
From Stephen Hawking to Basketball Jump Clinics: Control Bionics on the Promise of EMG Technology

From Stephen Hawking to Basketball Jump Clinics: Control Bionics on the Promise of EMG Technology

sharecafe ·  09/13 01:50

Control Bionics Limited (ASX:CBL) CEO Jeremy Steele provides an overview of the company, discussing its suite of augmentative and alternative communication products.

Control Bionics Limited (ASX:CBL)首席執行官Jeremy Steele概述了該公司,並討論了其一套增強和替代溝通產品。

Paul Sanger: I'm Paul Sanger for the Finance News Network, and today I'm talking with Control Bionics (ASX:CBL). Control Bionics, trading under the ASX code "CBL" with a market capitalisation of approximately $19m, is a cutting-edge medical device company dedicated to helping individuals with severe speech and motor impairments caused by conditions such as motor neurone disease and ALS. Their flagship product, the NeuroNode, is a revolutionary wireless wearable device that detects minute signals from the brain to muscles, allowing users to control a personal computer to perform actions like speech, emailing and texting. With me today is Jeremy Steele, CEO of Control Bionics. Jeremy, welcome to the network.

Paul Sanger:我是Paul Sanger,爲Finance News Network提供報道,今天我與Control Bionics (ASX:CBL)進行了對話。Control Bionics在ASX上交易,股票代碼是"CBL",市值約爲1900萬美元,它是一家高新醫療器械公司,致力於幫助患有嚴重語言和運動障礙的個體,這些障礙是由運動神經元病和ALS等病症引起的。他們的旗艦產品NeuroNode是一款革命性的無線可穿戴設備,可以探測大腦到肌肉的微弱信號,使用戶能夠通過個人電腦進行如語言、電子郵件和短信等操作。今天我請來了Control Bionics的首席執行官Jeremy Steele。Jeremy,歡迎您來到本臺。

Jeremy Steele: Thanks for having me.

Jeremy Steele:謝謝邀請。

Paul Sanger: So, Jeremy, can you start by giving us a brief overview of Control Bionics and the core mission behind your technology?

Paul Sanger:那麼,Jeremy,您能首先簡要介紹一下Control Bionics和技術背後的核心使命嗎?

Jeremy Steele: Sure. So, Control Bionics has been around for almost 20 years now. In fact, Stephen Hawking was one of our original beta customers, who helped perfect and refine our technology. But today we're about using our core intellectual property, which is electromyography or EMG, to expand the ways in which the data that comes from muscles and muscular activity, whether intentional or unintentional, can be used to connect with technology, diagnose conditions, treat or improve sports performance.

Jeremy Steele:當然。Control Bionics已經成立近20年了。事實上,斯蒂芬·霍金曾是我們最初的測試客戶之一,他幫助我們完善和改進了我們的技術。但今天,我們致力於利用我們的核心知識產權,即肌電圖(EMG),來擴展肌肉活動產生的數據的使用方式,無論是有意還是無意的,以便與技術進行連接,診斷病情,治療或改善運動表現。

Paul Sanger: So, Jeremy, I'd like to get into some of that technology. Let's start with... The NeuroNode is a highly innovative product. Could you explain how it works and what sets it apart from other assistive communication devices that are currently on the market?

Paul Sanger:那麼,Jeremy,我想深入了解一下這項技術。讓我們從... NeuroNode是一款非常創新的產品。您能解釋一下它的工作原理以及與當前市場上其他輔助溝通設備的區別嗎?

Jeremy Steele: Sure. So, the NeuroNode is an electromyography device, so EMG as we call it, as it's short for. We all love acronyms. It's a scientific term. So, electromyography is the detection and measurement of the electrical activity in your muscles. So, if you think about moving a finger, to move a finger, you create a thought to move a finger. And in moving your finger, an electrical signal is created in that muscle, which actually causes the finger to move. And so our device detects that signal and transfers it into a device that allows you to control technology.

