
IQIYI Sparks a New Wave in China's Comedy Scene With 'The King of Stand-up Comedy'

IQIYI Sparks a New Wave in China's Comedy Scene With 'The King of Stand-up Comedy'

PR Newswire ·  09/13 01:37

BEIJING, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iQIYI, China's leading online entertainment platform, has sparked a fresh surge of enthusiasm for stand-up comedy with the launch of its original show, The King of Stand-up Comedy. The show has quickly gained acclaim and generated widespread social buzz since its debut, highlighting iQIYI's commitment to producing high-quality comedy content. In addition to discovering new creative talent, the show has seamlessly integrated online and offline markets, fostering sustainable growth in the domestic comedy industry.

北京,2024年9月13日 /PRNewswire/ — 中國領先的在線娛樂平台愛奇藝推出原創節目《脫口秀喜劇之王》,激發了人們對脫口秀喜劇的新熱情。該節目自首次亮相以來迅速獲得好評並引起了廣泛的社交熱議,凸顯了愛奇藝對製作高質量喜劇內容的承諾。除了發掘新的創作人才外,該劇還無縫整合了線上和線下市場,促進了國內喜劇行業的可持續增長。

A still from the original show 'The King of Stand-up Comedy'


A still from the original show 'The King of Stand-up Comedy'


Initiated by the legendary Hong Kong film star and director Stephen Chow, the show features 44 groups of comedians vying for the coveted title of 'King of Comedy.' Since its release in mid-August, the show has rapidly gained popularity, achieving a content popularity index of about 8,700. It has also topped iQIYI's variety show charts in overseas markets, including the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

該劇由傳奇的香港電影明星兼導演周星馳發起,共有44組喜劇演員爭奪夢寐以求的 「喜劇之王」 頭銜。自8月中旬上映以來,該節目迅速走紅,內容人氣指數約爲8,700。它還在包括美國、加拿大和澳大利亞在內的海外市場上榮登愛奇藝綜藝節目排行榜榜首。

The show, with the slogan of "From Ordinary to King of Comedy," aims to inspire everyone to step onto the stand-up comedy stage and share their life observations. It provides a platform for individuals from all walks of life, including crosstalk performers, rappers, delivery workers, civil servants, and even those with speech and visual impairments, to express themselves through their unique life experiences.

該節目的口號是 「從普通到喜劇之王」,旨在激勵每個人踏上脫口秀喜劇舞臺,分享他們的人生觀察。它爲各行各業的個人,包括相聲表演者、說唱歌手、送貨員、公務員,甚至是有言語和視力障礙的人,提供了一個通過他們獨特的生活經歷來表達自己的平台。

Chow once elaborated on this theme, stating that "the king of comedy" represents a group of ordinary people who passionately pursue their dreams despite numerous challenges. He highlights their authenticity and resilience, urging everyone to become protagonists in their own stories and embody the spirit of perseverance and enthusiasm in their quest to overcome obstacles.

周曾詳細闡述過這個主題,他說 「喜劇之王」 代表了一群儘管面臨諸多挑戰但仍熱情追求夢想的普通人。他強調了他們的真實性和韌性,敦促每個人成爲自己故事的主角,在尋求克服障礙時體現毅力和熱情的精神。

In April, as part of its ongoing commitment to the comedy genre, iQIYI announced a partnership with Stephen Chow's Bingo Group to produce innovative content that spans various formats and genres, further expanding their collaboration on popular IPs.


Building on the success of previous comedy hits like Super Sketch Show, The King of Stand-up Comedy further enriches iQIYI's comedy ecosystem. The two seasons of Super Sketch Show not only garnered immense success but also discovered numerous actors for iQIYI's comedy-focused 'Laugh on Theater.' These actors have since starred in popular series such as A Soldier's Story, The Great Nobody, and Our Parallel Universes.

在 Super Sketch Show 等先前熱門喜劇的成功基礎上,《脫口秀喜劇之王》進一步豐富了愛奇藝的喜劇生態系統。《超級素描秀》的兩季不僅取得了巨大成功,而且還爲愛奇藝以喜劇爲重點的《劇場上的笑聲》找到了許多演員。此後,這些演員出演了諸如《士兵的故事》、《偉大的無名小人》和《我們的平行宇宙》等熱門劇集。

Industry data indicates that comedy clubs and offline shows in Chinese mainland have seen substantial growth over the past few years. Furthering this trend, iQIYI has collaborated with over 40 comedy clubs for the show, bringing both top performers and emerging talents to the forefront. The show also provides a platform for these clubs to exchange ideas and break down barriers between online and offline comedy, driving the industry forward and promoting sustainable development.


CONTACT: iQIYI Press, [email protected]

聯繫人:愛奇藝出版社,[email protected]


來源 iQiyi

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