
Telesat Completes $2.54 Billion Funding Agreements for Telesat Lightspeed Satellite Constellation With Strong Government Backing

Telesat Completes $2.54 Billion Funding Agreements for Telesat Lightspeed Satellite Constellation With Strong Government Backing

Telesat以強大的政府支持完成了總額爲$25.4億的Telesat Lightspeed衛星星座的資金協議。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/13 11:10

Telesat Lightspeed program will create and sustain thousands of high-quality Canadian jobs and deliver billions of dollars of investment in the Canadian economy

Telesat Lightspeed計劃將爲加拿大創造和維持數千個高質量的就業機會,並在加拿大經濟中投入數十億美元的投資。

MONTREAL, Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Telesat (NASDAQ and TSX: TSAT), one of the world's largest and most innovative satellite operators, today announced the completion of funding agreements with the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec for its highly advanced Telesat Lightspeed Low Earth Orbit (LEO) broadband satellite constellation. With this milestone completed, Telesat now has all financing sources in place to fund the global Telesat Lightspeed network, including the satellites, launch vehicles to deploy them, an integrated terrestrial network of landing stations and points of presence throughout the world, and the business and operational support systems for the network. All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

2024年9月13日,蒙特利爾(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——世界上最大、最創新的衛星運營商之一Telesat(納斯達克和多倫多證券交易所:TSAT)宣佈與加拿大政府和魁北克政府達成了資金協議,用於其高度先進的Telesat Lightspeed低地球軌道(LEO)寬帶衛星星座項目。完成了這一里程碑,Telesat現在已經完全有經費來源來支持全球Telesat Lightspeed網絡的資金,包括衛星、發射載體、全球陸地站和分佈在世界各地的節點的綜合地面網絡,以及網絡的業務和運營支持系統。除非另有說明,所有金額均以加拿大元計算。

As previously disclosed, the Government of Canada loan is for $2.14 billion and will carry a floating interest rate that is 4.75% above the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA) with a 15-year maturity. Interest is payable in-kind during the Telesat Lightspeed construction period, followed by a 10-year sculpted amortization. Furthermore, the Government of Canada is receiving warrants for 10% of the common shares of Telesat LEO based upon an equity valuation for Telesat LEO of US$3 billion. The Government of Quebec loan is for $400 million and has terms that largely mirror the Government of Canada loan but with warrants for 1.87%, in proportion to the smaller loan amount. The borrower under each loan, Telesat LEO Inc. (Telesat LEO), is a subsidiary of Telesat.

正如之前公開的,加拿大政府的貸款金額爲14.7億美元,利率浮動,比加拿大隔夜回購利率平均值(CORRA)高出4.75%,期限爲15年。在Telesat Lightspeed建設期間,利息以實物支付,隨後進行10年估值償還。此外,加拿大政府將獲得Telesat LEO普通股10%的認股權證,認股權證基於Telesat LEO的估值爲30億美元。魁北克政府的貸款金額爲4千萬美元,其條款基本與加拿大政府的貸款相同,但認股權證比例爲1.87%,與較小的貸款金額相稱。根據每項貸款的借款人Telesat LEO Inc.(Telesat LEO)爲Telesat的子公司。

"We are pleased to conclude these funding arrangements with the governments of Canada and Quebec as we make strong progress on the build-out of the revolutionary Telesat Lightspeed constellation, the largest space program in Canada's history," said Dan Goldberg, President and CEO of Telesat. "Telesat Lightspeed will help bridge the digital divide in Canada and throughout the world, create and sustain thousands of high-quality jobs in Canada, deliver billions of dollars of investment in the Canadian economy, spur domestic innovation and exports, and ensure that Canada and Quebec are at the forefront of the rapidly growing New Space Economy."