Jeremy Steele:當然。NeuroNode是一種肌電圖設備,我們將其簡稱爲EMG。我們都喜歡縮寫詞。這是一個科學術語。肌電圖是檢測和測量肌肉的電活動。所以,如果你想動手指,你會產生一個動手指的念頭。而在動手指時,肌肉中會產生一個電信號,這個信號實際上就是手指的運動原因。因此,我們的設備可以檢測到這個信號,並將其轉換成可以控制技術的設備。

Our NeuroNode combines that technology with spatial. People understand spatial, which is movement in space. And that allows people who are unable to communicate using voice to connect into their technology. There is nothing else like this in the world. We have patents protecting our technology. And so, in fact, and in many respects, and I'm sure we'll get into that, what we've done in the US and the UK with our recent announcements, the reason why we've been so successful is there is no competing technology. We make a difference to people in ways that you cannot imagine.


Paul Sanger: In fact, I lost a very good friend to motor neurone disease just over a year ago, and in the last six months of his life the biggest stress with his wife was trying to communicate with him, where the brain was active. And so I can actually resonate with what you're doing and how it could have changed those last three or four months before Graham passed.

Paul Sanger:實際上,我在一年多前失去了一位非常好的朋友,他患有運動神經元疾病,在他生命的最後六個月裏,與他交流,這是他的妻子面臨的最大壓力,而他的大腦是活躍的。所以我實際上能夠理解你在做什麼以及在格雷厄姆離世之前的最後三到四個月裏,它是如何改變了情況。

Jeremy Steele: That's right. That's right. I mean, I was in Japan a little while ago and with one of our customers there who has MND. He, before we gave him the NeuroNode, he could not communicate with his wife. The only movement he had was moving his eyes. We put the NeuroNode above his eyebrow. He still had the ability to lift an eyebrow. Opened up communication to him. I sat with him and his wife. He was crying, the wife was crying, I started crying because all of a sudden he could communicate with his family again. It's quite extraordinary.

Jeremy Steele:沒錯。沒錯。我以前在日本,與我們的一位患有MND的客戶在一起。在我們給他NeuroNode之前,他無法與妻子交流。他唯一的動作就是眼睛動。我們把NeuroNode放在他的眉毛上方。他仍然能夠抬起眉毛。這使他能夠再次與家人交流。我和他以及他的妻子在一起。他在哭泣,他的妻子在哭泣,我也開始哭了,因爲他突然間能夠與家人交流。這真是非常不可思議。

Paul Sanger: Absolutely. And you recently launched the DROVE autonomous wheelchair module. Can you tell us a bit more about the DROVE and how it fits into your overall product suite?

Paul Sanger:當然。最近你們還推出了DROVE自動化輪椅模塊。你能告訴我們更多關於DROVE以及它如何融入你們的整體產品系列嗎?

Jeremy Steele: Sure. So, powered wheelchairs obviously require a joystick to control.

Jeremy Steele:當然。所以,動力輪椅顯然需要操縱桿來控制。

Paul Sanger: Yep.

Paul Sanger:是的。

Jeremy Steele: There are many people who use powered wheelchairs who are unable to either control it independently or control it consistently. And so DROVE is... We've created a world first, which allows you to design, effectively, a route map inside your house, and allows the individual who's in the wheelchair to choose a location in their house independently of a carer or a loved one, and a wheelchair will automatically go from one room to the next -- which you should imagine, or I certainly imagined before I saw this product, surely that exists, but actually no one's been able to crack the nut of how can you do that and make it cost-effective to the user and to the health system? And so we spent many years. We worked with Deakin Institute, their AI unit, to come up with a smart way in which we could do this. And we were delighted to get TGA approval earlier this year and we're now commercialising it. And, in fact, I've just got a grant in the US to fund FDA approval in the US as well.

