Overview

Meta Platforms 看漲和看跌交易量:30 天概述


Significant Options Trades Detected:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
META CALL SWEEP BEARISH 09/13/24 $5.65 $5.5 $5.65 $507.50 $57.2K 1.9K 248
META CALL SWEEP BULLISH 11/15/24 $19.0 $19.0 $19.0 $550.00 $57.0K 2.5K 60
META CALL SWEEP BULLISH 11/15/24 $18.9 $18.9 $18.9 $550.00 $56.7K 2.5K 0
META PUT SWEEP BEARISH 09/13/24 $6.5 $6.2 $6.35 $507.50 $50.8K 2.0K 408
META CALL SWEEP BEARISH 11/15/24 $18.95 $18.9 $18.9 $550.00 $43.4K 2.5K 53
符號 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 Exp。日期 出價 價格 行使價 總交易價格 未平倉合約 音量
打電話 粗魯的 09/13/24 5.65 美元 5.5 美元 5.65 美元 507.50 美元 57.2 萬美元 1.9K 248
打電話 看漲 11/15/24 19.0 美元 19.0 美元 19.0 美元 550.00 美元 57.0 萬美元 2.5K 60
打電話 看漲 11/15/24 18.9 美元 18.9 美元 18.9 美元 550.00 美元 56.7 萬美元 2.5K 0
粗魯的 09/13/24 6.5 美元 6.2 美元 6.35 美元 507.50 美元 50.8 萬美元 2.0K 408
打電話 粗魯的 11/15/24 18.95 美元 18.9 美元 18.9 美元 550.00 美元 43.4 萬美元 2.5K 53

About Meta Platforms

關於 Meta Platforms

Meta is the world's largest online social network, with nearly 4 billion family of apps monthly active users. Users engage with each other in different ways, exchanging messages and sharing news events, photos, and videos. The firm's ecosystem consists mainly of the Facebook app, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and many features surrounding these products. Users can access Facebook on mobile devices and desktops. Advertising revenue represents more than 90% of the firm's total revenue, with more than 45% coming from the US and Canada and over 20% from Europe.

Meta 是世界上最大的在線社交網絡,每月有近 40 億應用程序系列的活躍用戶。用戶以不同的方式互動,交換消息,分享新聞事件、照片和視頻。該公司的生態系統主要包括Facebook應用程序、Instagram、Messenger、WhatsApp以及與這些產品相關的許多功能。用戶可以在移動設備和臺式機上訪問Facebook。廣告收入佔公司總收入的90%以上,其中45%以上來自美國和加拿大,超過20%來自歐洲。

Having examined the options trading patterns of Meta Platforms, our attention now turns directly to the company. This shift allows us to delve into its present market position and performance

在研究了Meta Platforms的期權交易模式之後,我們現在的注意力直接轉向了公司。這種轉變使我們能夠深入研究其目前的市場地位和表現

Where Is Meta Platforms Standing Right Now?

Meta Platforms 現在處於什麼位置?

  • Trading volume stands at 728,592, with META's price up by 0.41%, positioned at $506.86.
  • RSI indicators show the stock to be is currently neutral between overbought and oversold.
  • Earnings announcement expected in 42 days.
  • 交易量爲728,592美元,其中META的價格上漲了0.41%,爲506.86美元。
  • RSI指標顯示,該股目前在超買和超賣之間處於中立狀態。
  • 預計將在42天后公佈業績。

Trading options involves greater risks but also offers the potential for higher profits. Savvy traders mitigate these risks through ongoing education, strategic trade adjustments, utilizing various indicators, and staying attuned to market dynamics. Keep up with the latest options trades for Meta Platforms with Benzinga Pro for real-time alerts.

交易期權涉及更大的風險,但也提供了更高利潤的潛力。精明的交易者通過持續的教育、戰略貿易調整、利用各種指標以及隨時關注市場動態來降低這些風險。使用Benzinga Pro獲取實時提醒,了解Meta Platforms的最新期權交易。

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