"我們非常高興與加拿大和魁北克政府達成這些資金安排,同時我們在革命性的Telesat Lightspeed星座建設中取得了良好的進展,這是加拿大歷史上最大的太空計劃,"Telesat總裁兼首席執行官丹·戈德伯格(Dan Goldberg)表示。"Telesat Lightspeed將幫助彌合加拿大和全球的數字鴻溝,在加拿大創造和維持數千個高質量的就業機會,爲加拿大經濟投入數十億美元,並促進國內創新和出口,確保加拿大和魁北克處於快速增長的新太空經濟的前沿。"

The Telesat Lightspeed network is expected to play a critical role in bridging the digital divide by expanding the reach of internet and 5G networks in unserved and underserved communities in Canada and throughout the world, with affordable, high-speed broadband connectivity. In addition, the Telesat Lightspeed network is expected to help governments – including the Government of Canada – modernize their satellite communications technology and make meaningful contributions to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) modernization to bolster defence for Canada and its allies.

衛星通信公司 Telesat Lightspeed 網絡預計將在拓寬加拿大和全球未接入和不足服務的社區的互聯網和5G網絡覆蓋範圍方面發揮關鍵作用,提供可負擔、高速的寬帶連接。此外,預計 Telesat Lightspeed 網絡還將幫助包括加拿大政府在內的各級政府現代化衛星通信技術,並對北大西洋公約組織(NATO)和北美航空航天防禦司令部(NORAD)現代化作出有意義的貢獻,以加強加拿大及其盟國的防務。

Telesat has increased its Canadian workforce by approximately 33% in the last 12 months and expects 2024 capital expenditures for the program to be in the range of $1 billion to $1.4 billion. Telesat plans to launch the first Telesat Lightspeed satellites in mid-2026. Since Telesat's announcement of MDA Space as its prime satellite manufacturer in August 2023, MDA has selected and onboarded over 90 percent of the suppliers for the Telesat Lightspeed program.

Telesat 在過去12個月增加了大約33%的加拿大員工,並預計2024年該項目的資本支出範圍爲10億美元到14億美元。 Telesat 計劃在2026年中旬發射首顆 Telesat Lightspeed 衛星。自2013年8月 Telesat 宣佈將 MDA Space 作爲其主要衛星製造商以來,MDA 已選定並接管了 Telesat Lightspeed 項目的超過90%的供應商。

"Our government is focused on Canadians and today's announcement with Telesat and MDA is our commitment in action. Designed, manufactured, and operated in Canada – the Telesat Lightspeed satellite network will be the largest in Canadian history – creating thousands of jobs, growing our economy, and getting high-speed internet to Canadians. We're putting Canada at the forefront of opportunity, with a fair chance for everyone to succeed."

「我們政府關注的是加拿大人,今天與 Telesat 和 MDA 的宣佈是我們承諾的實施。Telesat Lightspeed 衛星網絡由加拿大設計、製造和運營,將是加拿大歷史上最大的衛星網絡,創造數千個就業機會,促進我們的經濟增長,並讓加拿大人享受高速互聯網。我們將把加拿大置於機遇的前沿,爲每個人提供公平的成功機會。」 -- 加拿大總理賈斯廷·特魯多

— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

—— 加拿大總理賈斯廷·特魯多

"This is good news for our economy, not only are we consolidating 650 existing jobs, but we are creating nearly 1000 paying jobs in a cutting-edge sector. It is also a strategic project for Quebec. With the Telesat and MDA project, the message we are sending today is that Quebec continues to stand out. The future of aerospace is happening in Quebec!"


— François Legault, Premier of Quebec

— 魁北克省總理弗朗索瓦·勒戈

"Today, we are cementing Canada's position as a global leader in the new space economy. This investment will create high-skilled jobs, support innovation, and secure Canada's telecommunications systems. This agreement with Telesat Lightspeed, the largest space program ever conceived and built in Canada, will have a significant impact on the growing network of Canadian suppliers and talent, offering critical support to the sector as it continues to flourish."