Jeremy Steele:有很多使用動力輪椅的人無法獨立或連續地控制它。因此,DROVE是...我們創造了一個世界首創,使您可以在家裏設計一個路線圖,並允許坐在輪椅上的人獨立選擇房間的位置,而不需要照顧者或親人,輪椅將自動從一個房間到另一個房間--你應該想象,或者我在看到這個產品之前也是這樣想的,肯定有這樣的存在,但實際上沒有人能夠解決如何做到這一點並使用戶和衛生系統能夠負擔得起的難題?因此,我們花費了許多年的時間。我們與Deakin Institute的人工智能部門合作,找到了一種智能的方法來實現這一點。今年年初,我們很高興獲得了TGA的批准,現在我們正在進行商業化。事實上,我剛剛獲得了美國的一個撥款,用於資助美國FDA的批准。

Paul Sanger: Oh, that's fantastic news. And with the launch of the NeuroStrip, how do you envision Control Bionics expanding beyond assistive technology into areas like health diagnostics and sports performance?


Jeremy Steele: Yeah. Look, it's one of the key elements I've been really focusing the business on since I joined 18 months ago, which is we're a world-class leader in EMG technology. We've been doing this for longer than almost anyone else. And if you think about the conditions with which we, of the people that use our EMG, people who are completely locked in, who you cannot see them move a muscle, but we can detect the signal. If we can do that, we can do anything. And so we've kind of come into our core intellectual property and our experience in EMG and have now developed a miniaturisation of the NeuroNode. It looks like a band-aid, it feels like a band-aid. It weighs two grams, which is less than the piece of paper that you're holding. And so you don't feel that it's in your body, but it can detect such minute muscular movement, which has such a broad range of applications.


And the first of which, and a great example is we've got a client in Utah called NeuroBounce. They run jump clinics for basketballers and volleyballers.


Paul Sanger: I've heard about this.


Jeremy Steele: Yeah, it's amazing. And I've been to the clinic and I've been through their program, not that I'm the ideal target client. But Steve, who runs that, has a track record in increasing jump height for basketballers. And he was saying to me, when I saw him in June, his best-performing athlete increased their jump height by eight inches, which is extraordinary. If you're a basketballer and you get an extra eight inches, man, you're going to the NBA. So, that's just one of... we've got about 16 different applications of the NeuroStrip that we're investigating. And we won't do them all ourselves, but sports science and rehab, that's our core pedigree. So, we're really excited and I think we'll be making some announcements about first customer and first revenue in that space very soon.


Paul Sanger: I'll watch that space very closely. And your recent partnership with Smart Box for distribution in the UK and Ireland is obviously an exciting step. What made Smart Box the right partner for expanding NeuroNode's reach into these markets?

保羅·桑格:我將非常密切關注該領域。與Smart Box在英國和愛爾蘭的分銷合作無疑是一個令人興奮的步驟。爲什麼Smart Box成爲將NeuroNode拓展至這些市場的合適夥伴?

Jeremy Steele: Yeah. Well, so first and foremost, they're about 70 per cent of the UK market. So, I mean, it makes sense, they're the biggest player. I think, more importantly, we have a really strong relationship with Smart Box. We use some of their product in some of our solutions, so we've known them for a long time. We're of a like mind when it comes to business operations. And so market share, plus that we know our technology works well together, it made a lot of sense for us to partner with them.

傑里米·斯蒂爾:是的。首先,他們佔據了英國市場的大約70%。所以,這是有道理的,畢竟他們是最大的參與者。更重要的是,我們與Smart Box有着非常牢固的關係。我們在一些解決方案中使用了他們的產品,所以我們認識他們已經很長時間了。我們在企業運營方面有着相同的想法。所以市場份額再加上我們知道我們的技術在一起效果很好,這對我們來說是很有意義的。

Paul Sanger: No, totally understand. And what opportunities do you see in the European assistive technology market, and how important is this market for the growth of Control Bionics?


Jeremy Steele: Let's call it broadly, not every country is the same, but Europe generally has very good funding for assistive technology -- like Australia, like the US. There is a kind of social understanding that supporting individuals who have these conditions is something that we should do as a society. So, there's definitely opportunity there I think. I've got a team there at the moment in Germany who are working on some opportunities there.


Look, I think the great thing about Smart Box is they've got a strong market position. The UK is a really interesting market. It's a very kind of concentrated market. So, there's 15 spots in the UK, NHS centres, where assistive technology is trialled and delivered to end customers. So, it's a very great market for us to enter. But, as I said, there are other parts in Europe, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, where there is equally good opportunity. And, obviously, some of those markets are bigger populations, Germany, some are smaller, but I think there's a really strong opportunity for us in Europe.

