
Enhertu Showed Substantial Clinical Activity in Patients With HER2-positive Metastatic Breast Cancer and Brain Metastases

Enhertu Showed Substantial Clinical Activity in Patients With HER2-positive Metastatic Breast Cancer and Brain Metastases

阿斯利康 ·  09/13 00:00

AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo's Enhertu achieved a 61.6% progression-free survival rate at one year in patients with active or stable brain metastases in DESTINY-Breast12


Largest prospective trial of Enhertu in this patient population


Results from the DESTINY-Breast12 Phase IIIb/IV trial showed that Enhertu (trastuzumab deruxtecan) demonstrated substantial overall and intracranial clinical activity in a large cohort of patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer who have brain metastases and received no more than two prior lines of therapy in the metastatic setting. Results will be presented today as a late-breaking presentation (abstract #LBA18) at the European Society for Medical Oncology and simultaneously published in Nature Medicine.


Enhertu is a specifically engineered HER2-directed DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) discovered by Daiichi Sankyo and being jointly developed and commercialised by AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo.


In patients with brain metastases at baseline, the primary endpoint of progression-free survival (PFS) by independent central review showed a 12-month PFS rate of 61.6%. Additionally, patients with brain metastases showed a central nervous system (CNS) 12-month PFS rate of 58.9%. Results were consistent in patients with stable and active brain metastases. Patients with stable brain metastases had a 12-month PFS rate of 62.9% and a 12-month CNS PFS rate of 57.8%. Patients with active brain metastases had a 12-month PFS rate of 59.6% and a 12-month CNS PFS rate of 60.1%.

基線時具有腦轉移病竈的患者,經獨立中央評審的無進展生存期(PFS)爲主要終點,顯示爲12個月PFS率爲61.6%。此外,具有腦轉移病竈的患者顯示中樞神經系統(CNS)12個月PFS率爲58.9%。結果在穩定和活動性腦轉移病竈的患者中具有一致性。具有穩定腦轉移病竈的患者的12個月PFS率爲62.9%,CNS 12個月PFS率爲57.8%。具有活動性腦轉移病竈的患者的12個月PFS率爲59.6%,CNS 12個月PFS率爲60.1%。

In patients without brain metastases at baseline, the primary endpoint of confirmed objective response rate (ORR) by independent central review showed an ORR of 62.7% with 23 complete responses (CR) and 128 partial responses (PR).


Nancy Lin, MD, Associate Chief, Division of Breast Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, US and principal investigator for the trial, said: "Up to fifty per cent of patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer experience the spread of disease to the brain during the course of their illness, which significantly impacts quality of life and outcomes. These data help further characterise the clinical benefit and safety profile of Enhertu in these patients, which will help guide treatment decisions."

試驗的主要研究者、美國波士頓丹娜博伊恩癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)的乳腺腫瘤副主任Nancy Lin醫生表示:「在HER2陽性轉移性乳腺癌患者中,高達50%的患者在疾病進展期間會出現腦部轉移,這極大地影響了生活質量和預後。這些數據有助於進一步了解安柚美達在這些患者中的臨床益處和安全性,從而指導治療決策。」

Sunil Verma, Global Head, Oncology Franchise, AstraZeneca, said: "The results from DESTINY-Breast12 show substantial clinical activity for patients whose disease has spread to the brain. These data as well as the results in patients without brain metastases further build confidence in the clinical profile of Enhertu for the second-line treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer."

阿斯利康全球腫瘤學市場負責人Sunil Verma表示:「DESTINY-Breast12的結果顯示,對於疾病已擴散到腦部的患者,具有顯著的臨床活性。這些數據以及未出現腦轉移的患者結果進一步增強了Enhertu作爲第二線治療HER2陽性轉移性乳腺癌的臨床特性的信心。」

Mark Rutstein, Global Head, Oncology Development, Daiichi Sankyo, said: "Treating brain metastases in patients with breast cancer is challenging as there are few effective treatment options. Building on previous studies, these results show Enhertu can provide strong overall and intracranial clinical activity and support its potential role in treating patients with active or stable brain metastases."  

大塚山藥全球腫瘤研發負責人Mark Rutstein表示:「治療乳腺癌患者的腦轉移是一項具有挑戰性的任務,因爲有效的治療選擇很少。基於之前的研究,這些結果顯示Enhertu具有強大的整體和顱內臨床活性,並支持其在治療腦轉移患者中的潛在作用。」