「今天,我們鞏固了加拿大在新空間經濟中的領導地位。這項投資將創造高技能工作崗位,支持創新,並保障加拿大的電信系統。與Telesat Lightspeed的協議是加拿大有史以來構想和建造的最大空間計劃,它將對不斷壯大的加拿大供應商和人才網絡產生重大影響,爲該領域的持續蓬勃發展提供關鍵支持。」

— The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

— 尊敬的創新、科學和工業部部長弗朗索瓦-菲利普·香檳

"This satellite network is an effective way to provide high-speed telecommunications across all regions of Quebec. We are proud to support these two companies as they drive technological innovation, helping to position Quebec as a true space industry leader. And we are even prouder to see that companies are locating here to take advantage of all that Québec has to offer!"


— Christine Fréchette, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal region

— 克莉絲汀·弗雷切特,經濟、創新和能源部長,負責區域經濟發展以及蒙特利爾地區的部長

"High-speed Internet is no longer a luxury—it is a necessity. Today's investment in Telesat's Lightspeed project will help the federal government achieve its goal of connecting all Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2030 so that they get better access to the services they need, no matter where they live."

「高速互聯網不再是奢侈品,而是必需品。今天對Telesat Lightspeed項目的投資將有助於聯邦政府實現連接所有加拿大人至高速互聯網的目標,使他們無論身在何處都能更好地獲得所需的服務。」

— The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

— 尊敬的古迪·哈欽斯,農村經濟發展部長,大西洋加拿大機會局的負責部長

About Telesat


Backed by a legacy of engineering excellence, reliability and industry-leading customer service, Telesat (NASDAQ and TSX: TSAT) is one of the largest and most innovative global satellite operators. Telesat works collaboratively with its customers to deliver critical connectivity solutions that tackle the world's most complex communications challenges, providing powerful advantages that improve their operations and drive profitable growth.

作爲最大、最具創新性的全球衛星運營商之一,Telesat(納斯達克和tsx:tsat)備受卓越的工程、可靠性和行業領先的客戶服務支持。 Telesat 與客戶通力合作,提供關鍵的連接解決方案,應對世界上最複雜的通信挑戰,提供改善其業務、推動盈利增長的強大優勢。

Continuously innovating to meet the connectivity demands of the future, Telesat Lightspeed, the company's state-of-the-art Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network, has been optimized to meet the rigorous requirements of telecom, government, maritime and aeronautical customers. Telesat Lightspeed will redefine global satellite connectivity with ubiquitous, affordable, high-capacity links with fibre-like speeds. For updates on Telesat, follow us on X, LinkedIn, or visit .

爲滿足未來的連接需求,Telesat Lightspeed不斷創新,優化了公司的尖端低軌道(LEO)衛星網絡,以滿足電信、政府、海事和航空客戶的嚴格要求。 Telesat Lightspeed將以纖維光纖般的速度提供無處不在、負擔得起、高容量的全球衛星連接。有關Telesat的更新,請關注我們的X、LinkedIn頁面或訪問網站。

Media Contact:
W2 Communications for Telesat


Investor Relations Contact:
James Ratcliffe
+1 613 748 8424

James Ratcliffe
+1 613 748 8424

Forward-Looking Statements Safe Harbor


This news release contains statements that are not based on historical fact and are "forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. When used herein, statements which are not historical in nature, or which contain the words "will," "expect", "believe", or similar expressions, including statements regarding the expected benefits of Telesat Lightspeed, are forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements as a result of known and unknown risks and uncertainties. All statements made in this press release are made only as of the date set forth at the beginning of this release. Telesat Corporation undertakes no obligation to update the information made in this release in the event facts or circumstances subsequently change after the date of this press release.