看,我認爲關於Smart Box的好處是,他們在市場上佔據了一個強勢地位。英國是一個非常有趣的市場。這是一個非常集中的市場。所以,在英國有15個NHS中心,進行輔助技術的試驗和交付給最終客戶。所以,這是一個我們進入的非常好的市場。但是,就像我說的,歐洲還有其他地區,德國、荷蘭、比利時、斯堪的納維亞,同樣存在很好的機會。而且,顯然,一些市場人口更多,比如德國,一些市場人口較少,但我認爲我們在歐洲有着很強的機會。

Paul Sanger: Now, Control Bionics recently secured an I think $525,000 investment from NorthStar Impact Funds. Can you elaborate on how this strategic partnership with NorthStar, known for its focus on positive impact investments, aligns with Control Bionics' mission and growth trajectory?

保羅·桑格:現在,Control Bionics最近從NorthStar Impact Funds獲得了我認爲是525,000美元的投資。您能詳細說明與NorthStar的這種戰略合作伙伴關係如何與Control Bionics的使命和增長軌跡相一致嗎?NorthStar以積極影響力投資而著名。

Jeremy Steele: Yeah. So, Kerry and the team there are wonderfully astute investors. They've got a really good track record in combining putting investment into businesses where not only is that business going to make a difference but they can make a difference as an investor. And so I was just with Kerry this morning talking about some of the ways in which he and his network can work with us to assist in delivering on our strategic objectives. So, they're a meaningful investor. I think it sends a lot of the right signals to the market that smart institutional money that understands impact investing can see not only the good that Control Bionics does, but the great returns it can deliver to shareholders as well.

傑里米·斯蒂爾:是的。所以,凱里和那裏的團隊是非常精明的投資者。他們在將投資投入不僅能夠影響業務的企業方面擁有非常出色的記錄,而且作爲投資者他們也能夠產生影響。所以今天早上我剛跟凱里談過他和他的網絡可以如何與我們合作,幫助我們實現我們的戰略目標。所以,他們是一個有意義的投資者。我認爲這向市場傳遞了很多正確的信號,智慧型機構資金可以看到Control Bionics所做的好事,以及它可以爲股東帶來的巨大回報。

Paul Sanger: Yeah. I mean, it's a huge endorsement on the work that you're doing. Nothing bigger than an investment of that size.


Jeremy Steele: That's right.


Paul Sanger: And other news -- you also recently received approval for a new HCPCS code marking the NeuroNode as a reimbursable medical device in the US. How do you perceive this impacting the accessibility of the NeuroNode to patients with speech and motor impairments? And what does this mean for the company's growth in the US market?


Jeremy Steele: Yeah. Look, I think the size of the opportunity and the opportunity for us in the US on the back of this code is significant. A Medicare code, so HCPCS – "Hicpics" code, as it's called -- is effectively the equivalent of an Australian Medicare code. So, Medicare in the US have said for any Medicare- or Medicaid-covered individual in the US, the government will reimburse US$4,300 for the NeuroNode as part of their system. There's very few devices that have access to that, their own specific code. And so the win for us is massive. It now opens up a whole market, whereas perhaps third parties weren't willing to buy the device from us because they couldn't get it funded, now they can get it funded. Now we go through the process of getting private insurers to cover it as well. As we said in the release, just on our existing business, if you were to take that code and look backwards, it's about an extra $400,000 worth of EBITDA for us over FY24. Looking forward, the size of the prize is even bigger. I mean, if we, and I'm confident we can execute on that, this is millions of dollars of additional revenue...

