
Tower Arch Capital Announces Partnership With Miller Industries

Tower Arch Capital Announces Partnership With Miller Industries

塔架艾奇資本宣佈與Miller Industries合作伙伴關係
PR Newswire ·  09/12 09:45

SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tower Arch Capital is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the Miller family and recapitalized Miller Industries Holdings ("Miller" or "Miller Industries").

Tower Arch Capital很高興宣佈,已與Miller家族合作,並對Miller Industries Holdings(「Miller」或「Miller Industries」)進行了再資本化。

Miller Industries, LLC Logo
Miller Industries, LLC徽標

Established in 2014 and headquartered in Fenton, MI, Miller Industries is a leading designer and manufacturer of highly engineered custom modular systems, including air handling units, central utility plants, electrical substations, and other specialty steel fabricated products. Miller serves the needs of blue-chip customers across a diversified set of end markets, primarily electric vehicles, data centers, and semiconductors. The company has a strong history of innovation and the highest-quality solutions, working directly with customers and general contractors to improve project delivery and performance.

Miller Industries成立於2014年,總部位於密歇根州芬頓市,是一家領先的高度工程化定製模塊化系統的設計和製造商,包括空氣處理單元,中央供冷廠房,電力變電站和其他專業鋼鐵製品。Miller爲藍籌客戶提供服務,涵蓋多元化的終端市場,主要包括新能源車、idc概念和半導體。該公司以創新和最高品質的解決方案而聞名,在與客戶和總承包商直接合作改善項目交付和性能方面起到重要作用。

Matt Miller, Co-CEO, stated, "We are very pleased to partner with Tower Arch Capital to support this next phase of our growth and expansion. Miller has quickly grown to become a mission-critical partner to our customers as they build and expand new facilities, and we remain committed to providing exceptional solutions to each of our customers."

合-CEOMatt Miller表示:「我們很高興與Tower Arch Capital合作,支持我們的下一階段的增長和擴張。Miller迅速發展成爲我們的客戶在建設和擴建新設施時的關鍵合作伙伴,我們致力於爲每位客戶提供卓越的解決方案。」

"We are very proud of our team and want to thank them for their hard work and dedication in building this great company," said Chad Miller, Co-CEO. "We believe our partnership with Tower Arch will enable us to accelerate our growth, expand our production footprint, and broaden our value proposition for the end markets we serve. Tower Arch's expertise and resources will be invaluable as we capitalize on the considerable runway ahead of us."

合-CEO Chad Miller表示:「我們爲我們的團隊感到非常自豪,並感謝他們爲建設這家偉大公司所付出的辛勤工作和奉獻。我們相信與Tower Arch的合作將使我們能夠加速增長,擴大生產規模,併爲我們服務的終端市場拓寬價值主張。在我們面前廣闊的機會中,Tower Arch的專業知識和資源將是無價之寶。」

David Topham, Partner at Tower Arch Capital, said, "We are thrilled to partner with Matt, Chad, and the entire Miller family. Miller Industries' differentiated and customized product offering has created immense value for its customers. The company is on the leading edge of a massive shift towards modular, off-site manufacturing, and we look forward to providing the Miller team support to capitalize on these market tailwinds and expand operations to achieve their next phase of growth."

Tower Arch Capital的合夥人David Topham說:「我們很高興與Matt、Chad和整個Miller家族合作。Miller Industries獨特定製的產品提供爲客戶創造了巨大的價值。該公司處於向離場製造模塊化的巨大轉變的前沿,我們期待爲Miller團隊提供支持,利用市場風向勢能和擴大運營,實現下一階段的增長。」

"This partnership is a continuation of Tower Arch's history of partnering with exceptional family-owned businesses," added David Calder, Partner at Tower Arch Capital. "Our partnership with Miller Industries will enable them to capture new opportunities and further solidify their position as a leading provider of modular building systems. Notably, the Miller family has re-invested alongside Tower Arch in this partnership, accelerating our work together to achieve our shared vision."

「這次合作是Tower Arch與優秀家族企業合作歷史的延續,」Tower Arch Capital合夥人David Calder補充道。「我們與Miller Industries的合作將使他們能夠抓住新機遇,進一步鞏固他們作爲領先的模塊化建築系統提供商的地位。值得注意的是,Miller家族在這次合作中與Tower Arch共同投資,加快了我們共同實現共同願景的工作。」

Terms of the transaction were undisclosed. Financing for the transaction was provided by Bank of America, Truist Bank, First Citizens, and Huntington Bank. Advisors for Tower Arch Capital included Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP and BDO USA, LLP. Advisors for Miller included Greenwich Capital Group, Honigman LLP, Crowe LLP, and UHY LLP.

交易條款未披露。交易融資由美國銀行、Truist銀行、First Citizens銀行和亨廷頓銀行提供。Tower Arch Capital的顧問包括Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP和BDO USA, LLP。Miller的顧問包括Greenwich Capital Group, Honigman LLP, Crowe LLP和UHY LLP。

About Miller Industries

關於Miller Industries

Miller Industries is a Fenton, MI-based leading designer and manufacturer of highly engineered custom modular solutions, mission-critical utility equipment, and other specialty steel fabricated products. Miller's product offering includes air handling units, electrical substations, and central utility plants, serving blue-chip customers across electric vehicle, automotive, data center, and semiconductor end markets, and has been a trusted partner to its customers for over 10 years. For more information, please visit .

Miller Industries是總部位於密歇根州芬頓的領先設計製造高度工程定製模塊解決方案、關鍵任務的公用設備和其他特種鋼鐵製品的公司。 Miller的產品包括空調設備、電力變電站和中央公用事業廠房,爲電動汽車、汽車、數據中心和半導體終端市場的藍籌客戶提供服務,併成爲客戶的可靠合作伙伴超過10年。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Tower Arch Capital

關於Tower Arch Capital

Headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT, Tower Arch Capital is a growth-oriented middle market private equity firm. Tower Arch seeks to partner with high-quality family- and entrepreneur-owned companies to deliver long-term value for their management teams and investors. Tower Arch brings operational, consulting, and financial expertise to companies to help them improve their operations, scale, and grow. Target investments include control positions in businesses with EBITDA between $5 million and $30 million. For more information, please visit .

總部位於猶他州鹽湖城的Tower Arch Capital是一家以中市場中期私募股權公司爲導向的增長型公司。Tower Arch旨在與高品質的家族企業及創業者擁有的公司合作,爲其管理團隊和投資者提供長期價值。Tower Arch爲公司提供運營、諮詢和金融專業知識,幫助其改善運營、擴大規模和發展。目標投資對象包括EBITDA在500萬到3000萬之間的控股企業。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

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