Summary of results: DESTINY-Breast12 primary analysis


PFS, progression-free survival; CI, confidence interval; CNS, central nervous system; OS, overall survival; ORR, objective response rate; CR, complete response; PR, partial response


i Stable brain metastases (previously treated)
ii Active brain metastases (untreated or previously treated / progressing [not requiring immediate local therapy])
iii Includes 26 patients with no measurable disease at baseline
iv Primary endpoint for baseline brain metastases (cohort 2) was median PFS with 42.2% data maturity at time of data cutoff (8 February 2024); post-hoc analysis showed median PFS of 17.3 months (95% CI 13.7-22.1)
v Patients who had systemic progression, but no CNS progression, were censored at the time of the progression assessment; the analysis did not account for systemic progression as a competing event
vi Primary endpoint for no baseline brain metastases cohort (cohort 1)
vii ORR is (CR + PR)
viii One patient with no measurable disease at baseline was assigned PR by independent central review
ix Analysis of CNS ORR was in patients with measurable CNS disease at baseline

i 已治療的穩定性腦轉移
ii 活躍性腦轉移(未治療或已治療/進展[無需立即進行局部治療])
iii 包括26名基線無可測量疾病的患者
iv 基線腦轉移(cohort 2)的主要終點是數據截至日期(2024年2月8日)數據達到42.2%的中位PFS;事後分析顯示中位PFS爲17.3個月(95%CI 13.7-22.1)
vi 無基線腦轉移隊列的主要終點(隊列1)
vii ORR爲(CR + PR)
viii 一個在基線無可測量疾病的患者被獨立中央審查分配爲PR
ix 中樞神經系統ORR分析是針對基線有可測量中樞神經系統疾病的患者

A post-hoc analysis in patients with active brain metastases showed the CNS ORR was 82.6% (n=19/23) for patients who had not received prior local CNS therapy and 50.0% (n=19/38) in patients who had progressed following prior local CNS therapy.


The safety profile of Enhertu in DESTINY-Breast12 was consistent with previous breast cancer clinical trials with no new safety concerns identified. The safety profile of Enhertu in the trial was also generally consistent between patients with brain metastases and patients without brain metastases.


Interstitial lung disease (ILD) or pneumonitis occurred in 12.9% of patients in the cohort without brain metastases and 16.0% in the cohort of patients with brain metastases as determined by the investigator. The majority of ILD events were low grade (Grade 1 or 2). In patients without brain metastases, there were 22 Grade 1 ILD events, six Grade 2 events, zero Grade 3 and 4 events, and three (1.2%) Grade 5 events. In patients with brain metastases, there were 26 Grade 1 ILD events, eight Grade 2 events, one Grade 3 event, one Grade 4 event and six (2.3%) Grade 5 events. Five ILD or pneumonitis events in the brain metastases cohort were reported by the investigator as co-occurring with opportunistic infection (one Grade 4 and four Grade 5).


Enhertu is approved in more than 65 countries for the treatment of unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who have received a prior anti-HER2-based regimen.




Breast cancer, HER2 expression and brain metastases
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide.1 More than two million breast cancer cases were diagnosed in 2022 with more than 665,000 deaths globally.1 While survival rates are high for those diagnosed with early breast cancer, only about 30% of patients diagnosed with or who progress to metastatic disease are expected to live five years following diagnosis.2


HER2 is a tyrosine kinase receptor growth-promoting protein expressed on the surface of many types of tumors, including breast cancer.3 HER2 protein overexpression may occur as a result of HER2 gene amplification and is often associated with aggressive disease and poor prognosis in breast cancer.4 Approximately one in five cases of breast cancer are considered HER2-positive.5


Brain metastases occur when cancer cells spread from their original location to the brain. An estimated 10% to 15% of patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer will develop brain metastases.6 The risk is higher for those with HER2-positive or triple-negative metastatic breast cancer, with brain metastases occurring in 30% to 50% of these patients.7


The median overall survival for patients with breast cancer who have developed brain metastases is eight months; however, this varies based on subtype and the availability of effective treatments.8 Current guidelines do not recommend screening patients with breast cancer for brain metastases. As a result, when brain metastases are eventually diagnosed, patients may already present with advanced disease.7


DESTINY-Breast12 is an open-label, multicentre, Phase IIIb/IV 2-cohort, non-comparative clinical trial designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Enhertu (5.4 mg/kg) in patients with previously treated advanced/metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer. The study includes patients without brain metastases (cohort 1) or with brain metastases (cohort 2) who have experienced disease progression following prior anti-HER2-based regimens and have received no more than two lines of therapy in the metastatic setting. Patients were enrolled into one of two cohorts according to the presence or absence of brain metastases at baseline.


The primary endpoint of cohort 1 was ORR as assessed by independent review (non-brain metastases cohort) and the primary endpoint of cohort 2 (brain metastases cohort) was PFS. Additional endpoints included CNS PFS, CNS ORR, ORR in the brain metastases cohort and safety.