傑里米·斯蒂爾:是的。看,我認爲這個代碼的機會規模及其爲我們在美國帶來的機會都非常大。這是一個醫保代碼,所以HCPCS – 「Hicpics」代碼,實際上相當於澳大利亞醫保代碼。因此,美國的醫保表示,對於美國的任何醫療補助(Medicare)或醫療救濟(Medicaid)受益個體來說,政府將爲NeuroNode支付4,300美元,作爲他們醫療系統的一部分。很少有設備能夠獲得這樣的特有代碼。所以對我們來說,這是巨大的成功。這現在打開了一個完整的市場,而第三方以前可能不願從我們購買這種設備,因爲他們無法獲得資助,現在他們可以獲得資助。現在我們需要繼續努力讓私人保險公司也覆蓋它。正如我們在發佈中所說的,僅根據我們現有的業務來看,如果從歷史上看這個代碼,對於我們來說FY24的盈虧平衡點將多出大約40萬美元。展望未來,獎金規模更大。我的意思是,如果我們,我相信我們能做到,實現這一目標,這將是數百萬美元的額外營收...

Paul Sanger: Yeah.

保羅桑格: 是的。

Jeremy Steele: ..for us in the US market because it's now specific funding for our device in the US market, which, you know, has taken many, many years to get to. And so I'm glad the market recognised the value of that. I think the opportunity is massive.

傑里米斯汀: ..在美國市場方面對我們來說非常重要,因爲現在在美國市場上有專門的資金支持我們的設備,而這需要很多很多年的時間來實現。因此,我很高興市場認可了這個價值。我認爲機遇是巨大的。

Paul Sanger: Yeah. And just to highlight on that point, whatever business you're in, breaking into the US market is not easy. And, as you just said, it's taking you a number of years to get there, but that really is a game-changer announcement.

保羅桑格: 是的。就此點進行強調,不管你從事什麼業務,打入美國市場都不容易。正如你所說,你花了多年的時間才達到這一目標,但這真的是一個改變遊戲規則的宣佈。

Jeremy Steele: Absolutely. Yeah.

傑里米斯汀: 當然。是的。

Paul Sanger: And, lastly, with all the advancement Control Bionics is making, what are your long-term goals for the company, and how do you plan to stay at the forefront of assistive technology?

保羅桑格: 最後,關於Control Bionics正在取得的所有進展,對於公司而言,你們的長期目標是什麼?以及你們打算如何保持在輔助技術的前沿?

Jeremy Steele: Yeah. What's important to me is we're consistent in how we talk to the shareholders and the market about the opportunities we have. Our core business continues to grow, and we're looking to expand in our key markets of Japan, Australia and the US. But, beyond that, NeuroNode only, which I've talked about, you can see the first success we've had there in the UK and Ireland, and we expect further success in continental Europe. We've got the HCPCS code that's going to further drive growth, as we've just talked about. And then we have DROVE as well, both in Australia and the US.

傑里米斯汀: 是的。對我來說,重要的是我們在與股東和市場談論我們擁有的機遇時保持一致。我們的核心業務持續增長,我們計劃擴大在日本、澳洲和美國等關鍵市場的業務。但除此之外,我已經談到的NeuroNode僅僅是我們正在看到的第一個成功案例,你可以看到我們在英國和愛爾蘭取得的第一個成功。我們預計在歐洲大陸也會取得進一步的成功。正如我們剛剛談到的,我們擁有將進一步推動增長的HCPCS代碼。此外,在澳洲和美國我們還有DROVE的業務。

So, I think, for us, execution, unsurprisingly, is really important over the next 12 or 24 months. I think we have plenty of opportunity. The NeuroStrip is almost endless in terms of its opportunities. And so what I've said to my team back in the office and what I say to the market is the focus for the next 12 to 24 months is execute on some of these significant milestones we've hit over the last six months, deliver the revenue growth, and that will continue to build capacity for us to do more as we look forward.


Paul Sanger: Jeremy, it's been an absolute pleasure having you here today. Clearly, some of the stuff you're doing is life-changing for individuals, so please continue doing what you are doing. We'll watch the story very, very closely. But thanks for taking the time to share those thoughts and views with us today.

保羅桑格: 傑里米,今天能夠有你在這裏是一種極大的榮幸。顯然,你正在爲個人帶來改變生活的事情,所以請繼續做你正在做的事情。我們將非常密切地關注這個故事。但感謝你抽出時間與我們分享這些思想和觀點。

Jeremy Steele: Thanks for having me in.

Jeremy Steele:感謝邀請我。



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