此新聞發佈包含那些不基於歷史事實的並且是根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》以及加拿大證券法意義下的「前瞻性聲明」。在此使用時,那些不具有歷史性質或包含「將會」,「期待」,「相信」或類似表達的聲明,包括涉及Telesat Lightspeed預期收益的聲明,都屬於前瞻性聲明。由於已知和未知的風險和不確定性,實際結果可能會與前瞻性聲明中表達或隱含的期望有重大差異。此新聞稿中的所有聲明僅在此新聞發佈之初規定的日期之時起效。Telesat Corporation不承諾在本新聞發佈日期後發生事實或情況更改時更新本新聞稿中提供的信息。

The forward-looking statements in this news release are based on Telesat Corporation's current expectations about future events and financial trends that management believes might affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs, and on certain assumptions and analysis made by Telesat in light of the experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors management believes are appropriate including management's current plans, estimates, projections, beliefs and opinions; the future performance and results of Telesat's business and operations; the ability of Telesat to execute on its business objectives; and general economic and political conditions and global events. These forward-looking statements and the related projections, expectations, assumptions and analyses are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond Telesat Corporation's control, are difficult to predict, and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in the forward-looking statements. There are numerous risks and uncertainties associated with Telesat's business and the Telesat Lightspeed constellation. Known risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements in this news release include but are not limited to: inflation and rising interest rates; Telesat's ability to meet the funding conditions of its funding agreements with the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec and of its vendor financing; technological hurdles, including our and our contractors' development and deployment of the new technologies required to complete the constellation in time to meet our schedule, or at all; the availability of services and components from our and our contractors' supply chains; competition; risks associated with domestic and foreign government regulation, including access to sufficient orbital spectrum to be able to deliver services effectively and access to sufficient geographic markets in which to sell those services; Telesat's ability to develop significant commercial and operational capabilities; risks associated with operating satellites and providing satellite services, including satellite construction or launch delays, launch failures, in-orbit failures or impaired satellite performance; and volatility in exchange rates. The foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Investors should review the other risk factors discussed in Telesat Corporation's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, that was filed on March 28, 2024, with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the Canadian securities regulatory authorities at the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval + ("SEDAR+"), and may be accessed on the SEC's website at and SEDAR+'s website at as well as our subsequent reports on Form 6-K filed with the SEC and also available on SEDAR.

此新聞發佈中的前瞻性聲明基於Telesat Corporation對未來事件和金融趨勢的當前期望,該期望可能影響其財務狀況、運營業績、業務策略和財務需求,並基於Telesat在歷史趨勢的經驗和認知、當前情況和預期的未來發展以及管理層認爲適當的某些假設和分析,包括管理層的當前計劃、估計、投影、信念和意見;Telesat業務和運營的未來表現和結果;Telesat實現業務目標的能力;以及普遍經濟和政治情況和全球事件。這些前瞻性聲明和相關的預期、假設和分析不構成未來績效的保證,而是受到風險、不確定性和其他一些因素的影響,其中一些因素超出Telesat Corporation的控制範圍,很難預測,並可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中表達或預測的結果有重大不同。與Telesat業務和Telesat Lightspeed衛星星座相關的衆多風險和不確定性。可能導致實際結果與此新聞發佈中前瞻性聲明所表達的不同的已知風險和不確定性包括但不限於: 通貨膨脹和利率上升;Telesat能否滿足其與加拿大政府和魁北克政府的融資協議以及其供應商融資的融資條件;技術障礙,包括我們及我們承包商完成星座所需的新技術的開發和部署是否及時滿足我們的計劃,或是否根本實現;來自我們及我們承包商供應鏈的服務和元件的可用性;競爭;與國內外政府法規相關的風險,包括獲取足夠的軌道頻譜以便有效提供服務以及進入足夠的地理市場銷售那些服務的市場;Telesat發展重要的商業和運營能力的能力;與運營衛星和提供衛星服務相關的風險,包括衛星建造或發射延遲、發射失敗、在軌故障或衛星性能受損;以及匯率波動。上述重要因素列表並非詳盡無遺。投資者應檢閱Telesat Corporation於2023年12月31日結束的年度20-F形式中討論的其他風險因素,該報告於2024年3月28日提交給美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)和加拿大證券監管機構的電子文件分析和檢索系統+(「SEDAR+」),可在SEC網站 和 SEDAR+網站以及Telesat提交給SEC的後續6-k表中查閱,這些可在SEDAR上查閱。

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