
Australia Housing Crisis: Apartment Slump Spoiling Efforts to Boost Housing Supply

Australia Housing Crisis: Apartment Slump Spoiling Efforts to Boost Housing Supply

The Sydney Morning Herald ·  09/13 02:56

The number of new apartments being launched is at its lowest level in 15-years, with volatile and uncertain market conditions creating a devastating outcome for housing and rental affordability, an independent research firm says.


Independent property advisory firm Charter Keck Cramer says Melbourne's apartment woes aren't easing and that new apartment supply across metropolitan Sydney will fall well short of the NSW's government new five-year dwelling targets.

獨立物業諮詢公司Charter Keck Cramer表示,墨爾本公寓市場的困境並未緩解,悉尼都會區的新公寓供應將遠遠低於新南威爾士州政府設定的五年新住房目標。

Development conditions are proving challenging, hampered by affordability, financial feasibility, land prices, high construction costs and developer contributions.


NSW Premier Chris Minns announced three months ago housing targets for 43 councils, in an attempt to accelerate infill development across Sydney and the state, and build 377,000 new homes by 2029.

新南威爾士州州長Chris Minns三個月前宣佈了對43個市政議會的住房目標,旨在加速悉尼和整個州的填充式開發,並計劃到2029年建造37.7萬套新住房。

But Charter Keck's State of The Market half-year report paints a grim picture for both cities' housing situation.

但Charter Keck的《市場狀況》半年報告描繪了兩個城市的住房狀況的嚴峻畫面。

Development conditions in Sydney are proving challenging, hampered by affordability, financial feasibility, land prices, high construction costs and developer contributions. "Across metropolitan Sydney, the ability to bring new supply to market is extremely difficult," the report said.


To achieve the state government's targets, 75,000 new dwellings are needed each year and with 82 per cent of them in infill locations, the majority will be apartments. An estimated 35,000 apartments must be built each year at a time when forecast completions over the next three years are running at 10,350 units a year, Charter Keck maintains.

爲實現州政府的目標,每年需要增加7.5萬套新住宅,其中82%位於填充式地點,其中大多數將是公寓。 Charter Keck認爲,每年必須建造約3.5萬套公寓,而根據預測,未來三年的竣工量每年只有10,350套。

Ed Eve, general manager of property developer Fortis in Sydney, said in contrast to the report's findings, his company wasn't experiencing difficult market conditions.

悉尼房地產開發商Fortis的總經理Ed Eve表示,與報告的發現相反,他的公司並未經歷困難的市場環境。

"As a result of market support, all of our Sydney residential projects are progressing well. Our projects in Point Piper, Darling Point, Rose Bay, and Woollahra are in construction ... We hope to start construction on our projects at Elizabeth Bay and Zetland later this year," Eve said.

由於市場支持,我們在悉尼住宅項目的所有板塊都在良好推進。我們在Point Piper、Darling Point、Rose Bay和Woollahra的項目正在施工...我們希望能在今年晚些時候開始Elizabeth Bay和Zetland的項目施工,Eve說。

Fortis is also taking advantage of weak demand for development sites to acquire and launch new residential projects.


Marc Colella, a senior executive with global engineering and consultancy firm AECOM, said developers like Fortis in the top-end of the market were able to push ahead with projects, but mid-tier and more affordable players were hamstrung.

全球工程諮詢公司AECOm的高級執行官Marc Colella表示,像Fortis這樣的市場頂端開發商能夠推進項目,但中端和更實惠的開發商受到了阻礙。

"With rising construction costs and apartment values not increasing sufficiently, they're just not getting those apartments away," Colella said.


"They [developers] are not going to start construction on a loss-making scheme. They don't work that way. There are some fundamental issues over the next couple of years with the supply of affordable and mid-level, medium to high-density construction," he said.


The housing squeeze is directly related to strong migration into Australia. Net overseas migration – the growth or decline in population – over the year to June 2023 was 528,000 people, the highest since records began.


Net migration is expected to drop back to nearly half that figure this financial year but is still likely to grow at around 2 per cent in coming years, according to the ABS and Centre for Population.


The apartment market is taking much longer than initially anticipated to recalibrate after the pandemic.


The housing shortage has sent rents skyrocketing, with high-interest rates raising the barrier to entry for new homeowners and inflation eating into static incomes.


In Melbourne, foreign buyers are noticeably absent, local and interstate buyers are "stagnant and there is little urgency to make purchasing decisions," the report said.


There will only be meaningful market momentum when cash rates are cut, the federal election is decided and when various taxes and charges are rationalised

Charter Keck Kramer's State of The Market report


Charter Keck Kramer的市場狀況報告

Apartment launches in Victoria are at their lowest level in 15 years with 2100 apartments launched in the first half of this year. Developers and financiers are apprehensive about starting projects as pre-sales are extremely slow and projects remain for the most part financially unfeasible.


"Our apartment database shows that build times of projects have also increased due to the shortage of materials and labour and there is a distinct lack of finishing trades (or cashflow available to pay these trades) available for several projects," the report said.


Many third-party builders aren't prepared to take on high-density projects because of construction risk, which will translate into anemic levels of apartment supply over the next two to three years.


"This is a devastating outcome for housing and rental affordability and all but destines the housing targets set out in Victoria's Housing Statement to failure," Charter Keck said.

Charter Keck稱:「這對住房和租房價格的可負擔性是一個毀滅性結果,而維多利亞住房聲明中規定的住房目標幾乎註定會失敗。」

Colella said builders had struggled through a period of volatility and weren't prepared to take on risky projects. "They've got present challenges with resources and material and labour costs on the increase," he said.


The impact of the pandemic has been underestimated, Charter Keck maintains. The apartment market is taking much longer than initially anticipated to recalibrate, but on the upside housing may start to return to equilibrium over the next three to six months if interest rates are cut.

Charter Keck認爲,人們低估了疫情的影響。公寓市場需要更長的時間來重新調整,但如果降低利率,房屋市場可能會在未來三到六個月內恢復平衡。

"There will only be meaningful market momentum when cash rates are cut, the federal election is decided and when various taxes and charges are rationalised," the report states.


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Simon Johanson is a business journalist at The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.Connect via Twitter.


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