隊列1的主要終點是由獨立審查評估的ORR(非腦轉移隊列),隊列2的主要終點(腦轉移隊列)是PFS。其他終點包括CNS PFS,CNS ORR,腦轉移隊列的ORR以及安全性。

DESTINY-Breast12 enrolled 504 patients across multiple sites in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania. For more information about the trial, visit


Enhertu is a HER2-directed ADC. Designed using Daiichi Sankyo's proprietary DXd ADC Technology, Enhertu is the lead ADC in the oncology portfolio of Daiichi Sankyo and the most advanced programme in AstraZeneca's ADC scientific platform. Enhertu consists of a HER2 monoclonal antibody attached to a number of topoisomerase I inhibitor payloads (an exatecan derivative, DXd) via tetrapeptide-based cleavable linkers.

Enhertu是一種HER2定向的ADC。Enhertu採用大發製藥專有的DXd ADC技術設計,是大發製藥腫瘤產品組合中的主導ADC,是AstraZeneca ADC科學平台中最先進的項目。Enhertu由一種HER2單克隆抗體連接到一些拓撲異構酶I抑制劑藥物載體(exatecan衍生物,DXd),通過基於四肽的可切割連接物連接。

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg) is approved in more than 65 countries worldwide for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive (immunohistochemistry [IHC] 3+ or in-situ hybridisation [ISH]+) breast cancer who have received a prior anti-HER2-based regimen, either in the metastatic setting or in the neoadjuvant or adjuvant setting, and have developed disease recurrence during or within six months of completing therapy based on the results from the DESTINY-Breast03 trial.

Enhertu(5.4毫克/千克)已在全球65多個國家獲批,用於治療接受過先前抗HER2治療方案的成年患者,這些患者患有不能手術切除或轉移性HER2陽性(免疫組化[IHC] 3+或原位雜交[ISH]+)乳腺癌,在轉移性、新輔助或輔助治療設置中治療期間發生疾病復發或在完成治療後六個月內發生疾病復發,根據來自DESTINY-Breast03試驗的結果。

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg) is approved in more than 65 countries worldwide for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-low (IHC 1+ or IHC 2+/ ISH-) breast cancer who have received a prior systemic therapy in the metastatic setting or developed disease recurrence during or within six months of completing adjuvant chemotherapy based on the results from the DESTINY-Breast04 trial.

Enhertu(5.4毫克/千克)已在全球65多個國家批准,用於治療接受過先前轉移性設置中系統治療的成年患者或在完成輔助化療後六個月內發生疾病復發的不能手術切除或轉移性HER2低表達(IHC 1+或IHC 2+/ISH-)乳腺癌,根據來自DESTINY-Breast04試驗的結果。

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg) is approved in more than 35 countries worldwide for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic NSCLC whose tumours have activating HER2 (ERBB2) mutations, as detected by a locally or regionally approved test, and who have received a prior systemic therapy based on the results from the DESTINY-Lung02 and/or DESTINY-Lung05 trials.  Continued approval in the US for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial.

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg)已在全球35多個國家/地區獲批,用於治療檢測到具有活化HER2(ERBB2)突變的不可切除或轉移性非小細胞肺癌成年患者,前期曾接受基於DESTINY-Lung02和/或DESTINY-Lung05試驗結果的系統性治療。在美國繼續批准此適應症可能取決於在一項驗證性試驗中確認和描述臨床獲益。

Enhertu (6.4mg/kg) is approved in more than 45 countries worldwide for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic HER2-positive (IHC 3+ or 2+/ISH+) gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma who have received a prior trastuzumab-based regimen based on the results from the DESTINY-Gastric01, DESTINY-Gastric02 and/or DESTINY-Gastric06 trials. Full approval in China for this indication will depend on whether a randomised controlled confirmatory clinical trial can demonstrate clinical benefit in this population.

Enhertu (6.4mg/kg)已在全球45多個國家/地區獲批,用於治療檢測到具有局部晚期或轉移性HER2陽性(IHC 3+或2+/ISH+)胃或胃食管交界(GEJ)腺癌的成年患者,前期曾接受基於DESTINY-Gastric01、DESTINY-Gastric02和/或DESTINY-Gastric06試驗結果的曲妥珠單抗爲基礎的方案。該適應症在中國的全面批准將取決於一項隨機對照的確認性臨床試驗是否能夠證明在該人群中存在臨床獲益。

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg) is approved in the US for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive (IHC 3+) solid tumours who have received prior systemic treatment and have no satisfactory alternative treatment options based on efficacy results from the DESTINY-PanTumor02, DESTINY-Lung01 and DESTINY-CRC02 trials. Continued approval for this indication in the US may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial.

Enhertu (5.4mg/kg)已在美國獲批用於治療檢測到具有不可切除或轉移性HER2陽性(IHC 3+)實體腫瘤的成年患者,前期曾接受系統性治療且無滿意替代方案,基於DESTINY-PanTumor02、DESTINY-Lung01和DESTINY-CRC02試驗的療效結果。在美國繼續批准這一適應症可能取決於在一項驗證性試驗中確認和描述臨床獲益。

Enhertu development programme
A comprehensive global clinical development programme is underway evaluating the efficacy and safety of Enhertu monotherapy across multiple HER2-targetable cancers. Trials in combination with other anti-cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy, also are underway.


Daiichi Sankyo collaboration
AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo entered into a global collaboration to jointly develop and commercialise Enhertu in March 2019 and datopotamab deruxtecan in July 2020, except in Japan where Daiichi Sankyo maintains exclusive rights for each ADC. Daiichi Sankyo is responsible for the manufacturing and supply of Enhertu and datopotamab deruxtecan.

阿斯利康和大塚製藥於2019年3月和2020年7月分別達成全球合作協議,共同開發和商業化Enhertu和datopotamab deruxtecan,除日本外,大塚製藥保留了每個ADC的獨家權利。大塚製藥負責Enhertu和datopotamab deruxtecan的製造和供應。

AstraZeneca in breast cancer
Driven by a growing understanding of breast cancer biology, AstraZeneca is starting to challenge, and redefine, the current clinical paradigm for how breast cancer is classified and treated to deliver even more effective treatments to patients in need – with the bold ambition to one day eliminate breast cancer as a cause of death.


AstraZeneca has a comprehensive portfolio of approved and promising compounds in development that leverage different mechanisms of action to address the biologically diverse breast cancer tumour environment.


With Enhertu (trastuzumab deruxtecan), a HER2-directed antibody drug conjugate (ADC), AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo are aiming to improve outcomes in previously treated HER2-positive and HER2-low metastatic breast cancer and are exploring its potential in earlier lines of treatment and in new breast cancer settings.


In HR-positive breast cancer, AstraZeneca continues to improve outcomes with foundational medicines Faslodex and Zoladex (goserelin) and aims to reshape the HR-positive space with first-in-class AKT inhibitor, Truqap, and next-generation SERD and potential new medicine camizestrant. AstraZeneca is also collaborating with Daiichi Sankyo to explore the potential of TROP2-directed ADC, datopotamab deruxtecan, in this setting.

在激素受體陽性乳腺癌中,阿斯利康繼續以基礎藥物Faslodex和Zoladex(高舒林)改善預後,並旨在藉助首個AKt抑制劑Truqap和下一代SERD以及潛在新藥camizestrant重塑激素受體陽性領域。阿斯利康還與第一三共合作,探索TROP2定向ADC(datopotamab deruxtecan)在該情境中的潛力。

PARP inhibitor Lynparza (olaparib) is a targeted treatment option that has been studied in early and metastatic breast cancer patients with an inherited BRCA mutation. AstraZeneca with MSD (Merck & Co., Inc. in the US and Canada) continue to research Lynparza in these settings and to explore its potential in earlier disease.


To bring much-needed treatment options to patients with triple-negative breast cancer, an aggressive form of breast cancer, AstraZeneca is evaluating the potential of datopotamab deruxtecan alone and in combination with immunotherapy Imfinzi (durvalumab), Truqap in combination with chemotherapy, and Imfinzi in combination with other oncology medicines, including Lynparza and Enhertu.

爲了給患有三陰性乳腺癌(一種侵襲性乳腺癌)的患者帶來急需的治療選擇,阿斯利康正在評估datopotamab deruxtecan單藥和聯合免疫療法Imfinzi(杜瓦莫)以及Truqap聯合化療,以及Imfinzi與其他腫瘤藥物(包括Lynparza和Enhertu)聯合的潛力。

AstraZeneca in oncology
AstraZeneca is leading a revolution in oncology with the ambition to provide cures for cancer in every form, following the science to understand cancer and all its complexities to discover, develop and deliver life-changing medicines to patients.


The Company's focus is on some of the most challenging cancers. It is through persistent innovation that AstraZeneca has built one of the most diverse portfolios and pipelines in the industry, with the potential to catalyse changes in the practice of medicine and transform the patient experience.


AstraZeneca has the vision to redefine cancer care and, one day, eliminate cancer as a cause of death.


AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN) is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialisation of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases, and BioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Based in Cambridge, UK, AstraZeneca's innovative medicines are sold in more than 125 countries and used by millions of patients worldwide. Please visit and follow the Company on social media @AstraZeneca.

阿斯利康(LSE / STO / Nasdaq:AZN)是一家全球性的科學主導的生物製藥公司,專注於腫瘤學,罕見病和生物製藥的處方藥物的發現,開發和商業化,包括心血管,腎臟和代謝,及呼吸與免疫。總部位於英國劍橋,阿斯利康的創新藥物在全球125個國家銷售,並被數百萬患者使用。請訪問astrazeneca.com並在社交媒體上關注公司@AstraZeneca。

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